200616 RO.A&D #745

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#hailatreabă #let’swork #suntempeacelașidrum . AERONAUTICĂ

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AEROTEH: SVP ..................................................................................................... 6 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................... 8 AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 ........................................................................................ 9 Aviation Week Forecasts: ....................................................................................... 9 Western Scout Helicopter Deliveries/Retirements 2020-2029 ............................. 9 IAR S.A. - 1132930 ................................................................................................. 9 Desfasurare AGA Ordinara ................................................................................. 9 Hotarari AGA O - 15.06.2020 ............................................................................ 10 . ARME DE FOC & MUNIȚIE . RACHETE

... ................................................... 11 ... ..................................................... 13

MBDA Missile Systems ......................................................................................... 13 The Raytheon Company ....................................................................................... 14 Raytheon's StormBreaker® completes first guided release from Super Hornet in U.S. Navy flight test ........................................................................................... 14 . SOLUȚII TEHNOLOGICE

... .................................................. 16

DACIA MILITARY INDUSTRY: SVP ..................................................................... 16 Dacia Military Industry ........................................................................................... 18 Ministrul Economiei: 60 de companii din Romania produc biocide, iar 24 de firme produc masti ......................................................................................................... 18 What Happened With 3D Printing In Aerospace? ................................................. 18 Kays Engineering, Inc. .......................................................................................... 19 Gundrilling with servo-driven fixturing ................................................................ 19 . NATO . UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ

... ...................................................... 21 ... .................................................... 22

European Defence Fund: €205 million to boost the EU's strategic autonomy and industrial competitiveness ..................................................................................... 23 . DECIZIONAL

... ...................................................... 26

Viceamiral - cu trei stele (r) Mîrşu Alexandru ........................................................ 26 Agenda ședinței Guvernului din 16 iunie 2020 ...................................................... 28 Specializare personalul aeronautic ....................................................................... 28 . FINANȚE

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Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 29 Balanţa de plăţi şi datoria externă – aprilie 2020 .................................................. 30 . EVENIMENTE

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Lockheed Martin ................................................................................................... 31 Page 4 of 45

Jim Taiclet Becomes New Lockheed Martin President And CEO ...................... 31 Marillyn A. Hewson Becomes Executive Chairman ........................................... 31 Cătălin Bulgariu, directorul Aeroportului Iaşi, a demisionat din funcţie .................. 34 Situații extreme aviatice ........................................................................................ 34 . OSINT

... ...................................................... 35

Regândirea conceptului de securitate națională ................................................... 35 Economic Warfare School of Paris ....................................................................... 41 . COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE

... ............................................... 42

HERALD INSIGHTS: SVP .................................................................................... 42 . TIMPUL: Aliat sau Neprieten?

... ..................................................... 44

Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie ...................................................................... 44

DISCLAIMER: ALL OPINIONS REFLECT THE VIEWS OF THE AUTHOR(S), NOT OF HERALD INSIGHTS FIECARE ȘTIRE REPREZINTĂ DOAR PUNCTUL DE VEDERE AL AUTORULUI ACESTEIA, IAR LINK-UL CONDUCE LA SURSA ORIGINALĂ ȘI LA FORMA INTEGRALĂ A ARTICOLULUI. Conținutul acestui newsletter este destinat să ofere un ghid asupra subiectelor de interes pentru domeniul de activitate A&D. Pentru căutarea și identificarea circumstanțelor specifice se recomandă consultanța de specialitate asigurată de Herald Insights.

The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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120,00 100,00


60,00 40,00

20,00 02.12.2020




















180,00 160,00


200,00 16.12.2020


































mil. euro







BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights

AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):

Valoare totală de piaţă: 238,28 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație









AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 Vă pune la dispoziție facilitățile moderne ale unui Laborator de încercări pentru echipamentele motoarelor de aviație. Vezi detaliile la AEROTEH SVR prezentate într-un clip video.

Aviation Week Forecasts: Western Scout Helicopter Deliveries/Retirements 2020-2029 https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/z/aviation-week-forecasts-western-scouthelicopter-deliveriesretirements-2020-2029

AVIATION Week June 14, 2020

Aviation Week Network forecasts that over the next ten years, 282 new Westerndesigned military scout helicopters will be built, 25 will be remanufactured, and 503 will be retired. Aviation Week defines scout helicopters as any rotary-wing aircraft tasked with over-land reconnaissance or light attack missions with a max takeoff weight of less than 15,500 lb. and which are not well armed enough to be considered on par with dedicated attack helicopters. ... citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul ...

IAR S.A. - 1132930 Desfasurare AGA Ordinara

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti 15.06.2020 7:43:00

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Hotarari AGA O - 15.06.2020 http://www.bvb.ro/FinancialInstruments/SelectedData/NewsItem/IARV-Hotarari-AGAO-15-06-2020/3795B

Bursa de Valori BucureĹ&#x;ti 1. Numirea unor administratori provizorii incepand cu data de 19.06.2020, ca urmare a expirarii mandatelor actualilor administratori provizorii; stabilirea duratei mandatului si a retributiei acestora In urma exprimarii votului secret, se numesc urmatorii administratori provizorii al Societatii IAR SA: 1. Dragos Florin DAVID 2. Ruxandra Rodica ANGHEL 3. Laurian ANASTASOF 4. Mihai Aurel DONTU 5. Cristian Alin BACIU 2. Alegerea presedintelui Consiliului de Administratie al societatii In urma votului exprimat de actionari / reprezentantii actionarilor participanti la sedinta, domnul Dragos Florin DAVID este numit Presedinte al Consiliului de Administratie al Societatii IAR SA. 3. Aprobarea formei contractului de mandat ce va fi incheiat cu administratorii provizorii ai Societatii 4. Imputernicirea reprezentantului Ministerului Economiei, Energiei si Mediului de Afaceri in A.G.A. pentru semnarea contractelor de mandat ale administratorilor provizorii ai Societatii. 5. Se aproba data de 07.07.2020 ca data de inregistrare, respectiv de identificare a actionarilor asupra carora se rasfrang efectele hotararilor adunarii generale ordinare a actionarilor din data de 15.06.2020 si data de 06.07.2020 ca ex-date, in conformitate cu dispozitiile Legii nr 24/2017.

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MBDA Missile Systems GETTING AN ENGINEER’S EYE VIEW FROM BEHIND A KEYBOARD Twitter https://www.mbda-systems.com/2020/06/15/getting-an-engineers-eye-view-frombehind-a-keyboard/

MBDA Missile Systems June 15, 2020

How smart glasses are connecting MBDA colleagues throughout Europe Innovation is part of the MBDA’s values, ensuring strategic and operational advantage. The COVID crisis has meant the need to accelerate some of the innovative solutions to problems that a pan-European company faced even before coronavirus changed the world. One such accelerated programme at MBDA is the use of smart glasses. These are a hands-free Assisted Reality solution. They are improving the ability of engineers to remotely collaborate at a moment’s notice. Whether on site, at home or in another country. INCREASING USE Engineer wearing Smart Glasses whilst working with a designer over a Skype video call. Initially their use was being developed by MBDA’s Customer Support and Services teams and Factory of the Future teams. However, the equipment has now been adopted by the Manufacturing teams. They are now using them to support collaborative working on programmes such as Brimstone, Land Ceptor (EMADS) and SPEAR. Neil, part of the Factory of the Future team in MBDA says: “Using smart glasses allows operators to work completely hands free, while performing an operation or demonstrating a problem, whilst broadcasting what they can see and interacting with engineers in different or multiple locations. Engineers can show each other what they are looking at, walk around, point things out and discuss physical issues wherever they are.” Andy, part of the Manufacturing team, adds: “With smart glasses technology our Manufacturing teams, for instance in Stevenage and Bolton, are now still supported by their colleagues in the design team who are working remotely from home or other locations.” ADVANTAGES Communication is not just one way. The assisted reality element of the smart glasses allows those watching the live video stream to talk, share documents and annotated images with the wearer as they work. This means the wearer doesn’t have to refer to a laptop or tablet. The view from the engineer’s Smart Glasses relayed over the Skype video call. Andy continues: “The glasses provide a technician’s view of the work they are undertaking, and colleagues observing can talk to them throughout what is being carried out.” Page 13 of 45

Neil adds: “There are real health and safety advantages. It means all parties can see and talk, while the wearer still has both hands available to work on. You don’t have that with a mobile phone.” Collaboration is at the heart of how MBDA operates. Examples of this are multilateral programmes like Meteor and Aster/PAAMS. Or bi-lateral programmes like Storm Shadow/SCALP, Taurus, CAMM-ER and Sea Venom/ANL. Add in domestic customers across five European countries. As well as export customers and joint ventures spread out across the world. MBDA’s collaboration is truly global. NOW AND IN THE FUTURE Constraints, like time or cost, on not being able to meet face-to-face to discuss technical problems existed before countries went into lockdown. So the smart glasses solution that was connecting people in France with counterparts in India, is now just as convenient to connect MBDA sites across the UK and Europe. COVID restrictions aside, this project was always going to have a future. Neil added he can see “great potential” to reducing the need to travel. He says: “Take CAMM-ER, the team working on that here in the UK can link up remotely with their counterparts in Italy and collaborate with them without having to travel”. And whilst there are “technological limitations” Neil concludes: “it’s a great tool in the current environment and one that we can build into our routine ways of working”.

The Raytheon Company Raytheon's StormBreaker® completes first guided release from Super Hornet in U.S. Navy flight test https://raytheon.mediaroom.com/2020-06-15-Raytheons-StormBreaker-R-completesfirst-guided-release-from-Super-Hornet-in-U-S-Navy-flight-test

Raytheon Technology – USA June 15, 2020

Raytheon Missiles & Defense, a Raytheon Technologies business (NYSE: RTX), completed the first guided release of a StormBreaker® smart weapon from an F/A18E/F Super Hornet, which will become the second fighter jet to add the weapon when the program reaches initial operational capability later this year. The US Air Force’s newest weapon, StormBreaker®, has a unique tri-mode seeker that enables pilots to hit moving targets in adverse weather or low visibility. Integration is progressing on several US fighter jets including the F-15E and now the F-18 Super Hornet. "StormBreaker is the only weapon that enables pilots to hit moving targets during bad weather or if dust and smoke are in the area," said Cristy Stagg, StormBreaker program director. "Super Hornet pilots will be able to use poor visibility to their advantage when StormBreaker integration is complete." During the U.S. Navy flight test, StormBreaker safely separated from the jet and successfully received guidance data from the plane, enabling it to be directed to its target while in flight.

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StormBreaker features a revolutionary tri-mode seeker that uses imaging infrared and millimeter wave radar in its normal mode. The weapon can also deploy its semi-active laser or GPS guidance to hit targets. The F-15E Eagle is the first platform to add StormBreaker; it's also being integrated on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

To learn more about StormBreaker, visit us here. About Raytheon Missiles & Defense Raytheon Missiles & Defense produces a broad portfolio of advanced technologies, including air and missile defense systems, precision weapons, radars, and command and control systems – delivering end-to-end solutions to detect, track and engage threats. Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona, the business generated $16 billion in pro forma annual revenue in 2019 and has 30,000 employees globally. Raytheon Missiles & Defense is one of four businesses that form Raytheon Technologies Corporation.

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Dacia Military Industry DMI vă propune Sistemul inteligent de scanare a temperaturii corpului uman, la nivel individual și de grup TERMOGUARD DMI-C este utilizat în lupta pentru prevenirea și combatarea răspândirii infecției cu virusul SARS-Cov-2 și pentru creșterea capacității de răspuns la situații de criză Vizitează DMI SVP și vizionează clipul video.

Ministrul Economiei: 60 de companii din Romania produc biocide, iar 24 de firme produc masti https://ziare.com/virgil-popescu/ministrul-economiei/ministrul-economiei-60-decompanii-din-romania-produc-biocide-iar-24-de-firme-produc-masti-1615050

ziare.com Luni, 15 Iunie 2020, ora 22:41

... "Economia Romaniei nu a fost intr-un lockdown, intr-o inchidere totala cum a fost economia altor state europene. Noi am avut un lockdown partial, am avut deschise investitiile publice. Practic, s-a lucrat peste tot acolo. S-a lucrat la drumuri, s-a lucrat in energie, s-a lucrat in industria de aparare, s-au pus investitii noi in companii care au inceput sa produca din industria sanitara. ... citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul ...

What Happened With 3D Printing In Aerospace? https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/manufacturing-supply-chain/what-happened-3dprinting-aerospace

AVIATION Week Michael Bruno June 09, 2020

After decades of tinkering and years of major investments, aerospace and defense companies finally have found resonant missions for their 3D printers. The catch: It is for personal protective equipment (PPE), the face masks and gear in strong demand following the COVID-19 outbreak, not for A&D products. In April, Boeing announced it was activating its additive manufacturing (AM) network to create parts for face shields using 3D printing. The giant A&D company targeted an initial production rate of several thousand a week. Unionized workers donated overtime, and AM machines from St. Louis to Puget Sound in Washington to Huntington Beach, California, and Huntsville, Alabama, were engaged. Boeing’s advanced technology subsidiaries Argon ST and Aurora Flight Sciences also participated. • 3D printing machines fall short, standards are unresolved, and training is missing • The technology in A&D still could see 17% compound annual growth rate ... citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul ...

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Kays Engineering, Inc. http://www.kays-dehoff.com/

Gundrilling with servo-driven fixturing https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/kays-eldorado-m75-30tgundrilling-machne-servo-fixturing/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design June 15, 2020 Toolholding/Workholding

The Eldorado M75-30T gundrilling machine now features an option for a servo-driven fixturing assembly. This option allows the machine operator to more quickly load and unload parts from a more ergonomic position. The M75-30T features a counter-rotation fixturing assembly that grips the tailstock end of the workpiece. It rotates the workpiece in the opposite direction of the gundrill tool rotation, which improves the accuracy of the drilled hole. With the servo-driven option, a Beckhoff servo motor rotates the ballscrew, which provides advance/retract motion for the counter-rotation assembly.

The servo-driven movement of the assembly is an improvement over the previous manual handwheel actuation. Operated with a toggle switch, the servo-driven option is faster, more repeatable, and eliminates repetitive motion for the operator. Safety features include a torque limiter on the servo drive and mechanical limit switches on the slide. These features prevent the operator from crashing the fixturing assembly and damaging the machine.

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BELGIUM (1949) ESTONIA (2004) ITALY (1949) NORWAY (1949) SPAIN (1982)

BULGARIA (2004) FRANCE (1949) LATVIA (2004) POLAND (1999) TURKEY (1952)

CANADA (1949) GERMANY (1955) LITHUANIA (2004) PORTUGAL (1949) UK (1949)

CROATIA (2009) GREECE (1952) LUXEMBOURG (1949) ROMANIA (2004) USA (1949)

CZECH Rep (1999) HUNGARY (1999) MONTENEGRO (2017) SLOVAKIA (2004)




NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NEWS

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană NEWS

NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu NEWS

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European Commission

The Commissioners

Press corner


High Representative/ Vice-President

Executive Vice-President Digital Age

Ursula von der Leyen NEWS

Josep Borrell Fontelles NEWS

Margrethe Vestager NEWS




Paolo Gentiloni NEWS

Kadri Simson NEWS

Adina Vălean NEWS

COMMISSIONER Internal Market Thierry Breton NEWS

COMMISSIONER Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides NEWS

COMMISSIONER Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič NEWS

European Parliament



Președinte European Parliament




ITRE Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI NEWS


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European Defence Fund: €205 million to boost the EU's strategic autonomy and industrial competitiveness https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_20_1053

EUROPA June 15, 2020

The Commission announced today 16 pan-European defence industrial projects and three disruptive technology projects that will benefit from €205 million financing through the two precursor programmes of a fully-fledged European Defence Fund: the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) and the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP). Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age, said: “The European Defence Fund will enable spending better by spending together, thereby reducing fragmentation and inefficiencies. The successful results of its precursor programmes, announced today, show the great potential that exists in cooperation between defence industries large and small, and from across the EU.” Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, said: “These promising projects demonstrate the EU's ability to promote and support cooperation between European defence industries and Member States. By developing high-end technologies and defence capabilities, we are strengthening the EU's resilience and strategic autonomy. All participants in the defence value chain, regardless of their size and their origin within the EU, can benefit. The European Defence Fund, with the right level of financing, will enable to significantly scale up these first successes.” The results announced today are a very positive outcome and confirm the fit for purpose model of the European Defence Fund. The main elements to note are: A highly attractive programme: in total, 441 entities applied to EDIDP calls, contributing to 40 proposals. 223 entities from 16 proposals will be supported by EDIDP; Wide geographical coverage: the EDIDP projects cover participants from 24 Member States; Large SMEs participation: SMEs represent 37% of the total number of entities receiving funding (83 SMEs) from EDIDP, confirming the importance of specific SMEs calls and dedicated SMEs bonuses; Positive effect on cooperation: the EDIDP selected proposals entail on average 14 entities from seven Member States; Full coherence with other EU defence initiatives, notably the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO):nine proposals financed under EDIDP are PESCO projects; Contribution to the EU's strategic autonomy: the EDIDP proposals are consistent with the key capability priorities agreed by Member States at European level through the Capability Development Plan; Open to third country-controlled subsidiaries: the EDIDP results demonstrate the possibility to involve EU-based subsidiaries controlled by third countries or third country entities provided they fulfil appropriate security-based guarantees approved by Member States. This is namely the case with four participants controlled by entities from Canada, Japan and the United States; Support to disruptive technologies: the PADR for the first time is supporting three projects dedicated to disruptive technologies through dedicated calls, designed to prepare the future EDF, which allocates up to 8% of its budget to disruptive actions. These are important to make sure Europe remains at the forefront of technological development. The projects announced today will support the development of European defence capabilities such as drones and related technologies (low-observable and tactical drones, detect and avoid system for military drones, edge computing platforms for Page 23 of 45

drones), space technologies (Galileo military-grade encrypted receivers, military grade optical payload for small satellites, big data system for satellite surveillance), unmanned ground vehicles, high precision missile systems (BLOS – anti-tank missiles), future naval platforms, airborne electronic attack capability, tactical and highly secured networks, cyber situational awareness platforms, or next generation of active stealth technologies. These projects come on top of the 15 others research projects already financed since 2017 through the PADR and the upcoming direct support to two large-scale projects (MALE drone and ESSOR). Background The European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP), worth €500 million for 2019-2020, and the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR), which has a budget of €90 million for 2017-2019, are pilot programmes of the upcoming European Defence Fund, which will foster an innovative and competitive defence industrial base and contribute to the EU's strategic autonomy.The PADR covers the research phase of defence products, including disruptive technologies, while EDIDP supports collaborative projects related to development, from design up to prototypes. With a total budget of more than €160 million, another 12 calls for proposals under the EDIDP reflecting critical capability needs were published in April 2020. Proposals for this 2020 edition have to be submitted by the 1st of December 2020. More information on the 2020 EDIDP calls is available on the Funding & Tender Portal. Launched in 2017 for three years, PADR will allocate funding to a total of 18 collaborative research projects. The overall response rate to the PADR calls was high and showed a large interest of industry, smaller companies and the European research community to get involved in European collaborative research projects. SMEs participation in the PADR calls was significant, representing 22% of the proposals. Around 900 entities established in 27 Member States applied for PADR funding over the period 2017-2019, and 202 were financed. EU defence industry represents 440.000 employees highly qualified, had many positive spill-over effects on civilian application and is increasingly a dual-use industry that benefits the economy at large. It will be severely impacted by the coronavirus crisis. The unlocking of more than €200 million will contribute to support its competitiveness and innovation potential, including in incentivising Member States investment in R&D through a more than €113 million leverage effect.

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România știri A&D




Ludovic ORBAN







Camera Deputaților


Viceamiral - cu trei stele (r) Mîrşu Alexandru https://www.presidency.ro/ro/media/decrete-semnate-de-presedintele-romanieidomnul-klaus-iohannis1592213111

Președinte România 15 iunie 2020

Președintele României, domnul Klaus Iohannis, a semnat luni, 15 iunie a.c. Decret privind trecerea în rezervă a domnului viceamiral - cu trei stele Mîrşu Alexandru din Ministerul Apărării Naționale – la data de 30 iunie 2020 Viceamiral dr. Alexandru MÎRȘU https://www.navy.ro/despre/cv/sefsmfn.php Viceamiralul Alexandru Mîrșu s-a născut la data de 17 iunie 1962 în Constanța, județul Constanța. A absolvit Liceul Industrial nr.2 Mangalia, iar în perioada 1980-1984, a urmat cursurile Institutului de Marină "Mircea cel Bătrân", Facultatea Navigație. După absolvirea Institutului de Marină, a activat în calitate de comandant unitate de luptă artilerie la Dragoarele de Bază 13 și 14, apoi a fost numit comandant unitate de luptă arme sub apă la Vânătorul de Submarine 33. Începând cu anul 1988, a îndeplinit funcțiile de specialist cu artileria în Statul Major al Divizionului de Vânătoare de Submarine și de șef Birou operații și pregătire pentru luptă. Experiența dobândită și profesionalismul demonstrat au făcut să fie promovat comandant al Vânătorului de Submarine 31 din Divizionul de Corvete de la Midia. Page 26 of 45

Perfecționarea profesională a debutat cu un curs de specialitate pentru Divizioanele de Nave, a continuat cu un curs de comandă a navelor antisubmarin și un curs postuniversitar eșalon unitate de nave, la Academia Navală "Mircea cel Bătrân". În perioada 1997-1999, a absolvit cursul intensiv de limbă engleză și Facultatea Interarme din Academia de Înalte Studii Militare București (actuala Universitate Națională de Apărare). După absolvire, în anul 1999, a fost numit comandant al Dragorului Maritim 29 și, ulterior, a fost numit comandant al Secției 1 Dragoare Maritime. Începând cu luna iulie 2001, a fost șeful de Stat Major al aceluiași divizion, iar din anul 2004 a îndeplinit funcția de locțiitor al comandantului Divizionului Nave Minare-Deminare. În anul 2005, a fost promovat în funcția de șef al operațiilor în Comandamentul Operațional Naval, apoi șef al operațiilor în Statul Major al Forțelor Navale. În perioada 2000-2004, a urmat Școala de ofițeri de comandă pentru lupta navală de suprafață (Newport, SUA), cursul "Dimensiunea maritimă a operațiilor pentru menținerea păcii" (Centrul de studii pentru menținerea păcii "Pearson", Canada), cursul internațional de orientare pentru ofițeri de stat major (Colegiul de apărare al Olandei), cursul NATO pentru operații în sprijinul păcii (școala NATO Oberamergau Germania), cursul avansat de comandă și stat major (Colegiul Interarme de Comandă și Stat Major, Shrivenham, Marea Britanie), cursul postuniversitar de perfecționare în conducerea marilor unități din Forțele Navale și cursul postuniversitar de conducere strategică (Colegiul de Război, Universitatea Națională de Apărare). În anul 2004 a absolvit cursurile de masterat la Colegiul Regal (Londra, Marea Britanie), iar în anul 2008 a absolvit Colegiul NATO pentru Apărare, seria 112, de la Roma. În perioada 2005-2006, a fost comandantul Grupării Navale de Cooperare în Marea Neagră – BLACKSEAFOR, timp în care România a deținut conducerea acestei inițiative regionale. La data de 1 decembrie 2006 a fost numit comandant al Flotilei 56 Fregate, iar trei ani mai târziu a fost promovat în funcția de locțiitor al comandantului Flotei. Prin ordin al ministrului apărării naționale, la data de 7 iulie 2010 a fost numit comandant al Flotei. La data de 11 octombrie 2010 a obținut titlul de Doctor în Științe Militare. Prin decrete prezidențiale, la data de 25 octombrie 2010 a fost înaintat la gradul de contraamiral de flotilă (cu o stea), iar la data de 1 decembrie 2013 a fost avansat la gradul de contraamiral (cu două stele). La data de 15 august 2016 a fost avansat la gradul de viceamiral cu trei stele. Prin ordinul ministrului apărării naționale, la data de 18 decembrie 2013, a fost numit șeful Statului Major al Forțelor Navale. În semn de apreciere, pentru profesionalismul dovedit și pentru rezultatele remarcabile obținute de-a lungul carierei, i-au fost conferite următoarele ordine și medalii: Crucea națională "Serviciul Credincios", Ordinul "Virtutea Maritimă" în grad de Ofițer, Ordinul "Virtutea Maritimă" în grad de Cavaler, Emblema de merit "În Serviciul Armatei României" cls. a II-a, Emblema Onoarea Armatei României, Emblema de Onoare a Statului Major General, Emblema de Onoare a Forțelor Navale, Emblema de Onoare a Forțelor Aeriene, Semnul onorific "În Serviciul Patriei" pentru 15 de ani de activitate, cls. a III-a, Semnul onorific "În Serviciul Patriei" pentru 20 de ani de activitate, Semnul onorific "În Serviciul Patriei" pentru 25 de ani de activitate. Este căsătorit cu Dorina-Mihaela și împreună au o fiică, Oana. Vorbește fluent limba engleză.

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Agenda ședinței Guvernului din 16 iunie 2020 https://gov.ro/ro/guvernul/sedinte-guvern/informatie-de-presa-privind-proiectele-deacte-normative-incluse-pe-agenda-edintei-guvernului-romaniei-din-16-iunie-2020

Guvern România I. PROIECTE DE LEGI 1. PROIECT DE LEGE pentru modificarea şi completarea Legii nr. 212/2015 privind modalitatea de gestionare a vehiculelor şi a vehiculelor scoase din uz https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LG-4.pdf II. PROIECTE DE HOTĂRÂRI 1. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE pentru modificarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 1132/2008 privind regimul bateriilor şi acumulatorilor şi al deşeurilor de baterii şi acumulatori https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/LG-5.pdf 2. PROIECT DE HOTĂRÂRE privind aprobarea unor modificări şi completări în inventarul centralizat al bunurilor din domeniul public al statului aflate în administrarea Ministerului Apărării Naţionale, situate în judeţele Bistriţa-Năsăud, Sibiu, Hunedoara, Arad, Timiş, Constanţa, Giurgiu, Călăraşi, Vaslui, Dâmboviţa, Argeş, Tulcea, Alba şi municipiul Bucureşti https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/HG-15.pdf III. MEMORANDUMURI 1. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Aprobarea semnării Acordului între Guvernul României și Guvernul Republicii Serbia privind cooperarea în domeniile educației, științei, culturii, mass-media, tineretului și sportului https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/MEMO-2.pdf 2. MEMORANDUM cu tema: Excedentul existent ca urmare a implementării Planului Național de Investiții stabilit în baza Directivei 2003/87/CE-Directiva EU-ETS, cu modificările și completările ulterioare, faza a treia-2013-2020 (Contul PNI) https://sgg.gov.ro/new/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/MEMO-3.pdf

Specializare personalul aeronautic Ministerul Apărării Naționale Ordin pentru modificarea și completarea Normelor privind obținerea, menținerea și ridicarea titlurilor de clasificare și specializare pentru personalul aeronautic din Ministerul Apărării Naționale și din alte instituții sau structuri care desfășoară activități aeronautice militare, aprobate prin Ordinul ministrului apărării naționale nr. M.15/2015 Nr. M.109 din 04-Iunie-2020 M. Of. Partea I nr. 506 din 15 Iunie 2020

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11.06.20 4,8358 5,3944 4,2483 236,6455












10.06.20 4,8338 5,4251 4,2555 235,2064











09.06.20 4,8377 5,4253 4,2935 235,8418






Aur gr.


US Dollar


Lira sterlină







250 29.01.2020







260 01.01.2020





Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 12.06.20 4,8340 5,3957 4,2713 237,9934









15.06.20 4,8337 5,3857 4,2959 236,8566


5,75 5,7552








Lei/gr. 253,7705








grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Balanţa de plăţi şi datoria externă – aprilie 2020 https://www.bnro.ro/page.aspx?prid=17936

Banca Națională a României 15.06.2020

În perioada ianuarie - aprilie 2020p, contul curent al balanţei de plăţi a înregistrat un deficit de 1782 milioane euro, comparativ cu 2258 milioane euro în perioada ianuarieaprilie 2019; în structură, balanţa bunurilor a consemnat un deficit mai mare cu 880 milioane euro, balanța serviciilor a înregistrat un excedent mai mare cu 465 milioane euro, balanța veniturilor primare a înregistrat un excedent mai mare cu 427 milioane euro, iar balanța veniturilor secundare a înregistrat un excedent mai mare cu 464 milioane euro. Investiţiile directe ale nerezidenţilor în România au însumat valoarea netă negativă de 454 milioane euro (comparativ cu o valoare netă pozitivă de 2161 milioane euro în perioada ianuarie – aprilie 2019), din care participaţiile la capital (inclusiv profitul reinvestit net estimat) au însumat 33 milioane euro, iar creditele intragrup au înregistrat valoarea netă negativă de 487 milioane euro. În perioada ianuarie – aprilie 2020, datoria externă totală a crescut cu 683 milioane euro. În structură: • datoria externă pe termen lung a însumat 73276 milioane euro la 30 aprilie 2020 (68,8% din totalul datoriei externe), în scădere cu 0,5% față de 31 decembrie 2019; • datoria externă pe termen scurt a înregistrat la 30 aprilie 2020 nivelul de 33280 milioane euro (31,2% din totalul datoriei externe), în creștere cu 3,3% față de 31 decembrie 2019. Rata serviciului datoriei externe pe termen lung a fost 17,6% în perioada ianuarie – aprilie 2020, comparativ cu 18,6% în anul 2019. Gradul de acoperire a importurilor de bunuri și servicii la 30 aprilie 2020 a fost de 5,3 luni, în comparație cu 4,6 luni la 31 decembrie 2019. Gradul de acoperire a datoriei externe pe termen scurt, calculată la valoarea reziduală, cu rezervele valutare la BNR la 30 aprilie 2020 a fost de 72,1%, comparativ cu 73,8% la 31 decembrie 2019.

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Lockheed Martin Jim Taiclet Becomes New Lockheed Martin President And CEO Marillyn A. Hewson Becomes Executive Chairman https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2020-06-15-Jim-Taiclet-Becomes-New-LockheedMartin-President-And-CEO

Lockheed Martin June 15, 2020

In a planned leadership transition, experienced chief executive, Gulf War veteran and pilot James D. Taiclet, 60, today became president and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corporation [NYSE: LMT]. He succeeds Marillyn A. Hewson, 66, who has served as chairman, president and CEO since 2014 and president and CEO since 2013. Taiclet will continue to serve as a member of the corporation's board, which he joined in 2018. Hewson will become executive chairman of the board and provide ongoing support for the leadership transition.

"As a former military pilot, I understand the mission of this great corporation to provide global security and innovative solutions for the brave men and women who protect our freedom," Taiclet said. "I come into this role at a time when our nation and its allies have been tested globally by new and emerging threats. Now more than ever, it's critical we continue to deliver the best systems and equipment in the world. I'm honored Page 31 of 45

to succeed Marillyn, who is rightfully one of the most respected CEOs in America, and to lead a workforce that is inventing and advancing the technology and security of our future."

"This disciplined leadership transition reflects deliberate and thorough succession planning and is being implemented strategically at a time when Lockheed Martin is financially strong and positioned well for the future," Hewson said. "I have every confidence Jim and his executive leadership team will continue driving sustained success through sound business strategy, strong customer relationships and deep mission focus." About Jim Taiclet Taiclet's tenure as CEO of American Tower Corporation started in 2003 and he became chairman, president and CEO in 2004. Since then, American Tower grew significantly and increased its market capitalization from approximately $2 billion to more than $100 billion. Taiclet guided the company's transformation from a primarily U.S. business to a global player in its industry and he is widely regarded as one of America's most successful CEOs. Prior to joining American Tower in 2001, Taiclet was president of Honeywell Aerospace Services, a unit of Honeywell International, and prior to that was vice president, Engine Page 32 of 45

Services at Pratt & Whitney. He was also previously a consultant at McKinsey & Company, specializing in telecommunications and aerospace strategy and operations. Taiclet began his career as a U.S. Air Force officer and pilot and served a tour of duty in the Gulf War. He holds a master's degree in public affairs from Princeton University, where he was awarded a fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson School, and is a distinguished graduate of the United States Air Force Academy with degrees in engineering and international relations. About Marillyn Hewson As president and CEO, Hewson led Lockheed Martin through a period of consistent financial performance and impressive growth during which the corporation's market capitalization increased 280%. During her 37 years at Lockheed Martin, Hewson has held increasingly responsible executive positions with the corporation, including president and chief operating officer and executive vice president of Lockheed Martin's Electronic Systems business area. In 2019, TIME magazine identified Hewson as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World," and FORTUNE magazine ranked her No. 1 on its list of "50 Most Powerful Women in Business" for the second year in a row. In 2018, she was named the "CEO of the Year" by Chief Executive magazine, a Top 10 "Businessperson of the Year" by FORTUNE magazine, and one of the "World's 100 Most Powerful Women" by Forbes. Additional Leadership Transitions Several other executive leadership appointments became effective today as part of the transition. Frank A. St. John, 53, became chief operating officer. In this newly created role, he is responsible for the strategic, operational and financial performance of all the corporation's lines of business. St. John joined Lockheed Martin more than 30 years ago as an engineering intern and took on roles of increasing responsibility in engineering and program management before joining the corporation's executive leadership team. Most recently, he served as executive vice president of Lockheed Martin's Rotary and Mission Systems (RMS) business area and prior to that as executive vice president of Lockheed Martin's Missiles and Fire Control (MFC) business area. Stephanie C. Hill, 55, succeeded St. John as executive vice president of RMS. Most recently Hill served as senior vice president, Enterprise Business Transformation, where she led the corporation's Digital Transformation and Enterprise Information Technology teams. Prior to that, she was deputy executive vice president of RMS and senior vice president for Corporate Strategy and Business Development. She has held positions of increasing responsibility since joining Lockheed Martin in 1987 as a software engineer. Yvonne O. Hodge succeeded Hill as senior vice president, Enterprise Business Transformation. Previously Hodge was vice president of Business Innovation, Transformation, and Enterprise Excellence for the corporation's Space business area. During her nearly 18 years with Lockheed Martin, she has served in several leadership roles. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin, Hodge spent many years at AT&T in managerial and executive positions, including vice president of operations for business customers.

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Cătălin Bulgariu, directorul Aeroportului Iaşi, a demisionat din funcţie https://www.bzi.ro/catalin-bulgariu-directorul-aeroportului-iasi-a-demisionat-dinfunctie-3969345

Bună Ziua Iași Elena Nicoleta Bujor Publicat: 15 iun. 2020

Cătălin Bulgariu, directorul Aeroportului Internațional Iaşi, a demisionat din funcţie. Acesta şi-a depus demisia sâmbătă, 13 iunie 2020, după circa 2 ani de la preluarea funcţie. Procedural, Consiliul de Administraţie de la R.A. Aeroportul Iaşi va desemna un interimar pe o perioadă de 4 luni, după care va fi organizat un nou concurs. ... citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul ...

Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety acc. date





McDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle


US Air Force (USAF), 48th Fighter Wing


BAe Hawk Mk 209


Indonesian Force


McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle




Piper PA-28-181 Archer II



Cessna 177RG Cardinal RG



Embraer EMB121A Xingú








North Sea, 74 nm off Flamborough Head, East Yorkshire



Pekanbaru, Riau



North Sea, off Hull, Humberside



Graskop, Mpumelanga


1310Q LLC


Lynden Municipal Airport Jansen Field (38W), Lynden, WA


Oeste Ltda


Tangará da Serra, MT



St-Fulgence, Saguenay, QC





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OSINT = Open Source Intelligence Sau în limba română: Informații din Surse Deschise (ISD).

Regândirea conceptului de securitate națională L'Ecole de Guerre Economique publie le Rapport "Repenser la notion de sécurité nationale" https://www.ege.fr/index.php/actualites/evenements/item/ecole-de-guerreeconomique-publie-le-rapport-repenser-la-notion-de-securite-nationale.html

L'Ecole de Guerre Economique (EGE) - Franța mardi, 9 juin 2020 Christian Harbulot, directeur de l'Ecole de Guerre Economique

La posture de la haute administration française est encore focalisée sur la notion de Défense Nationale. Le rajout du mot sécurité à l'intitulé du Secrétariat Général de la Défense Nationale en dit long sur notre incapacité à réformer notre mode de pensée. Plutôt que de tout remettre à plat devant la mutation rapide et conflictuelle du monde, l'Etat français préfère empiler les mots les uns sur les autres et s'accrocher à ses traditions. C'est par ce type d'attitude, figée dans le temps et incapable de se hisser au bon niveau de l'appréhension du risque majeur, que nos chars ne disposaient pas de radio en mai 1940 pour affronter les divisions blindées de la Wehrmacht. Nous en sommes encore là en 2020. Depuis une quarantaine d'années, la France et l'Union Européenne ont abandonné toute velléité à concevoir des grilles de lectures adaptées à leurs

Postura administrației superioare franceze este încă concentrată pe conceptul de apărare națională. Adăugarea cuvântului securitate la titlul Secretariatului General al Apărării Naționale vorbește mult despre incapacitatea noastră de a ne reforma modul de gândire. În loc să pună totul la suprafață în fața transformării rapide și conflictuale a lumii, statul francez preferă să stocheze cuvinte una peste alta și să se agațe de tradițiile sale. Prin acest tip de atitudine, înghețată în timp și incapabilă să se ridice la nivelul potrivit de combatere a riscului major, tancurile noastre nu au avut radio în mai 1940 pentru a se confrunta cu diviziunile blindate ale Wehrmacht-ului. În 2020, suntem încă acolo. În ultimii patruzeci de ani, Franța și Uniunea Europeană au renunțat la toate dorințele de a proiecta rețele de citire adaptate nevoilor

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besoins. Face à des puissances devenues "dangereuses", nous sommes pour l'instant sans réponse appropriée. Est-il encore nécessaire de rappeler que la Chine est à l'origine de la pandémie mondiale du coronavirus. Une telle défaillance n'est pas passagère. Elle met en exergue la manière de gouverner au sein du régime communiste l'incapacité à maîtriser un mode de développement qui veut supplanter celui du monde occidental. Mais la menace vient aussi d'autres parties du monde. Les Etats-Unis d'Amérique nous ramènent à une certaine réalité dans la guerre économique que la Maison Blanche mène contre l'Asie et l'Europe. Notons enfin que des puissances fortes sur le plan politico-militaire, comme le démontre la Russie au Moyen Orient, sont en embuscade pour profiter de la moindre de nos erreurs. Cette situation inquiétante m'a amené à faire réaliser par un groupe de professionnels issu d'une de nos formations executive "Management Stratégique et Intelligence Economique", la MSIE 32, une étude approfondie sur la notion de sécurité nationale afin d'oser sortir des sentiers battus et de proposer des axes de réflexion à la mesure des enjeux actuels. TÉLÉCHARGER LE RAPPORT

lor. În fața puterilor care au devenit „periculoase”, suntem pentru moment fără un răspuns adecvat. Mai este necesar să reamintim că China este la originea pandemiei mondiale a coronavirusului. Un astfel de eșec nu este tranzitoriu. El evidențiază modul de a guverna în cadrul regimului comunist incapacitatea de a stăpâni un mod de dezvoltare care dorește să-l înlocuiască pe cel occidental. Dar amenințarea vine și din alte părți ale lumii. Statele Unite ale Americii ne readuc la o anumită realitate în războiul economic pe care Casa Albă îl poartă împotriva Asiei și Europei. În cele din urmă, trebuie menționat că puterile puternice la nivel politic-militar, așa cum a demonstrat Rusia în Orientul Mijlociu, sunt în ambuscadă pentru a profita de cele mai mici greșeli ale noastre. Această situație tulburătoare m-a determinat să am un grup de profesioniști din unul dintre cursurile noastre de pregătire executivă „Management strategic și inteligență economică” , MSIE 32 , să realizeze un studiu aprofundat asupra conceptului de securitate națională pentru a îndrăzni să părăsească cărările deja bătute și pentru a sugera zone de reflecție proporționale cu provocările actuale.


Introduction • La définition française de la sécurité nationale • Quelles limites au concept actuel de sécurité nationale? • L’objectif du rapport : faut-il redéfinir la politique de sécurité nationale de la France? • Quelle définition de la sécurité nationale pour la France? Partie 1 : La politique de sécurité nationale en France et à l’étranger 1. Émergence et évolutions successives du concept de sécurité nationale en France depuis la fin de la seconde Guerre Mondiale à nos jours 1.1 - Historique de la sécurité nationale 1.2 - Le concept actuel de sécurité nationale en France

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1.3 - La notion de sécurité économique 2. Contexte international et national dans lequel s’inscrit la France 2.1 - Un contexte international complexe et incertain 2.2 - Un durcissement des rapports de forces 2.3 - La Chine et dans une moindre mesure la Russie se posent en alternative au modèle américain

2.4 - Une Europe divisée et en crise 2.5 - Une menace terroriste toujours affirmée 2.6 - Un accroissement des troubles internes et des risques de conflits dans le monde Page 37 of 45

2.7 - Des conflits plus durs, des adversaires potentiels mieux armés 2.8 - Le monde immatériel : de nouveaux enjeux 2.9 - Un contexte national troublé et incertain 3. Changement de forme de la puissance et de ses instruments 4. Quelques expériences étrangères de politiques de sécurité nationale 4.1 - Etats-Unis 4.2 - Russie 4.3 - Chine 4.4 - Israël 4.5 - Comparatif des politiques de sécurité nationale

Légende: X Priorité faible ou résultat faible dans les faits. XX Priorité moyenne dans les faits. XXX Forte priorité dans les faits. Page 38 of 45

5. Les limites et points faibles de la politique de sécurité nationale en France 6. Conclusion de la partie 1 : Faut-il redéfinir la politique de sécurité nationale? Partie 2 : Quelle vision pour la France de demain? 1. Mise en évidence de scénarii les probables pour l’avenir de la France Scénario 1 : La France, défenseur des valeurs universelles au sein du village global? Macro scénario 2 : La France, une grande puissance au sein de l’Europe? Scénario 2.1 : La France des régions au sein des Etats-Unis d’Europe? Scénario 2.2 : La France souveraine au sein de l’Europe des nations? Scénario 3 : La France « non alignée », une grande puissance économique, diplomatique et militaire sur la scène internationale? 2. Etude comparative des scenarii

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3. Conclusion de la partie 2 : un tronc commun Partie 3 : Réajustement de la politique de sécurité nationale par rapport à sa définition 1. Changement de posture 1.1 - Réarmement cognitif : réappropriation de la notion de puissance 1.2 - Rééquilibrer enaveur d’une posture plus offensive 1.3 - Ajuster les politiques d’éducation et de formation 2. Approche holistique du concept de sécurité nationale 2.1 - Approche globale intégrée (systémique)

2.2 - Coordination et contrôle dans la durée 3. Renforcement de la cohésion nationale 4. Développement des capacités de résilience de la France 4.1 - Protéger les actifs stratégiques 4.2 - Développer l’intelligence territoriale 4.3 - Réduire les dépendances et assurer un ré-enrichissement du pays par et pour la sécurité 4.4 - Faire face aux bouleversements du monde et aux crises 5. Renforcement de la capacité d’influence et de projection de puissance 5.1 - Développer le Smart Power (juridique, normatif, diplomatique, culturel, francophonie, etc) 5.2 - Utiliser le droit et l’influence normative comme instruments de pouvoir 5.3 - Renforcer les capacités de projection de puissance Conclusion générale Bilan de l’étude … citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul …

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Economic Warfare School of Paris https://www.ege.fr/index.php/l-ecole/presentation/economic-warfare-school-ofparis.html

L'Ecole de Guerre Economique (EGE) - Franța Helping firms to win markets in the global competition Ever since its creation in 1997, the Economic Warfare School (Ecole de Guerre Economique in French) has been developing an academic curriculum based upon the assumptions that 1) economic struggles have been on the rise for the last 20 years, and 2) information management is the primary means used by contenders to gain the upper hand. Our methodology goes beyond those traditionally used by corporate management and market competition theories, and are specifically tailored to suit decision-makers' needs. Our world grows more complex as each day passes by and successful endeavors are built upon high-quality information management strategies, be they turned inward or outward from a given company. As a matter of fact, the latter has yet to come to terms with the many links interlocking the geopolitical, societal and competitive elements that make up an ever-changing environment in which the economy is run. Because of such a level of intricacy, companies require a broad range of skills in order to address informational warfare on the economic battlefield. The way Competitive Intelligence is taught at the CCI is specifically tailored to analyze and deal with economic contentions that are fashioned by States and private companies alike. The global economic crisis strengthens the College for Competitive Intelligence's viewpoint as well as the legitimacy of its teachings and trainings. Our curriculum and research program are based on a forward-looking risk management methodology. This is a down-to-earth response to the many new challenges a company must face in the decades to come.

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RO.A&D: Pornește TV să urmărești prezentarea Business Intelligence vs. Competitive Intelligence

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Click pe dreptunghiuri

Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

Johns Hopkins University - USA hartă interactivă, click pe link să aveți datele cele mai recente:

news coronavirus ieri:

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