Spring 2011

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CLEAR SPRINGS PARK Spring 2011 Newsletter April 2011

Established 1980

OLD-FASHIONED PICNIC and CLEAR SPRINGS PARK PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP MEETING An old-fashioned picnic will be hosted by the CSP Property Owners Association on Sunday, May 15, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., with food serving to begin at 4:30. All CSP residents and/or property owners are encouraged to attend. Signs will be posted to direct you to the CSPPOA Park. (Drive north on Running Springs, turn onto Mark Alan, turn onto Jennifer Nicole, then watch for the park gate at bottom of the hill just past Rippling Springs.) Rain date is Sunday, May 22. The Board will provide a variety of meats. Please bring a favorite vegetable dish, salad, or dessert to share with others. You should also bring chairs on which to sit and your beverages. Children may want to bring games or toys. Plan to enjoy an afternoon of visiting! RSVP’s are not mandatory, but they do help estimate the amount of meat to provide. If you wish, please RSVP to farinacci@dcci.com.

CLEAN-UP-THE-PARK DAY George Gentry (830-438-8036) will head up a group of volunteers who wish to help groom the park vegetation prior to the Spring Picnic. If you are available, bring your weed-eaters to put the final touches to it on Saturday, May 14, around 10 a.m.!

The annual CSPPOA Membership Meeting will be held after we have eaten. At this meeting, new Directors will be elected to replace those completing their terms on the Board. Some individuals may wish to continue serving for another term to see projects completed. All residents and/or property owners are urged to consider volunteering for a two-year term. Thank you to all past and current Board members for working to make this a safe and visually attractive neighborhood.

Clear Springs Park Website – www.clearspringspark.org


The CSP Property Owners Association is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1991 and registered with the State of Texas. It maintains a registered office and agent as required by the Texas Nonprofit Corporation Act. A Board of Directors manages the corporation affairs and consists of a minimum of seven Directors, each serving a two year term without compensation. An annual membership meeting is held in May for the election of Directors to replace those with expiring terms and for other business transactions. The Board determines which Directors will serve as Officers. It may appoint committees to help in the management of some of its corporate responsibilities. Timely, diligent administration of State requirements due to Articles of Incorporation is necessary. The Board must file a Federal Tax return each year. The covenants/ restrictions associated with each CSP property must be renewed every ten years (costly and time consuming.) The CSP developer gave the corporation ownership of the common areas (entrance properties and “the park”), therefore, the Board must pay associated Comal and Bexar County taxes and carry liability insurance for those areas. Other expenses of the Board include: electricity for entrance lights; upkeep of entrances; upkeep of park entrance fence, gate, lock and keys; decals to identify vehicles of CSP residents; two annual picnics for property owners (meats, supplies, tractor mowing of park, etc); necessary signs and installation; attorney fees associated with compliance issues; liability insurance covering Board members, etc.

We encourage you to join the POA! Help support your community; serve a term on the Board of Directors. All members must be property owners; memberships are for the calendar year and are not transferable. At the current time: annual dues are $100 payable January 1, and there is no initiation fee. If dues are not paid by the end of March, a membership is considered inactive. The Membership Application Form is on the back of this newsletter and also on the website.

CSPPOA BYLAWS Minor revisions are being made to the Bylaws and a copy will be e-mailed to members for their review prior to the th May 15 picnic. These revisions will be voted on at the Membership Meeting to be held following the picnic.

FRONT ENTRANCES Special thanks go to Lan Eng and Vernon King who repainted the CSP lettering on the stone walls>and to Lan Eng and Evelyn Penrod who removed dead plants. Additional plants will be added at some future time. Please help our landscaping survive; the entrances have no water source. Now and then, please take a gallon of water with you as you leave the neighborhood and empty it into a planter on your way out! Thank you! For more information or to volunteer to help with the landscaping effort, contact Evelyn Penrod at 830/4382290 or epenrod@gvtc.com.

RESPECT THE BURN BAN!!! Our neighborhood is vulnerable to wildfires during this drought. There should be no outdoor activity that involves fire or even a spark from a welder’s torch, for instance. Please be especially careful if using your barbecue grill. One wayward spark can cause a disaster!

Please do your part to conserve our precious water resources!

DATABASE OF PROPERTY OWNERS AND/OR RESIDENTS The POA Board maintains a database of property owners to allow important information to be disseminated to all by e-mail or the postal system. It was especially useful (and most necessary) during last year’s ten-year renewal process of the covenants/restrictions that are attached to our properties. (Picture of creek at Clear Springs Park)

MAPPING SPRINGS IN THE CSPPOA PARK Representatives from the U.S. Geological Survey office visited our park in order to map springs, etc. in the Trinity Aquifer. POA Board officers, LaDona Farinacci and Evelyn Penrod, accompanied them while they measured water depth, located outcroppings of springs and mapped cave openings. The USGS commented on our “beautiful backyard” and all marveled at the ferns, fish, hawks, and golden cheek warblers that were spotted during the morning. What a treasure we have!

SPRING CLEANING AND IMPROVEMENTS Neighbors appreciate properties kept tidy and in good repair. Leftover materials and debris should be removed or stored to the back of your property where they are not seen from the street. Please don’t leave materials stored in front “until another project” comes up. Thank you to those who have completed well pressure tank enclosures, repaired and painted fences, etc.

Please send any changes in street address, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. to Madeleine (Maddy) Mitchell at maddy@gvtc.coma. Your e-mail addresses are available only to a limited number of Board members and will be used to alert you to important CSP issues as well as to deliver CSP Newsletters (saves postage and paper.)

ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Plans for any construction in CSP are to be submitted to the ACC for review and approval, a minimum of two weeks prior to the intended start of that construction. Plans should clearly show the proposed site for the new construction as well as the location of existing structures (ie septic systems, wells, outbuildings) and building setback lines and easements. Please review a copy of your covenants/restrictions (can be found on the CSPPOA website) to insure you are in compliance. Construction should be completed within six months of start date. Contacts: Ed Weber at 830/980-9561 or edjanw@gvtc.com; or, Harry Mitchell at 830-980-9028 or harry@gvtc.com.

GOOD NEIGHBOR COMMITTEE If you have information regarding new people moving into CSP, please call a Board Member so The welcoming committee may greet them.

CSPPOA MEMBERSHIP FORM Last Name(s): _____________________________

First Name(s): ___________________________

Address: _________________________________________ E-mail:________________________________ CSP property address (if different from above)_________________________________________ Telephone Numbers: Home ____________________ Cell _________________________________

Annual Membership dues are $100 for the period January through December. Please make checks payable to CSPPOA, mail to the CSPPOA mailbox: 4330 Jennifer Nicole, San Antonio, Texas, 78261 and include the application form above. Forms can also be found on the website: www.clearspringspark.org

Clear Springs Park POA 4330 Jennifer Nicole San Antonio, TX 78261

Clear Springs Park POA www.clearspringspark.org

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