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IDEX 2023: ARQUUS presents VBL Mk3 4x4 armored vehicle in tank killer version https://www.armyrecognition.com/defense_news_february_2023_global_security_ar my_industry/idex_2023_arquus_presents_vbl_mk3_4x4_armored_vehicle_in_tank_ki ller_version.html?utm_content=cmp-true army recognition .com

The VBL (Véhicule Blindé Léger, Light Armored Vehicle) Mk3 is the latest and most advanced version of the famous Panhard VBL, which is already in service within several armies in the Gulf and around the world. As a fully new development, the VBL Mk3 benefits from several upgrades compared with the first VBL.
1 ARQUUS is a French Defense company, European leader of land mobility solutions. Historical partner of the armies, ARQUUS has more than 25,000 vehicles of all types currently in service in the French Army, 20,000 of which are supported by the company. Expert of support solutions, with more than 20,000 vehicles serviced daily, Arquus presents complete support offers, built on the company’s historical knowledge. These solutions rely on a global logistics network, supported by the Volvo Group, Arquus’ parent company. Building on innovation, Arquus invests in major fields such as vehicle architecture, survivability, mobility, energy, robotization, weaponization, and support. Systems conceptor and integrator, Arquus also offers remote-controlled weapon stations (the Hornet range, developed as part of the SCORPION program), vetronics solutions (Battlenet) and mobility capabilities (4x4, 6x6, 8x8 drivelines). Arquus is present in more than 60 countries worldwide.
2 Sharpa Family (https://www.arquus-defense.com/sherpa-light ); Scarabee;
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The VBL Mk3 benefits from excellent mobility. It is equipped with a 130hp modern, diesel engine and a new automatic gearbox, allowing speed and acceleration as well as added comfort for the pilot. It features a new Brake Assist system and improved front and rear suspension systems, increasing the payload and improving vehicle handling. It is also equipped with a centralized tire inflation system (CTIS) which allows for a better adaptation to the terrain conditions and improves mobility on soft ground, especially on sand. It is equipped with a new dashboard, allowing for better management of the vehicle and its tactical situation.
VBL (Véhicule Blindé Léger, Light Armoured Vehicle) Mk3 este cea mai recentă și mai avansată versiune a celebrului Panhard VBL, care este deja în serviciu în cadrul mai multor armate din Golf și din întreaga lume. Ca o dezvoltare complet nouă, VBL Mk3 beneficiază de mai multe upgradeuri în comparație cu primul VBL.
VBL Mk3 beneficiază de o mobilitate excelentă. Este echipat cu un motor diesel modern de 130 CP și o nouă cutie de viteze automată, permițând viteză și accelerație precum și un plus de confort pentru pilot. Dispune de un nou sistem de asistență la frânare și sisteme de suspensie față și spate îmbunătățite, crescând sarcina utilă și îmbunătățind manevrabilitatea vehiculului. De asemenea, este echipat cu un sistem centralizat de umflare a anvelopelor (CTIS) care permite o mai bună adaptare la condițiile de teren și îmbunătățește mobilitatea pe teren moale, în special pe nisip. Este echipat cu un nou tablou de bord, permițând o mai bună gestionare a vehiculului și a situației sale tactice.
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https://www.arquus-defense.com/en/newsroom/news/also-see-idex-2023 arquus-defense .com
The Jaguar is a 6x6 combat vehicle, developed by Arquus, Nexter and Thales in the framework of the French Scorpion program. Arquus is in charge of the mobility of the Griffon and Jaguar vehicles, as well as the procurement of the remote-controlled weapon stations, as well as the logistics of parts and spare parts for these vehicles. The first Jaguar have been delivered to the French Army in 2021.
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Belgium has also ordered Jaguar vehicles in the framework of the Motorized Capability program. Arquus designs and produces the complete drivelines, i.e. all the parts and components ensuring the mobility of the Griffon and Jaguar vehicles. These powertrains redefine the mobility standards of modern 6x6 armoured vehicles and offer the latest generation of off-road performance, enabling the Griffon and Jaguar to accompany the other vehicles in the Scorpion program in the best possible conditions. Arquus can offer a wide range of drivelines, from 4x4 to 8x8. These drivelines can allow for the complete development of new vehicles with high performance in terms of mobility and payload.
Arquus designs and produces the drivelines and armored cabs for Nexter’s CAESAR © SPG. Deployed on several occasions, the CAESAR © has proven over and over its mobility even on the most demanding terrains. Robust and easy to maintain, the CAESAR’s chassis is a proven solution which is currently demonstrating all its worth in Ukraine. Arquus has also been selected to provide with the driveline for the CAESAR Mk2, the future SPG for the French Army, thus continuing a successful partnership with Nexter.
VBCI sur le stand de Nexter à IDEX
Developed in partnership by Arquus and Nexter, the VBCI is the main Infantry Fighting Vehicle of the French Army. Deployed in all the recent foreign operations of the French Army, the VBCI has proven on all grounds its superior mobility, which has redefined the standards for 8x8 vehicles. Fitted with a driveline developed and produced by Arquus, the VBCI is a combat-proven vehicle, ideal for high-mobility missions and collaborative combat within a Task force combining tanks, mobile artillery and reconnaissance vehicles.

The VBL Mk3 combines the best of the VBL Mk2, with its evolved dashboard and central tire inflation system (CTIS) and the best of the VBL Ultima: new, more powerful engine, increased speed, improved handling, reinforced suspensions and chassis, higher payload. Combat-proven on several occasions, the VBL is a vehicle of choice for reconnaissance and cavalry missions.

At IDEX 2023, the VBL Mk3 is equipped with a Hornet AKERON RCWS, combining a 12.7mm stabilized machine-gun, an AKERON launcher for anti-tank purposes, and an independent GALIX smoke grenade launcher for automatic self-protection against missiles and the heavier threats of the battlefield.

Resulting from a program to upgrade the VBL (Light Armoured Vehicle) in anticipation of the VBAE (Armoured Engagement Support Vehicle) program, the VBL Ultima benefits from numerous improvements. The original 95-horsepower diesel engine is being replaced by a new 130- horsepower diesel engine, allowing a speed greater than the 95 km/h of the original standard. The upgraded VBLs also feature a new Brake Assist system and improved front and rear suspension systems to accommodate the increased payload and to improve vehicle handling. It is also equipped with a new air conditioning system to increase comfort and improve the crew’s readiness in all conditions.
Industrial Cooperation
Industrial cooperation supporting the armed forces. Drawing on its agile industrial model and know-how in the fields of design and integration, Arquus offers tailor-made solutions that address all of its customers’ operational needs. Arquus covers the entire tactical wheeled armoured vehicle segment, and all its platforms are capable of integrating mission equipment and systems developed in-house or by its partners. Arquus builds a relationship of trust with each of its customers and partners, channelling shared expertise into the design of best-in-class products.

https://oshkoshdefense.com/oshkosh-defense-exhibits-world-class-militarycapabilities-at-idex-2023/ oshkosh defense .com
February 20, 2023
ABU DHABI (February 20, 2023)
Oshkosh Defense, LLC, an Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE: OSK) company, will showcase a 4-door Oshkosh Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV), equipped with an Objective Gunner Protection Kit (OGPK) during the International Defence Exhibition & Conference (IDEX) 2023 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The vehicle will be part of Oshkosh Defense booth #02-B12 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC) from February 20 – 24, 2023.
“We are excited to be back at IDEX this week discussing our full portfolio of tactical wheeled vehicles,” said John Lazar, Vice President, International for Oshkosh Defense. “Oshkosh is committed to supporting the United Arab Emirates and our regional allied and coalition partners by building world-class tactical wheeled vehicles and mobility systems that strengthen operational and tactical capabilities.”
Most recently, Oshkosh has demonstrated success with programs like the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles A2 (FMTV A2) and the Eitan Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) hulls providing customers with leading innovation and the most capable military equipment in the industry.
Oshkosh Defense leadership will be available to discuss the company’s entire portfolio of vehicles, mobility systems, technologies, and integration capabilities at IDEX 2023 in booth #02-B12.
About Oshkosh Defense
Oshkosh Defense is a global leader in the design, production and sustainment of bestin-class military vehicles, technology solutions and mobility systems. Oshkosh develops and applies emerging technologies that advance safety and mission success. Setting the industry standard for sustaining fleet readiness, Oshkosh ensures every solution is supported worldwide throughout its entire life cycle.
Polonia devine cel mai mare producător de arme din Europa de Est.
Industria poloneză de apărare, contract pentru construcția de obuziere K9 și tancuri K2
3 Oshkosh Corporation: 47 in TOP100/2021 - Defense News Company Leadership: John Pfeifer, President and CEO; Country: U.S.; 2020 Defense Revenue (USD millions): 2,262.20; 2020 Total Revenue (USD millions): 6,856.80; Revenue From Defense: 33%. Headquartered in Wisconsin, Oshkosh Corporation employs approximately 15,000 team members worldwide, all united behind a common cause: to make a difference in people’s lives. Oshkosh products can be found in more than 150 countries under the brands of JLG®, Pierce®, Oshkosh® Defense, McNeilus®, IMT®, Jerr-Dan®, Frontline™, Oshkosh® Airport Products, London™ and Pratt Miller. www.oshkoshdefense.com
defense romania .ro
By Defense Romania Team
8 feb 2023, 09:47
Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa a semnat documente care stabilesc principiile de cooperare industrială cu reprezentanți ai companiilor sud-coreene pentru producția tancurilor K2
Black Panther și a obuzierelor K9 Thunder planificate pentru Polonia. Acest lucru intervine după mai multe luni de dialog cu partea sud-coreeană.
Semnarea documentelor a fost precedată de o altă rundă de negocieri pe care reprezentanții PGZ au purtat-o cu reprezentanți ai companiilor sud-coreene.
Rezultatul rundei actuale de discuții cu compania Hyundai Rotem este așa-numitul ''Term Sheet'', semnat la 23 februarie, care este un document care definește principiile cooperării industriale între PGZ și Wojskowy Zaklady
Motoryzacyjne (WZM) și partenerul sud-coreean în domeniul producției, furnizării și mentenanţei tancurilor K2 Black Panther în versiunea K2PL, potrivit Defence24. Ca urmare a discuțiilor, s-a convenit ca producția comună a tancurilor K2PL și a vehiculelor asociate pe șasiuri pe șenile să aibă loc la uzina constructoare de vehicule militare din Poznan.

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MOWAG Eagle armored vehicles were spotted in Ukraine
Armored vehicles spit fire on training range
Finland Decided Purchase More 155-mm Bonus MK II Projectiles, as Ukraine’s Military Effectively Destroying russia's Armored Vehicles with Them
Escorted by Russian armored vehicles | Six cars of UN reach “Peace Spring” area from…
Syrian Observatory For Human Rights 02:42 Mon, 27 Feb
IDEX 2023: Harrow security vehicles unveils Merkava MRAP APC armored personnel carrier Army Recognition
IDEX2023: Streit Group from UAE unveils three new wheeled armored vehicles
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24 Feb
Russia uses explosive-equipped armored vehicles to blow up Ukrainian positions
Thu, 23 Feb
A Thousand Armored Vehicles to Replace Soviet BMPs: Poland Is One Step Closer to Purchasing Domestic Borsuks
Thu, 23 Feb
Russia Loses 16 Tanks, 24 Armored Vehicles and 3 Drones in a Day: Ukraine
Thu, 23 Feb
PM Fiala Reveals How Many Armored Vehicles and Weapons Were Provided to Ukraine
Thu, 23 Feb
The Czech Republic revealed how many armored vehicles and weapons it provided to Ukraine
Budanov says invaders sending waves of infantry to attack Bakhmut, few armored vehicles used
IDEX 2023: AKSUM producer of armored vehicles from Uzbekistan exhibits for the first time
Wed, 22 Feb
IDEX 2023: IAG from UAE displays its full range of wheeled armored vehicles
France Says to Send Kyiv Armored Vehicles Within Week
France pledges to start sending armored vehicles to Ukraine by next weekend
22 Feb
France says it will send Kyiv armored vehicles within the week Al Arabiya 13:35 Sun, 19 Feb
Kuleba discusses increased production of tanks and armored vehicles with military contractor Rheinmetall
15:13 Sat, 18 Feb
Ukrainian military neutralized enemy’s armored vehicles near Vuhledar Ukraine Military News 23:02 Fri, 17 Feb
France sends first batch of wheeled armored vehicles to Ukraine Ukrinform 23:29 Thu, 16 Feb
France sends to Ukraine a first batch of 14 AMX-10RC anti-tank armored vehicles
Recognition 12:06 Wed, 15 Feb
Greece donates armored vehicles and ammunition to Ukraine
The New Voice of Ukraine 04:34 Wed, 15 Feb
Russo-Ukrainian War. Day 356: 130 pieces of Russian armored vehicles destroyed in just one week near Vuhledar
Euromaidan Press 19:44 Tue, 14 Feb
Russia Luring Soldiers To Remain In Ukraine With Cash Allowances After Armored Vehicles Abandoned
International Business Times - AU Edition 16:20 Tue, 14 Feb
Videos show Russians losing dozens of armored vehicles in Ukrainian ambush
New York Post 19:12 Mon, 13 Feb
First two Centauro II armored vehicles for Brazil presented to Brazilian army Chief of Staff
Army Recognition 17:38 Mon, 13 Feb
Ukraine receives Fennek 4x4 reconnaissance armored vehicles from Germany or Netherlands
Army Recognition 21:39 Sun, 12 Feb
Russia Loses 13 Tanks, 14 Armored Vehicles and an Aircraft in a Day Newsweek 13:55 Sun, 12 Feb
How Poland Learned to Manufacture the MT-LB Armored Vehicles And the 2S1 Gvozdika Self-Propelled Guns, And Will Russians Be Able to Repeat this Success
Defense Express 08:17 Sat, 11 Feb
Russia likely lost dozens of armored vehicles near Ukraine's Vuhledar
Jerusalem Post 15:18 Fri, 10 Feb
IDEX 2023: Discover IAG military and security armored vehicles at UAE defense exhibition
Army Recognition 14:36 Fri, 10 Feb
U.S. armored vehicles reach UK on their way to Ukraine
TVP World 20:19 Mon, 06 Feb
Ukrainian Army receives Hercules armored recovery vehicles
Defence Blog 12:09 Mon, 06 Feb
Ukraine army uses former Belgian army M113 armored vehicles delivered by British company
Army Recognition 11:58 Mon, 06 Feb
IDEX 2023: IAG will present 4 security and armored vehicles in live demonstration
Army Recognition 12:33 Sat, 04 Feb
AOC claims GOP engages in 'stochastic terrorism,' has to use 'armored vehicles' for safety
CBS Austin 22:36 Fri, 03 Feb
Russia's response to threats not limited to armored vehicles: Putin CGTN 06:29 Fri, 03 Feb
Russia's response to threats not limited to use of armored vehicles: Putin China.org.cn 03:59 Fri, 03 Feb
Ukrainian military rated MaxxPro armored vehicles
Ukraine Military News 22:52 Thu, 02 Feb
Norway Ponders to Send CV90 Armored Combat Vehicles to Ukraine Defense Express 13:17 Thu, 02 Feb
Ukraine to get 20 M113 armored vehicles from Spain Defence Blog 12:08 Thu, 02 Feb
150 armored electric vehicles hitting US streets for the future of secure cash delivery Electrek 22:12 Wed, 01 Feb
IAG at IDEX 2023 will present its full range of armored and tactical vehicles Army Recognition 17:39 Wed, 01 Feb
Argentina negotiates large order of Brazilian Guarani armored vehicles Defense News 16:44 Wed, 01 Feb
Improvised Armored Fighting Vehicles (IAFVs) In Service For Cartels Borderland Beat 01:36 Wed, 01 Feb
Greek army to receive 400 additional M1117 Guardian armored security vehicles in 2023
Army Recognition 16:51 Tue, 31 Jan
Invaders loss about 850 people, nine armored vehicles, artillery system, MLRS over day – General Staff Interfax-Ukraine 15:03 Tue, 31 Jan
Ukraine obtained BATT UMG armored vehicles, might purchase them on its own Ukraine Military News 22:37 Sun, 29 Jan
BVB - industria aeronautică head communication .ro
AEROSTAR Bacău (ARS), AVIOANE Craiova (AVIO), IAR Ghimbav (IARV), Romaero (RORX), Turbomecanica (TBM):
Valoare totală de piaţă: 365,49 milioane euro
Rezultate financiare preliminare 2022
bursa de valori bucureşti .ro
Data Publicare: 28.02.2023 8:01:56
Cei mai importanti indicatori financiari preliminati la 31.12.2022, comparativ cu cei inregistrati la 31.12.2021 sunt urmatorii:
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IARV_20230228072953_COMUNICAT-BVB situatii-financiare-preliminate-la-3112-202.pdf
IARV_20230228072917_28-02-2023-iarv--Rezultate-economico-financiare-31-122022 .pdf
IARV_20230228073003_PRESS-RELEASE-BVB preliminary-financial-statementson-31-1.pdf

IAR Brașov raportează că a înregistrat un profit net de 14,2 milioane
de lei în 2022, în scădere cu aproape 40% https://www.economica.net/iar-brasov-raporteaza-ca-a-inregistrat-un-profit-net-de142-milioane-de-lei-in-2022-in-scadere-cu-aproape-40_650997.html/amp
Compania a încheiat anul cu un profit net de circa 14,2 milioane de lei, cu aproape 40% mai mic faţă de cel obţinut în 2021.
Veniturile din exploatare s-au situat la 341,316 milioane de lei (330,7 milioane de lei în anul precedent) şi cheltuielile de exploatare la 325,05 milioane de lei (307,45 de milioane de lei în 2021).
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La 31 decembrie 2022, IAR avea active totale de 657,29 de milioane de lei şi datorii curente totale de 356,26 de milioane de lei.
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Hotarari AGA O 27 Februarie 2023 https://www.bvb.ro/FinancialInstruments/SelectedData/NewsItem/RORX-HotarariAGA-O-27-Februarie-2023/737D7
bursa de valori bucureşti .ro
Data Publicare: 27.02.2023 15:45:20
Hotararile Adunarii Generale Ordinare a Actionarilor (A.G.O.A.) din data de 27.02.2023
6. A.G.O.A. aproba, prin vot secret, alegerea membrilor Consiliului de Administratie prin metoda votului cumulativ, astfel:
Sunt considerati revocati din functie urmatorii membri ai Consiliului de Administratie, care nu a fost reconfirmati prin vot cumulativ :
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2022 Rezultate financiare preliminare https://www.bvb.ro/FinancialInstruments/SelectedData/NewsItem/TBM-2022Rezultate-financiare-preliminare/10CDF
bursa de valori bucureşti .ro
Data Publicare: 28.02.2023 7:43:49
Conducerea Societatii TURBOMECANICA SA, cu sediul in Bucuresti, B-dul Iuliu Maniu, nr.244, sector 6, reprezentata legal prin Presedinte CA Ing. VIEHMANN Radu, informeaza investitorii si actionarii societatii ca pe web-site-ul societatii: www.turbomecanica.ro, si la linkul de mai jos, este disponibil raportul preliminar cu rezultatele aferente anului fiscal 2022, compus din urmatoarele documente:
-Situatia preliminara pozitia fianciara la 31.12.2022;
-Situatia preliminara a rezultatului financiar la 31.12.2022.
TBM_20230228064919_Current-Report-preliminary-results-2022.pdf în 2022 un profit net de 9,46 milioane lei https://financialintelligence.ro/turbomecanica-a-obtinut-in-2022-un-profit-net-de-946milioane-lei/amp/ financial intelligence .ro 28.02.2023

Turbomecanica a înregistrat anul trecut un profit net de 9,46 milioane lei, cu aproape 2,3 milioane lei maimic faţă de cel din 2021, conform rezultatelor financiare preliminare transmise marţi Bursei de Valori Bucureşti.
Cifra de afaceri a companiei, în valoare de 138,181 milioane lei, a depăşit nivelul bugetat de 133,9 milioane lei.
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Boeing Receives U.S. Air Force E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control Aircraft Contract https://boeing.mediaroom.com/news-releases-statements?item=131217
Feb. 28, 2023
Boeing [NYSE:BA] will begin development of two new U.S. variants of the E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft through a $1.2 billion Undefinitized Contract Action.
SEATTLE, Feb. 28, 2023
The E-7 provides a fully integrated, combat-proven, flexible command and control node that delivers multi-domain awareness in the most challenging operational environments. The E-7’s open systems architecture and agile software design enable the aircraft's capabilities to evolve and remain ahead of future threats.
“The E-7 is a proven platform,” said Stu Voboril, E-7 program vice president and general manager. “It is the only advanced aircraft that is capable of meeting the U.S. Air Force’s near-term Airborne Early Warning & Control requirement while enabling integration across the joint force.”
The E-7 tracks multiple airborne and maritime threats simultaneously with 360-degree coverage via the Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array (MESA) sensor. MESA provides the warfighter with critical domain awareness to detect and identify adversarial targets at long range and dynamically adjusts to emerging tactical situations.
5 BOEING - 3 in TOP100/2021-Defense News
Company Leadership: David Calhoun, President and CEO; Country: U.S.; 2020 Defense Revenue (USD millions): $32,400.00; 2020 Total Revenue (USD millions): $58,158.00; Revenue From Defense: 56%.
6 Commercial Airplanes Programs: B737, B747, B767, B777, B787
Defense, Space & Security Programs: AH-64 Apache, CH-47 Chinook, F-15, F/A-18, KC-46 Tanker, P8, Satellites
BOEING stock
► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Boeing/
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► LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/boeing/
► Website: https://www.boeing.com
7 https://www.newsnow.co.uk/h/?search=BOEING&lang=a&searchheadlines=1
Other E-7 operators include the Royal Australian Air Force, Republic of Korea Air Force, Turkish Air Force and the United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force.
The E-7 uses a well-established supply chain which significantly reduces maintenance and logistics costs and increases mission readiness on day one. Converted from the Next-Generation 737-700, the E-7 capitalizes on existing commercial derivative aircraft design, certification and modification processes, allowing E-7s to be fielded to meet Air Force needs.
As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing's diverse team is committed to innovating for the future, leading with sustainability, and cultivating a culture based on the company's core values of safety, quality and integrity.
Boeing Proposes T-7 Advanced Trainer for Australia’s Future Defence Pilots
Feb. 28, 2023
MELBOURNE, Australia, Feb. 28, 2023 Boeing [NYSE: BA] is ready to offer its T-7 advanced trainer to Australia to help ensure the mission-readiness of the country’s future defence pilots. The T-7 is a new cost-effective system combining a trainer aircraft with a ground-based simulator to replace older trainers.
The T-7 could be used to train future Australian pilots of F/A-18F Super Hornets, EA18G Growlers, F-35s and other defence aircraft using live and ‘as real-as-it-gets’ virtual simulation.
The announcement was made during the Avalon 2023 Australian International Airshow, where Boeing brought a T-7 simulator for customer demonstrations.
“The T-7 would fit right into the pilot training and aircraft sustainment our team currently provides for the Australian Defence Force,” said Scott Carpendale, vice president and managing director, Boeing Defence Australia. “Because the U.S. and Australia already have a high degree of interoperability due to flying similar aircraft types, an Australian T-7 could lead to new joint training scenarios between the two countries.”
The T-7’s digital open architecture and reconfigurable cockpit means the trainer/simulator can be updated rapidly for decades to come.
As a leading global aerospace company, Boeing develops, manufactures and services commercial airplanes, defense products and space systems for customers in more than 150 countries. As a top U.S. exporter, the company leverages the talents of a global supplier base to advance economic opportunity, sustainability and community impact. Boeing's diverse team is committed to innovating for the future, leading with sustainability, and cultivating a culture based on the company's core values of safety, quality and integrity.
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Ministerul Economiei a demarat procedurile pentru selecţia Consiliului de Administraţie al Romarm şi a directorului general https://financialintelligence.ro/ministerul-economiei-a-demarat-procedurile-pentruselectia-consiliului-de-administratie-al-romarm-si-a-directorului-general/amp/ financial intelligence .ro 28.02.2023
Ministerul Economiei a demarat procedurile pentru selecţia Consiliului de Administraţie al Romarm şi a directorului general, conform Ordonanţei 109/2011 privind guvernanţa corporativă a întreprinderilor publice, a anunţat marţi ministrul Economiei, Florin Spătaru, menţionând că procedura ar putea să dureze aproximativ trei luni.
Potrivit acestuia, compania Romarm funcţionează în prezent cu o conducere interimară.
“Ministerul Economiei a demarat procedurile pentru selecţia Consiliului de … citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul …
Războiul, mană cerească pentru Romarm: Cifra de afaceri s-a dublat în 2022 https://www.stiripesurse.ro/amp.php?article_id=2810960
By George Traicu
28-02-2023 09:27
Ministrul Economiei, Florin Spătaru, afirmă că în anul 2022 cifra de afaceri a Romarm s-a dublat faţă de anii anteriori. El arată că nu războiul din Ucraina a dus la această dublare, ci ”situaţia geo-poltiică şi necesitatea de asigurare a unor stocuri suplimentare a ţărilor NATO”. La Romarm, directorul economic a preluat interimar funcţia lui Gabriel Ţuţu, anchetat pentru corupţie, notează news.ro.
Florin Spătaru a afirmat, la Prima News, că Romarm, compania naţională din industria de apărare şi filialele sale, înregistrează ”un volum crescut de vânzări” care este normal în contextul în care România şi ţările din jur vor să crească nivelul de securitate în actualul context geo-politic.
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Ministrul Economiei, clarificări în dosarul măștilor neconforme de la
MApN: "Au fost puse în vedere anumite restricții" https://www.antena3.ro/amp/ministrul-economiei-florin-spataru-clarificari-dosar-mastineconforme-mapn-667091.html
antena3 .ro
By Alexandra Cojoianu 28 Feb 2023 • 14:14
"Am solicitat Parchetului General clarificări privind statutul juridic. Am primit aceste clarificări. Compania Romarm funcționează cu o conducere interimară. Doamna director economic a societății are mandat să reprezinte societatea. Consiliul de
Page 25 of 68 administrație a luat act de răspunsul parchetului privind statutul juridic al domnului Țuțu”.
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Directorul Romarm, Gabriel Ţuţu, pus sub acuzare de DNA acum o lună, este în concediu. Ministru: Nu reiese că ar fi incompatibil cu mandatul pe care îl are https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-26112534-directorul-romarm-gabriel-tutu-pus-sub-acuzare-dnaacum-luna-este-concediu-ministru-nu-reiese-incompatibil-mandatul-care-are.htm/amp hotnews .ro 28 Februarie 2023, 15:02
Directorul Romarm Gabriel Țuțu, cercetat de DNA sub control judiciar în dosarul măștilor neconforme din spitalele MApN, este în continuare în concediu de odihnă, potrivit ministrului Economiei, Florin Spătaru. El spune că Parchetul „a clarificat statutul juridic” în cazul lui Țuțu și „nu reiese că ar fi incompatibil cu mandatul pe care îl are”. „Activitatea Romarm continuă. Am solicitat Parchetului General clarificări privind statutul juridic, am primit aceste clarificări. Compania Romarm funcţionează cu o conducere interimară. Doamna director economic are mandat să reprezinte societatea. Consiliul de Administraţie a luat act de răspunsul Parchetului privindu-l pe domnul Ţuţu. Nu s-a întors în activitate, este în continuare în concediu, dar activitatea Romarm continuă”, a declarat marți ministrul Economiei.
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