200813 RO.A&D #787

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#hailatreabă #let’swork #suntempeacelașidrum . AERONAUTICĂ

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AEROTEH: SVP ..................................................................................................... 8 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................. 10 AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 ...................................................................................... 11 Insights.................................................................................................................. 11 . ARME DE FOC & MUNIȚIE

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Polițiștii români primesc pistoale Beretta și aruncă la coș anticele Carpați ........... 12 Insights.................................................................................................................. 12 . CYBER & ITC

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Deloitte wins $106 million contract with the Pentagon’s AI hub ............................ 13 DARPA wants stronger security for Internet of Things devices ............................. 13 . RACHETE

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Electromecanica Ploiești S.A. – 14361269, Romarm ............................................ 15 La Ploieşti vor fi fabricate rachete care produc ploaie pe timp de secetă, dar şi zăpadă în iernile uscate..................................................................................... 15 Să înțelegem mai bine ....................................................................................... 15 Boeing ................................................................................................................... 16 Delivers Next Generation Interceptor Proposal to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency .......................................................................................................................... 16 Raytheon Technologies ........................................................................................ 16 Ungaria achiziționează rachete AMRAAM pentru Gripen. ................................. 16 Hungary commits to air defence missiles from Raytheon in $1 billion deal ....... 17 Hungary – Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missiles Extended Range (AMRAAM-ER) .................................................................................................. 17 NSDC: Missile, aircraft production "priority" for Ukraine's defense industry .......... 18 . COMERȚUL PENTRU APĂRARE

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India to ban imports of 101 defence products ....................................................... 22 Congress has secretly blocked US arms sales to Turkey for nearly two years ..... 22 Romania................................................................................................................ 22 Mechanical spare parts for military vehicles ...................................................... 22 Netherlands........................................................................................................... 23 Development Military ISR Drone ....................................................................... 23 Greece .................................................................................................................. 23 Parts for aircraft ................................................................................................. 23 Austria ................................................................................................................... 23 Page 4 of 45

Repair and maintenance services of helicopters ............................................... 23 Germany ............................................................................................................... 23 Bullet-proof vests ............................................................................................... 23 . SOLUȚII TEHNOLOGICE

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DACIA MILITARY INDUSTRY: SVP ..................................................................... 24 Dacia Military Industry ........................................................................................... 26 Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. ......................................................................... 26 Machining, fabricating services ......................................................................... 26 . UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ

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European Defence Matters, Magazine issue 2 ..................................................... 29 05 November 2012 ............................................................................................ 29 . DECIZIONAL

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Alocuțiunea prim-ministrului Ludovic Orban .......................................................... 31 la ședința comună a Camerei Deputaților și Senatului ...................................... 31 Agendă prim-ministru Ludovic Orban .................................................................... 32 ședința comună a Camerei Deputaților și Senatului .......................................... 32 ședința cu privire la rectificarea bugetară .......................................................... 32 ambasadorul Statului Israel în România, David Saranga .................................. 32 Transelectrica SA și Smart SA .............................................................................. 32 Corpul de control al prim-ministrului a finalizat o acțiune de control .................. 32 Robert CAZANCIUC, președinte interimar Senat: ................................................ 33 Insights.................................................................................................................. 33 . FINANȚE

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Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 34 . EVENIMENTE

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Happy Birthday! .................................................................................................... 35 Didier Philippe, .................................................................................................. 35 Let's understand better ...................................................................................... 36 Marina Statelor Unite a numit un nou comandant al sistemului AEGIS de la Deveselu .............................................................................................................................. 37 Să înțelegem mai bine ....................................................................................... 37 . RO.A&D’s INFLUENCERS

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‘Lack of final quality check' drove F-35 non-conforming spare part problem ......... 39 . TOP SKILLs

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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ......................................................................................... 39 . COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE

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HERALD INSIGHTS: SVP .................................................................................... 40 . NATO

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Insights.................................................................................................................. 42 . TIMPUL: Aliat sau Neprieten?

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informaČ›ii ............................................................................................................ 43 Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie ...................................................................... 43 Buletin de presă .................................................................................................... 44 12 august 2020, ora 13.00 .................................................................................... 44

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40,00 20,00 02.12.2020






















200,00 16.12.2020


































mil. euro







BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights

AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):

Valoare totală de piaţă: 265,71 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație









AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 Vă pune la dispoziție facilitățile moderne ale unui Laborator de încercări pentru echipamentele motoarelor de aviație. Vezi detaliile la AEROTEH SVR prezentate într-un clip video.

Insights USA: Army validates design for future helicopter engine, remains on track despite COVID defensenews.com

Aerostar Bacau devine centru de mentenanta pentru avioanele F-16 manager.ro


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Polițiștii români primesc pistoale Beretta și aruncă la coș anticele Carpați https://www.libertatea.ro/stiri/poltistii-romani-primesc-pistoale-beretta-si-arunca-lacos-anticele-carpati-3092453

LIBERTATEA Daniel Ionașcu, Miercuri, 12 august 2020, 20:00.

... BERETTA Beretta PX4 muniție de 9 x 19 mm încărcător cu 17 cartușe greutate cu încărcătorul gol de 785 grame țeava 102 mm sistemele de ochire sunt cu tritium, un izotop al hidrogenului. Acesta strălucește noaptea, pentru o țintire mai bună corpul pistolului este din metal are 3 siguranțe personalizare în funcție de mărimea palmei se poate folosi ambidextru, are siguranță și pe stânga și pe dreapta armei părțile metalice sunt protejate anticoroziune prin patru metode Pe de altă parte, pistolul Beretta se va purta într-un holster pe picior, pe când cele Carpați se purtau într-un toc atașat la brâu. Mai sigur și mai precis ... ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ... Achiziție pentru linia de fabricație a muniției la UM Sadu https://accentingorj.ro/2020/08/12/achizitie-pentru-linia-de-fabricatie-a-munitiei-la-umsadu/

Accent în Gorj AUGUST 12, 2020 BY BOGDAN

Continua achizitiile pentru noua linie de fabrcatie a munitiei de la Uzina Mecanica de la Sadu. Este vorba de completarea liniei de fabricatie a munitiei de infanterie cu tub de otel. Vor fi achiziționate două utilaje. Contractul este împărțit în două loturi. Bugetul pentru cumpărarea noilor echipamente este de peste 6 milioane de lei. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Insights https://www.igj.ro/actualitate/parcul-industrial-bumbesti-jiu-negociaza-preluarea-unorspatii-de-la-um-sadu.html

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Israel says it thwarted foreign cyber attack on defence industry https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-israel-cyber-attack/israel-says-it-thwarted-foreigncyber-attack-on-defence-industry-idUKKCN258273

Reuters TEL AVIV (Reuters) Rami Ayyub AUGUST 12, 2020 / 7:20 PM / UPDATED 7 HOURS AGO

Israel said on Wednesday it thwarted a cyber attack on its defence industry by a hacking group known as Lazarus, which the United States says is run by North Korean intelligence. Israel’s Defence Ministry said hackers posing as potential employers sent job offers to defence workers trying to infiltrate their networks and gather sensitive information. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Deloitte wins $106 million contract with the Pentagon’s AI hub https://www.c4isrnet.com/artificial-intelligence/2020/08/12/deloitte-wins-106-millioncontract-with-the-pentagons-ai-hub/

C4ISR NET - USA WASHINGTON Andrew Eversden 3 hours ago

The Defense Information Systems Agency awarded a $106 million contract to Deloitte Consulting to build the Pentagon’s artificial intelligence hub’s AI development platform, the U.S. Department of Defense announced Aug. 12. The company will “design and build” the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center’s Joint Common Foundation, a capability that DoD AI leadership has stated will be integral in developing, testing and fielding AI capabilities. The contract has a one-year base period worth $31 million with three option years through August 2024. Work is scheduled to start Aug. 17, according to Lt. Cmdr. Arlo Abrahamson, spokesperson for the JAIC. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

DARPA wants stronger security for Internet of Things devices https://www.c4isrnet.com/battlefield-tech/it-networks/2020/08/12/darpa-wantsstronger-security-for-internet-of-things-devices/

C4ISR NET - USA Andrew Eversden 7 hours ago

WASHINGTON — The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking to industry for “revolutionary security technologies” that can protect the military’s growing number of Internet of Things devices. ... read the original and complete news using the link ... Page 13 of 45

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Electromecanica Ploiești S.A. – 14361269, Romarm La Ploieşti vor fi fabricate rachete care produc ploaie pe timp de secetă, dar şi zăpadă în iernile uscate https://www.bursa.ro/la-ploiesti-vor-fi-fabricate-rachete-care-produc-ploaie-pe-timpde-seceta-dar-si-zapada-in-iernile-uscate-68713043

Bursa A.P. 12 august

Sistemul naţional de combatere a grindinei va putea fi folosit începând de anul viitor şi pentru combaterea secetei. Directorul Sistemului Antigrindină, generalul Gheorghe Căunei, a declarat în exclusivitate pentru observatorulph.ro că rachetele care produc precipitaţii (ploaie în perioada secetoasă, respectiv zăpadă în anotimpul rece) vor fi produse în curând de societatea Electromecanica Ploieşti, scrie Observatorul Prahovean. Electromecanica Ploieşti, societate care face parte din Compania Naţională Romarm, va fabrica un tip de rachetă care va avea rolul de a produce artificial precipitaţii. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Să înțelegem mai bine

Acest cartuș înlocuiește conținutul la care au acces doar abonații RO.A&D INTEGRATED NEWS sau AEROMARKET… Dacă doriți să fiți și mai informat, abonați-vă cu cele mai mici&competitive costuri pentru timpul Dvs. prețios! Contactați-ne acum la heraldcons@gmail.com Dacă doriți date suplimentare de tip competitive intelligence, contactați-ne la heraldcons@gmail.com Page 15 of 45

Boeing Delivers Next Generation Interceptor Proposal to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency https://boeing.mediaroom.com/2020-08-12-Boeing-Delivers-Next-GenerationInterceptor-Proposal-to-the-U-S-Missile-Defense-Agency

Boeing Company Aug. 12, 2020

Proposal builds on the company’s 60-plus year legacy in strategic missile and weapon systems Today, Boeing [NYSE: BA] submitted its offer to the U.S. Missile Defense Agency for the Next Generation Interceptor (NGI) competition, proposing a design that leverages the company’s more than 60-year track record and expertise in strategic missile and weapon systems. “Boeing’s NGI proposal delivers unmatched performance, affordability and reliability for the nation and the warfighter,” said Norm Tew, Missile and Weapon Systems vice president and general manager, and Huntsville site senior executive. “Building upon our prior investments and proven technologies, our innovative proposal offers a creative, compelling and game-changing technical approach to outpace, out-innovate, deter and defeat rapidly evolving advanced threats.” If selected, Boeing will utilize its proven capabilities along with a best-of-industry team to ensure its unique offering is delivered to the warfighter on time. “Boeing is well-positioned to deliver innovative solutions that greatly expand this key missile defense capability, ever focused on supporting the warfighter,” said Tew. “We are leveraging our unparalleled mission knowledge to design, develop and deliver a low-risk, highly-effective solution for the MDA.” The NGI will be used to maintain ready deterrence and ensure the continued protection of the U.S. homeland from intercontinental ballistic missiles. A contract award is expected later this year.

Raytheon Technologies Ungaria achiziționează rachete AMRAAM pentru Gripen. Cea mai mare achiziție din istoria cooperării militare dintre Ungaria și SUA https://www.defenseromania.ro/ungaria-achizi-ioneaza-rachete-amraam-pentru-gripen-ceamai-mare-achizi-ie-din-istoria-cooperarii-militare-dintre-ungaria-i-sua_604758.html

Defense Romania DefenseRomania Team 12 aug 2020 / 20:11

Ungaria va cumpăra din Statele Unite rachete Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM), din SUA, conform unei declaraţii de intenţie semnate miercuri la Budapesta de ministrul ungar al apărării Tibor Benko şi ambasadorul SUA în Ungaria, David Cornstein. Achiziţia este în valoare de 1 miliard de dolari și se înscrie în programul SUA pentru Vânzări militare în străinătate (Foreign Arms Sales), tranzacţia urmând să fie finalizată până la 30 septembrie a.c.. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

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Hungary commits to air defence missiles from Raytheon in $1 billion deal https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hungary-usa-missiles-raytheon/hungary-commitsto-air-defence-missiles-from-raytheon-in-1-billion-deal-idUSKCN258278?il=0

Reuters AUGUST 12, 2020 BUDAPEST (Reuters)

… It recently purchased tanks from Germany and is renewing its air capabilities as well, and Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s government has put more focus on the military than most governments in past decades, when economic improvement was the priority. Defence Minister Tibor Benko said things had changed. “We see that the peace that we live in is an extremely vulnerable situation,” he said, adding that extended beyond armed conflict into hybrid warfare such as in Crimea. Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014, was one reason why Western allies have criticised Hungary for its closeness with Moscow. Orban campaigned for Western sanctions against Russia to be eased. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Hungary – Advanced Medium Range Air-To-Air Missiles Extended Range (AMRAAM-ER) https://www.dsca.mil/major-arms-sales/hungary-advanced-medium-range-air-airmissiles-extended-range-amraam-er

Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) PDF Version: hungary_19-73.pdf Media/Public Contact: pm-cpa@state.gov Transmittal No: 19-73 WASHINGTON, May 8, 2020

The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Hungary of sixty (60) AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAMER missiles, and two (2) spare AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM-ER guidance sections and related equipment for an estimated cost of $230 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today. The Government of Hungary has requested to buy sixty (60) AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAMER missiles, and two (2) spare AIM-120C-7/C-8 AMRAAM-ER guidance sections. Also included are four (4) AMRAAM-ER training missiles (CATM-120C); missile containers; spare and repair parts; cryptographic and communication security devices; precision navigation equipment; software, site surveys; weapons system equipment and computer software support; publications and technical documentation; common munitions and test equipment; repair and return services and equipment; personnel training and training equipment; integration support and test equipment; and U.S. Government and contractor, engineering, technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistical and program support. The total estimated cost is $230 million. This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO ally. This sale is consistent with U.S. initiatives to provide key allies in the region with modern systems that will enhance interoperability with U.S forces and increase security. This proposed sale improves Hungary's defense capability to deter regional threats and strengthen its homeland defense. The sale is in support of Hungary's acquisition of the National Advanced Surface to Air Missile System (NASAMS) air defense system Page 17 of 45

and would provide a full range of protection from imminent hostile cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, rotary wing and fixed wing threats. This sale will contribute to Hungary's interoperability with the United States and other allies. Hungary should not have any difficulties absorbing this equipment into its armed forces. The proposed sale of this equipment and support does not alter the basic military balance in the region. The prime contractor and integrator will be Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, AZ. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of additional U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Hungary. There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale. This notice of a potential sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded.

NSDC: Missile, aircraft production "priority" for Ukraine's defense industry https://www.unian.info/society/ukraine-defense-nsdc-says-missile-military-aircraftproduction-priority-11110586.html 21:35, 12 August 2020

The task has been set to design a missile with an operating range of over 1,500 km. Missile and military aircraft production is among priorities for Ukraine's defense industry, says Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the country's National Security and Defense Council. The Russian Federation attempted to "destroy our entire military and defense sphere, which we have inherited from Soviet times," Danilov told a round table in Kyiv on Wednesday, August 12, according to an UNIAN correspondent. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

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DIEHL DEFENCE INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE COMPANIES French defence procurement agency (DGA) Industrial Affairs and Economic Intelligence Department

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STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS Business trends „ Diehl Defence, the defence division of German conglomerate Diehl (€3.7bn of turnover and 17,298 employees in 2018) is one of the leading European players in the missiles market. Diehl Defence accounted for 12.6% of Diehl's total revenues and 14.5% of the group's workforce in 2018. Diehl Defence net revenues reached €464m in 2018, increasing for the third consecutive year (+1.8%). Growth was mainly supported by missile sales (RAM Block 2, Sidewinder, Spike, PARS 3 LR missile systems). „ Diehl Defence is involved in many key programmes. Among others, it has partnered with Sweden's Saab AB for the production of the RBS15 Mk3 anti-ship missile, with Israel's Rafael for the production of the Spike antitank guided missile, and with Italy's Leonardo for the production of the Vulcano precision guided munition. The division has also set up an alliance with Lockheed Martin and Saab AB to develop the Falcon shortand mediumrange air defence system (which includes Diehl Defence's IRIS-T SLM medium-range air-to-air missile), and with Safran for the development of the HUSSAR ultra-lightweight air-to-ground missile. „ In June 2019, Diehl Defence also partnered with Roxel France (Safran/MBDA JV), in the field of artillery rockets. Home market „ A key supplier to the Bundeswehr, Diehl Defence expects to benefit from Germany's growing military spending to strengthen its position on its home market, where it generated 58% of its revenues in 2018. „ Diehl Defence won several contracts with the German Navy in 2018, including through a €79.5m contract to the RAMSYS consortium (a collaboration between Diehl Defence and MBDA) for the delivery of ten Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM) launching systems that will be installed and integrated on five new K130 Braunschweigclass corvettes, as well as a €17m contract (in collaboration with Saab AB) for the supply of RBS15 Mk3 anti-ship missile systems for the same corvettes. „ In June 2019, Diehl Defence won a contract to integrate Israelian defence company Elbit System's J-MUSIC Directed Infrared Counter Measure (DIRCM) systems on the German Air Forces' Airbus A400M aircraft. „ Germany's Armed Forces are considering purchasing VULCANO 155 mm ammunition jointly developed by Diehl Defence and Italy's Leonardo. „ Diehl Defence will contribute to the development and production of Europe's future fighter aircraft as part of the Next-Generation Weapon System (NGWS) programme. Together with MBDA, the company will in particular work on the new aircraft's weapon system. As part of its contribution to the NGWS programme, Diehl Defence has joined forces with Hensoldt, ESG and Rohde & Schwarz within the German consortium FCMS. Export markets „ After having driven much the company's growth in 2016-2017, export sales markedly declined in 2018 (-5.8%), settling at less than €200m. Diehl Defence was largely affected by restrictions imposed by Germany's federal government on arms exports, in particular to the Middle East. „ In March 2019, Raytheon secured a $92m (€81m) contract option to provide RAM Block 2 weapon systems to the U.S. Navy. Raytheon will manufacture these weapon systems with RAMSYS. „ In June 2019, Eurospike GmbH, a joint venture between Diehl Defence, Rheinmetall Defence and Rafael, secured a €40m contract with Estonia for the supply of Spike LR anti-tank missiles. Page 21 of 45

„ As part of the United Arab Emirates' planned replacement of its Hawk air defence system provided by Lockheed Martin, the country might become the first client of the Falcon air defence system. Technology and Innovation „ Diehl Defence's R&D investments are focused on the next-generation RBS15 antiship missiles jointly developed with Saab AB, as well as the modernisation of the RAM weapon system together with Raytheon.

India to ban imports of 101 defence products https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/update-india-to-ban-imports-of101-defence-products

Jane’s 11 AUGUST 2020 by Jon Grevatt

India, one of the world’s biggest defence importers, has announced a ban on procuring more than 100 military products from foreign suppliers. The new policy – announced on 9 August – is aligned with a government campaign to achieve self-reliance and is intended to “apprise India’s defence industry about anticipated requirements… so that they are better prepared to realise the goal of indigenisation”, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) said. The new ‘import embargo list’ features 101 defence products, most of which have either been developed locally or are currently in development stages. ... ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Congress has secretly blocked US arms sales to Turkey for nearly two years https://www.defensenews.com/breaking-news/2020/08/12/congress-has-secretlyblocked-us-arms-sales-to-turkey-for-nearly-two-years

Defense News By: Valerie Insinna, Joe Gould & Aaron Mehta WASHINGTON

Four key members of Congress, either individually or collectively, have quietly frozen all major U.S. arms sales to Turkey for nearly two years in a move to pressure Ankara to abandon its Russian-built S-400 air defense system, Defense News has learned. The legislative action, which has not been previously reported, is another sign of the deeply fractured relationship between the two NATO allies, a disruption that has already led to Turkey’s expulsion from the F-35 joint strike fighter program. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Romania Mechanical spare parts for military vehicles https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:378110-2020:TEXT:RO:HTML

TED - Tenders Electronic Daily Bunuri - 378110-2020 Furnizare piese de schimb tehnica Gepard 03000000 Produse agricole, de fermă, de pescuit, de silvicultură şi produse conexe, 35421000 Piese de schimb mecanice pentru vehicule militare ... read the original and complete news using the link ... Page 22 of 45

Netherlands Development Military ISR Drone https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:378700-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML

TED - Tenders Electronic Daily Supplies - 378700-2020 Ministerie van Defensie Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Greece Parts for aircraft https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:378944-2020:TEXT:EL:HTML

TED - Tenders Electronic Daily Δ.23/20 [Προμήθεια δώδεκα (12) τεμαχίων υλικού propeller blade CL-215] — Ανακοίνωση μετάθεσης. Προμήθειες - 378944-2020 ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Austria Repair and maintenance services of helicopters https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:379566-2020:TEXT:DE:HTML

TED - Tenders Electronic Daily Dienstleistungen - 379566-2020 1 000-Stunden-/3-Jahreskontrolle und Standardaustausch des Hauptgetriebes am Hubschrauber Type EC135, Kennzeichen OE-BXY des BMI. ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

Germany Bullet-proof vests https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:378767-2020:TEXT:DE:HTML

TED - Tenders Electronic Daily Lieferungen - 378767-2020 35815100 Kugelsichere Westen ... read the original and complete news using the link ...

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Dacia Military Industry DMI vă propune Sistemul inteligent de scanare a temperaturii corpului uman, la nivel individual și de grup TERMOGUARD DMI-C este utilizat în lupta pentru prevenirea și combatarea răspândirii infecției cu virusul SARS-Cov-2 și pentru creșterea capacității de răspuns la situații de criză Vizitează DMI SVP și vizionează clipul video.

Guill Tool & Engineering Co., Inc. https://www.guill.com/

Machining, fabricating services https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/guill-tool-machinigfabricating-services/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design August 12, 2020 Machining Centers Turning/Milling

Guill offers 5-axis machining centers, high precision machining, and full wire EDM capabilities with a 0.008" hole popper. Guill machines super alloys and exotic metals to close tolerances. Guill CNC milling machines offer resources needed to successfully fulfill the most challenging parts and tooling to keep equipment running efficiently and precisely. The precision of CNC turning is offered for quicker production that meets rigorous standards, regardless of the complexity of the parts. Guill multi-axis machines can produce a variety of sizes, complex engineering, and geometric intricacies. Prototype machining and rapid manufacturing enable engineers to develop and innovate solutions with the ability to respond and modify parts. Super alloys and other materials are offered to benefit customers who need new solutions to remain competitive. Wire EDM eliminates the force put on part surfaces. This protects intricate and fragile tooling, as well as providing higher tolerances and accuracy. Machining capabilities range from small hole machining to 0.008" in diameter and machining material measuring up to 15" in all axes.

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European Commission

The Commissioners

Press corner


High Representative/ Vice-President

Executive Vice-President Digital Age

Ursula von der Leyen NEWS

Josep Borrell Fontelles NEWS

Margrethe Vestager NEWS




Paolo Gentiloni NEWS

Kadri Simson NEWS

Adina Vălean NEWS

COMMISSIONER Internal Market Thierry Breton NEWS

COMMISSIONER Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides NEWS

COMMISSIONER Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič NEWS

European Parliament



President European Parliament David-Maria SASSOLI NEWS

President SEDE Nathalie LOISEAU NEWS


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ITRE Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI NEWS

President European Council Charles Michel NEWS

Chief Executive European Defence Agency

Jiří Šedivý NEWS

Chairman EUMC Gl. Claudio Graziano NEWS

65 links for specific news European Defence Matters, Magazine issue 2 05 November 2012 https://www.eda.europa.eu/docs/eda-magazine/edmissue2web

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România știri A&D




Ludovic ORBAN







Camera Deputaților


Alocuțiunea prim-ministrului Ludovic Orban la ședința comună a Camerei Deputaților și Senatului https://gov.ro/ro/stiri/alocutiunea-premierului-ludovic-orban-la-edinta-comuna-acamerei-deputatilor-i-senat&page=1

Guvern România


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Agendă prim-ministru Ludovic Orban Guvern România Ieri:

ședința comună a Camerei Deputaților și Senatului ședința cu privire la rectificarea bugetară Astăzi:

ambasadorul Statului Israel în România, David Saranga

Transelectrica SA și Smart SA Corpul de control al prim-ministrului a finalizat o acțiune de control https://gov.ro/ro/stiri/corpul-de-control-al-prim-ministrului-a-finalizat-o-actiune-decontrol-la-transelectrica-s-a-i-smart-sa&page=1

Guvern România Corpul de control al prim-ministrului a finalizat o acțiune de control la Compania Națională de Transport a Energiei Electrice „Transelectrica” S.A. („CNTEE Transelectrica SA”) și la Societatea pentru Servicii de Mentenanță a Rețelei Electrice Page 32 of 45

de Transport ”Smart” – S.A. („Smart SA”), care a vizat perioada 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2018. Obiectivele acțiunii de control au constat în verificarea respectării prevederilor legale cu privire la organizarea și funcționarea CNTEE Transelectrica SA, precum și a regulilor de guvernanță corporativă în ceea ce privește desemnarea și remunerarea forurilor decizionale ale CNTEE Transelectrica SA (Consiliu de supraveghere, Directorat). De asemenea, a fost verificat modul în care s-au respectat prevederile legale cu privire la atribuirea, încheierea și derularea contractelor la nivelul CNTEE Transelectrica SA, la constituirea și realizarea veniturilor, precum și la angajarea și efectuarea cheltuielilor la nivelul CNTEE Transelectrica SA. Totodată, acțiunea de control a avut în vedere verificarea modului de contractare și derulare a contractului de finanțare nr. 08164/14.04.2008, încheiat între societatea Smart SA și ING Bank, dar și a altor aspecte considerate relevante de către echipa de control. Raportul de control a fost transmis către Prim-ministru (spre informare), Secretariatul General al Guvernului (spre analiză și valorificare), Ministerul Finanțelor Publice (spre analiză și valorificare), Compania Națională de Transport a Energiei Electrice „Transelectrica” S.A. (spre valorificare), Societatea pentru Servicii de Mentenanță a Rețelei Electrice de Transport - ”Smart” S.A. (spre informare), Curtea de Conturi a României (spre informare). Sinteza acțiunii de control, ce include concluziile actului de control, poate fi consultată la următorul link: https://bit.ly/3ixV0zf

Robert CAZANCIUC, președinte interimar Senat: https://www.bursa.ro/cazanciuc-la-guvernare-te-duci-sa-lupti-nu-sa-topai-domnuleorban-04813040

Bursa … Câte măşti au ajuns pe piaţă produse de ROMARM?" ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Insights https://romania.europalibera.org/a/live-text-raportul-lui-orban-%C3%AEn-parlamentpsd-%C3%AEi-cere-premierului-s%C4%83-%C3%AE%C8%99i-asume-organizareaalegerilor-%C3%AEn-siguran%C8%9B%C4%83-%C8%99i-%C3%AEnceperea%C8%99colii/30779641.html

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10.08.20 4,8359 5,3702 4,1129 268,7021












07.08.20 4,8375 5,3607 4,0949 271,0003











06.08.20 4,8359 5,3679 4,0751 268,4712






Aur gr.


US Dollar


Lira sterlină















265 01.01.2020





Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 11.08.20 4,8347 5,3722 4,1033 262,6798







12.08.20 4,8357 5,3638 4,1087 255,0694


5,75 5,7552










225 AUR Y19



grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Happy Birthday! Didier Philippe, Senior Vice President Export Sales Directorate MBDA

Herald Insights After his Business Master in Finance and Marketing Didier Philippe joined Matra Finance Direction while finishing his third cycle studies in “Organisations Sciences” at Paris Dauphine University. After a few years in Finance, he joined Export team and took over Export to the USA where he sold large quantities of Durandal anti-runway weapons to the US Air Force for its fleet of F4, F5, F16, F111. Further on Didier Philippe choose to take the responsibility of Export to Europe which, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, enlarged to Eastern Europe and later to Central Asia. The first contract he signed for Matra in Eastern Europe was in Romania in 1995, when the Romanian Government chose the Magic 2 air-to-air missile to equip its Migs 23 and 21 LanceR. During his long career he negotiated and signed Export Contracts in many countries, mainly in Europe and NATO. Matra became, after the successive merge with other European Missile specialists, the European Champion for Missile Systems - MBDA. MBDA is the producer among others of the famous Mistral, VLMica and Exocet combat proven Missile Systems proposed to Romania, but also of Scalp, Storm Shadow, Taurus, Scalp Naval cruise and deep strike missiles, of Aster 30 air-defence and antiballistic defense system, of the new generation land combat Missile MMP (at the hart of the BLOS PESCO European program) of the Enforcer, as well as of the European game changer in air-to-air, the Meteor Missile that equip the Rafale, the Eurofighter and the Gripen and will equip the F35 for the UK and other countries. Didier Philippe has always been at personal level a ''convinced European, passionate about geopolitics''. He considers that, ''when together and united, Europe is Strong and can be an Equal and Fair Partner to its ally USA as well as a strong player to cope with China, Russia as well as to confront the many and changing threats of today and tomorrow''. He considers that ''the only answer to today’s <US First> policy and longtime <Buy American Act> policy is <More Europe - Stronger Europe - Autonomous Europe> Page 35 of 45

especially when it comes to the necessity of increasing dramatically Europe Strategic Autonomy for its Defense which starts with the Technological Autonomy of its Defense Industry ...''. He stresses that ''the ambitious Industrial Cooperation proposed by MBDA to the Romanian public and private Defense Industry (ROMARM and PATROMIL members) in the frame of the procurement of the missile systems of the Corvettes, Coastal Batteries, Shorad-Vshorad and Manpads programs is a fantastic opportunity to finally revive and modernize that industry. Furthermore, these proposals are fully in line with the European Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the European defence industrial development program (EDIDP) to which Romania adheres as well as to the Strategic Agreement between Romania and France” Personally upset by Brexit that he considers ''as a terrible historic mistake and a huge step back (poor English leavers dreaming of the return of a past colonial grandeur), disappointed and astonished by President Trump attempt to weaken, divide or may be even destroy Europe <President Trump: Europe was set up to take advantage of US> ?!? ... « Divide to reign » is not a recent invention but divide to try to impose unbalanced commercial agreements to «poor vassal countries» can’t be the Foreign Policy of a historical ally who together with Europe face and will face the same international challenges''. He considers ''both views as very short term and egoistical views that will paradoxically reinforce Europe on its values and will help Europe focus on the major challenges it will have to face tomorrow''. Married, father of two daughters and grandfather of two baby girls, his favorite sports are tennis and Mediterranean Sea swimming in Corsica. Chess is also among his favorite sports!

Let's understand better 10 iulie 2017: Alternativa la sistemul de rachete Patriot pentru apararea antiaeriana? Ce oferta au europenii de la MBDA si de ce cred ca sistemul SAMP/T cu rachete Aster 30 e mai bun decat varianta americana • https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-21877703-video-alternativa-sistemulrachete-patriot-pentru-apararea-antiaeriana-oferta-europenii-mbda-credsistemul-samp-rachete-aster-30-mai-bun-decat-varianta-americana.htm • https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=ciqS3bor2u4&feature=e mb_logo 15 aug 2018: Didier Philippe, vicepreședintele MBDA, interviul despre domeniul apărării • https://www.defenseromania.ro/didier-philippe-vicepre-edintele-mbda-interviuldespre-domeniul-apararii_592984.html • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_ZUM4tjHjg&feature=emb_logo 15 aug 2018: Interviu cu Didier Philippe, vicepreşedintele MBDA, cel mai mare producător de rachete european.” Am solicitat amendarea proiectul de lege pentru cumpărarea de către MApN a bateriilor de coastă” https://global-def.com/2018/08/15/interviu-cu-didier-philippe-vicepresedintele-mbdacel-mai-mare-producator-de-rachete-european-am-solicitat-amendarea-proiectul-delege-pentru-cumpararea-de-catre-mapn-a-bateriilor-de-coast/

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20.09.2018: Interviu Didier Philippe: Propunerea MBDA pentru Romania ar revigora industria nationala de aparare video https://www.mediafax.ro/externe/interviu-didier-philippe-propunerea-mbda-pentruromania-ar-revigora-industria-nationala-de-aparare-video-17525991

Marina Statelor Unite a numit un nou comandant al sistemului AEGIS de la Deveselu https://ziare.com/international/stiri-internationale/marina-statelor-unite-a-numit-unnou-comandant-al-sistemului-aegis-de-la-deveselu-1624833

ziare.com de Laurentiu Sirbu Miercuri, 12 August 2020, ora 16:38

Marina miltiara a Statelor Unite a numit un nou comandant pentru Unitatea de Aparare impotriva Rachetelor Balistice de la Deveselu. Conform unui comunicat al Marinei SUA, comandorul Mike Dwan l-a inlocuit pe comandorul John E. Fitzpatrick si a preluat comanda Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Facility (AMMDF) de la Deveselu. Festivitatea a fost prezidata de comandantul Task Force din Europa, comandorul Joseph Femino, scrie publicatia online Defense Romania. AAMDF se afla sub controlul operational al Flotei a 6-a a Marinei SUA cu baza in Napoli, ... ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Să înțelegem mai bine Commander John E. Fitzpatrick Commanding Officer https://www.public.navy.mil/surflant/usaamdsro/Pages/bio1.aspx

US Navy CDR Fitzpatrick is a native of Oklahoma. He enlisted in the United States Navy in November 1994 and served four years as a nuclear trained Machinist’s Mate. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and from the University of Florida in 2009 with a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Fitzpatrick’s sea tours have been aboard USS ROOSEVELT (DDG 80) as First Lieutenant, USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71) as Reactor Controls Division Officer, USS ELROD (FFG 55) as Operations Officer, and USS JOHN C. STENNIS (CVN 74) as Reactor Training Assistant. Finally, he served as Officer-In-Charge aboard USS LEWIS B. PULLER (ESB 3) where he led the Gold MILCREW through initial manning, training, certification, and maiden deployment to the FIFTH FLEET AOR. Ashore, Fitzpatrick completed both officer and enlisted nuclear power training pipelines, served as an enlisted Staff Instructor at Nuclear Power Training Unit, Charleston, attended the University of Florida under the SWO MBA program, served as Director, Officer Department at Naval Nuclear Power School, and as an Engineering Assessor at Engineering Assessments Atlantic. Most recently CDR Fitzpatrick served as the Executive Officer of Afloat Training Group Atlantic and has orders to relieve as Commanding Officer of AEGIS Ashore Missile Defense System Romania in 2019.

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CDR Mike Dwan Executive Officer (August 2017 - November 2018) https://www.public.navy.mil/surfor/ddg53/Pages/Bio2-8August201729November2018.aspx

US Navy A native of Port Monmouth, New Jersey, CDR Mike Dwan is a 2000 graduate of the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Arts in English and was commissioned through the Navy ROTC program. Initial sea duty assignments include USS ROOSEVELT (DDG 80) as Electrical Officer and USS CAPE ST GEORGE (CG 71) as Training Officer. His Department Head tour was aboard USS MILIUS (DDG 69) as Weapons Officer fleeting up as the Combat Systems Officer. Prior to earning his commission, he served as an Anti-Submarine Warfare Operator (AW) in PATROL SQUADRON SIXTEEN (VP 16). Ashore, he served as the Ballistic Missile Defense Plans Officer, U.S. Naval Forces, Central Command; as the Naval Integrated Fire Control–Counter Air (NIFC-CA) Requirements Officer, Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV N96) staff, and as the Integrated Air & Missile Defense Branch Lead for Headquarters, Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC). He is also a graduate of the IAMD Warfare Tactics Instructor (WTI) program. He completed Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase I through the Naval War College, Monterey and graduated with distinction from Department Head School where he received the “Arleigh Burke Prize for Excellence” award. CDR Dwan earned his Master’s in Information Warfare Systems Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. His awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Navy Good Conduct Medal, and the Surface Warfare Officer’s School VADM John D. Bulkeley Distinguished Graduate Award along with other personal, unit, and various campaign awards.

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Paul CIUCIOI Independent Consultant LinkedIn

‘Lack of final quality check' drove F-35 non-conforming spare part problem https://www-janes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.janes.com/amp/lack-of-final-quality-check-drove-f35-non-conforming-spare-part-problem/ZnlJK3dHVU9mZ28xajRJVkc5dVI5VFp1cVMwPQ2

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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Open for new opportunities LinkedIn Cod ROADTOPSKILLS001BR

Răzvan Bogorodiță este absolvent al Facultății de Mecanică din cadrul Universității Dunărea de Jos Galați și are o diplomă de Master în Managementul Afacerilor Internaționale în cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice București. Cu aproape 24 de ani de experiență domeniul relațiilor comerciale internaționale în diferie industrii, siderurgică, carbon, aluminiu, ciment, Răzvan Bogorodiță și-a început activitatea ca inginer în cadrul Combinatului Siderurgic Galați în 1995. Între 2004 – 2017 a ocupat diferite funcții în grupul Elsid & Electrocabon, de la Director Comercial al Elsid SA până la cea de Președinte al Consiliului de Aministrație Electrocarbon SA. Între 2018 – 2019 a activat ca Manager de dezvoltare pentru Europa de Est al companei Rain Carbon.

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BELGIUM (1949) ESTONIA (2004) ITALY (1949) NORWAY (1949) SPAIN (1982)

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CANADA (1949) GERMANY (1955) LITHUANIA (2004) PORTUGAL (1949) UK (1949)

CROATIA (2009) GREECE (1952) LUXEMBOURG (1949) ROMANIA (2004) USA (1949)

CZECH Rep (1999) HUNGARY (1999) MONTENEGRO (2017) SLOVAKIA (2004)




NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NEWS

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană NEWS

NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu NEWS

40 links for specific news

Insights https://www.igj.ro/actualitate/o-importanta-firma-italiana-in-discutii-pentru-a-si-mutasediul-in-incinta-parcului-industrial-bumbesti-jiu.html

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informații TELVERDE - 0800.800.358 românii aflați în străinătate: +4021.320.20.20

Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

Johns Hopkins University - USA hartă interactivă, click pe link să aveți datele cele mai recente:

news coronavirus ieri:

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Buletin de presă https://gov.ro/ro/media/comunicate/buletin-de-presa-12-august-2020-ora-1300&page=1 12 august 2020, ora 13.00

Guvern România ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

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