22 minute read
BVB - industria aeronautică
herald insights .ro
AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):
Valoare totală de piaţă: 403,44 milioane euro
MIL EUR0 Y2021
430,00 410,00 390,00 370,00 350,00 330,00 310,00 290,00 270,00 250,00
01.01.2022 15.01.2022 29.01.2022 12.02.2022 26.02.2022 12.03.2022
Valoarea totală de piață BVB ind aviație
26.03.2022 09.04.2022 23.04.2022
07.05.2022 21.05.2022 04.06.2022 18.06.2022 02.07.2022 16.07.2022 30.07.2022 13.08.2022 27.08.2022 10.09.2022 24.09.2022 08.10.2022 22.10.2022 05.11.2022 19.11.2022 03.12.2022 17.12.2022
mil. euro
350,00 300,00 250,00 200,00 150,00 100,00 50,00 0,00
01.01.2022 15.01.2022 29.01.2022 12.02.2022 ARS
26.02.2022 12.03.2022 AVIO
26.03.2022 09.04.2022 23.04.2022 07.05.2022 21.05.2022 04.06.2022 IARV RORX TBM
18.06.2022 02.07.2022 16.07.2022 30.07.2022 13.08.2022 27.08.2022 10.09.2022 24.09.2022 08.10.2022 22.10.2022 05.11.2022 19.11.2022
03.12.2022 17.12.2022 31.12.2022
Raport preț aur/argint – 1 an
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gold price .org
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investing .com

22 RO.A&D: Raport preț aur/argint = un indicator al stabilității internaționale Page 55 of 80
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investing .com

Brent Oil Futures Overview (UK)
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Textron 23
textron .com
April 18, 2022 PROVIDENCE, R.I. Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) today announced that it has closed its acquisition of PIPISTREL d.o.o., PIPISTREL VERTICAL SOLUTIONS d.o.o. and PIPISTREL ITALIA S.R.L., known collectively as Pipistrel, an award-winning pioneer and global leader in electrically powered aircraft. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220415005136/en/

Pipistrel, which developed the world's first and currently only electric aircraft to receive full type-certification from EASA, is now part of Textron. (Photo: Business Wire) Pipistrel’s Velis Electro is the world’s first, and currently only, electric aircraft to receive full type-certification from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The company, which offers a family of gliders and light aircraft with both electric and
23 Textron 35 in TOP100/2021 - Defense News Company Leadership: Scott C. Donnelly, Chairman, President and CEO; Country: U.S.; 2020 Defense Revenue (USD millions): $3,449.00; 2020 Total Revenue (USD millions): $11,651.00; Revenue From Defense: 30%. https://investor.textron.com
combustion engines, has delivered more than 2,500 light aircraft worldwide since its founding in 1989 and additionally has both hybrid and electric propulsion models under development. As a Textron company, Pipistrel will have access to greater resources, technical and regulatory expertise and a global aircraft sales and support network, enabling it to accelerate its development and certification of electric and hybrid electric aircraft. Pipistrel is now part of Textron’s newest business segment, Textron eAviation, which will pursue Textron’s long-term strategy to offer a family of sustainable aircraft for urban air mobility, general aviation, cargo and special mission roles. Rob Scholl, who has been leading Textron’s eAviation initiatives to date, has been named president and CEO of the segment. “Pipistrel has already achieved what many other companies only aspire to – certifying and delivering highly regarded electric aircraft to customers around the world,” said Textron Chairman and CEO Scott Donnelly. “We are excited to accelerate Pipistrel’s development and to welcome its talented people into our organization, where we will pool expertise to make Textron a world leader in sustainable aircraft for a wide range of missions.” Pipistrel will remain a distinct aviation brand within Textron, alongside the company’s already established Cessna, Beechcraft, and Bell brands. Its headquarters, research and development, and manufacturing will remain in Slovenia and Italy, where Textron plans to make additional investments to expand manufacturing and product development capabilities. “With Pipistrel, we have the opportunity to take an already great aircraft manufacturer and make it greater still,” said Textron eAviation CEO Rob Scholl. “We look forward to working with its remarkable team and helping the business achieve its full potential.” Under the terms of the transaction, Textron purchased Pipistrel for a cash purchase price of approximately €218 million. Pipistrel’s founder and CEO, Ivo Boscarol, will remain a minority shareholder of Pipistrel with an approximately 10 percent interest for a two-year period, during which he will advise on future product plans and strategies. The cash purchase price includes the amount for which his minority interest will be purchased at the end of the two-year period.
About Textron Inc.
Textron Inc. is a multi-industry company that leverages its global network of aircraft, defense, industrial and finance businesses to provide customers with innovative solutions and services. Textron is known around the world for its powerful brands such as Bell, Cessna, Beechcraft, Pipistrel, Jacobsen, Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO, Arctic Cat, and Textron Systems. For more information, visit: www.textron.com.
About Pipistrel
In 2020, Pipistrel’s Velis Electro became the world’s first, and currently only, electric aircraft to receive full type-certification from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This achievement followed a series of electric aircraft introductions since the company began research and development of electric propulsion in 2000. Pipistrel’s pioneering work has been recognized through awards from NASA, IDC, and other organizations. The company, which offers a family of gliders and light aircraft with both electric and combustion engines, has delivered more than 2,500 light aircraft worldwide since its founding in 1989 and additionally has both hybrid and electric propulsion models under development. www.pipistrel-aircraft.com
About Textron eAviation
Headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, Textron eAviation is focused on sustainable flying, backed by Textron’s 100 years of expertise and the restless spirit for innovation that is embodied in our Pipistrel, Cessna, Beechcraft and Bell brands.
Taking the lead in Textron’s development of sustainably powered flight, Textron eAviation is leveraging the industry-leading product design, certification, manufacturing, and aftermarket solutions from across Textron’s businesses coupled with the newly acquired expertise of Pipistrel. Certain statements in this press release are forward-looking statements which may project revenues or describe strategies, goals, outlook or other non-historical matters; these statements speak only as of the date on which they are made, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, difficulty or unanticipated expenses in connection with integrating the acquired business; the risk that anticipated synergies and opportunities as a result of the acquisition will not be realized; the efficacy of research and development investments to develop and certify new electric and hybrid electric aircraft products; unanticipated expenses or delays in connection with the launching of such new products; and our ability to keep pace with our competitors in the introduction of such new products.
Pipistrel, care a dezvoltat prima și în prezent singura aeronavă electrică din lume care a primit certificarea completă de tip de la EASA, face acum parte din Textron. (Foto: Business Wire) Velis Electro de la Pipistrel este prima aeronavă electrică din lume care a primit certificarea completă de tip din partea Agenției Uniunii Europene pentru Siguranța Aviației (AESA). Compania, care oferă o familie de planoare și aeronave ușoare cu motoare electrice și cu combustie, a livrat peste 2.500 de aeronave ușoare la nivel mondial de la înființarea sa în 1989 și, în plus, are în curs de dezvoltare atât modele de propulsie hibridă, cât și electrice. În calitate de companie Textron, Pipistrel va avea acces la resurse mai mari, expertiză tehnică și de reglementare și la o rețea globală de vânzări și asistență pentru aeronave, permițându-i să accelereze dezvoltarea și certificarea aeronavelor electrice și hibride electrice. Pipistrel face acum parte din cel mai nou segment de afaceri al Textron, Textron eAviation, care va urmări strategia pe termen lung a Textron de a oferi o familie de aeronave durabile pentru mobilitatea aeriană urbană, aviația generală, cargo și rolurile de misiune specială. Rob Scholl, care a condus până în prezent inițiativele eAviation ale Textron, a fost numit președinte și CEO al segmentului. "Pipistrel a realizat deja ceea ce multe alte companii aspiră doar la - certificarea și livrarea de aeronave electrice foarte apreciate clienților din întreaga lume", a declarat președintele și CEOul Textron, Scott Donnelly. "Suntem încântați să accelerăm dezvoltarea Pipistrel și să primim oamenii săi talentați în organizația noastră, unde vom pune în comun expertiza pentru a face din Textron un lider mondial în aeronave durabile pentru o gamă largă de misiuni." Pipistrel va rămâne un brand de aviație distinct în cadrul Textron, alături de mărcile cessna, Beechcraft și Bell deja consacrate ale companiei. Sediul central, cercetarea și dezvoltarea și producția vor rămâne în Slovenia și Italia, unde Textron intenționează să facă investiții suplimentare pentru a extinde capacitățile de producție și dezvoltare a produselor. "Cu Pipistrel, avem posibilitatea de a lua un producător de aeronave deja mare și de a-l face mai mare încă", a declarat Ceo-ul Textron eAviation, Rob Scholl. "Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să lucrăm cu echipa sa remarcabilă și să ajutăm afacerea să-și atingă potențialul maxim." Conform termenilor tranzacției, Textron a achiziționat Pipistrel pentru un preț de achiziție în numerar de aproximativ 218 milioane de euro. Fondatorul și CEO-ul Pipistrel, Ivo Boscarol, va rămâne acționar minoritar al Pipistrel cu o dobândă de aproximativ 10 la sută pentru o perioadă de doi ani, timp în care va oferi consultanță cu privire la planurile și strategiile de produs viitoare. Prețul de achiziție în numerar include suma pentru care dobânda sa minoritară va fi achiziționată la sfârșitul perioadei de doi ani.
Compania UTI a terminat de instalat soluțiile de securitate la Aeroportul Brașov-Ghimbav
Compania UTI Construction and Facility Management a anunțat luni că a finalizat instalarea de sisteme și echipamente de securitate de ultimă generație, în valoare totală de peste 4,7 milioane de euro, la primul aeroport construit de la zero în România în ultimii 50 de ani.
economica .net
Ion Dobreanu - lun, 18 apr. 2022, 17:49 Specialiștii UTI au proiectat, integrat, pus în funcțiune și testat: sisteme de securitate aeroportuară (echipamente de scanare a bagajelor cu raze X, porți pentru controlul pasagerilor, detectoare de metale, detectoare pentru urme de explozibili), sisteme de detecție, semnalizare și avertizare la incendiu, sisteme de control al accesului, sisteme de detecție la efracție, sisteme de televiziune cu circuit închis, instalație de cablare structurată, sisteme FIDS, sisteme de benzi transportoare de bagaje, se specifică în comunicatul transmis de companie. Începând cu anul 2020, UTI Construction and Facility Management este partener ...
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Planul Național de Redresare și Reziliență (PNRR)

24 20.04.2021 RO.A&D: ar fi util dacă un oficial MApN ar explica corelația dintre aceste 10 noi Programe de înzestrare și deja existentele Programe de înzestrare promovate de Direcția Generală pentru Armamente, de mulți ani, pe website-ul oficial: https://www.dpa.ro/dgarm/programe-de-inzestrare# Și care sunt prezentate pe larg în capitolele RO.A&D cu trimitere directă la datele furnizate de Direcția Generală pentru Armamente. 06.05.2021:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpGggG_LmGk Page 61 of 80
The History of International Trade
Exports by Country Since 1970

The video shows the timelapse of total exports of goods and services by country since 1970. Exports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, and gifts) from residents to non-residents. Exports of goods occur when economic ownership of goods changes between residents and non-residents. Videoclipul arată intervalul de timp al exporturilor totale de bunuri și servicii pe țări începând cu 1970. Exporturile de bunuri și servicii constau în tranzacții cu bunuri și servicii (vânzări, troc și cadouri) de la rezidenți la nerezidenți. Exporturile de bunuri au loc atunci când proprietatea economică asupra bunurilor se schimbă între rezidenți și nerezidenți.
Global Economic Outlook Report 2022
- ResearchAndMarkets.com
https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/sy8ni0 research&markets .com
This 2022 global economic outlook research provides a global growth snapshot by identifying growth conditions, policy expectations, and economic risks. After a deep contraction in 2020, the global economy staged a strong recovery in 2021, aided by robust fiscal stimulus measures, a dovish monetary policy, and a nearly 50% full vaccination rate. While recovery is set to continue into 2022, geopolitical tensions, high inflationary pressures, supply-chain disruptions, and a projected tightening of global financial conditions stand to undermine global GDP growth.
Against this backdrop, how will the global economy fare in 2022? What are some of the pressing challenges across different regions and key economies? Which sectors and industries will emerge as the harbingers of growth, driven by policy impetus and Mega Trends?
It uses scenario-based forecasting to examine how changes in vaccination coverage and the spread of new variants can impact global economic growth. Top global predictions of relevance to businesses and policymakers covering supply-chain conditions, monetary policies, and sluggish output growth in China are a key part of the research. Another key feature is the deep dive into regional economic challenges and policy impetus, including national digitalization and decarbonization plans that will put new industries at the helm. Top regional predictions from the research can help businesses navigate economic risks in an increasingly divergent regional growth environment, accentuated by a disparate policy bandwidth and uneven vaccine coverage. Based on a holistic analysis of global Mega Trends and regional policy pivot, the analyst has detailed the economic growth opportunities for businesses in 2022 and beyond. This report defines the context of these opportunities and the call to action for companies that should be leveraged for sustained growth. This research also delineates the key strategic imperatives for businesses that will be crucial to ensuring growth during these uncertain times.
Key issues addressed in this report:
• What is the outlook for global economic growth? • How will vaccine coverage and spread of virus variants influence global GDP growth? • What are the key drivers and restraints for the global economy? • How are key emerging markets and advanced economies poised to fare in 2022? • How will the Ukraine-Russia conflict impact oil prices, supply chains, and the growth trajectory? • How will inflationary pressures and supply disruptions shape regional growth? • How will national digitization and decarbonization strategies shape new growth opportunities? • What are the strategic imperatives to ensure growth?
Key Topics Covered: 1. 2022 Global Economic Outlook - Growth Environment
• Top 5 Global Economic Highlights of 2021 • Top 5 Global Economic Predictions for 2022 • Global GDP Growth • 2022 Scenario Analysis - Quarterly Global Growth • 2022 Scenario Analysis - Assumptions • 2022 Global GDP Growth Snapshot

• Advanced Economies - Predictions for 2022 • Emerging Market Economies - Predictions for 2022 • Top 5 Global Predictions For 2022 - Macroeconomic Policies and Developments • 2022 Growth Opportunities -Top 3 Opportunities by Region • 2022 Regional Trends - Risks and Policy Direction
2. Growth Environment
• Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow? • The Strategic Imperative 8T • The Impact of the Top Three Strategic Imperatives on the Global Economy • Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine • 2022 Global Economy - Scope of Analysis • Key Economic Metrics - Global • Growth Drivers for the Global Economy • Growth Restraints to the Global Economy
3. 2022 Global Economic Outlook
• 2022 Global Predictions - Policy Impetus for Clean Energy to Power the Growth of Renewables and Green Hydrogen • 2022 Global Predictions - Protracted Supply Chain Vulnerabilities to Spur Investments in Securing Chip Supply • 2022 Global Predictions - Digital Economy to Become Increasingly Pervasive Amidst Lingering Pandemic • 2022 Global Predictions - Employee Turnover and Hybrid Model Prevalence to Influence Workplace Shifts • 2022 Global Predictions - Geopolitical Shifts to Give Rise to Economic Fragmentation
4. North America Economic Outlook 2022
• North America - Top 3 Growth Opportunities • The United States - GDP Growth Outlook • 2022 North America Economic Outlook - Top Predictions
5. Latin America Economic Outlook 2022
• Latin America - Top 3 Growth Opportunities • Mexico and Brazil - GDP Growth Outlook • Colombia - GDP Growth Outlook • 2022 Latin America Economic Outlook - Top Predictions
6. Europe Economic Outlook 2022
• Europe - Top 3 Growth Opportunities • The United Kingdom and Germany - GDP Growth Outlook • France and Spain - GDP Growth Outlook • 2022 Europe Economic Outlook - Top Predictions
7. Middle East Economic Outlook 2022
• Middle East - Top 3 Growth Opportunities • Saudi Arabia and Qatar - GDP Growth Outlook • United Arab Emirates (UAE) - GDP Growth Outlook • Middle East - Key Economic Developments • 2022 Middle East Economic Outlook - Top Predictions
8. Africa Economic Outlook 2022
• Africa -Top 3 Growth Opportunities • Egypt and Kenya - GDP Growth Outlook • Nigeria - GDP Growth Outlook • 2022 Africa Economic Outlook - Top Predictions
9. APAC Economic Outlook 2022
• APAC - Top 3 Growth Opportunities • China and India - GDP Growth Outlook • Japan and Singapore - GDP Growth Outlook • Indonesia - GDP Growth Outlook • APAC - Key Economic Developments • 2022 APAC Economic Outlook - Top Predictions
10. APAC Economic Outlook 2022
• Growth Opportunity 1 - Policy Impetus to Accelerate Growth of Clean Energy and Green Transport • Growth Opportunity 2 - Infrastructure Push to Power Growth of the Construction Industry • Growth Opportunity 3 - Democratization of Internet Services and Homeworking Trends to Accelerate Growth of ICT Services
11. Key Conclusions
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/sy8ni0
Comoara ascunsă din Donbas:
Subsolul bogat în minereuri rare,
esențiale pentru industria hi-tech, dar și uraniu, cobalt este râvnit de Putin
https://www.g4media.ro/comoara-ascunsa-din-donbas-subsolul-bogat-in-minereurirare-esentiale-pentru-industria-hi-tech-dar-si-uraniu-cobalt-este-ravnit-de-putin.html g4media .ro
19 APRILIE 2022 • REDACȚIA • 2.016 VIZUALIZĂRI • 5 COMENTARII „Obiectivul prioritar este Donbass”, a clarificat Vladimir Putin în ultimele zile, intensificându-și eforturile pentru a cuceri întreaga regiune. Dar de ce este această zonă atât de importantă pentru Kremlin? Așa-zisul colac de salvare al vorbitorilor de limbă rusă a fost una dintre cauzele care au declanșat conflictul în această zonă încă din 2014 și Moscova vrea „să încheie” ceea ce a început în urmă cu opt ani, scrie Il Fatto Quotidiano, citată de Rador. Celălalt motiv este militar și politic: este nevoie de Mariupol pentru a controla coridorul dintre Rostov și Crimeea, dar și zona mai de la nord, evitând contraatacuri ucrainene
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Aprilie 2022
21.04.-22.04.2022 Reitsportmesse Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 25.04.-27.04.2022 IMDEX Asia Singapore 25.04.-27.04.2022 Rotorcraft Asia & Unmanned Systems Asia Singapore 25.04. -29.04.2022 HANNOVER MESSE, The biggest transformation since industrialization, Germany 26.04.-29.04.2022 C2ISR Week Conference The Global Airborne Intelligence and C2 Community's Annual General Meeting, London, United Kingdom 27.04. -29.04.2022 Smart Manufacturing & Monitech Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan 27.04. -29.04.2022 ADAS 2022, Manila, Philippines 27.04.-30.04.2022 AERO Friedrichshafen - International Trade Show for General Aviation, Friedrichshafen, Germany 29.04.-01.05.2022 Camp Villmark (formerly VILLMARKSMESSEN) - The Scandinavian Game Fair presenting Hunting, Shooting, Fishing and Outdoor Life, Lillestrom, Norway April 2022 ISNR, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates April 2022 AEROMART CHINA, Shenzhen, China, People's Republic April 2022 DSA - Defence Services Asia Exhibition and Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Mai 2022
03.05.-05.05.2022 INTERPOLITEX TASHKENT, Tashkent, Uzbekistan 10.05.-12.05.2022 IDEB 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia 10.05.-12.05.2022 INDO PACIFIC International Maritime Exposition, Sydney, Australia 11.05.-15.05.2022 International Aerospace & Defense Exhibition IADE 2022, Djerba-Zarzis, Tunisia 17.05.-18.05.2022 ASEC22, Nairobi, Kenya 17.05.-19.05.2022 Airportshow - Airport Build & Supply Exhibition, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 17.05.-19.05.2022 IFSEC, London, United Kingdom 18.05. -20.05.2022 Black Sea Defense, Aerospace and Security (BSDA)
18.05. -20.05.2022 KIHE 2022, Almaty, Kazakhstan 23.05.-25.05.2022 EBACE - European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition, Geneva, Switzerland 25.05.-26.05.2022 8th International Workshop on Numerical Modelling in Aerospace Sciences, “NMAS 2022” Bucharest, at INCAS 25.05.-28.05.2022 KADEX - International exhibition of Arms and Technologies, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan 26.05.-29.05.2022 PFERD Wels, Wels, Austria 31.05.-02.06.2022 SIL Barcelona Congress, Logistics, Transport, Intralogistics and Supply Chain in Southern Europe
May 2022 China Sport Show - China International Sporting Goods Show, Shanghai, China, People's Republic May 2022 CIDEX - China International Defense Electronics Exhibition, Beijing, China, People's Republic May 2022 Space Tech Expo USA, Pasadena, United States of America May 2022 IDEB - International Defence Exhibition Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
Iunie 2022
01.06. -02.06.2022 CANSEC 2022, Ottawa, Canada
13.06. -17.06.2022 EUROSATORY 2022, Paris, France
13.06. -17.06.2022 BIEMH 2022, Bilbao, Spain
15.06. -16.06.2022 Competitive Europe 2022, Politico, online, Brussels
20.06. -25.06.2022 Interschutz, Hannover, Germany
22.06. -25.06.2022 Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace (ILA) Germany
Iulie 2022
18.07. -22.07.2022 Farnborough UK
August 2022
29.08. -01.09.2022 Defence & Security 2022, Bangkok, Thailand
Septembrie 2022
01.09. -03.09.2022 ArmSecurity 2022, Yerevan, Armenia
04.09. -07.09.2022 ATSO IRAQ 2022, Baghdad, Iraq
06.09. -08.09.2022 ADEX 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan
06.09. -08.09.2022 SECUREX 2022, Baku, Azerbaijan
06.09. -09.09.2022 International Defense Industry Exhibition (MSPO) Poland
14.09. -15.09.2022 AMRO Business Mission to Romania
21.09. -25.09.2022 Africa Aerospace & Defense (AAD) City of Tswane, South Africa
27.09. -30.09.2022 Arms and Security XVIIIș Kyiv, Ukraine
Octombrie 2022
05.10. -08.10.2022 DEFINDEX, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
10.10. -12.10.2022 ISNR 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
18.10. -11.10.2022 NBAA-BACE Orlando, FL, USA
19.10. -21.10.2022 Future Forces Forum, Prague, Czechia
25.10. -28.10.2022 SAHA EXPO 2022, Istanbul, Turkey
Noiembrie 2022
02.11. -05.11.2022 Indo Defence 2022, Jakarta, Indonesia
15.11. -18.11.2022 MATELEC - International Exhibition of Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Madrid, Spain
Decembrie 2022
06.12. -08.12.2022 GDA 2022, Mishref, Kuwait City, Kuwait
20.02. -24.02.2023 IDEX & NAVDEX 2023, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Martie 2023
02.03.-05.03.2022 IWA OutdoorClassics - High performance in target sports, nature activities, protecting people, Nuremberg, Germany 09.05. -11.05.2023 DEFEA 2023, Athens, Greece
Mai 2023
09.05. -11.05.2023 DEFEA 2023, Athens, Greece
ROMANIA: national parliament voting intention, 29.03.2022
politico .eu

Ion ILIESCU 1990-1992 1997-2000
Ion C. BRĂTIANU 1875-1891
Claudiu TÂRZIU George SIMION
2019 - present
Dacian CIOLOȘ & Dan BARNA 2020-2021
Markó BÉLA 1993-2011
Varujan VOSGANIAN 1992-1995
Marcel CIOLACU Nicolae Ionel CIUCĂ George SIMION Cătălin DRULĂ
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Parliamentary parties:
• PSD: Partidul Social Democrat (Social Democratic Party) • PNL: Partidul Național Liberal (National Liberal Party) • AUR: Alianța pentru Unirea Românilor (Alliance for the Unity of Romanians) • USR: Uniunea Salvați România (Save Romania Union) • UDMR: Uniunea Democrată Maghiară din România (Democratic Alliance of
Hungarians in Romania) • Minorități: parliamentarians representing national minorities
Bogdan Hossu Dumitru Costin Sorin Leonard Bărăscu
preşedinte preşedinte preşedinte Confederaţia Sindicală "Cartel Alfa" Blocul Naţional Sindical (BNS) Confederaţia Naţională a Sindicatelor Libere din România (CNSLR Frăţia)
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Doru PUIU Constantin Bucuroiu Dumitru Pârvulescu
preşedinte preşedinte preşedinte
Federația Națională Sindicală Solidaritatea
Metal (FNSSM) Alianţa Sindicatelor din Industria de Apărare şi Aeronautică (ASIAA) Federaţia Naţională Mine Energie (FNME)
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European Trade Union Federations International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
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Decizia … și culoarele tribunalelor
MApN Ministerul Economiei
Romarm Romtehnica

Ministerul Economiei NAVAL Group Romarm
