1 minute read


Our foremost value, "We do what's right," sets the expectation that all team members will uphold the law and treat everyone with respect.

By extension, we are committed to a culture of ethics and integrity and to operating our business in a manner that earns and keeps the trust of our customers, investors, employees, communities and other key stakeholders.

We formalize this commitment: All team members must complete online ethics training and certify annually that they have read and understand our company's Code of Ethics, which governs conduct across many areas of our business and offers guidance on asking questions or reporting concerns about potential violations of the law or company policies. All newly hired team members are also required to acknowledge our Code of Ethics as part of their onboarding process. To further enable a culture of ethics and integrity, every company facility posts information about our Compliance HelpLine, a confidential third-party service that team members can call to report suspected unethical behavior or violations of our company's policies, to seek guidance on our policies and procedures, or to offer suggestions. Team members can do all this anonymously if they choose.

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