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#hailatreabă #let’swork #suntempeacelașidrum . AERONAUTICĂ
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AEROTEH: SVP ..................................................................................................... 8 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................. 10 Canada ................................................................................................................. 11 These three companies submitted bids for Canada’s fighter plane competition ... 11 AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 ...................................................................................... 12 ROMAERO S.A. - 1576401................................................................................... 12 Hotarari AGA O & E 3 August 2020 .................................................................. 12 . ARME DE FOC & MUNIȚIE
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KONEV Modular Rifle ........................................................................................... 13 New Multi-Caliber Weapon System called KONEV Modular Rifle ..................... 13 USMC Confirms Plans to Adopt the Next Generation Squad Weapon ................. 14 „cea mai mare modernizare a echipei de infanterie din ultimii 25 de ani” .......... 14 Japan’s New Type 20 Rifle ................................................................................... 14 . VEHICULE PENTRU LUPTĂ
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Elbit Systems ........................................................................................................ 15 Light Puls™ ....................................................................................................... 15 Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant ................................................................................. 16 Russia has just tested the shooting of the Pantsir-S system ............................. 16 . COMERȚUL PENTRU APĂRARE
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BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL ............................................................................... 18 US weapon sales boss talks China, arms exports and his agency’s future........... 21 Insights.................................................................................................................. 21 . SOLUȚII TEHNOLOGICE
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DACIA MILITARY INDUSTRY: SVP ..................................................................... 22 Dacia Military Industry ........................................................................................... 24 NASA Lets You 3D Print Your Own Mars Perseverance Rover ............................ 24 Team Corp. ........................................................................................................... 25 Multi-axis, high frequency vibration test system ................................................ 25 . CYBER & ITC
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Insights.................................................................................................................. 26 . NATO
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Meet Tim De Zitter, a Belgian expert working on multinational procurement of munitions............................................................................................................... 28 . UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ
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Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 33 Românii au cumpărat titluri Tezaur de 700 milioane de lei ................................... 34 . INVESTIȚII & FUZIUNI & ACHIZIȚII
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Delfingen Industry S.A. intenţionează să preia unele active și acțiuni ale grupului Schlemmer ............................................................................................................ 35 Let's understand better ...................................................................................... 35 . RESURSE, chiar și de idei
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Insights.................................................................................................................. 35 . EVENIMENTE
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La Mulți Ani! .......................................................................................................... 36 Adriana Record, Executive Director CCIFER .................................................... 36 Mirica Dimitrescu ............................................................................................... 36 GSOF Symposium Europe.................................................................................... 37 will not take place in 2020 ................................................................................. 37 . OPINII/ANALIZE
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L’Industrie Aeronautique en Roumanie ................................................................. 38 Panorama général du secteur ........................................................................... 38 Présence locale ................................................................................................. 39 Viewpoint: What Comes Next In The Aviation Aftermarket ................................... 40 . TOP SKILLs
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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ......................................................................................... 40 . RO.A&D’s INFLUENCERS
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Improved Individual Firepower .............................................................................. 41 La stratégie de l'équipementier aéronautique Safran pour surmonter la crise ...... 41 Safran sabre ses coûts et promet une marge opérationnelle de 10 %.................. 41 The Future of Air Warfare ..................................................................................... 41 . e-REPUTAȚIE
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Insights.................................................................................................................. 43 . RESPONSABILITATE ORGANIZAȚIONALĂ ... ................................................... 43 Etica și standardele jurnalistice ............................................................................. 43 Etică și standarde în practică ............................................................................ 43 . COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE
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HERALD INSIGHTS: SVP .................................................................................... 44 . TIMPUL: Aliat sau Neprieten?
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Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie ...................................................................... 46 Buletin de presă .................................................................................................... 47 4 august 2020, ora 13.00 ...................................................................................... 47 Page 5 of 48
Insights.................................................................................................................. 47
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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.
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160,00 140,00
100,00 80,00
40,00 20,00 02.12.2020
200,00 16.12.2020
mil. euro
BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights
AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):
Valoare totală de piaţă: 243,23 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație
Canada These three companies submitted bids for Canada’s fighter plane competition
Defense Equipment - youtube
The contest is scheduled to be decided in 2022, with the first aircraft delivery projected in 2025. Up to CA$19 billion (U.S. $14 billion) is up for grabs. Let's look at the video until it runs out so it doesn't fail to understand .. Page 11 of 48
AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 Vă pune la dispoziție facilitățile moderne ale unui Laborator de încercări pentru echipamentele motoarelor de aviație. Vezi detaliile la AEROTEH SVR prezentate într-un clip video.
ROMAERO S.A. - 1576401 Hotarari AGA O & E 3 August 2020
Bursa de Valori Bucureşti Data Publicare: 04.08.2020 9:17:04
Adunarea Generala Ordinara a Actionarilor A.G.O.A. stabilleste Bugetului de Venituri si Cheltuieli pentru anul 2020 in forma avizata de Consiliul de Administratie prin Decizia CA nr. 24/07.07.2020. A.G.O.A. ia act de fundamentarea Programului de investitii si dotari independente pentru anii 2020-2026, asa cum a fost acesta prezentata in nota. A.G.O.A. aproba Planul de restructurare a obligatiilor bugetare ale societatii ROMAERO S.A., intocmit de expertul independent CITR A.G.O.A. aproba Proiectul de relansare ROMAERO astfel cum a fost acesta avizat prin Decizia CA nr. 22/29.06.2020. Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor A.G.E.A aproba prelungirea valabilitatii facilitatilor de credit in derulare la Banca Comerciala Romana ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
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KONEV Modular Rifle
Bulgarian Military - youtube
All versions of the Konev rifle have a gas-operated short-stroke automatic system. At the moment, this scheme is considered the most optimal - for example, the HK416 assault rifle has exactly this kind of automation and this is called its important advantage over the M16 / M4 in terms of greater reliability and resistance to pollution.
New Multi-Caliber Weapon System called KONEV Modular Rifle
The Firearm Blog Posted March 8, 2018
Konstantin Konev is a firearms and accessories designer. He contacted me a couple of weeks ago and asked if I want to take a look at his rifle design. I was curious to see what he is talking about because I never heard about that rifle before. I was anticipating to see something like another AR or AK based rifle and it was really surprising to see an actual new firearm design with a lot of interesting features. And that is the subject of this article – the Konev Modular Rifle. Let’s take a look at different design features of this rifle. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...
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USMC Confirms Plans to Adopt the Next Generation Squad Weapon „cea mai mare modernizare a echipei de infanterie din ultimii 25 de ani”
The Firearm Blog 21 mai 2020
The US Marine Corps has recently undergone a top down doctrinal reevaluation of its future role. As part of these changes in the make up of the Corps have been planned and now a brand new initiative has also been launched – Marine Corps Systems Command’s Program Manager for Infantry Weapons has begun a large-scale modernisation program to increase the lethality of the Marine infantry squad. The efforts are part of Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s vision to redesign the Corps to meet future challenges. Lt. Col. Tim Hough, MCSC’s program manager for Infantry Weapons, called it “the largest modernization of the infantry ... read the original and complete news using the link ...
Japan’s New Type 20 Rifle
The Firearm Blog
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n December 2019, we reported that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces had completed evaluations for both a new service pistol and rifle. It was announced that they had selected a 5.56x45mm rifle developed by Howa and the Heckler & Koch SFP9. Today, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces unveiled their new weapons and confirmed that the rifle will be designated the Type 20. The new rifle will replace the 5.56x45mm Type 89, adopted 30 years ago, and is approximately 78cm or 30.7in long and reportedly weighs around 3.5 kg or 7.7lbs. The rifle will be indigenously produced in Japan by Howa. Each rifle is expected to cost around 275,000 yen – the equivalent to $2,600. This is calculated from the 2019-20 military budget. It is unclear if this also covers accessories like optics and under-barrel grenade launchers. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...
Elbit Systems Light Puls™
Elbit Systems - youtube
Light PULS™ is a lightweight airborne rocket launcher system developed to meet the battlefield challenges of Special Forces operating in remote, high-risk locations that are beyond the range of traditional artillery fire support, and consequently do not have significant or sufficient fire assistance. Light PULS™ offers a high level of responsiveness that is crucial for combat force operations involving time-critical targets, which require immediate firepower response upon identification of the target. The compact Light PULS™ can be delivered by a C130 (Hercules) or similar aircraft, and can be mounted on light tactical vehicles. Page 15 of 48
The rocket system features scoot & shoot capabilities and provides fast, accurate and effective fire support for all operations that require a high level of reliability, accuracy and mobility, and where long-range missiles are not cost-effective. The launcher can carry up to 8 Accular 122mm guided precision rockets, with a range of up to 35km. Light PULS™ is equipped with advanced navigation and command and control systems. Operation is completely automatic and the launcher is ready to fire in less than one minute from mission receipt. Light PULS™ easily interfaces with external C4I systems.
Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant Russia has just tested the shooting of the Pantsir-S system
Defense Equipment - youtube
Russia has just tested the firing of the Pantsir-S system against the target of an armored vehicle at a distance of up to 3 km. The trial was conducted by the Russian Northern Fleet at the Arctic base, Northern Clover on Kotelny Island in the Laptev Sea. Pantsir reportedly managed to hit his target accurately, reports Defenseworld.
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BABCOCK INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE COMPANIES French defence procurement agency (DGA) Industrial Affairs and Economic Intelligence Department
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STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS Business trends „ Babcock International is a British systems integrator and defence service provider (MRO, management of complex sites, logistical support). The group is among BAE Systems' main defence partners. „ Excluding joint ventures and equity interests, Babcock's net sales fell 4% to £4.47bn (€5.07bn) in 2018-2019. More specifically, the group's two main divisions, Marine and Land (38% and 35% of group net sales, respectively), reported declines in activity of 4.5% and 11.4% over the year. While Babcock's order book has been slightly and continuously declining, business prospects remain overall positive thanks to the group's various multi-year contracts for maintenance and training services. „ Babcock generates 46% of its turnover in defence, but the share varies significantly by division. Defence activities for instance accounted for 85% of revenues in Babcock's Marine division, compared to 38% for Land and 35% for Aviation. Home market „ The group generated a little less than two-thirds of its revenues in the United Kingdom, about 10 percentage points less than in 2014, in line with the group's desire to strenghten its international positions. „ The group is a key partner of the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence (MoD). As part of the Maritime Support Delivery Framework contract, signed in October 2014 and covering a period of five and a half years, Babcock is involved in 23 service and support projects at the Clyde and Devonport naval bases. The group is currently in talks with the MoD for a five-year extension of the contract until 2025. „ The LIFEX (Life Extension) programme for the modernisation of 13 Type 23 frigates of the Royal Navy, overseen by the Surface Ship Support Alliance (MoD, Babcock and BAE Systems), continued with the renovation of 5 vessels (Richmond, Lancaster, Portland, Somerset and Iron Duke). The end of the programme is set for 2024. „ In September 2019, the United Kingdom's MoD selected a Babcock-led consortium including Thales UK (supplier of the combat management system) and BMT (involved in ship development and maintenance) to provide the future Type 31 frigates of the Royal Navy. The consortium was in competition with BAE Systems (in partnership with Cammel Laird) and Atlas Elektronik UK (in partnership with its parent company TKMS). Export markets „ The share of Babcock's international sales remained above 30%, in line with the target set by the group in recent years. „ In December 2018, Naval Ship Management, a joint venture between Babcock and Australia's UGL, won a fiveyear AUD 1.5bn (€951m) contract with the Royal Australian Navy for the maintenance of two Canberra-class Amphibious Assault Ships and 12 associated landing crafts. The contract may be renewed for two five-year periods. „ In the spring of 2019, Babcock delivered the last batch of Pilatus PC-21 turboproppowered advanced trainer aircraft as part of the French Air Force's FOMEDEC programme. The 11-year contract, signed in 2017 with Babcock as lead contractor and Dassault Aviation as a partner, includes the delivery and maintenance of 17 Pilatus PC-21 training aircraft, related simulators and modernised training facilities. „ In April 2019, the Irish Naval Service formally commissioned LÉ George Bernard Shaw, the fourth and last Samuel Beckett-class offshore patrol vessel that was designed by Vard Marine (Fincantieri) as prime contractor and built by Babcock Marine at its Appledore shipyard as part of a €280m contract. „ In June 2019, Duqm Naval Dockyard (DND), a joint venture between Babcock and Oman Drydock Company set up in 2017, finalised the repair and modernisation of the U.S. Navy's Choctaw County, a Spearhead-class expeditionary fast transport vessel. DND, which specialises in the repair and maintenance of military ships in Oman's Page 20 of 48
Duqm port complex, is of strategic importance for Babcock's objective to win market share in the Middle East.
US weapon sales boss talks China, arms exports and his agency’s future
Defense News By: Aaron Mehta 1 day ago WASHINGTON
Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper is retiring as director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency head.(U.S. Army/Sgt. Von Marie Donato)
After years of working various jobs related to security cooperation, Lt. Gen. Charles Hooper took over the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency in August 2017. It was an appointment that coincided with a major push by the Trump administration to increase weapon sales as an economic driver. Three years later, as he gets ready to retire, Hooper sat down with Defense News for an exclusive exit interview. This interview was edited for length and clarity. You came in as DSCA director in 2017, when the Trump administration was making a concerted push to increase arms sales abroad. Has that push been successful? ... read the original and complete news using the link ...
Insights Defense Industry chief meets with Armenian dronemakers to discuss upgrade projects
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Dacia Military Industry DMI vă propune Sistemul inteligent de scanare a temperaturii corpului uman, la nivel individual și de grup TERMOGUARD DMI-C este utilizat în lupta pentru prevenirea și combatarea răspândirii infecției cu virusul SARS-Cov-2 și pentru creșterea capacității de răspuns la situații de criză Vizitează DMI SVP și vizionează clipul video.
NASA Lets You 3D Print Your Own Mars Perseverance Rover
3D Print 16 hours by Vanesa Listek
After a successful launch on July 30, NASA‘s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission is on its way to the Red Planet to search for signs of ancient life and collect rock samples to send back to Earth. Nearly a decade in the making, the 10-foot-long rover packs some breakthrough technology, loaded with scientific instruments and advanced computational capabilities for landing and surviving the frigid Martian nights. Unlike its four predecessors, this is the largest, heaviest robotic Mars rover NASA has built, and space fans are fascinated. The activities and events prior to launch have been virtually packed with people of all ages from all over the world joining for a behind-the-scenes look at the rover, immersive augmented reality virtual trips to Mars, 3D visualizations to explore the science instruments for the mission, and even the chance to 3D print a fullsize replica of the Perseverance. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...
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Team Corp.
Multi-axis, high frequency vibration test system
Aerospace Manufacturing&Design August 4, 2020 Quality/Metrology Burlington, Washington
Team Corp.’s Tensor 18kN represents the company’s latest evolution in high frequency, large platform simultaneous multi-axis vibration testing equipment. Team’s expertise in mechanical design and high precision manufacturing capability results in a robust, accurate vibration test system for replicating critical field environments. Replicating aerospace vibration conditions precisely requires a 6-degreeof-freedom (6DoF) test system capable of vibration out to 2kHz bandwidth. Crossaxis control is key to simulating that environment accurately without introducing unwanted, potentially damaging, vibration energy during testing, and is highly dependent on the integration of hydrostatically supported pad bearings that allow no metal-to-metal contact between any moving parts on Tensor. Team Corp. VP of Engineering Doug Lund explains, “The self-aligning bearings provide high dynamic stiffness, which improves the high frequency response and ability to reproduce the desired vibration test profile.” In addition to high stiffness, the Pad Bearing assemblies eliminate backlash as the table is always in compression, further improving test fidelity. Adding the Data Physics Matrix provides multi-shaker vibration control and high channel count single-shaker vibration control on the DSP-centric Abacus signal processing platform. Applications Aerospace, avionics testing Accurate replication of true, real-world vibration environments in 6DoF Accelerated durability, life cycle, fatigue cycling Precise product development investigation Rapid screening of electrical components, modules Addresses MIL STD 810(G) multi-axis testing protocol Features X, Y, and/or Z axis simultaneous/sequential excitation 4,800 lbf (21.4kN) force/axis - peak sine 3,600 lbf (16kN) force/axis - RMS random 50ips (1.3m/sec) velocity ±0.50" (12.7mm) dynamic displacement 5Hz through 2kHz bandwidth ±4° angular rotation Pad bearings allow no metal-to-metal contact between moving parts Page 25 of 48
Specifications Top surface: 30" x 30" (0.76m x 0.76m) Bare table moving mass: 430 lb (195kg) Max recommended payload: 300 lb (130kg) Test frequency range: 5Hz to 2,000Hz Power requirements: 460VAC/60Hz/3-phase SignalStar Matrix vibration controller 2 to 16 shakers 40 to 1,024 input channels 24-bit ADC and DAC with 120dB to 150dB dynamic range Optional local throughput disk Full suite of application software with intuitive interface
Insights President stresses need for promotion of Artificial Intelligence, IT
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BELGIUM (1949) ESTONIA (2004) ITALY (1949) NORWAY (1949) SPAIN (1982)
BULGARIA (2004) FRANCE (1949) LATVIA (2004) POLAND (1999) TURKEY (1952)
CANADA (1949) GERMANY (1955) LITHUANIA (2004) PORTUGAL (1949) UK (1949)
CROATIA (2009) GREECE (1952) LUXEMBOURG (1949) ROMANIA (2004) USA (1949)
CZECH Rep (1999) HUNGARY (1999) MONTENEGRO (2017) SLOVAKIA (2004)
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NEWS
Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană NEWS
NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu NEWS
40 links for specific news
Meet Tim De Zitter, a Belgian expert multinational procurement of munitions
NATO 04 Aug. 2020 -|Last updated: 04 Aug. 2020 09:59
Tim De Zitter is a system manager at the Belgian Ministry of Defence. He works with experts from other NATO Allies to procure land combat missile and rocket systems for use on the battlefield. “The project ensures NATO Allies can share munitions, and purchase and store them together and thereby lower overall costs by making use of economies of scale,” he explains. “It also allows Allied forces to operate even more seamlessly together.” Founded by Belgium, and led by France since January 2020, this multinational NATO initiative is known as the Land Battle Decisive Munitions (LBDM) project. Currently 20 Allies participate – Belgium, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and the United Kingdom – as well as partner countries Austria, Finland and Sweden. Multinational projects to boost capabilities To carry out its missions and tasks, NATO needs Allies to invest in interoperable, cutting-edge and cost-effective equipment. To that end, NATO supports Allies in Page 28 of 48
identifying and developing multinational cooperative projects to deliver the key defence capabilities needed. The LBDM initiative is one of many examples of initiatives to promote more effective and rapid multinational cooperation. Other projects cover key areas such as training structures for pilots in support of Special Operations Forces, acquisition and operation of multinational airplane fleets for maritime missions, cargo transport and air-to-air refuelling, or the introduction of maritime unmanned systems. “The NATO Land Battle Decisive Munitions project started in the summer of 2018 when NATO Defence Ministers signed a Memorandum of Understanding. And it took only half a year before the first shipment of multinationally acquired anti-tank munitions came forth out of this initiative,” remarks Tim. Among other options, the munitions can be procured through the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) on behalf of Allies and partners involved in the project. Located in Luxembourg, NSPA is NATO’s main services provider when it comes to procurement of equipment, delivering a broad spectrum of integrated capabilities for the Alliance, its member countries and partners. Currently, the Agency is also playing an important role in responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, by assisting NATO Allies and partners with key relief acquisition and transport. Ensuring the desired effect on the ground Tim is a former platoon commander, who was also deployed to Afghanistan. He likes his current job a lot, in particular the diversity of his activities. “Not a single day is the same. One day you are talking with the soldiers in the squad, the next day you are doing a project on simulation, the week after you are abroad for a conference with representatives from different nations.” His main motivation though is to ensure customer satisfaction, which in this instance means making sure the soldiers in the field have access to the exact capabilities they need. “Everything we do has the objective to allow them to do their job with the best means and under the best circumstances possible.” Land battle decisive munitions vary in type, size and weight. “From grenades, to tank and artillery shells to surface-to-surface missiles, what is expected on the battlefield is the decisive effect: to neutralise a potential adversary’s capability, to create a smoke screen in order to protect your own soldiers and capabilities or for example to light up the environment during an operation at night,” says Tim. Tim’s family is very proud of him. “For them the most important is that I’m happy with the things I’m doing in my job.” In his spare time, Tim likes working his garden. “The range of vegetables and fruit in my garden goes from potatoes, over spinach, onions and leeks, to all sorts of cucumbers and pumpkins. And of course the delicious produce from my garden is shared with family and friends, just as we make Allies share their munitions together.”
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European Commission
The Commissioners
Press corner
High Representative/ Vice-President
Executive Vice-President Digital Age
Ursula von der Leyen NEWS
Josep Borrell Fontelles NEWS
Margrethe Vestager NEWS
Paolo Gentiloni NEWS
Kadri Simson NEWS
Adina Vălean NEWS
COMMISSIONER Internal Market Thierry Breton NEWS
COMMISSIONER Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides NEWS
COMMISSIONER Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič NEWS
European Parliament
President European Parliament David-Maria SASSOLI NEWS
President SEDE Nathalie LOISEAU NEWS
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ITRE Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI NEWS
President European Council Charles Michel NEWS
Chief Executive European Defence Agency
Jiří Šedivý NEWS
Chairman EUMC Gl. Claudio Graziano NEWS
65 links for specific news
România știri A&D
Camera Deputaților
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Ludovic ORBAN
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31.07.20 4,8316 5,3503 4,0780 259,1273
30.07.20 4,8321 5,3435 4,1089 258,1800
29.07.20 4,8342 5,3361 4,1189 258,8486
Aur gr.
US Dollar
Lira sterlină
255 29.01.2020
265 01.01.2020
Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 03.08.20 4,8351 5,3685 4,1131 260,8073
04.08.20 4,8341 5,3537 4,0976 260,3097
5,75 5,7552
grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR
Românii au cumpărat titluri Tezaur de 700 milioane de lei;jsessionid=X0ZxIwDpHemsZ0NUYKm9vg1Rl47umxtLjdFVXHw.www1:server13?method=detalii&id=999655582
Ministerul Finanţelor Publice Românii au investit în prima emisiune Tezaur din anul 2020 lansată de Ministerul Finanțelor Publice peste 700 de milioane de lei în titluri de stat cu scadența de 1, 2, 3 și 5 ani și dobânzi anuale de 3,5%, 4%, 4,25% și 4,75% Fondurile aferente emisiunii lansate la începutul lunii iulie au fost decontate în data de 3 august 2020. Aproape 17.000 de români au investit în cadrul acestei emisiuni de titluri de stat dedicată populației suma de 702.812.743 lei, din care 629.143.341 lei prin unitățile operative ale Trezoreriei Statului și 73.669.402 lei prin rețeaua de oficii poștale ale Companiei Naționale Poșta Română. Titlurile de stat lansate începând cu data de 1 iulie 2020 sunt în forma dematerializată şi au valoare nominală de 1 leu. Dobânda este plătită la termenele prevăzute în prospectul de emisiune. De asemenea, titlurile de stat emise în cadrul Programului Tezaur sunt transferabile și se pot răscumpăra în avans. Având în vedere interesul foarte ridicat manifestat de populație pentru acest instrument de economisire, Ministerul Finanțelor Publice intenționează să continue cu o frecvență lunară emisiunile în cadrul acestui program pe tot parcursul anului 2020. Totodată, în această perioadă se derulează și vânzarea titlurilor de stat Fidelis, în lei și euro. Titluri de stat Fidelis pot fi subscrise la băncile participante sau casele de brokeraj până vineri, 7 august 2020 și vor fi listate la Bursa de Valori București. Subscrierea inițială a acestor titlurilor nu este comisionată de către băncile intermediare, iar veniturile obținute, atât din dobânzi, cât și din câștigurile de capital sunt neimpozabile.
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Delfingen Industry S.A. intenţionează să preia unele active și acțiuni ale grupului Schlemmer
Consiliul Concurenței Delfingen Industry S.A., având sediul în Franța, activează în domeniul producției și comercializării de componente pentru industria auto și alte industrii. În România, Delfingen Industry S.A. are două filiale (Delfingen RO-Transilvania SRL și Delfingen RO-Valahia SRL), aferente a două puncte de producție. Grupul Schlemmer, controlat exclusiv de societatea de investiții 3i Group plc, își desfășoară activitatea în domeniul producției și comercializării de componente pentru industria auto și alte industrii. În România, grupul Schlemmer este prezent prin compania Schlemmer Romania S.R.L.
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Insights Trump signs executive order to ban federal agencies from hiring foreign workers over Americans
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La Mulți Ani! Adriana Record, Executive Director CCIFER
Mirica Dimitrescu
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GSOF Symposium Europe will not take place in 2020
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L’Industrie Aeronautique en Roumanie
CCIFER Le 02/06/2020 Fiche sectorielle CCI Française en Roumanie Pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous à:
Panorama général du secteur La Roumanie est l'un des pays d'Europe Centrale et Orientale à avoir une production aéronautique locale. Depuis 1990, l'industrie aéronautique roumaine a perdu une grande partie de ses débouchés traditionnels. Les activités les moins affectées sont celles liées à la modernisation des avions de défense. L'avenir de l'industrie aéronautique roumaine est lié aux grands groupes internationaux d'aviation qui envisagent d’investir en Roumanie dans les années à venir pour des unités de production, de relocation ou d`expansion des unités de fabrication. Une de ces sociétés est Airbus Helicopters, présente à Brasov depuis plus de 16 ans à travers un joint-venture conclu avec la société IAR Ghimbav. Airbus Helicopters a inauguré en 2016 à Brasov une fabrique de 55 M EUR pour la production des hélicoptères Airbus H215. La compagnie réalise des hélicoptères tant pour la Roumanie que pour les exportations aussi et fonctionne à l’heure actuelle avec 368 des employés - ce qui dépasse les estimations prévues pour l’année 2020. L`unité de production de Brasov va produire 8 hélicoptères par an. De même, en 2017 a été inaugurée une nouvelle fabrique de composantes d’avions à Moldovenesti, Cluj, détenue par la société belge Sonaca, leader mondial dans le secteur aéronautique. Il s’agit de la fabrication de pièces destinées aux ailes des avions Airbus (France) et Embraer (Portugal) et cela a supposé un investissement de 10,8 M EUR dont 5,1 M EUR ont été accordés par l’Etat roumain sous forme d’aides d’état. En 2018, Sonaca Aerospace Transilvania a enregistré en Roumanie une croissance significative de son chiffre d’affaires - 71%. De plus, à l’heure actuelle, le nombre d’employés est le double de ce qui était deux années auparavant. En ce qui concerne le savoir-faire de la Roumanie au niveau de l’industrie aéronautique, les principaux produits fabriqués en Roumanie sont: ▪ Aéronefs, hélicoptères ▪ Planeurs et planeurs de moteurs ▪ Moteurs d'aéronefs ▪ Centrales d'hélicoptères, assemblages dynamiques pour hélicoptères, actionneurs et servovalves ▪ Freins, accessoires et équipements hydropneumatiques ▪ Équipement électrique / électronique ▪ Pièces, composants et sous-ensembles
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Présence locale
En ce qui concerne les opportunités correspondantes à cette industrie, on note les suivants points: ▪ La Roumanie possède le plus grand potentiel de l’Europe de devenir le partenaire de la société américaine Bell pour la construction de l’hélicoptère AH-1Z Viper dans les suivants 4-5 ans. ▪ Le géant américain Boeing va étendre les contrats actuels avec la société roumaine d’état Romaero (le groupe américain achète des composantes pour ses aéronefs). Cette décision est liée au désir d’accroître la production du modèle 737 dans les années à venir. ▪ Existence des segments avec de bonnes perspectives de développement : la fabrication de systèmes de contrôle de la circulation aérienne, de systèmes d’oxygène et d’extinction d’incendie, la fabrication de fenêtres et de parebrises ainsi que la fabrication d’équipements d’intérieur. ▪ Incitations fiscales telles que l’exonération d’impôt sur les bénéfices lorsque le profit est réinvesti dans de nouveaux équipements technologiques, déduction de certaines dépenses occasionnées par la R&D (les dépenses éligibles puissent inclure la dépréciation de l’équipement destiné à la R&D, les salaires du personnel de la R&D). ▪ Airbus Helicopters, implantée à Brasov depuis 2016, crée un réseau de sous-traitants pour la nouvelle unité d’assemblage. ▪ ARIE (L’Association Roumaine de l’Industrie des Hélicoptères) – Fondée en 2019 à l’initiative d'Airbus, aux côtés de l'IAR, Turbomecanica, Aeroteh, Aerofina et COMOTI, il s’agit d’une association visant la promotion et le développement de l’industrie aéronautique ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...
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Viewpoint: What Comes Next In The Aviation Aftermarket
AVIATION Week Craig Gottlieb August 05, 2020
Ten years ago, with a global recession fresh in memory, researchers asked a question: What distinguishes companies that flourish after a downturn? The results, published in the Harvard Business Review, were telling. Looking back across the Great Recession and the recessions of 1990 and 1980, they found the most successful strategy was “optimization,” a parallel focus on efficiency in their core business and strategic investments in the capabilities that would differentiate them in what came next. As we look toward the indeterminate future of the commercial aviation aftermarket, there are very few things of which we can be certain. What we do know is the companies that emerge stronger will be those that can look past retrenchment to prepare for what comes next. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...
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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Open for new opportunities LinkedIn Cod ROADTOPSKILLS001BR
Răzvan Bogorodiță este absolvent al Facultății de Mecanică din cadrul Universității Dunărea de Jos Galați și are o diplomă de Master în Managementul Afacerilor Internaționale în cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice București. Cu aproape 24 de ani de experiență domeniul relațiilor comerciale internaționale în diferie industrii, siderurgică, carbon, aluminiu, ciment, Răzvan Bogorodiță și-a început activitatea ca inginer în cadrul Combinatului Siderurgic Galați în 1995. Între 2004 – 2017 a ocupat diferite funcții în grupul Elsid & Electrocabon, de la Director Comercial al Elsid SA până la cea de Președinte al Consiliului de Aministrație Electrocarbon SA. Între 2018 – 2019 a activat ca Manager de dezvoltare pentru Europa de Est al companei Rain Carbon.
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JF contact SRL
La stratégie de l'équipementier aéronautique Safran pour surmonter la crise
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Darren LAKE CEO at Shephard Media LinkedIn The Future of Air Warfare Fri, Aug 7, 2020 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EEST Where is air warfare going in the 21st century? Page 41 of 48
How are smarter and faster technologies currently emerging going to reshape the nature of air warfare? What role will autonomy, AI and secure cloud technology play? Shephard Media’s Future of Air Warfare webinar will explore these themes and more through a forward-looking discussion between our in-house experts and contributors. Moderator: Ben Vogel, News Editor Panellists: • Tim Martin, Air Domain Editor • Ilker Aktasoglu, Senior Air Analyst • Leonid Nersisyan, Shephard Media regular contributor
Virgil POPESCU Ministrul economiei, energiei, mediului de afaceri facebook
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Insights Lawmakers call for investigation, ‘thorough review’ of $7.2 billion household goods contract
„Decizia Comandamentului Transporturilor din SUA de a accepta o ofertă la un preț mai ridicat, de la o filială a unei companii cu capital străin, cu un palmares discutabil, este profund tulburătoare”, a scris reprezentantul David B. McKinley, RW.Va., într-un 4 august. scrisoare către liderii Comitetului serviciilor armate ale Casei. El a cerut comitetului să efectueze o anchetă asupra deciziei TRANSCOM.
Etica și standardele jurnalistice
Wikipedia Etică și standarde în practică … Metode de investigare Jurnalismul de investigație este în mare parte un exercițiu de culegere de informații, în căutarea unor fapte care nu sunt ușor de obținut prin simple solicitări și căutări sau care sunt ascunse, reprimate sau denaturate în mod activ. În cazul în care activitatea de investigare implică jurnalism sub acoperire sau folosirea unor denunțători și chiar mai mult dacă se recurge la metode ascunse mai tipice detectivilor privați sau chiar spionajului, aceasta aduce o povară suplimentară mare asupra standardelor etice. Sursele anonime sunt cu două tăișuri - adesea furnizează în special informații demne de știri, cum ar fi informații clasificate sau confidențiale despre evenimente curente, informații despre un scandal nereportat anterior sau perspectiva unui anumit grup care se poate teme de retributie pentru exprimarea anumitor opinii în presă. Dezavantajul este că condiția anonimatului poate îngreuna sau imposibil raportorul să verifice declarațiile sursei. Uneori , sursele de știri își ascund identitățile de public, deoarece declarațiile lor s-ar discredita rapid. Astfel, declarațiile atribuite surselor anonime pot avea public mai multă greutate decât ar putea fi atribuite acestora. Presa de la Washington a fost criticată în ultimii ani pentru utilizarea excesivă a unor surse anonime, în special pentru a raporta informații care ulterior se arată că nu sunt de încredere. Utilizarea surselor anonime a crescut semnificativ în perioada anterioară invaziei din Irak din 2003 .
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