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use defence, space and cybersecurity investment
• President Hoyer updated Board on EIB and EIF leading role implementing InvestEU The Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) today agreed to scale up financing for European security and defence innovation and approved EUR 543 million business and clean energy investment. “Russia’s brutal and illegal invasion of Ukraine has driven more than 2 million people out of the country and triggered a humanitarian and security emergency, unprecedented in Europe in recent generations. The European Investment Bank is delivering rapid financial support to Ukraine to assist with urgent financing needs. In addition, the Board of Directors approved today the new EIB Strategic European Security Initiative to continue investment in the European dual-use technologies and civilian security infrastructure. To strengthen energy security and make Europe less dependent on fossil fuels, the EIB will work closely with the European Commission and EU member states to accelerate financing for renewables, energy efficiency and electricity networks. Today we also agreed new high-impact financing to help business to expand and increase clean energy use”, said Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank.
First disbursements under €668 million immediate financial support to Ukraine
President Hoyer today confirmed that the first two disbursements, totalling €129 million of the EIB’s Ukraine Solidarity Urgent Response had already taken place, with further disbursements scheduled for the coming days. Today’s regular March EIB Board meeting followed an extraordinary meeting, convened last Friday, that approved €668 million of immediate financial support to Ukraine. This initial support package is helping the Ukrainian authorities to meet most urgent financial needs by speeding up the disbursement under two loans originally granted to support SMEs and the agricultural sector in Ukraine. The EIB’s rapid support for the war-torn country benefits from the EU guarantee under the External Lending Mandate and complements other initiatives announced by EU institutions.
EIB board backs €6 billion Strategic European Security Initiative to continue dual-use defence, space and cybersecurity investment
The EIB board today approved a new EIB Strategic European Security Initiative (SESI) to strengthen European security and defence by mobilising investment in research, development and innovation (RDI), civilian security infrastructure, and cutting-edge technology projects. Under the Strategic European Security Initiative EIB expects to approve €6 billion of new financing for such projects over the next 6 years. The EIB’s Strategic European Security Initiative reflects new security challenges facing the European Union with cybersecurity and disruptive emerging technologies such as new space, artificial intelligence, or quantum technologies creating new vulnerabilities and threats. It will not change what is eligible for EIB financing or modify the definition of its excluded sectors. The EIB will not invest in weaponry and the EIB cannot finance investments in core defence. The EIB also intends to further strengthen institutional cooperation with the European Commission (DG DEFIS), the EU Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) and the European Defence Agency.
Consiliul BEI sprijină inițiativa strategică europeană de securitate în valoare de 6 miliarde EUR pentru a continua investițiile în domeniul apărării, spațiului și securității cibernetice cu dublă utilizare
Consiliul bei a aprobat astăzi o nouă inițiativă strategică europeană de securitate (SESI) a BEI pentru a consolida securitatea și apărarea europeană prin mobilizarea investițiilor în cercetare, dezvoltare și inovare (CDI), în infrastructura de securitate civilă și în proiecte tehnologice de vârf. În cadrul Inițiativei europene strategice de securitate, BEI se așteaptă să aprobe o finanțare nouă în valoare de 6 miliarde EUR pentru astfel de proiecte în următorii 6 ani. Inițiativa strategică europeană de securitate a BEI reflectă noile provocări în materie de securitate cu care se confruntă Uniunea Europeană în ceea ce privește securitatea cibernetică și tehnologiile emergente disruptive, cum ar fi noile tehnologii spațiale, inteligența artificială sau tehnologiile cuantice, creând noi vulnerabilități și amenințări. Aceasta nu va modifica ceea ce este eligibil pentru finanțare din partea BEI și nu va modifica definiția sectoarelor sale excluse. BEI nu va investi în armament, iar BEI nu poate finanța investiții în apărarea de bază. Bei intenționează, de asemenea, să consolideze în continuare cooperarea instituțională cu Comisia Europeană (DG DEFIS), agenția UE pentru programul spațial (EUSPA) și Agenția Europeană de Apărare.
Table presenting the activities excluded from EIB lending.
€543 million for business and clean energy investment
The EIB today agreed to €543 million of new financing to support business financing in Italy, corporate innovation and expansion of the Fira de Barcelona exhibition centre, alongside clean energy investment. Among these projects are €53 million financing for a new solar powered large scale green hydrogen plant in Spain that will provide a clean energy alternative for energy intensive industrial production. EIB Group to mobilise billions for EU investment under new InvestEU initiative