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Slovenian army to get 45 Boxer armored vehicles in four variants
https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_may_2022_global_security_army_i ndustry/slovenian_army_to_get_45_boxer_armored_vehicles_in_four_variants.html army recognition .com
POSTED ON TUESDAY, 17 MAY 2022 10:45 The Slovenian government, represented by the European procurement organization OCCAR, and ARTEC, a consortium of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and Rheinmetall, have signed a contract for the delivery of 45 Boxer armored vehicles in four different variants. The volume of the order amounts to EUR 281.5 million. Delivery of the Boxer vehicles is scheduled to begin in 2024 and be completed in 2026. Now that EU and NATO member Slovenia has joined the Boxer program, it has six user states.
The Slovenian government, represented by the European procurement organization OCCAR, and ARTEC, a consortium of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and Rheinmetall, have signed a contract for the delivery of 45 Boxer armored vehicles in four different variants. (Picture source: ARTEC) The Boxer is a highly protected 8x8 wheeled vehicle.Its modular construction allows a multiplicity of mission-specific vehicle variants. Therefore, the vehicle family consists of a uniform drive module as well as user-specific deployment modules. Its comprehensive protection system against mines, IEDs and ballistic threats ensures maximum crew survivability. The diverse spectrum of challenges within the concept of
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Guvernul sloven, reprezentat de organizația europeană de achiziții OCCAR, și ARTEC, un consorțiu format din Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) și Rheinmetall, au semnat un contract pentru livrarea a 45Boxervehicule blindate în patru variante diferite. Volumul comenzii se ridică la 281,5 milioane EUR. Livrarea vehiculelor Boxer este programată să înceapă în 2024 și să fie finalizată în 2026. Acum că Slovenia, membră a UE și NATO, s-a alăturat programului Boxer, are șase state utilizatori.