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Un avion "scanează" de câteva ore Bucureștiul. Ce caută

aeronava I-GRAD deasupra Capitalei https://stirileprotv.ro/stiri/actualitate/un-avion-scaneaza-de-cateva-ore-bucurestiul-cecauta-aeronava-i-grad-deasupra-capitalei.html



Dată publicare: 08-03-2023 17:41

Avionul de mici dimensiuni I-GRAD survolează, miercuri, Bucureștiul, conform flightaradar24.com.

Datele despre originea zborului, destinația aeronavei, dar și despre proprietar sunt ținute la secret.

Pe de altă parte, acest tip de avion - Vulcanair P68 - este prezentat pe site-ul citeste varianta originala si integrala urmarind link-ul … https://twitter.com/HeraldInsights

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The Romanian Aviation & Defense Project (RO.A&D free daily newsletter) is a publication that provides news and updates on the Romanian aviation and defense industry. It is a reliable source of information on the industry, as it is produced by a team of experienced professionals with expertise in the field, of Romanian HERALD INSIGHTS company

The newsletter provides up-to-date information on the latest developments in the industry, analysis of the current state of the industry, insights into the future of the industry and potential opportunities for investment.

RO.A&D Project is a reliable source of information for decision-makers, specialist and top managers interested in on the Romanian aviation and defense industry due to the following reasons:

• The newsletter is produced by a team of experienced professionals with expertise in the field.

• The newsletter provides: o up-to-date information on the latest developments in the industry. o insights into the future of the industry, as well as potential opportunities for investment. o analysis of the current state of the industry. o a comprehensive overview of the Romanian aviation and defense industry. o detailed information on the various aspects of the industry, such as regulations, technology, and market trends. o a platform for industry professionals to:

▪ share their: insights and experiences, ideas and solutions, successes and failures, best practices, research and findings, opinions and perspectives, stories and experiences, insights and advice, ideas and solutions, successes and failures, best practices, research and findings, opinions and perspectives, stories and experiences, insights and advice;

▪ network and collaborate;

▪ discuss and debate the various issues and challenges facing the industry.

With its over 1220 appearances, free and daily, the RO.A&D newsletter is a popular publication with a wide reach. The RO.A&D newsletter has a strong presence on social media, with a large number of followers. The RO.A&D newsletter is regularly updated with new content, which helps to keep readers engaged. The RO.A&D newsletter is a trusted source of information for the Romanian aviation and defense industry.

The readers of Romanian Aviation & Defense Project - RO.A&D newsletter are people interested in the Romanian aviation and defense industry. This includes people in the industry, managers, government officials, and other interested parties. The readership is diverse, including people from all walks of life, including students, professionals, and hobbyists. The readership is international, with people from other countries interested in the Romanian aviation and defense industry.

The RO.A&D newsletter is available online and is published in both Romanian and English, thus ensuring a wide audience, Romanian and international .

Our point of view is that promotion and advertising in the RO.A&D Project could be a successful strategy for you to reach potential customers in the Romanian aviation and defense industry, because the RO.A&D Project is a well-known and respected publication in the aerospace and defense industry and that it is read by decisionmakers and other key industry stakeholders. Please visit the following components of the Project:

• https://issuu.com/heraldcons

• https://competitiveintelligence.ro/proiectul-ro-ad/

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