2 minute read
Let’s do the Time Jump again
Dearest Daring Divine, Tell me, have you been experiencing strange occurrences lately? Small scale mandela effects that pertain to YOUR awareness, but not necessarily things others would notice? Dates or schedules mysteriously changing that you were certain of? Losing things to the void that were right in front of your face, only moments ago? Congratulations! You’ve made a timeline jump! I’d be willing to bet you feel like you’re in a state of limbo when it comes to your life path. Things aren’t quite as certain as before? Or maybe stagnation is creeping in, and even though you’re ready, nothing else is quite caught up to you. SO now you're just…waiting.
I’ve noticed something, Waiting isn’t something the ego likes to do. It struggles with simply being. Being quiet, being in the now, being within. It’s tough being an energetic colander. We sift and release not only our own unserving energies but the collectives as well. The ego wants us to be safe, and comfortable among other things. Therefore it immediately sends off an alarm when we’re not comfortable, I.E. bored.“Distract, distract, distract!” it shouts. Common distractions are sugar and drama. Both poisonous to all. When we consume sugar we’re numbing the emotions and traumas we’re supposed to be transmuting. The only way to transmute them is to FEEL them. Sit with them. Be sad. Be angry. Be bored. These emotions deserve our attention too. They’re kind of like children who need our help to grow up into something better. Something evolved and released.
If left unattended they could become deadweights to a timeline you were never meant to stay in.
There are more people waking up than ever before, so much so that it’s triggered a tipping point and many timelines are converging into the healthiest and highest good of all. The timeline we’ve landed in now tells us Mama Gaia is ready to ascend, and the evidence is obvious. The balance of the masculine and femenin energies need to reach a neutrality. You remember what happens when the
body heals right? It PURGES. There’s been an overabundance of divine masculine for a long time, so it’s only fitting that it is being released upon the Pluto return in the form of war. It’s been said the last time Pluto was in the United States was on July 4th 1776! Other famous Pluto returns include the fall of Rome, and England’s great famine of 1315! Things may get rough, but try and remember, if you give into distraction by way of doom scrolling or being glued to the news, you’re only perpetuating fear, and the narratives that are purging. Don’t feed it. As quantum theory states : nothing observed is unaffected by the observer. Therefore the more you focus on an outcome, the closer you draw it to you. Give gratitude for the releasing of imbalance, and put your focus and intention into a new earth. Put it into Peace, love and neutrality.
Fairfaren dear Starseeds,The YOUniverse