200918 RO.A&D #813

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distribuitor HERALD INSIGHTS


vineri, 18 septembrie 2020

Prioritățile naționale: 1. Sănătatea • Descătușează potențialul și vigoarea populației 2. Educația • Eliberează și valorifică inteligența, creativitatea și implicarea individuală 3. Infrastructura • Asigură mobilitatea de mișcare și cea de idei 4. Resursele • Valorificarea pe termen lung a rezervelor naturale și bazelor informaționale 5. Balanța comercială • Solicită profesionalismul, eficiența, productivitatea și profitul în activitățile economice și financiare Aceasta este cheia cu 5 elemente esențiale pentru analiza deciziilor, evenimentelor, tendințelor și fenomenelor de orice natură. Trebuie să fim cât mai sănătoși, să fim educați, să ne putem mișca și gândi în voie, să dispunem de resurse și atunci prin activități profesioniste și eficiente vom asigura coeziunea societății și ireversibilitatea evoluției de la nivelul de populație sau public, la cel de națiune care își cunoaște rădăcinile, valorile, interesele și își planifică viitorul. Numai Bine! Emil Hedeșiu heraldcons@gmail.com

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#hailatreabă #let’swork #suntempeacelașidrum . AERONAUTICĂ

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AEROTEH: SVP ..................................................................................................... 8 BVB - industria aeronautică .................................................................................. 10 AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 ...................................................................................... 11 Airbus .................................................................................................................... 11 va asigura operaționalitatea elicopterelor NASA timp de 10 ani ........................ 11 Avioane Craiova S.A. - 2326144 ........................................................................... 13 Majorare capital social - eliberare C.I.I.F. .......................................................... 13 Insights.................................................................................................................. 13 . ARME DE FOC & MUNIȚIE . CYBER & ITC

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Polonia .................................................................................................................. 14 THALES and LEONARDO to support Polish navy's anti-submarine warfare capability with flash sonics sonars ..................................................................... 14 . NAVAL

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Fincantieri ............................................................................................................. 15 to design the project of the US Navy unmanned fleet ....................................... 15 . RACHETE

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Programul Sistem de rachete sol-aer cu bătaie mare (HSAM) ............................. 18 ceremonia de recepție a primului sistem de rachete sol-aer Patriot .................. 18 România a recepționat oficial primul sistem Patriot ........................................... 19 Moment important pentru armată: recepţionează primul sistem Patriot............. 19 MBDA Missile Systems ......................................................................................... 20 supply VL-MICA surface-to-air missiles for Meko A-200 frigates of Egyptian Navy .......................................................................................................................... 20 Insights.................................................................................................................. 20 . COMERȚUL PENTRU APĂRARE

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MTU AERO ENGINES .......................................................................................... 21 . SOLUȚII TEHNOLOGICE

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DACIA MILITARY INDUSTRY: SVP ..................................................................... 24 Dacia Military Industry ........................................................................................... 26 NUM Corp. ............................................................................................................ 26 Digital twins for CNC ......................................................................................... 26 ABB Robotic Systems ........................................................................................... 27 Expanded small robot family ............................................................................. 27 . UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ

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EU imposes the first ever sanctions against cyber-attacks ................................... 30 . NATO

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Agendă prim-ministru Ludovic Orban .................................................................... 33 reprezentanții companiei Raytheon ................................................................... 33 evenimentul organizat de Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii cu prilejul livrării unor autovehicule Ford utilate pentru Poliția de Frontieră ................................. 33 fabrica de tractoare agricole IRUM .................................................................... 33 Mihaela Popa, SdS la MEC................................................................................... 34 Jean Badea, SSdS la MEC ................................................................................... 34 . FINANȚE

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Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur ................................................ 35 . RESURSE, chiar și de idei

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Metale de bază ..................................................................................................... 36 Staniu ................................................................................................................ 36 Insights.................................................................................................................. 36 . EVENIMENTE

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La Mulți Ani cu sănătate ........................................................................................ 37 Răzvan STOICA, GTS....................................................................................... 37 Radu VELCEA, Uber ......................................................................................... 37 Razvan MITU, Forte Gaz................................................................................... 37 Militarii români din Mali, vizitați de comandantul MINUSMA ................................. 37 . TOP SKILLs

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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ......................................................................................... 39 . COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE

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HERALD INSIGHTS: SVP .................................................................................... 40 . TIMPUL: Aliat sau Neprieten?

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informații ............................................................................................................ 42 Coronavirus - Covid-19 - Pandemie ...................................................................... 42 Buletin de presă .................................................................................................... 43 17 septembrie, ora 13.00 ...................................................................................... 43 . DIVERSE

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RO.A&D remember ............................................................................................... 43

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200,00 16.12.2020


































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BVB - industria aeronautică Herald Insights

AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):

Valoare totală de piaţă: 265,39 milioane euro Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație









AEROTEH S.A. - 448560 Vă pune la dispoziție facilitățile moderne ale unui Laborator de încercări pentru echipamentele motoarelor de aviație. Vezi detaliile la AEROTEH SVR prezentate într-un clip video.

Airbus va asigura operaționalitatea elicopterelor NASA timp de 10 ani https://financialintelligence.ro/airbus-va-asigura-operationalitatea-elicopterelor-nasatimp-de-10-ani/

Financial Intelligence .ro 17 septembrie 2020

Contractul Hcare Infinite în valoare de 15 milioane de dolari se referă la flota NASA de elicoptere H135 NASA a semnat cu Airbus Helicopters Inc. un contract în valoare de 15 milioane de dolari de tip HCare Infinite pentru asigurarea de servicii complexe de suport, potrivit unui comunicat. Documentul, care acoperă inițial 2 ani cu opțiunea de a fi extins pentru 10 ani, include tot spectrul de servicii de suport pentru flota de elicoptere H135 a NASA, care vor fi livrate de la sfârșitul acestei luni. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ... Page 11 of 44

Defence Ministers of Germany and France visit Airbus in Manching

Airbus Manching, Germany, 17 September 2020

During a visit of the Airbus premises in Manching, Europe’s largest military aviation development centre, the Defence Ministers of Germany and France, Annegret KrampKarrenbauer and Florence Parly, expressed their nations’ support for key European defence programmes.

Ministers Kramp-Karrenbauer and Parly met with senior company executives led by Airbus Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Guillaume Faury, Airbus Defence and Space CEO Dirk Hoke as well as local policy-makers. The event marked the first-ever joint visit of a German and French Defence Minister on site, which is home to some 5,600 Airbus employees from 43 nationalities and some 1,000 service-members from the German armed forces. Both Ministers stressed the importance of fostering key European defence programmes such as the development of an European drone, the so called Euro MALE RPAS unmanned aerial vehicle, and the Future Combat Air System (FCAS). An European industry consortium under the lead of Airbus, with its partners Dassault Aviation and Leonardo, aims at developing a European drone for France, Germany, Italy and Spain, also often publicly referred to as the “EuroDrone”. This new system is designed to bring unique operational capability to Europe in the field of unmanned aerial surveillance. The FCAS programme, brought to life by the governments of France and Germany in 2017, will provide the next level of airpower by creating a System of Systems of manned and unmanned platforms with full operational capability planned for 2040. Spain has meanwhile joined the programme, making FCAS a true European endeavour. On the industrial side, Dassault Aviation and Airbus are leading the FCAS activities together with other key partners. Despite constraints due the COVID19 pandemic, the Joint Concept Study, launched in 2019, and the Demonstrator Phase 1A, launched this year, remain on track. “The visit of the French and German Defence Ministers to Manching is a clear signal of the importance of a strong and capable defence industry for Europe”, said Guillaume Faury, CEO of Airbus. “Manching is the centre of competence and national champion for all German fixed-wing military platforms and thus of strategic importance for our local customer. Here, we are also shaping the future of military aviation with multinational programmes such as the EuroDrone and FCAS and we are very grateful that we could showcase this today to decision-makers.” Page 12 of 44

Besides ongoing programmes, the Ministers also received a glimpse of the high-end technical engineering capabilities of Airbus by visiting into the future of flight with the Low Observable UAV Testbed (LOUT), a research project funded by the German Ministry of Defence that had first been publicly revealed in the fall of 2019. Low observability will be one of the key factors in the development of the Future Combat Air System. Policymakers also praised the high-level visit to one of Bavaria’s top industry sites: “Manching is a prime example of what Europe can achieve in defence if we join forces. Not only are we proud of the international spirit we see here in Bavaria coming from companies like Airbus where Germans, French, Spanish, British and other nationalities are working hand in hand. Manching is also an example for unique and critically important cooperation models with the Bundeswehr”, said Reinhard Brandl, member of the CSU in the Bundestag’s budget committee. “The future of European defence and the future of high-tech industry sites such as Manching hinges on programmes such as FCAS and the EuroDrone. Therefore, we have to ensure they are endorsed and brought forward in a joint and balanced manner.”

Avioane Craiova S.A. - 2326144 Majorare capital social - eliberare C.I.I.F. https://www.bvb.ro/FinancialInstruments/SelectedData/NewsItem/AVIO-Majorarecapital-social-eliberare-C-I-I-F-/D6EFC

Bursa de Valori Bucureşti .ro 17.09.2020 14:14:34

In conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 24/2017 si ale Regulamentului A.S.F. nr. 5/2018, societatea Avioane Craiova S.A. informeaza actionarii ca ASF a eliberat Certificatul de Inregistrare a Instrumentelor Financiare cu numarul AC - 1649 8/16.09.2020 aferent inregistrarii majorarii capitalului social in baza Hotararii A.G.E.A. nr. 1 din 24.04.2020 si urmeaza procedura de depunere a documentelor la Depozitarul Central pentru actualizarea Registrului Actionarilor al Avioane Craiova SA. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Insights Raytheon to cut another 6,500 jobs, bringing tally to 15,000 Flight Global .com

Honeywell demonstrates UV cleaning on Shandong Airlines 737 Flight Global .com

FAA shortcomings and Boeing’s culture contributed to Max crashes: Congressional report Flight Global .com

Business and general aviation deliveries holding up despite Covid impact Flight Global .com

Aerion AS2 begins windtunnel testing Flight Global .com

Gardner commits to steer clear of Impcross acquisition after national security concerns Flight Global .com

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Arsenal Reșița


Fabrica de Arme Cugir

Fabrica de Pulberi Făgăraș






UM Cugir

UM Mija

UM Orăştie

UM Plopeni

UM Sadu

UPS Dragomirești

Polonia THALES and LEONARDO to support Polish navy's anti-submarine warfare capability with flash sonics sonars https://www.thalesgroup.com/en/group/journalist/press-release/thales-and-leonardosupport-polish-navys-anti-submarine-warfare

Thales Group .com 09/17/2020

Four FLASH SONICS dipping sonar and sonobuoy processing systems from Thales will provide the Polish Navy with the latest-generation anti-submarine warfare capability. With its unparalleled threat detection and location performance, the FLASH sonar has become a major success story and consolidated Thales's world leadership in airborne anti-submarine warfare sonars. Teams from Leonardo and Thales have worked jointly with local industry partners to meet the requirements of the Polish Navy The Polish Navy will rely on Thales to equip its helicopters with four FLASH SONICS. The FLASH system (Folding Light Acoustic System for Helicopters) is currently the leading dipping sonar on the international market and has become the benchmark system for the world's major navies. To maintain control over their maritime space and protect security interests around the world, naval forces need reliable, high-performance systems to operate with optimum effect on missions including anti-submarine warfare, maritime search & rescue, defence of maritime approaches and fleet protection for naval forces on deployment. The FLASH is the leading system in the international market for dipping sonars, providing a first-rate level of protection that is recognised by a large number of naval forces, including the US Navy, the UK Royal Navy, the French Navy, the Royal Australian Navy and the navies of the United Arab Emirates, Norway, Sweden, South Korea, the Philippines and now Poland. To date, over 400 Flash systems have been delivered to about a dozen navies around the world. Page 14 of 44

The key benefits of this low-frequency wideband sonar include long-range detection with broad sector coverage and low false alarm rates in open ocean as well as littoral waters. Associated with an active and passive sonobuoy processing system, FLASH SONICS provides an unparalleled anti-submarine warfare capability. Initially designed for heavy helicopters such as the Merlin AW101 from Leonardo chosen by the Polish Navy, the system is also available in a compact version equipped with an electric motor for lighter helicopters like the AW159. Thales and Leonardo have worked jointly with local industry partners, including the Polish aerospace and defence equipment manufacturer WZL1 and the Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), to meet the customer's requirements. This cooperation demonstrates the Thales Group's commitment and ability to build and maintain long-term partnerships with local players. GUT and WZL1 will benefit from transfers of technology for sonar maintenance on this programme. "The FLASH system has been proven in operational deployments with numerous navies, making it a formidable threat for all types of submarines. It is an important instrument of operational superiority for our client navies in their anti-submarine warfare operations. We are very appreciative of the trust the Polish Navy has placed in us with this new contract in partnership with Leonardo, which further consolidates the Group's world leadership position in anti-submarine warfare systems." Alexis Morel, Vice President, Underwater Systems.

Fincantieri to design the project of the US Navy unmanned fleet The futuristic LUSV program for 100-meter long vessels to operate without crew https://www.fincantieri.com/en/media/press-releases/2020/fincantieri-to-design-theproject-of-the-us-navy-unmanned-fleet/

Fincantieri .com Trieste, September 7th, 2020

The Department of Defense and the US Navy awarded to Fincantieri’s subsidiary, Marinette Marine (FMM), a $7 million contract for design and engineering work of the Large Unmanned Surface Vessel (LUSV), the future large-size unmanned surface vessels, able to operate without crew on board. Fincantieri Marinette Marine has been shortlisted with five other companies. Each of them will develop the conceptual design within August 2021. The contract includes an option for an additional study phase to develop detailed engineering work that, if exercised, would extend the duration to May 2022. The award process will follow the scheme of the tender for the 10 first-in-class guidedmissile FFG(X) frigates of the US Navy, awarded to Fincantieri Marinette Marine four months ago, collectively worth $5.5 billion. With this success, Fincantieri reaps the rewards of a long-lasting commitment started 12 years ago with the acquisition of the shipyards in the US. In the meantime, the facilities have been modernized and improved in efficiency so much that today they are undoubtedly acknowledged as an excellence in shipbuilding. Page 15 of 44

In addition to the recent milestone of the FFG(X) frigates, the Group is currently developing the Littoral Combat Ships program for the US Navy, envisaging the construction of 16 vessels (10 of which already delivered). The US subsidiary is also involved in the construction of 4 Multi-Mission Surface Combatants (MMSC) for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as part of the US Foreign Military Sales program.

FMM is the spearhead of Fincantieri Marine Group (FMG), which controls two other shipyards also located in the Great Lakes (Wisconsin) - Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding and Fincantieri Ace Marine. The company serves commercial and government customers, including the U.S. Coast Guard.

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Programul Sistem de rachete sol-aer cu bătaie mare (HSAM) ceremonia de recepție a primului sistem de rachete sol-aer Patriot https://gov.ro/ro/stiri/participarea-premierului-ludovic-orban-la-ceremonia-de-receptiea-primului-sistem-de-rachete-sol-aer-patriot&page=1

Guvern .ro Ludovic Orban: Domnule ambasador, stimați colegi miniștri, stimaţi comandanți ai Armatei Române, sunt onorat să fiu prezent astăzi aici, într-un moment pe care îl consider istoric, momentul în care, pe teritoriul României, sosește primul sistem de rachete Patriot. Este un moment pe care, vă spun sincer, îl aşteptam de mult și este bine că s-a petrecut și, mai ales, sunt foarte fericit pentru că se petrecere în mandatul meu de premier.

România a ales clar, România a ales să fie țară membră NATO, România a ales parteneriatul strategic cu Statele Unite ale Americii, România a ales să fie țară membră a Uniunii Europene. Suntem un partener loial, un partener care îşi respectă toate angajamentele în cadrul acestor alianţe, acestor parteneriate. România a decis să realizeze un program de înzestrare a Armatei pe o perioadă de 10 ani, care a fost adoptat și care prevede practic întărirea capabilităților, în special defensive ale României. România a decis și îşi respectă angajamentul de a aloca 2% din produsul intern brut pentru cheltuielile de Apărare, pentru realizarea acestui program de înzestrare. În cadrul programului de înzestrare, sistemul de rachete Patriot este extrem de important, este un sistem de rachete sol-aer, care este de o complexitate și un grad de tehnologie fără precedent și cu rezultate excepționale dovedite în acțiuni de luptă. România este mai sigură cu rachetele Patriot pe teritoriul României, cetățenii români sunt mai bine apărați. Îi felicit pe toți aceia care au fost implicați în procedurile de achiziții, reprezentanții Armatei Române, cei care au participat la realizarea acestui contract, şi sunt convins că toate cele șapte sisteme achiziționate vor deveni operaționale în conformitate cu calendarul stabilit. De asemenea, vreau să evidențiez Page 18 of 44

că Parteneriatul Strategic dintre Statele Unite ale Americii și România capătă o nouă materializare concretă într-o relație economică și militară care este în avantajul României. Vă mulțumesc!

România a recepționat oficial primul sistem Patriot https://www.aviatiamagazin.com/aviatie-militara/romania-a-receptionat-oficial-primulsistem-patriot/

Aviația Magazin .com Marius Doroftei 17 sept. 2020

România a recepționat oficial primul sistem de rachete sol-aer de tip Patriot. Acesta a intrat în dotarea Forțelor Aeriene Române, care urmează să îl operaționalizeze anul viitor.

Momentul a fost marcat cu o ceremonie ce a avut loc la sediul Centrul Național de Instruire pentru Apărare Antiaeriană „General de brigadă Ion Bungescu” de la Capu Midia în prezența mai multor oficialități. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Moment important pentru armată: recepţionează primul sistem Patriot https://monitorulapararii.ro/moment-important-pentru-armata-receptioneaza-primulsistem-patriot-1-33337

Monitorul Apărării și Securității .ro 17 septembrie 2020 Florin Jipa

Primul sistem de rachete sol-aer PATRIOT este recepţionat astăzi printr-o ceremonie la care participă oficiali militari şi civili, la Centrul Naţional de Instruire pentru Apărare Antiaeriană „General de brigadă Ion Bungescu”, de la Capu Midia, judeţul Constanţa. Page 19 of 44

Sistemul de rachete sol-aer cu bătaie mare a sosit în România în luna august, a trecut prin testarea de acceptanţă şi acum intră în dotarea Forţelor Aeriene Române. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

MBDA Missile Systems supply VL-MICA surface-to-air missiles for Meko A-200 frigates of Egyptian Navy https://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php/news/defence-news/2020/september/8999mbda-to-supply-vl-mica-surface-to-air-missiles-for-meko-a-200-frigates-of-egyptian-navy.html

Navy Recognition .com 16 SEPTEMBER 2020

According to information published by the French Newspaper website "La Tribune" on September 16, 2020, MBDA has received an order from Egypt to supply VL-MICA surface-to-air missiles for the four new Meko A-200 frigates of the Egyptian Navy. Russian Vyborg Shipyard laid the Purga ice class coastguard ship of project 23550 925 001MEKO A-200 frigate. (Picture source savetheroyalnavy Website) ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

Insights MIM-104 Patriot recepționat la Centrul Național de Instruire pentru Apărare Antiaeriană de la Capu Midia rumaniamilitary.ro

Rachete Patriot în România - Marea Neagră are o importanţă strategică deosebită. Încă trei sisteme Patriot până la sfârşitul lui 2022 – Ciucă ECONOMICA.net

Egypte: MBDA monte à bord des frégates allemandes MEKO avec le VL-Mica NG La Tribune .fr

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MTU AERO ENGINES INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE COMPANIES French defence procurement agency (DGA) Industrial Affairs and Economic Intelligence Department

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STRATEGIC HIGHLIGHTS Business trends „ MTU Aero Engines is a German manufacturer of propulsion systems and subsystems (including turbines and other engines) for civil and military aircraft and helicopters, as well as industrial gas turbines. It is also one of the leading players in the field of aeronautical maintenance services. Page 22 of 44

MTU Aero Engines' revenue reached €4.6bn in 2018, up 17.2% year-on-year. Sales of commercial aircraft engines (new engines and spare parts, +24.3%) and demand for maintenance services (+22.5%) were the main growth drivers. „ Sales of military aircraft engines amounted to €431m for the year, pursuing their downward trend (-3.1% during 2018, -11.7% during 2017). The share of this business line in the group's total revenues has halved over the past decade, falling from 18% in 2008 to 8.9% in 2018. „ The group is currently strengthening its industrial capacities: extension of its Polish plant in Rzeszów, opening of a logistics centre at its German site in Ludwigsfelde, creation of a maintenance centre in Serbia. „ In October 2018, MTU Aero Engines announced that Reiner Winkler, Chairman and CEO of the group since 2014, will remain in office until September 2024. Home market „ MTU Aero Engines generated 10.8% of its revenue in Germany in 2018, a share that has been declining in recent years (-7.8 percentage points compared with 2008). „ In February 2019, Germany ordered 33 Typhoon fighter aircraft from the Eurofighter GmbH consortium to replace the Tranche 1 Typhoon fighter aircraft delivered between 2003 and 2008. The value of the contract is estimated at €3.3bn. MTU Aero Engines is involved in the production of the Eurojet EJ200 engine powering these aircraft. Export markets „ MTU Aero Engines' export revenue jumped 18.8% to €4.1bn in 2018, accounting for nearly 90% of the group's total turnover. The company in fact pursued its international expansion, in particular through the creation of joint ventures (e.g. MTU Maintenance Zhuhai, in partnership with China Southern Air Holding Company, for the Asian market). „ The group also benefitted from the confirmed sale of 24 Eurofighter Typhoon to Qatar in September 2018, a contract worth €6.8bn. The aircraft are scheduled for delivery at the end of 2022. „ While the group enjoyed a solid export business, it was, like other German defence manufacturers, constrained by Germany's ban on arms exports to Saudi Arabia, which was extended by 6 months in March 2019 (resulting, for example, in the blocking of a £10bn (€11.7bn) order for 48 Eurofighters). Technology and Innovation MTU Aero Engines' R&D expenses reached €201.2m in 2018 (up 0.8% from the previous year), of which 88% self-financed expenses. This represented 4.4% of the group's turnover, compared to 5.1% the year before. „ As part of Europe's Future Combat Air System (FCAS) programme, MTU Aero Engines and Safran in February 2019 entered into a partnership to design the engine for the future European fighter aircraft (Next-Generation Weapon System, NGWS). MTU Aero Engines will be in charge of designing the low and high-pressure compressors and the low-pressure turbine. MTU Aero Engines will act as the main partner of Safran, which will be the programme's prime contractor.

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Dacia Military Industry DMI vă propune Sistemul inteligent de scanare a temperaturii corpului uman, la nivel individual și de grup TERMOGUARD DMI-C este utilizat în lupta pentru prevenirea și combatarea răspândirii infecției cu virusul SARS-Cov-2 și pentru creșterea capacității de răspuns la situații de criză Vizitează DMI SVP și vizionează clipul video.

NUM Corp. https://num.com/

Digital twins for CNC https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/num-launches-digitaltwin-cnc-machine-tools/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design .com September 16, 2020 Software Naperville, Illinois

CNC specialist NUM has launched digital twin technology that enables machine tool manufacturers to reduce their time to market dramatically, by using powerful Industry 4.0 simulation techniques. Originally known as pairing technology, and first used by NASA in the early days of space exploration, digital twin technology is now rapidly gaining industry acceptance as one of the most cost-effective means of accelerating the development of products, processes, and services. For automation products such as machine tools, a digital twin is a virtual model that uses simulation, real-time data acquisition/analysis and machine learning techniques to allow full evaluation of a machine’s dynamic performance before constructing a physical prototype. The same technology can also be employed for customer presentations, virtual commissioning, and operator training purposes – and all well before the actual machine itself has even been built. NUM offers two versions of digital twin technology, to best suit customers’ needs. Both versions are designed for use with NUM’s powerful, open-architecture Flexium+ CNC platform. One version uses a naked Flexium+ controller and resident virtualization software running on the system’s industrial PC to simulate the twinned machine automation. The other version uses the actual Flexium+ controller that will eventually be incorporated in the machine, linked via EtherCAT to a standalone PC running specialist high speed hardware simulation software to represent the mechatronics of the twinned machine. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ... Page 26 of 44

ABB Robotic Systems https://new.abb.com/products/robotics

Expanded small robot family https://www.aerospacemanufacturinganddesign.com/product/abb-expands-smallrobot-family-irb-1300/

Aerospace Manufacturing&Design .com September 17, 2020 Automation Auburn Hills, Michigan

ABB is extending its family of small six-axis industrial robots with the launch of the IRB 1300, to meet demand for a faster and more compact robot able to rapidly lift heavy objects or loads with complex and irregular shapes. Building on the success of ABB’s IRB 1600 robot for payloads up to 10kg, the IRB 1300 offers a 27% improvement in cycle times and is nearly 60% lighter and 83% smaller than the IRB 1600. With a footprint of just 220mm by 220mm, the IRB 1300 is designed for use in small spaces, enabling more robots to be deployed in a confined area. “The IRB 1300 is an exciting addition to our portfolio of small industrial robots and means we can now offer an even greater breadth of capability and performance”, said Antti Matinlauri, Head of Product Management for ABB Robotics. “We’ve designed the IRB 1300 to help our customers achieve new standards of speed and accuracy as they develop solutions to lift heavy, complex or irregular shapes, even in small workspaces.” Improved payload and reach are suited to materials handling, machine tending, polishing, and assembly and testing applications. The IRB 1300 is available in three main versions: 11kg/0.9m, 10kg/1.15m, and 7kg/1.4m. The 11kg payload for the 0.9m reach variant is higher than any other competing robot in its class. Powered by ABB’s OmniCore controller, the IRB 1300 offers advanced motion control and best-inclass path accuracy, allowing it to handle an expanded range of applications such as polishing and machine tending. To maximize the versatility of the IRB 1300, the OmniCore controller can be equipped with a range of additional equipment, including fieldbus protocols, vision solutions, and force control. OmniCore also offers a simple user interface on the intuitive FlexPendant, which features a large multi-touch display with standard gestures such as pinch, swipe and tap allowing users to quickly get to grips with programming and operating their robot. ... citește știrea originală și integrală utilizând link-ul ...

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European Commission

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65 links for specific news EU imposes the first ever sanctions against cyber-attacks https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2020/07/30/eu-imposesthe-first-ever-sanctions-against-cyber-attacks

European Council .eu The Council today decided to impose restrictive measures against six individuals and three entities responsible for or involved in various cyber-attacks. These include the attempted cyber-attack against the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) and those publicly known as 'WannaCry', 'NotPetya', and 'Operation Cloud Hopper'. The sanctions imposed include a travel ban and an asset freeze. In addition, EU persons and entities are forbidden from making funds available to those listed. Sanctions are one of the options available in the EU’s cyber diplomacy toolbox to prevent, deter and respond to malicious cyber activities directed against the EU or its member states, and today is the first time the EU has used this tool. The legal framework for targeted restrictive measures against cyber-attacks was adopted in May 2019 and recently renewed. Background In recent years, the EU has scaled up its resilience and its ability to prevent, discourage, deter and respond to cyber threats and malicious cyber activities in order to safeguard European security and interests. In June 2017, the EU stepped up its response by establishing a Framework for a Joint EU Diplomatic Response to Malicious Cyber Activities (the "cyber diplomacy toolbox"). The framework allows the EU and its member states to use all CFSP measures, including restrictive measures if necessary, to prevent, discourage, deter and respond to malicious cyber activities targeting the integrity and security of the EU and its member states. Targeted restrictive measures have a deterrent and dissuasive effect and should be distinguished from attribution of responsibility to a third state.

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The EU remains committed to a global, open, stable, peaceful and secure cyberspace and therefore reiterates the need to strengthen international cooperation in order to promote the rules-based order in this area. • Council decision concerning restrictive measures against cyber-attacks threatening the Union or its member states, 30 July 2020 • Council implementing regulation concerning restrictive measures against cyberattacks threatening the Union or its member states, 30 July 2020 • Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the EU: European Union response to promote international security and stability in cyberspace, 30 July 2020 • Declaration by the High Representative on malicious cyber activities, 30 April 2020 • Council establishes framework for sanctions (press release, 17 May 2019) • Cyber diplomacy toolbox (press release, 19 June 2017)


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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg NEWS

Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană NEWS

NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu NEWS

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România știri A&D




Ludovic ORBAN







Camera Deputaților


Agendă prim-ministru Ludovic Orban Guvern .ro Ieri: • ceremonia de recepție a primului sistem de rachete sol-aer Patriot • începerea lucrărilor la conducta submarină din cadrul proiectului de dezvoltare gaze naturale Midia – MGD, dezvoltat de compania Black Sea Oil and Gas, parte a grupului Carlyle Energy • inaugurarea Terminalului de cereale al societății Comvex S.A. • prezentarea programului de nisipare a Zonei de Coastă Turistică, finanțat din fonduri europene Astăzi:

reprezentanții companiei Raytheon evenimentul organizat de Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii cu prilejul livrării unor autovehicule Ford utilate pentru Poliția de Frontieră fabrica de tractoare agricole IRUM

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Mihaela Popa, SdS la MEC Primul-Ministru Decizie privind numirea doamnei Mihaela Popa în funcția de secretar de stat la Ministerul Educației și Cercetării Nr. 337 din 17-Septembrie-2020 M. Of. Partea I nr. 853 din 17 Septembrie 2020

Jean Badea, SSdS la MEC Primul-Ministru Decizie privind numirea domnului Jean Badea în funcția de subsecretar de stat la Ministerul Educației și Cercetării Nr. 338 din 17-Septembrie-2020 M. Of. Partea I nr. 853 din 17 Septembrie 2020

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15.09.20 4,8567 5,2659 4,0866 258,2015










14.09.20 4,8573 5,2637 4,0974 255,7168














11.09.20 4,8567 5,2304 4,0900 256,0077






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265 01.01.2020





Cursul de schimb: euro, liră sterlină, USD, gr. aur 16.09.20 4,8586 5,2943 4,0908 258,2908







17.09.20 4,8595 5,3445 4,1198 257,1520


5,75 5,7552










225 AUR Y19



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La Mulți Ani cu sănătate Răzvan STOICA, GTS

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Militarii români din Mali, vizitați de comandantul MINUSMA https://www.mapn.ro/cpresa/16744_militarii-romani-din-mali,-vizita%C8%9Bi-decomandantul-minusma

Ministerul Apărării Naţionale .ro Nr. 301 17.09.2020

Militarii detașamentului „Carpathian Pumas”, care acționează în Mali, au fost vizitați miercuri, 16 septembrie, de comandantul Misiunii Multidimensionale Integrate ONU de Stabilizare în Republica Mali (MINUSMA), generalul-locotenent Dennis Gyllensporre. Astfel, comandantul MINUSMA a discutat cu membrii contingentului românesc despre misiunile pe care aceștia le-au îndeplinit și a apreciat contribuția adusă de detașamentul de elicoptere la desfășurarea operațiilor MINUSMA de-a lungul anului, prin cele aproximativ 280 de misiuni de zbor executate (dintre care 17 MEDEVAC). Page 37 of 44

De asemenea, generalul Gyllensporre i-a văzut „la lucru” pe militarii care asigurau, în momentul vizitei, turele MEDEVAC și de reacție rapidă (QRF).

Comandorul Cipirian Marin, comandantul detașamentului, și generalul-locotenent Dennis Gyllensporre au discutat, de asemenea, despre concluziile și lecțiile învățate de militarii români în aproape un an de misiune - provocările și ritmul misiunilor, cooperarea cu celalalte structuri din cadrul MINUSMA, detalii operaționale care pot ajuta la îmbunătățirea procedurilor ONU în domeniul operațiilor aeriene. Comandorul Marin a mulțumit comandantului MINUSMA pentru sprijinul acordat militarilor români pe tot parcursul misiunii din Mali, atât pentru prima rotație, cât și pentru cea care se va încheia în curând. Generalul-locotenent Dennis Gyllensporre a apreciat că militarii români au făcut cu adevărat diferența în cadul acestei misiuni, „pentru că elicopterele reprezintă o capacitate esențială a ei”, și că i-au înlocuit cu succes pe militarii canadieni. „Vă mulțumesc pentru tot ce ați realizat în acest an, pentru concentrarea asupra misiunii și numărul mare de ore de zbor. Ați demonstrat cu adevărat profesionalismul și angajamentul României”, a concluzionat comandantul MINUSMA. *** Aceasta a fost cea de-a doua ocazie în care comandantul MINUSMA s-a întâlnit cu echipa de comandă a contingentului românesc, după participarea din octombrie anul trecut la ceremonia care a marcat prelurea responsabilităților și atribuțiilor în cadrul misiunii ONU de la contingentul canadian.

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Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Răzvan BOGORODIȚĂ Open for new opportunities LinkedIn Cod ROADTOPSKILLS001BR

Răzvan Bogorodiță este absolvent al Facultății de Mecanică din cadrul Universității Dunărea de Jos Galați și are o diplomă de Master în Managementul Afacerilor Internaționale în cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice București. Cu aproape 24 de ani de experiență domeniul relațiilor comerciale internaționale în diferie industrii, siderurgică, carbon, aluminiu, ciment, Răzvan Bogorodiță și-a început activitatea ca inginer în cadrul Combinatului Siderurgic Galați în 1995. Între 2004 – 2017 a ocupat diferite funcții în grupul Elsid & Electrocabon, de la Director Comercial al Elsid SA până la cea de Președinte al Consiliului de Aministrație Electrocarbon SA. Între 2018 – 2019 a activat ca Manager de dezvoltare pentru Europa de Est al companei Rain Carbon.

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