200917 RO.A&D #812

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


joi, 17 septembrie 2020

Prioritățile naționale: 1. Sănătatea • Descătușează potențialul și vigoarea populației 2. Educația • Eliberează și valorifică inteligența, creativitatea și implicarea individuală 3. Infrastructura • Asigură mobilitatea de mișcare și cea de idei 4. Resursele • Valorificarea pe termen lung a rezervelor naturale și bazelor informaționale 5. Balanța comercială • Solicită profesionalismul, eficiența, productivitatea și profitul în activitățile economice și financiare Aceasta este cheia cu 5 elemente esențiale pentru analiza deciziilor, evenimentelor, tendințelor și fenomenelor de orice natură. Trebuie să fim cât mai sănătoși, să fim educați, să ne putem mișca și gândi în voie, să dispunem de resurse și atunci prin activități profesioniste și eficiente vom asigura coeziunea societății și ireversibilitatea evoluției de la nivelul de populație sau public, la cel de națiune care își cunoaște rădăcinile, valorile, interesele și își planifică viitorul. Numai Bine! Emil Hedeșiu heraldcons@gmail.com

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#hailatreabă #let’swork #suntempeacelașidrum . AERONAUTICĂ

... ....................................................... 8

AEROTEH: SVP ..................................................................................................... 8 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................. 10 AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 ...................................................................................... 11 Elbit Systems ........................................................................................................ 11 Awarded Contract to Supply Additional Complex Composite Structural Assemblies for the F-35 Aircraft............................................................................................ 11 . ARME DE FOC & MUNIȚIE . CYBER & ITC

... ................................................... 12 ... .................................................... 13

Siemens ................................................................................................................ 13 delivers Digital Thread for Defence to transform defence industry .................... 13 . COMERȚUL PENTRU APĂRARE

... ............................................... 15

MEGGITT.............................................................................................................. 15 Insights.................................................................................................................. 17 . SOLUȚII TEHNOLOGICE

... .................................................. 18

DACIA MILITARY INDUSTRY: SVP ..................................................................... 18 Dacia Military Industry ........................................................................................... 20 . NATO . UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ

... ...................................................... 20 ... .................................................... 22

Industry starts work on Europe’s Hera planetary defence mission ........................ 23 Hera’s European partners ................................................................................. 25 . DECIZIONAL

... ...................................................... 28

Agendă prim-ministru Ludovic Orban .................................................................... 28 ceremonia de recepție a primului sistem de rachete sol-aer Patriot .................. 28 . FINANȚE

... ....................................................... 29

Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 29 . RESURSE, chiar și de idei

... .................................................... 30

Australia ................................................................................................................ 30 CDIC review recommends changes to boost Australian defence industry ........ 30 Metale de bază ..................................................................................................... 32 Zinc.................................................................................................................... 32 . EVENIMENTE

... ..................................................... 33

Conferința cu tema „Lucrul la distanță – beneficii și provocări” ............................. 33 Situații extreme aviatice ........................................................................................ 33 Sikorsky AUH-76 (S-76) .................................................................................... 33 Page 5 of 43


... ....................................................... 34

Insights.................................................................................................................. 34 . RESPONSABILITATE ORGANIZAȚIONALĂ ... ................................................... 35 Lockheed Martin ................................................................................................... 35 Clearbox Systems first international graduate of Lockheed Martin industry mentor program ............................................................................................................. 35 Ethics................................................................................................................. 36 . COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE

... ............................................... 38

HERALD INSIGHTS: SVP .................................................................................... 38 . TOP SKILLs

... ..................................................... 40

Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ......................................................................................... 40 . TIMPUL: Aliat sau Neprieten?

... ..................................................... 41

informații ............................................................................................................ 41 Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie ...................................................................... 41 Buletin de presă .................................................................................................... 42 16 septembrie, ora 13.00 ...................................................................................... 42 . DIVERSE

... ...................................................... 42

RO.A&D remember ............................................................................................... 42

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The contents of this newsletter is intended to provide a guidance on topics of interest to the A&D industry. For the searching and the identifying specific circumstances it is recommended the expert advice provided by Herald Insights.

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160,00 140,00


100,00 80,00


40,00 20,00 02.12.2020






















200,00 16.12.2020


































mil. euro







BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights

AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):

Valoare totală de piaţă: 265,06 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație









AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 Vă pune la dispoziție facilitățile moderne ale unui Laborator de încercări pentru echipamentele motoarelor de aviație. Vezi detaliile la AEROTEH SVR prezentate într-un clip video.

Elbit Systems Awarded Contract to Supply Additional Complex Composite Structural Assemblies for the F-35 Aircraft https://elbitsystems.com/pr-new/elbit-systems-awarded-contract-to-supply-additionalcomplex-composite-structural-assemblies-for-the-f-35-aircraft/

Elbit System .com Haifa, Israel, September 14, 2020

Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ: ESLT, TASE: ESLT) (“Elbit Systems”) announced today that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Elbit Systems – Cyclone Ltd., was awarded a contract by Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) for the manufacture of assemblies for Forward Equipment Bay assemblies for the F-35. The contract is in an amount that is not material to Elbit Systems and will be performed over a period of four-years. The contract calls for Elbit Systems to supply assemblies for the F-35’s Forward Equipment Bay – made from composite materials and the associated structures – for all F-35 aircraft variants. Elbit Systems will deliver more than 1,400 components to Lockheed Martin during the contract period. The decision by Lockheed Martin comes as a result of Elbit Systems successful performance on the production of other composite structures for the F-35 program. Page 11 of 43

This award further expands Elbit Systems work on the F-35, which includes the helmet mounted display systems, the development of the panoramic cockpit display, power amplifiers and 22 different structural assemblies. Yoram Shmuely, General Manager of Elbit Systems Aerospace Division, said: “We are proud to have been selected by Lockheed Martin to provide additional structural assemblies for the F-35 aircraft. This contract reflects the recognition and trust we have established with Lockheed Martin in our many years of collaborative work”. About Elbit Systems Elbit Systems Ltd. is an international high technology company engaged in a wide range of defense, homeland security and commercial programs throughout the world. The Company, which includes Elbit Systems and its subsidiaries, operates in the areas of aerospace, land and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (“C4ISR”), unmanned aircraft systems, advanced electro-optics, electro-optic space systems, EW suites, signal intelligence systems, data links and communications systems, radios, cyber-based systems and munitions. The Company also focuses on the upgrading of existing platforms, developing new technologies for defense, homeland security and commercial applications and providing a range of support services, including training and simulation systems. For additional information, visit: https://elbitsystems.com/, follow us on Twitter or visit our official Facebook, Youtube and LinkedIn Channels.

Arsenal Reșița


Fabrica de Arme Cugir

Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș






UM Cugir

UM Mija

UM Orăştie

UM Plopeni

UM Sadu

UPS Dragomirești

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Siemens delivers Digital Thread for Defence to transform defence industry https://www.aero-mag.com/siemens-delivers-digital-thread-for-defence-to-transformdefence-industry/

Aeronautic Magazin .com 16 SEPTEMBER 2020

Through its Xcelerator portfolio, Siemens Digital Industries Software is delivering Digital Thread for Defence to enable next generation design, manufacturing and sustainment innovation across the entire aerospace and defence industry, including the Department of Defence (DoD), OEMs, the supply base and aerospace and defence start-up companies. Digital Thread for Defence leverages the industry’s most comprehensive and open digital portfolio to speed the development and delivery of innovative capabilities across the DoD and its entire supply chain. Digital Thread for Defence is already in use by the US Air Force (USAF) to support current and future programs, having awarded Siemens Government Technologies a $24.6 million contract for Teamcenter software, a foundation of the Xcelerator portfolio and Digital Thread for Defence. The Air Force Product Lifecycle Management Capability Support Office will rely on Teamcenter for its open architecture, interoperability and use by aerospace and defence industry partners across a multitude of Air Force programmes. “Defence agencies face increasing challenges from high investment costs to strict contract regulations, which emphasise the need for an open, integrated digital environment to connect data supporting complex DoD programs to the industry,” said Dale Tutt, vice-president of aerospace and defence strategy at Siemens Digital Industries Software. “In selecting Siemens’ Xcelerator portfolio, the Air Force can take advantage of these integrations for use across the span of both legacy and new platforms.” ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

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MEGGITT INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE COMPANIES French defence procurement agency (DGA) Industrial Affairs and Economic Intelligence Department

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STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS Business trends „ Meggitt is a British equipment manufacturer (braking systems, thermal sensors and components, fire protection and control equipment, etc.) with a particular focus on civil and military aeronautics. The group also operates in the energy and health sectors. In 2018, its total revenue, which it mainly generates in the civil sector, increased by 4.4%, driven by the growth of the Control Systems division. „ Defence activities, which accounted for 35% of the group's revenue in 2018, reported strong organic growth (+10%) thanks to solid demand for fighter aircraft equipment (particularly for the F-35), as well as contracts to upgrade the fuel tanks of F/A-18 Hornet fighter aircraft and the U.S. Air Force's UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. „ To improve operational efficiency, Meggitt reduced the number of its sites from 56 to 45 in 2018, adopting fewer but larger sites. In the United Kingdom, Meggitt plans to close additional sites such as its plants in Birmingham, Coventry and Maidenhead. Page 16 of 43

„ Meggitt also adopted a new organisational structure, effective January 1, 2019. The group's activities are now organised around 4 divisions (previously 5): Airframe Systems, Engine Systems, Energy & Equipment and Services & Support. Home market „ The United Kingdom accounted for only 8% of the group's sales in 2018, but for nearly a quarter of its workforce. „ In July 2018, Meggitt launched the construction of a "super site" within the Manufacturing Technology Centre of Ansty Park in Coventry (England) in order to centralise various industrial and support functions. The site, which will employ up to 1,000 workers, should be operational by the end of 2019. The project's total cost amounts to £130m (€148m). „ The group is involved in several British and European defence programmes. For example, Meggitt provides approximately £700,000 (€790,960) worth of equipment (wheels, carbon brakes, landing gear, etc.) for each Eurofighter Typhoon fighter aircraft manufactured. Export markets „ The United States remains the group's largest market, with nearly 60% of sales made to U.S. customers. As a partner of major players such as Boeing or Lockheed Martin, Meggitt participates in various military programmes such as the F-35 fighter aircraft, the P-8 Poseidon surveillance aircraft, or the Apache helicopters. In August 2018, the group inaugurated its expanded and reconfigurated site in San Diego, which it aims to turn into a centre of excellence for the manufacture of aircraft engine components. In October 2018, Meggitt won a $323m (€274m) multi-year contract from the U.S. Defence Logistics Agency to supply spare parts and equipment for H-60 Blackhawk helicopters, F-16 Falcon fighter aircraft and CH-47 Chinook helicopters. „ In 2019, the group signed a $750m (€847m) contract with U.S. aircraft engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney (UTC). The 10-year contract covers the supply of components for the F119 and F135 engines that power Lockheed Martin's F-22 and F35 fighter aircraft. „ Over the year, Meggitt also won several contracts with General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS), including a $37m (€34m) contract in March 2019 to supply cooling and electrical systems for the M1 Abrams tank programme, as well as a multi-million dollar contract in June 2019 to develop an advanced cooling system for the U.S. Army's next-generation battle tanks. Technology and Innovation Meggitt's R&D expenditure amounted to £138m (€156m) in 2018, representing 6.6% of revenue. This compares with £158m (€180m), or 7.6% of revenue, in 2017.

Insights India's defence exports zoom 700% in two years Japan pushes defense equipment exports with corporate expertise

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Dacia Military Industry DMI vă propune Sistemul inteligent de scanare a temperaturii corpului uman, la nivel individual și de grup TERMOGUARD DMI-C este utilizat în lupta pentru prevenirea și combatarea răspândirii infecției cu virusul SARS-Cov-2 și pentru creșterea capacității de răspuns la situații de criză Vizitează DMI SVP și vizionează clipul video.


BELGIUM (1949) ESTONIA (2004) ITALY (1949) NORWAY (1949) SPAIN (1982)

BULGARIA (2004) FRANCE (1949) LATVIA (2004) POLAND (1999) TURKEY (1952)

CANADA (1949) GERMANY (1955) LITHUANIA (2004) PORTUGAL (1949) UK (1949)

CROATIA (2009) GREECE (1952) LUXEMBOURG (1949) ROMANIA (2004) USA (1949)

CZECH Rep (1999) HUNGARY (1999) MONTENEGRO (2017) SLOVAKIA (2004)




NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NEWS

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană NEWS

NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu NEWS

40 links for specific news

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European Commission

The Commissioners

Press corner


High Representative/ Vice-President

Executive Vice-President Digital Age

Ursula von der Leyen NEWS

Josep Borrell Fontelles NEWS

Margrethe Vestager NEWS




Paolo Gentiloni NEWS

Kadri Simson NEWS

Adina Vălean NEWS

COMMISSIONER Internal Market Thierry Breton NEWS

COMMISSIONER Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides NEWS

COMMISSIONER Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič NEWS

European Parliament



President European Parliament David-Maria SASSOLI NEWS

President SEDE Nathalie LOISEAU NEWS


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ITRE Cristian-Silviu BUŞOI NEWS

President European Council Charles Michel NEWS

Chief Executive European Defence Agency

Jiří Šedivý NEWS

Chairman EUMC Gl. Claudio Graziano NEWS

65 links for specific news Industry starts work on Europe’s Hera planetary defence mission http://www.esa.int/Safety_Security/Hera/Industry_starts_work_on_Europe_s_Hera_pl anetary_defence_mission

European Space Agency – ESA .int 15/09/20202809 VIEWS41 LIKES ESA / Safety & Security / Hera

Today ESA awarded a €129.4 million contract covering the detailed design, manufacturing and testing of Hera, the Agency’s first mission for planetary defence. This ambitious mission will be Europe’s contribution to an international asteroid deflection effort, set to perform sustained exploration of a double asteroid system. Hera – named after the Greek goddess of marriage – will be, along with NASA's Double Asteroid Redirect Test (DART) spacecraft, humankind’s first probe to rendezvous with a binary asteroid system, a little understood class making up around 15% of all known asteroids.

Hera scans DART’s impact crater Page 23 of 43

The contract was signed today by Franco Ongaro, ESA Director of Technology, Engineering and Quality, and Marco Fuchs, CEO of Germany space company OHB, prime contractor of the Hera consortium. The signing took place at ESA’s ESOC centre in Germany, which will serve as mission control for the 2024-launched Hera. Hera is the European contribution to an international planetary defence collaboration among European and US scientists called the Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment, AIDA. The DART spacecraft – due for launch in July 2021 – will first perform a kinetic impact on the smaller of the two bodies. Hera will follow-up with a detailed post-impact survey to turn this grand-scale experiment into a well-understood and repeatable asteroid deflection technique.

NASA's DART impacting asteroid While doing so, the desk-sized Hera will also demonstrate multiple novel technologies, such as autonomous navigation around the asteroid – like modern driverless cars on Earth – while gathering crucial scientific data, to help scientists and future mission planners better understand asteroid compositions and structures. Hera will also deploy Europe’s first ‘CubeSats’ (miniature satellites built up from 10 cm boxes) into deep space for close-up asteroid surveying, including the very first radar probe of an asteroid’s interior – using an updated version of the radar system carried on ESA’s Rosetta comet mission.

Hera contract signing Page 24 of 43

Due to launch in October 2024, Hera will travel to a binary asteroid system – the Didymos pair of near-Earth asteroids. The 780 m-diameter mountain-sized main body is orbited by a 160 m moon, formally christened 'Dimorphos' in June 2020, about the same size as the Great Pyramid of Giza. DART’s kinetic impact into Dimorphos in September 2022 is expected to alter its orbit around Didymos as well as create a substantial crater. This moonlet asteroid will become unique, as the first celestial body to have its orbital and physical characteristics intentionally altered by human intervention. Hera will arrive at the Didymos system at the end of 2026, to perform at least six months of close-up study. Hera’s mission control will be based at ESA’s ESOC centre in Darmstadt, Germany, also the home of ESA’s new Space Safety and Security programme, of which Hera is a part. This contract signing covers the full Hera satellite development, integration and test, including its advanced guidance, navigation and control (GNC) system. Contracts for Hera’s two hosted CubeSats and relevant technology developments are already ongoing.

Hera’s European partners The contract has been awarded to a consortium led by prime contractor OHB System AG in Bremen. Of 17 ESA Member States contributing to Hera, Germany is in the forefront, tasked with the overall Hera spacecraft design and integration, main navigation cameras, tanks, thrusters, high-gain antenna, reaction wheels, and mass memory unit.

Juventas CubeSat closing on asteroid Italy is leading the mission’s power and propulsion subsystems, and is providing the deep-space transponder that will enable the mission’s radioscience experiment. In addition, Italy is leading the dust and mineral prospecting CubeSat, named after the late Andrea Milani, distinguished professor and leading asteroid scientist. Belgium is developing Hera’s on-board computer and software, the brain of the spacecraft, plus its power conditioning and distribution unit - the heart of its electrical subsystem. It is also contributing to Hera’s Japanese-developed thermal imager and CubeSats operations center at ESA/ESEC.

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Luxembourg is leading the radar-hosting ‘Juventas’ CubeSat and the inter-satellite communication system allowing the two Hera CubeSats to communicate with Earth through an innovative network using Hera as data relay. Portugal and Romania are developing the laser altimeter which will provide crucial information for the autonomous navigation functions. In addition, Romania is developing the image processing unit, harness and the electrical test equipment (while also contributing to its GNC development). The Czech Republic is responsible for the full satellite structure, payload software (to command the instruments), independent software validation and ground support equipment for pre-flight satellite testing. It is also providing components for Juventas’ low-frequency radar and data processing software on the second CubeSat. And Spain is developing Hera’s advanced guidance, navigation and control system as well as the deep-space communication system. It is also providing the Juventas gravimeter instrument. • Austria is supporting with mission data analysis and processing • Denmark is contributing to the Juventas CubeSat and remote terminal unit • France is providing Juventas’ low-frequency radar, as well as star trackers and support to the CubeSats’ payload operations planning and close-proximity trajectories • Hungary is supporting scientific calibration of the cameras • The Netherlands is developing the new deep-space CubeSat deployment system and providing Hera’s Sun sensors • Switzerland is contributing with structural elements and mechanisms for the solar arrays • Finland is providing the second CubeSats’ multi-spectral imager and onboard equipment. It is also providing the data processing unit • Poland is contributing with Juventas’ low-frequency radar deployable antennas • Ireland is providing an innovative inertial measurement unit for the Hera spacecraft to support deep-space navigation • ESA Associate Member State Latvia is contributing a time-of-flight detector for the mission’s laser altimeter.

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România știri A&D




Ludovic ORBAN







Camera Deputaților


Agendă prim-ministru Ludovic Orban Guvern .ro Ieri: •

conferința “Împreună protejăm România”


ceremonia de recepție a primului sistem de rachete sol-aer Patriot

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14.09.20 4,8573 5,2637 4,0974 255,7168










11.09.20 4,8567 5,2304 4,0900 256,0077














10.09.20 4,8573 5,3424 4,1038 256,9068






Aur gr.


US Dollar


Lira sterlină














265 01.01.2020





Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 15.09.20 4,8567 5,2659 4,0866 258,2015







16.09.20 4,8586 5,2943 4,0908 258,2908


5,75 5,7552










225 AUR Y19



grafice HERALD INSIGHTS în baza datelor istorice BNR

Australia CDIC review recommends changes to boost Australian defence industry https://asiapacificdefencereporter.com/cdic-review-recommends-changes-to-boostaustralian-defence-industry/

Asia Pacific Defence Reporter – APRD .com APDR 15/09/2020

A wide-ranging review into the Centre for Defence Industry Capability (CDIC) has recommended a series of changes aimed at boosting support for Australian defence businesses. The review recommended strengthening of the alignment between Defence, defence industry and the CDIC by relocating it to the Department of Defence. The review received strong industry feedback on how the CDIC’s services and operations could be improved, with more than 140 submissions and more than 50 interviews taken into consideration.

Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds


Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price

Minister for Defence Linda Reynolds said a genuine partnership between Defence and industry was critical to ensuring Australia’s industrial base effectively supports Australia’s national security, as reinforced in the Defence Strategic Update 2020. “Making it easier for industry to work with Defence to access opportunities in the defence sector, such as through the work of the CDIC, is essential in this endeavour,” Reynolds said. “This government has faith in Australian businesses to help provide the technological advances and superior capability that Defence needs to protect Australia’s national interests.” ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

O revizuire amplă a Centrului pentru Capacitatea Industriei de Apărare (CDIC) a recomandat o serie de modificări menite să stimuleze sprijinul pentru întreprinderile de apărare australiene. Revizuirea a recomandat consolidarea alinierii dintre apărare, industria de apărare și CDIC, mutându-l la Departamentul Apărării. Revizuirea a primit Page 30 of 43

feedback puternic din partea industriei cu privire la modul în care serviciile și operațiunile CDIC ar putea fi îmbunătățite, cu mai mult de 140 de trimiteri și peste 50 de interviuri luate în considerare. Ministrul Apărării, Linda Reynolds, a declarat că un parteneriat real între Apărare și industrie este esențial pentru asigurarea bazei industriale a Australiei care sprijină în mod eficient securitatea națională a Australiei, așa cum este consolidat în Actualizarea strategică pentru apărare 2020. „Facilitarea industriei să lucreze cu Apărarea pentru a avea acces la oportunitățile din sectorul de apărare, cum ar fi prin activitatea CDIC, este esențial în acest demers ”, a spus Reynolds. „Acest guvern are încredere în afacerile australiene pentru a contribui la asigurarea progreselor tehnologice și a capacității superioare de care Apărarea are nevoie pentru a proteja interesele naționale ale Australiei.” Printre recomandările cheie care urmează să fie puse în aplicare se numără eliminarea limitei de 200 de angajați pentru ca întreprinderile să poată accesa serviciile CDIC, schimbarea fiind stabilită pentru a spori oportunitățile pentru întreprinderile mici de a câștiga munca de apărare. Întreprinderile din Australia regională vor primi, de asemenea, oportunități mai mari printr-un program de informare, în timp ce întreprinderile mici indigene și deținute de veterani vor deveni un punct central al CDIC. Ministrul industriei de apărare, Melissa Price, a declarat că revizuirea a oferit o oportunitate ideală pentru a consolida CDIC într-un moment în care companiile se confruntau cu consecințele economice din pandemia COVID-19. „Având în vedere provocările provocate de pandemia COVID, este mai important ca niciodată să continuăm să dezvoltăm noi modalități de a sprijini industria de apărare australiană”, a spus Price. „CDIC are un rol valoros de jucat în sprijinirea accesului întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii la activitățile de apărare, iar analiza a identificat o nevoie continuă pentru serviciile furnizate de CDIC. După aproape patru ani de funcționare, CDIC și-a arătat valoarea în a ajuta mai multe întreprinderi mici și mijlocii să acceseze oportunități în sectorul de apărare. Implementarea recomandărilor revizuirii se va asigura că Centrul continuă să conecteze apărarea și întreprinderile mici într-un mod mai simplu, mai rentabil și orientat spre rezultate. În special, alinierea mai strânsă a CDIC cu apărarea va crea relații mai puternice cu părțile interesate, care vor servi la maximizarea valorii sale pentru dezvoltarea capacității de apărare. ” Miniștrii au confirmat că au acceptat recomandările cheie privind mutarea CDIC și eliminarea limitei angajaților pentru a spori accesul la servicii. Acest lucru va oferi mai multă claritate pentru planificare și sprijin pentru industrie. O recomandare cu privire la reprezentarea în Consiliul consultativ al CDIC nu va fi susținută. Restul recomandărilor au fost acceptate în principiu. Departamentul Apărării va examina recomandările pentru a oferi sfaturi oficiale guvernului cu privire la implementarea lor. Atât Apărarea, cât și Departamentul de Industrie, Știință, Energie și Resurse au oferit sprijin pentru revizuirea rolului CDIC și a viitorului model de operare. În următoarele șase luni, ambele departamente vor lucra prin recomandările și implementarea revizuirii.

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Metale de bază https://eurometaux.eu/about-our-industry/introducing-metals/


Zinc Știați? Cu toții avem nevoie de zinc pentru a trăi - 10-15 mg / zi recomandat Utilizări cheie: • Galvanizare, pentru a proteja oțelul de coroziune în mașini și alte aplicații • Productie de bronz si alama • Acoperișuri și alte arhitecturi Cifre cheie din industrie: • La nivel global, 10,6 milioane tone de zinc au fost produse în 2015 • În prezent funcționează 13 topitorii de zinc în Europa • Reducerea cu 33% a intensității energiei din 1990 Reciclare: • Zincul este recuperat din reziduuri, material vechi pentru acoperișuri și resturi de alamă sau oțel. • În Europa, 90% din zincul laminat este recuperat și reciclat la sfârșitul duratei de viață • Reciclarea reprezintă aproximativ 25% din metalul produs la nivel global în fiecare an The International Zinc Association (IZA): https://www.zinc.org/ Zincul este al patrulea cel mai des utilizat metal, după fier, aluminiu și cupru, cu o producție anuală de aproximativ 13 milioane tone. Cel mai mare producător de zinc din lume este Nyrstar, o fuziune a australianului OZ Minerals și a belgianului Umicore. Aproximativ 70% din zincul din lume provine din minerit, în timp ce restul de 30% provine din reciclarea zincului secundar. La nivel mondial, 95% din zincul nou este extras din zăcăminte de minereu sulfidic, în care sfalerita (ZnS) este aproape întotdeauna amestecată cu sulfurile de cupru, plumb și fier. Minele de zinc sunt împrăștiate în întreaga lume, principalele zone fiind China, Australia și Peru. China a produs 38% din producția globală de zinc în 2014.

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Conferința cu tema „Lucrul la distanță – beneficii și provocări” https://www.bnro.ro/Conferin%c8%9ba-cu-tema-%e2%80%9eLucrul-la-distan%c8%9ba%e2%80%93-beneficii-%c8%99i-provocari%e2%80%9d-21693.aspx

Banca Națională .ro Banca Națională a României va organiza, în data de 17 septembrie 2020 începând cu ora 10:00, conferința de resurse umane cu tema „Lucrul la distanță – beneficii și provocări”. Evenimentul își propune, în contextul generat de pandemia de COVID-19, prezentarea experienței Băncii Naționale a României, cât și a altor instituții/companii, în ceea ce privește desfășurarea activității în regim asimilat telemuncii : avantajele, limitările, oportunitățile și provocările asociate acesteia. Temele abordate vor viza soluțiile puse în practică de către angajatori în vederea asigurării continuității activității, în special a celei critice pentru funcționarea la parametrii optimi a companiei/instituției, în paralel cu protejarea sănătății angajaților proprii. Programul conferinței 10:00 – 10:30 Keynote speech – Harry Meintassis, Country Managing Director, Korn Ferry – Hay Group 10:30 – 12:00 Lucrul la distanță – beneficii și provocări • Andreea Voinea, Director resurse umane, Banca Comercială Română • Viorel Panaite, Managing Partner, Human Invest • Wilhelm Salater, Director adjunct, Direcția studii economice, Banca Națională a României • Mugur Tolici, Director resurse umane, Banca Națională a României Moderator: Dan Suciu, Purtător de cuvânt, Banca Națională a României Evenimentul va fi transmis în direct pe contul YouTube al BNR

Situații extreme aviatice https://aviation-safety.net/index.php

Aviation Safety Sikorsky AUH-76 (S-76) https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/241974 ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 241974 Date: 16-SEP-2020 Time: 13:00 Type: Sikorsky AUH-76 (S-76) Owner/operator: Philippine Air Force, 505th SAR Group Registration: 202 C/n / msn: 760240 Fatalities: Fatalities: 4 / Occupants: 4 Aircraft damage:Written off (damaged beyond repair) Location: Barangay Upper Manggas, Lantawan -

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Phase: En route Nature: Military Narrative: The Philippine Air Force SAR helicopter crashed in bad weather conditions. The four occupants were fatally injured. Sources: https://news.abs-cbn.com/news/09/16/20/4-killed-as-military-chopper-crashes-in-basilan-amid-badweather https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/9516272

Insights Defense industry worries Congress will punt budget deal into 2021 defensenews.com

How a New Fighter Plane Could Disrupt the Defense Industry

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Lockheed Martin Clearbox Systems first international graduate of Lockheed Martin industry mentor program https://asiapacificdefencereporter.com/clearbox-systems-first-international-graduateof-lockheed-martin-industry-mentor-program/

Asia Pacific Defence Reporter – APRD .com APDR 16/09/2020

As part of its ongoing commitment to the development of Australian industry capability, Lockheed Martin Australia has confirmed Australian communications networks and electromagnetic spectrum operations technology leader Clearbox Systems as the inaugural international graduate of the Mentor Protégé Program (MPP). As the first company outside of the United States (US) to participate in, and complete, the MPP, Clearbox Systems received extensive mentoring from top Lockheed Martin executives in Australia and the US over a 13-month period, covering best practice human resource processes, business ethics, product management, competitive intelligence and cyber security readiness. Joe North, CEO Lockheed Martin Australia. Lockheed Martin Australia Chief Executive Joe North presented Clearbox Systems Executive Director Jeremy Hallett with a commemorative plaque acknowledging the achievement at Lockheed Martin’s state-of-the-art Endeavour Centre, Canberra. He congratulated Hallett and the Clearbox team, referencing the MPP as a further example of the company’s ability to support and develop Australian defence industry capability. “As an Australian defence prime we take our responsibility to provide tools to enable the rapid growth of innovative Australian companies through improved capacity and capability very seriously,” he said. “The Mentor Protégé Program is as intense as it is extensive, and we congratulate Clearbox Systems as the program’s inaugural international industry graduate,” he said. “We are proud to contribute to Australia’s sovereign defence capabilities and the Mentor Protégé Program will provide further opportunities to partner with local industry and boost skills while creating jobs and providing greater access to global supply chains.” Commenting at the Canberra event, Hallett thanked the Lockheed Martin mentors and highlighted the extraordinary breadth of knowledge his team had been exposed to over the 13-month program. “We are proud to be the first company outside of the US to complete the prestigious Lockheed Martin Mentor Protégé Program. It was a privilege to be selected and I am extremely grateful to the Lockheed Martin team for their support and willingness to increase our capacity with the capabilities we need to make us more internationally competitive,” he said. “Clearbox Systems has already started to benefit from the program and, as we have more than doubled our workforce and continue to innovate with new intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and electronic Page 35 of 43

warfare and space domain awareness technologies, we look forward to the possibility of future partnership opportunities with Lockheed Martin.”

Ca parte a angajamentului său continuu pentru dezvoltarea capacității industriei australiene, Lockheed Martin Australia a confirmat rețeaua de comunicații australiană și liderul tehnologiei operațiunilor din spectrul electromagnetic Clearbox Systems ca absolvent inaugural internațional al programului Mentor Protégé Program (MPP). Fiind prima companie din afara Statelor Unite (SUA) care a participat și a finalizat MPP, Clearbox Systems a primit îndrumări extinse de la cei mai buni directori Lockheed Martin din Australia și SUA pe o perioadă de 13 luni, acoperind cele mai bune practici în materie de resurse umane. , etica afacerilor, managementul produselor, inteligența competitivă și pregătirea pentru securitatea cibernetică. Directorul executiv al Lockheed Martin Australia, Joe North, i-a prezentat directorului executiv al Clearbox Systems, Jeremy Hallett, o placă comemorativă care recunoaște realizarea la Centrul Endeavour de ultimă generație al Lockheed Martin, Canberra. El l-a felicitat pe Hallett și echipa Clearbox, făcând referire la MPP ca un exemplu suplimentar al capacității companiei de a sprijini și dezvolta capacitatea industriei de apărare australiene. „În calitate de prim-ministru al apărării australian, ne asumăm responsabilitatea de a oferi instrumente care să permită creșterea rapidă a companiilor inovatoare australiene, prin îmbunătățirea capacității și a capacității foarte serios”, a spus el. „Programul Mentor Protégé este la fel de intens pe cât de extins și îl felicităm pe Clearbox Systems ca absolvent al programului internațional la nivel internațional”, a spus el. Comentând la evenimentul de la Canberra, Hallett a mulțumit mentorilor Lockheed Martin și a subliniat extinderea extraordinară a cunoștințelor pe care echipa sa le-a expus de-a lungul programului de 13 luni. „Suntem mândri că suntem prima companie din afara SUA care finalizează prestigiosul program Lockheed Martin Mentor Protégé Program. A fost un privilegiu să fiu selectat și sunt extrem de recunoscător echipei Lockheed Martin pentru sprijinul și dorința lor de a ne crește capacitatea cu capacitățile de care avem nevoie pentru a ne face mai competitivi la nivel internațional ”, a spus el. „Clearbox Systems a început deja să beneficieze de program și, întrucât ne-am dublat forța de muncă și continuăm să inovăm cu noi tehnologii de inteligență, supraveghere, recunoaștere și război electronic și tehnologii de conștientizare a domeniului spațial,

Ethics https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/suppliers/supplier-ethics.html

Lockheed Martin .com At Lockheed Martin, we stand firmly behind the three core values that shape and guide us in our daily operations and relationships: Do What’s Right, Respect Others, and Perform With Excellence. These simple yet essential values ensure that we conduct ourselves with the utmost integrity, delivering high quality products while following all applicable laws, regulations, and standards of business conduct, and avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. It’s what our customers and shareholders expect. We are committed to meet those expectations, and we in turn trust that all of our suppliers and partners will honor the same values. Page 36 of 43

Ethics Minicourses Through our free minicourses, Lockheed Martin Ethics Officers walk participants through the setup and implementation of each element of an effective ethics program, presenting small business case studies where applicable and citing useful free resources. “Why You Need an Ethics Program” introduces what an ethics program is, why your company needs one, and how to navigate the 12-part minicourse series. Begin with “ Why You Need an Ethics Program” and register your information to start the video. After watching the introduction, click on the elements and register to watch free and relevant minicourses at whatever time is convenient for you!

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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Open for new opportunities LinkedIn Cod ROADTOPSKILLS001BR

Răzvan Bogorodiță este absolvent al Facultății de Mecanică din cadrul Universității Dunărea de Jos Galați și are o diplomă de Master în Managementul Afacerilor Internaționale în cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice București. Cu aproape 24 de ani de experiență domeniul relațiilor comerciale internaționale în diferie industrii, siderurgică, carbon, aluminiu, ciment, Răzvan Bogorodiță și-a început activitatea ca inginer în cadrul Combinatului Siderurgic Galați în 1995. Între 2004 – 2017 a ocupat diferite funcții în grupul Elsid & Electrocabon, de la Director Comercial al Elsid SA până la cea de Președinte al Consiliului de Aministrație Electrocarbon SA. Între 2018 – 2019 a activat ca Manager de dezvoltare pentru Europa de Est al companei Rain Carbon.

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Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

Johns Hopkins University - USA hartă interactivă, click pe link să aveți datele cele mai recente:

news coronavirus ieri:

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Buletin de presă https://gov.ro/ro/media/comunicate/buletin-de-presa-16-septembrie-2020-ora-1300&page=1 16 septembrie, ora 13.00

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