6 minute read
Tasty Farms Tulsa
Delicious, Ethical, Sustainably Life Changing
By Jessi Lane, Patient Advocate
is a Writer and Oklahoma Cannabis Industry Professional since 2018. She is a Certified Cannacian III and Trichome Institute Certified Cannabis Consultant with a “full spectrum” Postpartum Wellness background.
The Tasty Farms family asks, “What happens when you need a natural medicinal option but can’t or don’t want to smoke CBD or medical marijuana?” Tasty Farms understands in a very personal way that for some, combustible consumption just isn’t an option, but neither is a lifetime of immeasurable pain.
Amidst a crowded, bustling lounge enters a radiant, naturally beautiful girl with a young Laura Ingalls look about her striking face and a professional dancer’s form. Her movement is somehow both rigid and graceful, as she seems to glide through the room like the gentlest flutter of a butterfly’s wing. She is sweet and welcoming in her greeting. Her family calls her Kat. Not too far across the room sits Kat’s mother, Jeannean, “Neaner” Miller. She is charismatic and naturally commands the room. Neaner is the woman you want to sit next to at the dinner party. She is an Oklahoma Cannabis Industry Entrepreneur and the backbone of the Tasty Farms family. “Tasty Farms is a family of people that have experienced the pain management nightmare. Our layered approach to micro dosing with either CBD or medical marijuana products is a natural way to improve your daily quality of life.” Together with Mike, Jeannean’s husband of 35 years and father to Kat, and with the tireless efforts of Kat’s spouse Lucas, Tasty Farms is a true soil to sale, family-owned and operated Oklahoma Cannabis as Medicine Company. Their dedication to the cause stems from a hereditary Invisible Illness dear Kat survives with known as Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM) . Experts tell us ACM is a condition where the brain tissue extends into the spinal canal and occurs when part of the skull is misshapen or smaller than is typical, pressing on the brain and forcing it downward. “It was misdiagnosed from birth,” recounts Jeannean. She goes on to say, “[Kat] was thought to have heart issues. When they couldn’t figure anything out they said she just had a temper and we wrote it off to her being the middle child- not dealing with extreme pain and not being able to communicate that.”
Young Kat was fighting an unknown battle her family was not equipped to forego, as it would be 21 years before Kat received her diagnosis via a CT scan showing a 13mm herniation of her brain. She found joy through music and in dancing, however the immeasurable pain Kat was surviving through would be insufferable to the average person. Receiving senso-

Tasty Farms Tulsa
ry transmissions -like turning on the light- easily over stimulates Kat’s brain. She experiences blinding pain when yawning; coughing is out of the question. Kat tells us, “If I sneezed I would drop to my knees.” In her lifetime Kat has seen over 250 medical professionals, however the healthcare she received was sub par, at best. Kat just wanted to dance, to move, to be without pain but also without the debilitating and dangerous effects of the traditional pain medications she had been prescribed throughout her life. These drugs impaired her so much so that she couldn’t care for herself, “she couldn’t even tell me what she wanted on her pizza,” recalled Neaner. Quietly, almost to herself Kat remarked, “[I thought] If I was not here anymore, how much easier it would be for everyone else.”
“I have been labeled a ‘Drug Seeker’ by medical professionals.” Kat tells us, all the while prescribing her Dilaudid and Fentanyl, among a list of other pharmaceuticals. Moving all over to seek the care of specialists and new drug treatments is very expensive. Kat even underwent incomprehensible tortures such as the cauterizing of her neck via pain management clinics. Kat was also now experiencing seizures induced by pain management. “We began to search for natural ways to end this cyclical nightmare.”
Meanwhile Kat and Jeannean found community in the Walk Across America family. Neaner bonded with mentor, Carol, who encouraged her to look into the not then legal and still taboo subject of cannabis as medicine. Jeannean was a diligent mama bear that buried herself in online research and together they got Kat the medicine she needed in the form of RSO, beginning her titration right away. “When we got this first oil, that’s what started Tasty Farms,” recalls Jeannean. This treatment eased Kat through the otherwise unbearable pharmaceutical detox. Upon doing so the ladies openly informed her pain management doctor. She was offered Methadone and when she rejected that life darling Kat was dropped from treatment and blacklisted. Luckily, Carol the Great connected them with the right Surgeon, Dr. Rosner, and they aligned with a physician they love and of whom Kat is still under her care, Dr. J Edwards.

Kat not only survives with ACM, for which she has undergone three separate surgeries, she is also plagued with other comorbidity issues including EDS and Pott’s disease. Nonetheless, she has applied for and been denied Disability five times. Sadly, this is common among the Invisible Illness population. Kat’s desire to help others can be found in the act of giving her last few dollars to a Dollar Store purchase of necessities for a displaced person in her hometown. She tells us, “I just wanted him to know I saw him.” It can also be found in the selfless giving of herself to Tasty Farms. Along with Jeannean and their spouses they have developed a Body ReLeaf line of products that “will improve your quality of life.” Boy, are they right and Kat is the living, breathing, dancing data to show it! Tasty Farms’ detoxifying Full Spectrum cannabis layering line offers products intended for micro dosing for a patient’s daily maintenance, and macro dosing for break through pain. “Each one of our products were developed due to necessity,” Jeannean reiterates. Their Gluten Free, sugar free Body ReLeaf Drops are RSO infused, and made using Olive Oil- which provides it’s own profile of added benefits. Patients with nut allergies, unlike MCT oil based products, can use the Drops. Their GF RSO infused Honey is sourced in Glenpool by rescued hives. Tasty Farm’s Full Spectrum RSO infused ReLeaf Balm push up stick offers transdermal relief with added Activated Turmeric and Kratom, natural butters including Hemp Seed, Beeswax, Olive Oil, and Essential Oils. The GF, sugar free, dairy free Peruvian Cacao Mushroom Mix includes Red Maca, Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Turkey Tail, Cordyceps, Chaga, Marshmallow Root, and Bolete Mushroom Powders. CBD Comfort Suppositories are available in packs of five. When looking to support a true vertically integrated, family-owned and operated brand who strives to improve the quality of lives first and foremost, lean into Tasty Farms where Neaner reminds us, raising her arms with exuberance, “everything goes through these hands.” Kat understands and appreciates the value of life and tells us she doesn’t know how long her life will be but she hopes to create something that will continue to help people after she’s gone. “If we can reach one person a day we are doing our jobs”.