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Notes from the Brew Room Ann King

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External and internal nurturing

Ann King


Goat’s Rue (Galega officinalis) is native to the Middle East but, like many herbs, was introduced to this country in the 16th century as an important herbal remedy, becoming naturalised within a few decades. It now seems particularly at home around railway embankments. As a member of the Fabaceae (Pea) family it enjoys similarities to its distant cousin Lathyrus odoratus (Sweet Pea), but it doesn’t carry the same glorious fragrance notes, although it also known as French Lilac. Bruising leaves of this delicate little plant, however, will conjure a noxious odour. Nonetheless, we suggest using the undeniably soothing Goat’s Rue flower for its decorative appeal— preferably in amongst those highly fragrant Sweet Peas.

Goat’s Rue may look delicate and hold positive status in herbal tradition, but we also need to heed the notes on toxicity that sit alongside. As well as encouraging milk flow and countering diabetes, Goat’s Rue was used to expel stomach worms in animals, and records suggest the importance of attention to dosage to avoid fatality rather than to achieve cure. Bartram (2015) refers to a hot water infusion with Fenugreek seeds and flowering Goat’s Rue to stimulate milk flow, but we have developed two foolproof products, with nurturing very much in mind.

External nurturing

John Parkinson called for ‘fresh herbe boyled and made into a poultis, and applied to the breasts of women that are swollen with paine and heate…’. We developed this into a poultice for discomfort in the breast, which can be adapted for use in any area of mild inflammation, using Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and Calendula flowers (C. officinalis) to sooth and reduce inflammation. James Green (2000) suggests filling two white cotton socks with your herbal materials, in order to have one warmed and in place whilst the other is warming up. This, along with a towel placed to insulate the heat, will ensure a continuous application of soothing heat for optimal benefit. For our poultice, simply chop up a handful of fresh Groundsel and a couple of Calendula flowerheads, or chop up dried material in a food processor. Add them into the sock and tie the top. Place one sock into hot water and squeeze gently to activate the herbs. Prepare your skin by applying a thin layer of oil, then apply the poultice carefully and cover with a towel. Keep in place until it has cooled down, at which point the second poultice should be ready.

Internal nurturing

To complement the external poultice, we developed a nourishing infusion with Nettle (Urtica dioica), Fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare), fresh Red Clover (Trifolium pratense), finished off with Wild Raspberry syrup (Rubus idaeus) and a slice of Orange.


1 tsp Fennel seeds, for digestive health and stimulating milk flow 2tsps dried Nettle leaves, for vitamin and mineral content 1 tsp Red Clover flower, fresh if possible, for the abundance of vitamins, minerals, soothing qualities and their delicate taste Wild raspberry syrup to add a nutritional punch and plenty of flavour


Begin by combining the Fennel, Nettle and Red Clover mix in a pestle and mortar and grinding to a fine powder. Add the powder to a teapot and pour over freshly boiled water. Leave to cool and then either place the teapot in the fridge overnight or transfer into a 1ltr Kilner jar. This can be enjoyed throughout the next day, served with a squeeze/slice of orange and a dash of Wild Raspberry syrup.

Wild Raspberry syrup

Harvest 400g of your most local Wild Raspberries, wash and pick over Place in a saucepan and add 400ml water Boil gently for 20 minutes or until the fruit has lost most of its colour Remove the fruit without pressing and add about 200g sugar to the liquid Bring to the boil, then lower the heat and simmer for a few minutes, stirring constantly Decant into a sterilized bottle and keep in the fridge.

Images Ann King

References Bartrum, T. (2015) Bartram’s Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine. London: Robinson. Green, J. (2000) The Herbal Medicine Maker’s Handbook. 1st ed., Berkley: Crossing Press.

Disclaimer No recipes are intended to replace medical advice and the reader should seek the guidance of their doctor for all health matters. These profiles and recipes are intended for information purposes only and have not been tested or evaluated. Ann King is not making any claims regarding their efficacy and the reader is responsible for ensuring that any replications or adaptations of the recipes that they produce are safe to use and comply with cosmetic regulations where applicable.

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