1 minute read
from The Change Issue
i Editorial: Kyra Pollitt
2 Frontispiece: Maddy Mould
3 Contents
ii Artist of the Month: Angela Macmillan
iii Herb of the Month: Marianne Hughes, Hazel Brady
iv Anthroposophical Views: Dora Wagner
v Notes from the Brew Room: Ann King
The Chemistry Column: Claire Gormley
Flower Power: Rose Morley
vi Our Assistant Editor in the Field…. Ella Leith visits The Shieling Project
vii In Focus: The Branch Pocket Garden: Patrick M. Lydon and Suhee Kang
Sage Advice: Callum Halstead
viii The Climate Column: Patrick Dunne
ix Foraging through Folklore: Ella Leith
Botanica Fabula: Amanda Edmiston
Red Squirrel Press Presents… Mandy Haggith
x Book Club: Kyra Pollitt previews The Wilderness Cure: Ancient Wisdom in a Modern World by Mo Wilde (Simon & Schuster: London, 2022)
xi Contributors
x: Looking Forward