v: Flower Power
Sleepy heads and busy paws Rose Morley
I think most of us have heard of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis). It's a great herbal addition to help anyone get a good night's sleep— but let me tell you a bit about how it benefits our furry friend, the cat. Add one drop of Valerian essential oil to a 50ml spray bottle with 2.5ml of vodka (to help the essential oil blend better), and top the bottle up with water. Now spray your cat's favourite toy with the mixture, and watch your feline friend come to life. Valerian essential oil can act like Catnip (Nepeta cataria), and it's very potent so you'll only need one drop. I discovered this accidentally. I'd made up a bottle, popped in to visit a friend, and wondered why their cat wouldn't leave me alone. It was the spray bottle in my pocket. But let's get back to the question of sleep. Valerian isn't the nicest smelling herb but, goodness me, it works well. You're most likely to come across Valerian as a dry root, which needs boiling or simmering in water for a good ten to fifteen minutes. You then strain and drink the liquid. Or you may have encountered Valerian tincture, used as a calming herb if you're suffering anxiety during the day, or to help you get to sleep at night— perhaps combined with Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) or Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla). But did you know that Valerian is also available as a flower essence? Valerian flower essence can have great benefit as a nerve relaxant. If you're like me and suffer with what seems like endless stress— working too much, trying to juggle lots of things all at once —Valerian flower essence can help focus and ground you in the present. When you're more focused, you're able to concentrate better and your mind doesn't seem to wander as much. Use Valerian flower essence by adding three to five drops to your drink and sipping when needed or, for more immediate help, try popping a drop or two onto your tongue. 20
As Marion Leigh (1997:116) suggests, 'be aware of the times when you get caught up in the buzz. Slow down, then stop and smell the flowers'. Get yourself a little bottle of this remedy and keep it handy. You never know when you might need a little flower power. References Leigh, M. (1997) Findhorn Flower Essences Handbook. Kaminn Media:116