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All Gassed Up by Micah Mckamie
All Gassed Up
by Micah Mckamie An unexpected, yet invigorating cold hit me in the face as I left our “Gassed Up Group Run” meet-up spot Sunnyside Diner.
I was super excited to be there! Everyone involved with Training Through Terps had been working on this event for almost a month and I was curious to see how it all came together.
The wind was coming off the lake in gusts, and as I walked up to the start I could tell everyone was in “high”spirits! The gaggle of runners was about 25-30 people in various brightly colored workout attire. There were even group supporters that showed up.
The groups co-founders Kenny Hilburn And Micah started This group was founded by both Kenny and Micah Mckamie to help change the perception of cannabis users in our society.
“Ultimately our goal is to help non-medicators see that just because you use cannabis, does not mean that the lazy stigma has to be how people see you.” Kenny was on point. “We are out here breaking the stigma and changing peoples mindset, while promoting a healthy lifestyle!”
Out of the 28 people that showed up for this frigid frolic, fifteen ended up running the route while the others took advantage of Sunnyside Diner’s excellent hospitality.
“Just having people out, being able to share in our passion for cannabis and fitness, as well as, being able to connect with pretty amazing people, has made us feel like this has been a huge success.” Micah was elated. “We have these planned out for the next six months and have located these events all over Oklahoma, including one in Tulsa for Armed Forces Day in conjunction with Sherweed Forrest, which is a group of cannabis advocates who are changing the industry through media and art ,”he added.
I noticed the eclectic group in which had gradually assembled. People from all walks of life came out to enjoy community. As we moved up to the starting line the mood became more lively and pumped. Everyone was highly medicated by this point and as we started off on our route it became evident to me that this was going to be a big deal
After the run we all congregated at Sunnyside Diner to continue. This was such a great opportunity for the cannabis community to come together with vendors, local dispensary deals, and who knows what could be next?
We started to say our goodbyes, “Gassed Up Group Run” was a awesome success and made for an amazing day.
I settled into my car to head out. I cannot wait for the next one.
Upcoming Gassed Up Group Run events: -Saturday March 20th Western/Paseo District -Tuesday April 20th Stillwater -Saturday May 15th Tulsa -Sunday June 6 OKC D-Day run
Follow along and join in on Instagram @trainingthroughterp

A revolutionary cannabis company specializing in Organic and sustainable practices. The very term “Hermetic” has its very roots in Ancient Greece as well as Ancient Egypt.
Hermeticism is based upon and attributed to the teachings of Hermés Trismegistus, a sage based sometime around late antiquity. The very translation of the Hermetic corpus is what boosted The Italian renaissance. People such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were heavily influenced by this philosophical treat. Alchemy sprang forth from these ideologies, giving birth to modern day chemistry, Science, and Western thought. This art form was then transformed into the profane, taking away its very essence, the spiritual wisdom needed to change lead (material spirit) into gold (Sun source or pure spirit).
The works of Giordano Bruno, Italian Alchemist and influencer of Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos”, were stumbled upon by mixing Hermetic philosophy with Moroccan hashish...Proclaiming a Heliocentric model and that the universe was many infinite universes. This later had him burned at the cross. It is our belief that by ditching profane science and making our way back to spiritual alchemy, that we are to become one with ourselves and the plant.
It is our mission to mix spiritual philosophy with craft cannabis to bring the holy trinity of healing; which is the mind, the body, and the soul. There’s absolutely no questions pertaining around cannabis NOT being a valuable medicine for physical and mental ailments...but what about the spiritual sense? The taboo nature of man itself which raises such questions of, “ why am I here? What are we doing here?
What does it mean to be alive” all these have meaning and are being acted upon within the garden of the Hermetic Flower Co. We focus on maintaining a standard of medicine that’s unheard of in the state let alone the south.
What else makes hermetic so special? They’re not only organic, living soil....they also make their own compost, on site, via vermicompost, AKA worm POOP! Using a specially formulated worm diet, Alex, the Director of cultivator and science, is able to influence the metaphysical properties of the body; specifically the seven chakras or seven alchemical planets through watering the compost in through a process known as ACT or Aerated compost tea.

This adds the beneficial microbiology and fungi from the high quality compost into the raised beds that team ALPACA cultivate out of. After the tea is complete, we then close the loop by disposing of the waste back into the Vemicompost bins where the process starts all over again. A full life and death cycle and we haven’t even touched on the plants yet!! Alex and his team of Alpacs, plant and harvest around the cycles of the moon.
“Nothing on the planet can move water like the moon can”
As the Moon influences the water in the plant, we see it as a prime time to harvest and flip our plants into flowers. Even though an indoor grow, it’s important to remember that we’re dealing with nature and respecting and understanding the cycles of nature is of the utmost importance to us.
We are also in a vertical rack cultivation system meaning we cultivate on multiple levels instead of just on the ground floor. It allows us to maximize our cubic volume, which is how cannabis grows anyways, through cubic volume!
Finally, our last attempt at trying our best to maintain efficiency and sustainability is using LED technology. LEDs make for a more efficient lighting source in the way that it disperses heat, it allows for excess humidity while consuming less power and allows you to manipulate the amount of photons that hit the canopy. This in combination with VPD or vapor pressure deficit, allows us to manipulate and influence our environment to mimic that of the Nepal Mountain ranges; where we believe landrace, heavy medicine comes from. We want to bring out those genetic expressions through each individual cultivar we carry.
The Hermetic Flower Company isn’t just a cannabis company, it’s a cannabis lifestyle. From Italian Renaissance smoking Alchemist to every day spiritual seekers the philosophy, integrity and consistency of this company will have you thinking, feeling, and smelling LOUD!