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Japan  Faces  Long  Road  to  Recovery nuclear  crisis  alert  increased After  the  March  10  earth-­ quake  and  tsunami,  Japan  has  been  left  reeling By Dylan Williams Photo Editor

Photo courtesy of Desmond Kavanagh.

A mural entitled “The Great Satan� on the walls of the abandoned U.S embassy in Tehran, Iran, portrays the negative attitude towards America that some Iranians still hold today.

The  Domino  Effect   Egyptian  revolution  ignites  crisis  in  the  Middle  East. By Anna Dunlavey Managing Editor

     With  so  many  pivotal  events  hap-­ pening  lately,  many  of  us  have  prob-­ ably  forgotten  that  there  is  still  violent  FRQĂ€LFW LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW ,W LV LPSRU-­ tant  to  follow  them  because  the  Mid-­ GOH (DVW LV VXFK D FULWLFDO DUHD LQ WHUPV of  terrorism,  national  security,  and  oil.   While  some  countries  have  made  gains  in  their  revolutions,  others  have  become  more  and  more  unstable.      Hosni  Mubarak  may  no  longer  be  LQ SRZHU LQ (J\SW EXW WKHLU UHYROXWLRQ is  far  from  over.  On  April  13,  Mubarak  and  his  sons,  Gamal  and  Alaa,  were  de-­ tained  for  questioning  about  corruption  and  abuse  of  power  during  his  30  year  rule.  Gamal  and  Allah  were  brought  to  prison,  while  the  82-­year-­old  Mubarak  stayed  in  police  custody  at  a  hospital  after  suffering  a  heart  attack.  Gamal  and  Allah  are  now  known  as  Prisoner  23  and  Prisoner  24,  respectively,  and Â

are  now  adjusting  to  being  inmates.   2QH SROLFH RIÂżFLDO VDLG Âł%HDU LQ PLQG they  are  very  broken‌They  do  every-­ thing  they  are  asked.  They  don’t  raise  their  voices.â€?     Former  Tunisian  leader  Zine  el-­ $ELGLQH %HQ $OL LV IDFLQJ FKDUJHV DV ZHOO $IWHU Ă€HHLQJ WKH FRXQWU\ ZKHQ uprisings  forced  him  out  of  power,  %HQ $OL LV QRZ IDFLQJ OHJDO FDVHV including  â€œconspiring  against  the  state,  voluntary  manslaughter  and  drug  use  DQG WUDIÂżFNLQJ ´ DFFRUGLQJ WR 7KH New  York  Times.       Although  Tunisia  has  made  gains  in  its  transition  to  democracy,  progress  has  not  been  as  fast  as  Tunisian  citi-­ zens  have  wanted.  Lithuanian  Foreign  Minister  for  Tunisia  Audronius  Azub-­ alis  said,  â€œThe  public  expectations  for  big  changes  could  be  too  high.  When  you’re  building  democracy,  you  should Â

understand  that  it  requires  time.â€?     Protests  in  Syria  have  become  more  and  more  violent,  and  Syrian  presi-­ GHQW %DVKDU DO $VVDG KDV KDG WR PDNH changes  in  an  attempt  to  hold  on  to  his  power.  Recently  he  appointed  a  new  governor  to  the  province  of  Daara,  which  has  been  the  center  of  the  pro-­ tests.  Mohammad  Khaled  al-­Hannus  has  now  replaced  former  governor  Faysal  Kalthum.  On  March  23rd,  pro-­ testers  forced  Kalthum  from  his  posi-­ tion  as  governor  of  Daara.  Al  Jazeera  (QJOLVK UHSRUWHG WKDW ÂłUHVLGHQWV RI Daraa  had  accused  the  former  gover-­ nor  of  postponing  the  acquisition  of  property  rights  and  preventing  farmers  from  drilling  water  wells  for  irriga-­ tion.â€?      The  demonstrations  leading  up  to  this  pivotal  event  left  dozens  dead  and  Continued on page 2.

     On  March  11th,  at  approximately  2:46  JST  (Japan  Standard  Time)  a  9.0  magnitude  â€œundersea  mega  thrust  HDUWKTXDNH´ VWUXFN WKH ZHVWHUQ 3DFLÂżF Ocean  located  45  miles  east  of  the  Os-­ KLND 3HQLQVXOD RI 7Ç€KRNX -DSDQ      Following  the  initial  earthquake,  there  have  been  over  800  aftershock  earthquakes.  Also,  the  underwater  na-­ ture  of  the  earthquake  spurred  a  huge  tsunami  that  was  equally  as  powerful  as  the  earthquake  itself.   The  tsunami  destroyed  much  of  Japan’s  coastline  islands,  as  well  as  causing  an  astound-­ ing  number  of  additional  casualties.  However,  similar  to  the  moments  prior  to  the  earthquake,  there  were  warnings  sent  out  by  the  JMA  (Japan  Meteoro-­ logical  Agency)  that  alerted  the  people  to  evacuate  the  area.  To  this  day,  the  Japanese  people  are  very  grateful  for  these  alerts,  for  they  believe  they  saved  many  peoples  lives.      The  tsunami  not  only  affected  the  coastline  islands  in  Japan,  but  those  in  North  and  South  America  as  well.  It  is  said  that  it  was  felt  in  these  areas,  yet  there  were  little  to  no  effects.      The  most  dangerous  threat  of  this  earthquake,  however,  is  the  possibil-­ ity  of  a  nuclear  explosion  due  to  the  VLJQLÂżFDQW QXPEHU RI QXFOHDU SRZHU plants  located  in  Japan.  The  earth-­ quake  caused  The  Fukushima  I,  Fu-­ kushima  II,  Onagawa  Nuclear  Power Â

Photo courtesy of Joseph Verneon.

A graphic designer’s depiction of the magnitude of Japan’s latest earthquake shows its power.

Plant,  and  Tokai  nuclear  power  sta-­ tions  to  automatically  shut  down.   The  large  waves  of  the  tsunami  knocked  over  the  seawalls  and  ruined  the  diesel  backup  power  system.  The  destruction  of  this  power  system  at  Fukushima  I  led  to  considerable  problems  for  the  plant  and  caused  large  explosions  and  radioactive  leakage.      Additionly,  at  Onagawa,  liters  of  radioactive  water  spilled.  Subsequent-­ ly,  the  Japanese  government  issued  a  state  of  emergency  after  they  realized  the  cooling  system  at  the  Fukushima  I  plant  failed  to  cool  down  after  the  earthquake.              Upon  hearing  of  the  state  of  emer-­ gency,  many  residents  living  near  the  plant  evacuated  their  homes,  which  contributed  to  the  constantly  rising  number  of  displaced  people  after  the  earthquake.  The  problems  in  the  num-­ ber  of  different  nuclear  power  plants  proves  to  be  a  huge  concern  for  the  Japanese  people  because  in  addition  to  worrying  about Continued on page 3.

Breaking  the  Silence  By Spectrum


     Does  silence  hurt  us?   It  depends  on  your  perspective.   There  are  many  different  types  of  silence  (content,  pensive,  and  of  course,  awkward).   For  /*%7 VWXGHQWV WKDW LV VWXGHQWV ZKR are  lesbian,  gay,  bisexual,  or  transgen-­ der),  silence  about  their  true  identity  is  often  a  requirement  for  survival  in  a  high  school  setting.          According  to  the  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  Services,  suicide  is  the  leading  cause  of  death  among  gay  and  lesbian  youth.   Furthermore,  gay  and  lesbian  youth  are  up  to  six  times  more  likely  to  commit  suicide  than  their  heterosexual  peers.   In  a  1993  survey  conducted  by  the  Ameri-­ can  Association  of  University  Women,  high  school  students  (both  gay  AND  straight)  responded  that  the  worst  harassment  in  school  is  being  called  WORLD NEWS .........................2-3 METRO .....................................4-5 SPORTS....................................6-7 YOUTUBE EXPOSED.............. 8-9 STUDENT INTEREST ...........10-11 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT...12-13 FAREWELL............................14-15


“gay.â€?   A  similar  1996  study  found  that  in  a  typical  class  of  thirty  students,  eight  of  them  (or  approximately  27%  of  the  class)  will  be  directly  affected  by  homosexuality,  either  because  they  SHUVRQDOO\ LGHQWLI\ DV /*%7 RU WKH\ have  one  or  more  parent  or  sibling  ZKR LGHQWLÂżHV DV /*%7       We  asked  a  few  lesbian  and  bisex-­ ual  students  at  our  school  to  share  with  us  some  examples  of  moments  when  they  have  been  made  to  feel  uncom-­ fortable  or  unwelcome.   One  student  replied,  â€œI’ve  heard  students  say  things  like,  â€˜my  hair  is  gross  and  I’ve  got  a  ton  of  acne  today  â€“  I  look  like  such  a  lesbian!’â€?  Another  mentioned  that  she  often  overhears  comments  that  begin  â€œI’ve  got  nothing  against  gay  people  or  anything,  but‌â€?  and  then  veer  VRXWKZDUG GHVSLWH WKLV TXDOLÂżFDWLRQ


n s YouTube Exposed i YouTube  sensations  have  d taken  over  the  internet  -­  the  e Here  and  Now  explores. 8-9

Then  there  is  the  ubiquitous  but  hurt-­ ful  phrase  â€œno  homo.â€?   It  is  strange  to  think  that  our  school,  which  is  known  for  its  emphasis  on  building  communi-­ ty  and  social  awareness,  would  foster  this  type  of  attitude.         It’s  cheesy  and  somewhat  of  a  clichĂŠ,  but  imagine  how  you  would  feel  if  you  were  struggling  to  accept  yourself  in  a  place  where  your  feelings  are  not  taken  seriously.   Not  such  a  great  feeling,  is  it?   The  experience  of  overhearing  your  peers  carelessly  toss  around  hurtful  remarks  while  you  qui-­ etly  struggle  with  your  own  feelings  of  inadequacy  and  crushing  anxiety  over  acceptance  by  your  family  and  our  larger  society  which  undoubtedly  WULJJHUV DQG HYHQ PDJQLÂżHV WKHVH OD-­ WHQW IHHOLQJV RI LVRODWLRQ %XW SOHDVH Continued on page 11.

Photo courtesy of Liz Cantenaci.

The rainbow is a symbol often associated with gay pride. Here, during a march to support gay marriage, marchers carry the symbol with pride.


           WORLD  NEWS

%HIRUH VXPPHU RIÂżFLDOO\ EHJLQV                         Many  drastic  changes  are  consider  some  advice  on                          coming  for  the  2011-­2012  tanning  and  safety.                          school  year  at  SR. Â

                Find  out  what  is  being Â

Tanning Safety Tips                     No More Finals!



DC Aids Epidemic

               done  to  help  the  crisis               in  our  nation’s  capital.


World News


Here and Now Issue 4

A  World  in  Crisis By Anna Dunlavey Assignment Desk

Continued From Front

Photo courtesy of James Watkins

Tumult in Egypt grows with a recent riot at Tahrir Square

Kalthum’s  residence  burned  down.  The  appointment  of  Hannus  was  im-­ mediately  dismissed  as  â€œnot  enoughâ€?  by  the  protesters.  In  the  words  of  one  activist,  â€œThe  residents  of  Daraa  want  more  than  a  switch  in  governor  -­  they  want  the  security  services  to  stop  op-­ pressing  them,  the  emergency  law  lifted,  property  rights  respected,  the  detained  freed  and  freedom  of  expres-­ sion  guaranteed.â€?     The  majority  of  the  population  of  WKH VPDOO LVODQG NLQJGRP RI %DKUDLQ LV Shi’a  Muslim.  However,  the  country  itself  is  controlled  by  the  Sunni  mi-­ nority.  This  is  similar  to  the  political  situations  in  Iraq  under  Saddam  Hus-­ sein  and  Iran.  When  the  wave  of  revo-­ OXWLRQ UHDFKHG %DKUDLQ LW DSSHDUHG

that  the  marginalized  Shiite  popula-­ WLRQ ZRXOG ÂżQDOO\ EH KHDUG 7KH RS-­ timistic  protests,  demonstrations,  and  speeches  calling  for  freedom  when  %DKUDLQÂśV .LQJ +DPDG ELQ ,VDO DO Khalifa  cracked  down.  On  March  14,  he  declared  a  state  of  emergency  in  the  country,  and  security  forces  halted  the  once  exuberant  protests  in  Pearl  Square  with  bullets  and  tear  gas.  The  King  has  also  invited  troops  from  United  Arab  (PLUDWHV DQG 6DXGL $UDELD WR VXSSRUW him.  Security  forces  have  the  right  to  search  houses  without  a  warrant  and  to  dissolve  and  organization  deemed  to  be  a  threat  to  the  state.  Aqeelah  Wahab  spoke  to  the  New  York  Times  DERXW WKH VLWXDWLRQ LQ %DKUDLQ 6KH LV the  daughter  of  Abdul  Wahab  Hussein, Â

the  leader  of  the  rebel  Shiite  group  Al  Wafa,  who  is  now  in  prison.  Wahab,  an  activist  herself,  said,  â€œPeople  are  in  shock  because  of  the  intensity  of  the  crackdown.  With  this  government,  you  don’t  know  what  they  will  do.  The  people  are  taking  a  break  to  see  what  the  government  will  do  with  the  pris-­ oners.â€? $QG ZH FDQQRW IRUJHW WKH FRQĂ€LFWV in  Libya,  which  have  been  occurring  since  February  16.  Rebels  are  trying  to  take  down  their  leader,  Colonel  Muam-­ PDU *KDGDÂż 3URWHVWV EHJDQ LQ WKH WRZQV RI %D\DGD =LQWDQ %HQJKD]L Libya’s  second  largest  city,  and  Trip-­ ROL /LE\DÂśV FDSLWDO (YHQWXDOO\ WKHVH protests  spread  across  the  entire  coun-­ try,  from  the  western  cities  of  Darnah,  Ajdabiyy,  and  Tobruk,  to  the  eastern  cities  of  Zawarah,  Sabratha,  and  Mi-­ surata.  As  protests  spread,  they  grew  more  violent.  Rebels  protested  with  gasoline  bombs,  rocks,  and  machetes.  *KDGD¿œV IRUFHV UHWDOLDWHG E\ GULY-­ LQJ WUXFNV GRZQ WKH VWUHHWV DQG ÂżULQJ randomly,  as  well  as  dropping  small  bombs  from  planes.  Some  military  forces  called  upon  by  the  government  actually  turned  to  help  the  protestors  instead.  NATO  is  now  attempting  to  aid  the  rebels,  the  majority  of  who  are  LOO HTXLSSHG IRU ÂżJKWLQJ 2QH H[DPSOH of  this  is  the  establishment  of  a  No-­Fly  Zone  over  Libya.  This  No-­Fly  Zone  means  that  it  is  illegal  for  any  govern-­ PHQW SODQHV WR Ă€\ RYHU DQG VKRRW RQ protestors.  The  United  Nations  is  aid-­ ing  Libya  as  well,  by  providing  medi-­ cal  supplies  and  food.  Libya  is  still  in  a  precarious  state,  however,  with  ¿JKWLQJ VSUHDG DFURVV WKH FRXQWU\ DQG neither  rebels  nor  government  forces  ready  to  give  in. 7KH QHZV LQ WKH 0LGGOH (DVW LV constantly  changing  and  developing.  Keep  following  all  that  is  happening.  If  you  ignore  it  now,  you  will  have  a  whole  lot  to  catch  up  on  later.

A tornado occurred on April 27 in Alabama

Photo courtesy of Dusty Compton

An  American  Tragedy  By Laura Kraisinger Editor-in-Chief

     WKLOH WKH 0LGGOH (DVW DQG -DSDQ are  have  been  dealing  with  ongoing  di-­ sasters,  the  United  States  recently  has  experienced  a  tragedy  of  its  own  this  week  as  a  series  of  highly  deadly  tor-­ nados  ripped  through  the  South.   The  state  that  has  been  hit  the  hardest  by  this  natural  disaster  is  Alabama,  with  a  current  death  toll  of  206,  out  of  a  total  291  deceased  in  the  South,  according  to  the  New  York  Times.   Tuscaloosa,  home  of  the  University  of  Alabama,  has  been  riddled  with  destruction.       With  southern  colleges  on  the  minds  of  many  at  Stone  Ridge,  and  alum  Kimmy  Horning  (’10)  attend-­ ing  UA,  it  is  unsettling  to  think  that  a  mile-­wide  tornado  blew  through  Ala-­ bama  last  Wednesday.   Thankfully,  the  University  has  thus  far  avoided  major  WUDJHG\ KRZHYHU ÂżQDOV KDYH EHHQ cancelled  and  commencement  pushed  EDFN LQWR $XJXVW *RYHUQRU %HQWOH\ of  Alabama  tells  the  New  York  Times  that  Alabama  is  â€œgoing  to  have  to  have  help  from  the  federal  government  in  order  to  get  through  this  in  an  expedi-­ tious  way.â€?      Unfortunately,  Alabama  was  not  the Â

only  state  to  experience  the  disastrous  tornado  systems.        According  to  the  Associated  Press,  both  Tennessee  and  Mississippi  have  reported  a  death  toll  of  33,  Georgia  15,  Virginia  5,  and  Kentucky,  1.   This  death  toll  of  a  total  291  American  lives  FRPHV DIWHU D FRQÂżUPHG WRUQD-­ dos  have  touched  down,  breaking  the  1975  record.   As  our  attention  has  been  drawn  to  the  international  arena  since  hurricane  Katrina  struck  New  Orleans  back  in  2005,  this  tragedy  has  certain-­ ly  hit  home.        After  the  nuclear  scare  in  Japan,  we  here  in  the  United  States  unfortu-­ nately  experienced  a  similar  mishap  DW WKH %URZQV )HUU\ 1XFOHDU 3ODQW LQ Alabama,  where  transmitters  were  damaged  by  the  storm.   The  New  York  Times  reports  that  over  a  million  people  have  lost  power  across  south-­ ern  states.   The  American  Red  Cross,  an  organization  that  depends  on  dona-­ tions  for  support,  is  responding  to  the  destruction  to  help  get  these  southern  states  back  on  track  following  these  deadly  tornados.  Â

AIDS  in  Our  Nation’s  Capital:

The  insidious  epidemic  too  often  ignored By Shawn Gannon Copy Editor

Photo courtesy of Courtney Kameros (‘13).

% of Diagnosed cases of AIDS in DC by race.

     When  you  think  of  HIV/AIDS,  what  do  you  think  of?  What  kind  of  people  do  you  think  of  it  affecting?  )RU PDQ\ WKH ÂżUVW WKLQJ WKDW FRPHV WR PLQG LV WKH 5(' FDPSDLJQ WKDW many  prominent  companies  are  in-­ volved  with-­-­Gap,  Starbucks,  Apple,  and  Converse,  to  name  a  few.  It  seems  like  a  vague  concept,  with  a  goal  you  know  you  are  helping  by  buying  the  products,  but  nothing  that  would  ever  have  relevance  to  your  daily  life.      Think  again.  Says  President  Obama,  â€œWe  often  speak  about  AIDS  as  if  it’s  going  on  somewhere  else,  and  for  good  reason.  This  is  a  virus  that  has  touched  lives  and  decimated  commu-­ nities  around  the  world,  particularly  LQ $IULFD %XW RIWHQ RYHUORRNHG LV WKH fact  that  we  face  a  serious  HIV/AIDS  epidemic  of  our  own.  Right  here  in  Washington,  DC,  and  right  here  in  the  United  States  of  America.â€?      This  becomes  unbearably  obvious  when  you  look  at  the  numbers-­-­DC  is  the  United  State’s  HIV/AIDS  capital,  with  the  highest  HIV  rate  in  the  entire  country.  33  million  people  worldwide  are  living  with  HIV,  with  DC  having  a  3%  infection  rate-­-­  meaning  3%  of  all  those  living  in  DC  are  infected  with  the  disease.  That’s  60,000  people  in  the  District  only  who  struggle  with  HIV/AIDS.      The  sheer  number  of  people  infected Â

with  HIV/AIDS  in  Washington,  DC,  is  QRW WKH RQO\ VKRFNLQJ VWDWLVWLF %URNHQ down  by  race,  gender,  and  geographi-­ cal  location,  the  statistics  become  even  more  stark  and  horrifying.  71.7%  of  those  living  with  HIV/AIDS  are  men,  and  76.3%  of  all  those  living  with  the  disease  are  black.  People  infected  with  HIV  through  injection  drug  use  ac-­ counted  for  9%  of  all  HIV  diagnoses  in  2007.  Wards  6  and  8  have  the  high-­ est  concentrated  population  of  those  living  with  the  disease-­-­2.8%  in  both-­ -­while  Ward  3,  where  the  majority  of  us  live  (Ward  3  encompasses  Chevy  Chase,  Cleveland  Park,  Friendship  Heights,  the  Palisades,  Tenleytown,  to  name  a  few)  has  he  smallest  rate  of  people  living  with  HIV/AIDS  in  the  GLVWULFW 7KLV UDWH LV VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ smaller  than  all  other  wards.      While  homo  and  heterosexual  in-­ tercourse  are  the  top  two  causes  for  the  spread  of  the  disease,  the  use  of  needles  to  inject  drugs  directly  into  one’s  body  is  the  third  leading  cause.  And  while  it  may  sound  controver-­ sial  that  there  is  government  funding  for  programs  that  allow  drug  users  to  exchange  their  dirty  needles  for  steril-­ ized  ones,  it  is  a  major  step  in  prevent-­ ing  the  spread  of  HIV/AIDS.  Drug  use  is  not  condoned,  but  the  government  believes  that  it  is  better  to  at  least  pro-­ vide  addicts  with  sterile  equipment  to  protect  other  aspects  of  their  health.  â€œWith  people  addicted  to  any  sort  of Â

substance,  you  can’t  expect  them  to  stop  immediately,â€?  says  Kayleigh  White,  the  needle  exchange  and  medical  clinic  co-­ RUGLQDWRU DW %UHDG IRU WKH &LW\ DQ RUJD-­ nization  which  provides  clean  needles.       So  what  is  being  done  to  prevent  this  horrible  and  very  real  epidemic?  Inter-­ QDWLRQDOO\ WKH 5(' FDPSDLJQ KDV MRLQHG with  stylish  and  popular  companies  to  produce  products  that  people  both  want  and  that  will  help  a  cause.  Up  to  50%  of  the  proceeds  go  to  the  Global  Fund,  which  will  help  invest  in  HIV  and  AIDS  programs.      There  are  also  many  local  organi-­ zations  who  have  made  it  their  mission  WR ÂżJKW DLGV 7KH '& &HQWHU SURPRWHV VH[XDO KHDOWK ZLWKLQ WKH /*%7 FRP-­ munity,  there  are  three  operating  needle  exchange  programs  at  this  time,  and  The  Housing  of  Urban  Developments’  Hous-­ ing  Opportunities  for  Persons  with  AIDS  provides  grants  that  help  those  living  with  the  disease  to  afford  homes.  Ad-­ ditionally,  domestic  spending  on  HIV/ AIDS  is  expected  to  rise  to  $21.4  billion  next  year,  a  $1  billion  dollar  increase  from  last  year.      With  additional  help  and  funding,  these  organizations  will  surely  make  a  difference  in  the  lives  of  those  living  with  HIV/AIDS,  providing  them  with  the  best  quality  of  life  as  they  struggle  with  this  disease  and,  in  the  end,  hope-­ fully  leading  to  a  cure.

Stone Ridge May 25, 2011

World News


Democrats  Shy  Away  From  Confrontation By Anna Dunlavey Assignment Desk

   People  knew  that  the  new  Repub-­ lican  governor  of  Wisconsin,  Scott  Walker,  would  bring  change  to  the  state,  but  no  one  knew  how  much  change  he  would  bring.  He  and  other  Republicans  proposed  a  bill  that  would  FXW PDQ\ EHQHÂżWV IRU XQLRQV LQFOXG-­ ing  teacher’s  unions.  One  of  the  cuts  is  the  privilege  of  collective  bargaining.  &ROOHFWLYH EDUJDLQLQJ LV GHÂżQHG E\ Oxford  American  Dictionary  as,  â€œNe-­ gotiation  of  wages  and  other  condi-­ tions  of  employment  by  an  organized  body  of  employees.â€?  With  collective  bargaining,  union  workers  speak  with  one  voice.  Without  collective  bargain-­ ing,  union  workers  would  be  heard  as  a  confused  jumble  of  different  voices,  instead  of  one  strong  voice.       Knowing  that  they  would  be  out-­ voted  because  there  are  more  Repub-­ licans  in  the  Wisconsin  senate,  the  'HPRFUDWV Ă€HG WKH VWDWH 7KH ZD\ Demonstrations in Madison, WI against a proposed collective bargaining bill

that  the  bill  was  originally  presented,  they  could  not  vote  unless  at  least  one  member  from  each  party  was  present.      While  the  Democrats  hid  in  secret,  later  found  out  to  be  Illinois,  protestors  took  to  the  streets  of  Madison  to  let  the  government  know  how  they  felt  about  WKH UHPRYDO RI WKLV SULYLOHJH %HFDXVH there  were  also  efforts  to  make  Uni-­ versity  of  Wisconsin  Madison  a  pri-­ vate  university,  student  defended  their  school  as  a  public  university.      However,  the  Republicans  found  a  ORRSKROH %\ VHSDUDWLQJ WKH ELOO IURP a  larger  set  of  laws  and  making  it  in-­ dependent,  Republicans  could  vote  without  any  Democrats  present.  This  bill  has  passed,  and  time  will  tell  how  it  affects  the  state  and  even  the  rest  of  the  country.  Depending  on  how  the  loss  of  collective  bargaining  goes  for  Wisconsin,  other  states  could  attempt  it  to  take  it  away  as  well.

Photo courtesy of Brandon Wu

Continued From Front

In  the  Wake  of  a  Quake By Dylan Williams Photo Editor their  homes,  work,  and  loved-­ones,  they  must  also  now  worry  about  their  food  and  water  being  contaminated  by  the  leaking  and  tainted  chemicals. 5DQNHG ÂżIWK RQ WKH VFDOH RI ODUJHVW earthquakes,  the  Japanese  earthquake  had  drastic  physical  and  emotional  effects  on  the  country.  Although  it  did  not  occur  near  the  capital  city  of  Toyko,  Sendai,  another  major  city  in  Japan  located  closer  to  the  epicenter  of  WKH HDUWKTXDNH ZDV VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ DI-­ fected.  With  buildings,  stores,  houses,  and  parks  all  destroyed,  inhabitants  of  the  city  of  Sendai  must  now  look  at  rebuilding  and  reshaping  their  home-­ town.      With  the  loss  of  business  and  eco-­ nomic  structure  within  Sendai  came  many  causalities  as  well.  Therefore,  before  they  can  begin  the  reconstruc-­ WLRQ SURFHVV WKH\ PXVW ÂżUVW DGGUHVV the  grieving  process  a  process  that  will  likely  continue  for  many  years.      If  you  want  to  know  how  you  can  personally  help  Japan  bounce  back  from  this  horrible  tragedy,  a  good  place  to  start  is  to  ask  people  in  the Â

Stone  Ridge  community  who  have  al-­ ready  started  their  efforts.  First  of  all,  at  the  annual  used  book  sale  this  year,  a  group  of  lower  and  middle  school  students  held  a  drink  sale  at  the  con-­ cession  stand  to  raise  money  to  send  to Â

Sendai,  another  major  city  in  Japan,  located  closer  to  the  epicenter  of  the  earthquake  was  VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ DIIHFWHG Japan.  During  the  season  of  Lent  there  was  an  ongoing  penny  drive,  of  which  the  proceeds  will  go  to  Japan.  The  peo-­ ple  of  Japan  are  very  grateful  for  all  the  help  they  have  received-­-­any  aid  they  receive  is  valuable.  Don’t  worry  if  you  cannot  donate  the  biggest  and  greatest  portion:  even  if  it’s  just  your  weekly  allowance,  anything  counts,  and  can  truly  help  the  Japanese  people  recover  from  this  horrible  tragedy.

A list of government agencies planning budget cuts in 2011.

Photo courtesy of Liz Chmura (‘12).

Extending  the  Budget: President  Obama’s  Mission  To  Help  the  Economy

By Lindy Firstenberg Staff Writer    The  United  States  will  add  one  tril-­

Tsunami and earthquake damage in Japan

Courtesy of Charlie Kordian

OLRQ GROODUV WR WKH GHÂżFLW HDFK \HDU IRU the  next  three  years.   President  Obama  set  up  a  bipartisan  commission  to  in-­ vestigate  the  issue  of  the  budget.   Af-­ ter  investigation,  their  response  was  to  raise  the  retirement  age.  However,  Obama  is  not  touching  entitlements  because  it  would  be  political  suicide  and  he  is  seeking  re-­election.   The  democrats’  contribution  to  the  game  of  politics  is  to  play  it  safe  and  wait  for  the  republicans  to  propose  the  suicidal  yet  desperately  needed  op-­ tion.   The  waiting  game  is  risking  the  \RXQJVWHUV JHQHUDWLRQÂśV IXWXUH %\ QRW dealing  with  this  issue  now,  taxes  will  go  through  the  roof  with  life-­altering  effects.      Obama  is  going  to  the  middle  of  the  isle  more  than  ever  to  ensure  his  re-­election,  even  when  it  comes  to  the  budgetary  debate.   Republicans  want  to  cut  60  billion  dollars  from  discre-­

tionary;Íž  a  life  altering  number  that  would  take  away  many  of  the  perks  of  being  American.   Democrats  are  will-­ ing  to  simply  cut  â€œearmarks,â€?  unnec-­ essary  spending,  such  as  some  aspects  RI GHIHQVH UHSUHVHQWLQJ RQH ÂżIWK RI our  entire  budget.      Finally,  lawmakers  and  the  White  House  have  come  to  an  agreement  on  the  FY  2011  federal  budget.   The  bill  contains  about  $38  billion  in  cuts.      The  budget  is  tight  and  everyone  is  taking  a  hit.   Currently  NASA’s  bud-­ get  contains  funding  for  two  contro-­ versial  items:  a  new  space  capsule  and  a  heavy-­lift  rocket.   There  will  be  cuts  to  NASA,  but  part  of  the  proposal  is  to  privatize  it.   Corporate  support  will  be  sought  out  in  order  to  fund  efforts,  but  as  America  goes,  they  will  have  their  own  motives  to  do  so.   In  addi-­ tion,  the  Shuttle,  what  one  takes  to  get  up  to  the  International  Space  Station,  will  run  much  less  frequently.   Many Â

are  worried  that  the  US  will  loose  their  edge  in  space  exploration  and  knowl-­ edge.   While  the  next  big  initiative  is  mars,  we  will  make  slower  progress  to  complete  it.   This  is  what  privatiz-­ ing  a  government  corporation  does,  it  invites  other  interests  in  and  becomes  riskier.      Part  of  space  exploration  is  to  do  H[SHULPHQWV RQ PDWHULDOV DQG WR ÂżQG minerals  and  materials  unknown  that  we  can  use  on  earth.   There  are  twenty  rare  minerals  found  on  earth  that  re  in  high  demand  by  electronic  compa-­ nies.   These  minerals  are  very  useful  in  electronics,  for  example,  in  batteries.   Since  the  US  does  not  mine  as  much  and  China  has  bought  up  companies  that  sell  these  minerals,  we  are  loos-­ ing  our  edge.   Losing  our  advantage  is  dangerous.   As  Mr.  Maczynski  said,  â€œIt  becomes  not  a  public  interest  to  the  mission.   It  becomes  a  private  interest  to  the  mission.â€?



Stress  Relieving  Changes  for  Next  Academic  Year Breaking  News:  Stone  Ridge  Upper  School  administration’s  decisions  to  â€œmaximize  learningâ€? By Gaby Keane Photo Editor

Photo courtesy of Iana Kozelsky (‘12).

Natsha Armstrong (‘14) and Greer Smith (‘14) take advantage of their free time in the library to cram in as much homework as possible with their busy schedules.

     Imagine  a  world  where  the  days  before  Christmas  break  were  not  marred  with  the  stress  of  midterms,  yet  you  also  did  not  have  to  worry  about  taking  midterms  upon  return  to  school  post-­break.  If  you  are  lacking  in  imagination  you  need  not  worry  as,  starting  next  year,  midterms  will  no  longer  be  a  part  of  Stone  Ridge’s  year.      Getting  rid  of  midterms  has  long  been  an  idea  of  Ms.  Morin’s,  yet  working  out  all  of  the  kinks  and  get-­ ting  everybody  on  board  has  taken  years  to  perfect.  Ms.  Morin  did  not  make  the  decision  to  cancel  midterms  lightly;Íž  hours  of  research  and  meet-­ ings  with  a  professional  scheduling  consultant  were  just  a  small  part  of  the  major  process  it  required.  Studies  have  shown  that  students  in  general Â

will  resort  to  last  minute  preparations  for  midterms,  an  ineffective  method  RI OHDUQLQJ 7KH VLJQLÂżFDQW DPRXQW of  stress  that  accompanies  midterms  is  not  proportional  to  the  small  bump  in  the  semester  grade  that  a  success-­ ful  midterm  will  give.  Looking  at  the  outcome  of  midterms  taken  in  this  past  year  revealed  that  a  small  minority  of  student’s  grades  were  helped  by  these  exams  while  the  vast  majority  of  se-­ mester  grades  either  stayed  the  same  or  went  down.       For  those  worried  about  lacking  in  preparedness  for  college  exams  by  not  taking  midterms,  they  need  not  fret.  In  college,  â€œthere’s  usually  three  exams.  7KH ÂżUVW WKLUG RI \RXU VHPHVWHU \RX take  one  exam,  second  third  is  another  H[DP DQG ÂżQDO WKLUG LV MXVW EDVHG RQ

that  part  so  [Ms.  Morin]  [does]  not  think  we’re  not  preparing  you  for  college  by  GRLQJ WKLV ´ %HFDXVH WKH ÂżUVW VHPHVWHU LV RQO\ RI D VWXGHQWÂśV ÂżQDO JUDGH having  midterms  that  carry  as  much,  RU PRUH VWUHVV DV ÂżQDOV LQ 0D\ PDGH too  little  sense  to  Ms.  Morin  and  the  administration  to  ignore.  Stone  Ridge  is  known  for  its  rigorous  academics  and  high  standard  of  learning  which,  while  necessary  for  a  quality  education,  FDXVHV D JUHDW DPRXQW RI VWUHVV %\ JHW-­ ting  rid  of  midterms,  Ms.  Morin  hopes  to  relieve  as  much  unnecessary  stress  as  possible  for  the  students.  She  â€œlooked  at  a  lot  of  other  Sacred  Heart  schools  and  saw  that  many  had  already  done  away  with  midterms  with  great  success,  so  we’re  not  certainly  the  only  ones  do-­ ing  it.â€? 1R PLGWHUPV PHDQV WKDW WKH ÂżUVW semester  will  end  in  mid-­January  rath-­ er  than  early  December.  Rather  than  WKH ÂżUVW VHPHVWHU KROGLQJ ZHLJKW and  the  second  semester  holding  60%  ZHLJKW LQ WKH ÂżQDO FDOFXODWLRQV RI WKH year’s  average,  both  semesters  will  hold  50%  weight.  Though  many  students  YLHZ PLGWHUPV DV V\PEROLF RI WKH ÂżUVW semester  coming  to  a  close  and  enjoy  returning  to  school  with  that  clean  slate,  there  will  be  no  homework  over  Christ-­ mas  and  Ms.  Morin  believes  that  â€œthe  good  outweighs  the  badâ€?  in  the  effects  no  midterms  will  have.      While  the  lack  of  midterms  stands  out  as  the  major  change  for  the  coming  years,  the  administration  have  made Â

other  decisions  that  will  be  felt  by  the  Upper  School  community.  They  hope  to  â€œget  as  many  school  days  back  as  possible,  especially  the  almost  two  full  weeks  missed  for  midtermsâ€?  in  order  to  maximize  learning  and  escape  the  disruption  brought  on  by  the  many  missed  school  days  this  year.  Ring  Day  and  Prom,  traditionally  on  a  Fri-­ day  that  is  set  aside  wholly  for  their  purpose,  will  now  be  held  on  the  Fri-­ day  of  the  book  sale.       Another  change  that  may  hap-­ pen  will  affect  all  non-­Social  Action  Wednesdays.  On  these  days,  assembly  will  be  shorter  and  break  will  be  lon-­ ger,  and  all  prayer  services,  speakers,  and  SCG  co-­curriculars  will  happen  during  this  extended  break.  With  this  change,  Ms.  Morin  hopes  to  minimize  the  profusion  of  confusing  schedule  changes  we  deal  with.      Many  have  wondered  who  will  be  the  new  Dean  of  Students,  the  job  held  for  so  long  by  Ms.  Dunn.  While  a  re-­ placement  has  not  been  decided  on,  WKHUH DUH WZR ÂżQDOLVWV IRU WKH SRVLWLRQ Laura  Ingoldsby  and  our  very  own  Dr.  Ranen.  To  relieve  the  many  duties  of  the  Dean  of  Students,  the  job  of  Di-­ rector  of  Activities  has  been  created.  Ms.  Flood,  currently  the  sophomore  VFLHQFH WHDFKHU ZLOO ÂżOO WKLV UROH DQG work  with  the  students  to  plan  activi-­ WLHV VXFK DV WKH ERQÂżUH GDQFHV DQG congĂŠs.      Next  year  will  mark  a  new  era  in  Stone  Ridge,  with  a  new  Dean  of  Stu-­

Here and Now Issue 4

Experience theatre this Spring with... ELEEMOSYNARY

by Lee Blessing May  6  4:00  pm  -­â€?  Manfuso  Hall



by Kristen Dabrowski May  2  10:00  am  -­â€?  Manfuso  Hall

DMV TYRANT I` *OYPZ[VWOLY +\YHUN May  6  10:00  am  -­â€?  Manfuso  Hall


I` *YHPN >YPNO[ May  9  10:00  am  -­â€?  Manfuso  Hall

DOWNTOWN I` 1LăYL` /H[JOLY May  11  10:00  am  -­â€?  Manfuso  Hall


by David Ives May  13  10:00  am  -­â€?  Manfuso  Hall

dents,  an  assortment  of  new  teachers,  and  a  happy  lack  of  midterms.  These  changes  will  hopefully  reduce  much  of  the  stress  felt  by  both  students  and  fac-­ ulty,  allowing  us  to  focus  on  more  pro-­ ductive  tasks  as  well  as  enjoy  a  little  bit  more  much  needed  free  time.

Froyo:  Easy  Guide  to  Find  the  Best  Kind By Gaby Keane and Dylan Williams Photo Editors

     With  the  hot  summer  months  fast  approaching,  nothing  is  better  to  cool  you  off  than  a  cup  of  frozen  yogurt  piled  high  with  your  favorite  toppings.  Fresh  off  their  cupcake  judging  con-­ test,  we  return  to  compare  and  contrast  WZR SRSXODU %HWKHVGD \RJXUW VWRUHV 6ZHHWJUHHQ DQG <RJLEHUU\ %UDYLQJ the  possibility  of  a  few  major  brain  freezes,  we  rated  the  stores  on  their  \RJXUW Ă€DYRUV WRSSLQJV VL]H RSWLRQV and  prices 6ZHHWJUHHQ RIIHUV RQO\ RQH Ă€DYRU of  yogurt,  tart  original,  and  an  array  of  fresh,  healthy  toppings.  A  small  yogurt  is  $4  and  comes  with  three  toppings,  while  a  large  is  $6  and  also  comes  with  three  toppings.  The  toppings  are  an  assortment  of  fruits,  coconut,  gra-­ nola,  and  agave  syrup.  The  organic,  natural  atmosphere  of  Sweetgreen  is  dramatically  different  from  the  bright Â

lights  and  futuristic  decorations  of  Yo-­ giberry.      Yogiberry  is  a  self  serve  store  that  sells  yogurt  for  49  cents  an  ounce.  Though  this  price  is  FKHDS DW ¿UVW glance,  it  is  very  easy  to  go  over  the  top  with  top-­

pings  and  leave  paying  much  Photo courtesy of Kim Navarre more  than  you  ¿UVW LQWHQGHG IRU D FXS RI \RJXUW 7KH size  options  are  a  small,  which  is  a  Styrofoam  cup,  and  a  large,  which Â

is  a  standard  paper  container.  There  DUH PDQ\ Ă€DYRUV RI \RJXUW LQFOXGLQJ cake  batter,  the  mysterious  purple  WDUR Ă€DYRU 2UHR DQG FODVVLF WDUW Once  your  cup  is  full  of  your  favorite  \RJXUW Ă€DYRUV LW LV RQ WR WKH WRSSLQJV bar.  You  can  choose  from  many  fruits,  breakfast  cereals  like  Fruity  Pebbles,  candy,  and  other  sweet  items.  There  is  a  small  platter  with  squeeze  bottles  of  syrups  to  top  off  your  yogurt  creation  before  you  put  it  on  the  scale  to  be  weighed  and  priced.      Though  Sweetgreen  will  win  with  those  who  appreciate  organic,  healthy  foods,  Yogiberry’s  vast  assortment  RI Ă€DYRUV DQG WRSSLQJV ZHUH VLPSO\ too  great  to  lose.  In  the  battle  of  Sweetgreen  vs.  Yogiberry,  Yogiberry  is  crowned  the  winner.  Just  be  careful  not  to  go  crazy  or  you  may  end  up  with  a  $13  yogurt!

SR  Thespians  Hard  At  Work  This  Spring By Iana Kozelsky Staff Writer

     Spring  is  the  season  for  theatre  at  Stone  Ridge.  Student-­thespians  are  preparing  for  three  productions  com-­ ing  in  April  and  May:  ten-­minute  plays,  Eleemosynary,  and  Godspell. (YHU\ \HDU WKH 'UDPD ,, FODVV chooses  and  performs  several  ten-­ minute  plays,  each  during  the  daily  WZHQW\ ÂżYH PLQXWH EUHDN WKXV UHFHLY-­ LQJ LWV QDPH Âł%UHDNWLPH 7KHDWUH ´ $ member  of  Drama  II,  Angelique  McK-­ enna  (’13)  says  that  the  beauty  of  ten-­ minute  plays  is  that  there  is  â€œso  much  room  for  imagination.â€?  The  plays  stu-­ dents  can  look  forward  to  this  year  can  be  found  on  the  top  right  corner  of  this  page  with  their  respective  dates.      The  Advanced  Drama  class  has  spent  the  year  directing,  designing,  and  producing  Eleemosynary  by  Lee  %OHVVLQJ Âł:H OLNHG WKLV SOD\ WKH PRVW out  of  our  choices.  It’s  a  solid,  interest-­ ing  play.  Is  has  its  serious  moments,  but  there  are  also  some  funny  parts,â€? Â

Photo courtesy of Iana Kozelsky (‘12).

Angelique McKenna ‘13, playing the role of Jesus, leads the cast in ‘God Save the People’

says  Maddie  Cullen  (’12),  one  of  the  three  students  in  the  class. 7KH RIÂżFLDO 6WRQH 5LGJH 8SSHU Middle  School  musical  this  year,  God-­ spell,  ran  April  28-­30,  2011,  and  was  QRW GLUHFWHG E\ 0UV %ODNHVOHH WKLV year,  since  she  directed  Stephanie  Hero,  the  Middle  School  play,  in  early  Spring.  Instead,  Stone  Ridge  hired  Keith  Tittermary,  a  professional  direc-­

tor  who  is  also  a  teacher  of  theatre.  Greer  Smith  (’14),  thinks  working  with  Keith  is  â€œdifferent  than  working  ZLWK 0UV %ODNHVOHH +HÂśV VSRQWDQH-­ ous,  but  thinks  work  out  in  the  end.â€?      Make  sure  you  check  out  these  great  productions  for  your  Spring  theatre  H[SHULHQFH <RX GHÂżQLWHO\ ZLOO QRW EH disappointed.

Photo courtesy of NASA

Stars bursting to life in Carina Nebula; just one of many phenomenons of our universe.

Understanding  Our  Universe By Sung-Eun Lim Staff Writer

     Wow.â€?  After  observing  the  bright  cluster  of  the  exquisite  stars  collaged  in  WKH FOHDU QLJKW VN\ *UDFH 'L%DUL Âľ could  not  stop  exclaiming  â€œWow.â€?   As  a  member  of  the  second  semester  As-­ tronomy  class  in  Stone  Ridge,  Grace  'L%DUL SDUWLFLSDWHG LQ WKH 0DUFK WK night  class.  0U %DUURQÂśV $VWURQRP\ FODVV KDG an  extraordinary  opportunity  to  visit  the  United  States  Naval  Observatory.  The  Naval  Observatory,  located  on  Massachusetts  Avenue,  sets  and  de-­ termines  accurate  time  for  the  naviga-­ tion,  where  time  is  everything.   At  this  VLJQLÂżFDQW KLVWRULFDO VLWH ZKLFK DOVR doubles  as  the  Vice  President’s  resi-­ dence,  students  observed  the  mesmer-­ izing  view  of  the  night  sky  through  the  big  telescope.   Observing  the  moon  phase,  constellations,  and  Orion’s  Nebula,  students  applied  their  knowl-­ edge  acquired  from  the  school  to  the  real  world.  *UDFH 'L%DUL UHFDOOV WKH QLJKW DV spectacular  for  two  reasons:   â€œIt  was  very  interesting  to  see  something  that  was  that  far  away.   Through  the  big  telescope  offered  in  the  Naval  Ob-­ servatory,  I  was  able  to  see  Orion’s  Nebula.â€?   Also,  Grace  believes  the  experience  assisted  her  understanding Â

in  astronomy.   â€œFor  example,  I  now  understand  how  sun  moves  whenever  I  look  at  the  chart.â€?       However,  anyone  could  enjoy  the  night  sky  like  Grace  without  prior  knowledge  or  attendance  in  an  as-­ tronomy  class.   Indeed,  that  was  how  0U %DUURQ JRW LQWHUHVWHG LQ WKH ZRUOG of  astronomy.    Looking  up  at  the  sky  UHJXODUO\ ZRXOG GHÂżQLWHO\ IDFLOLWDWH one’s  understanding  of  the  patterns  RI WKH VN\ $FFRUGLQJ WR 0U %DUURQ even  â€œbinoculars  add  some  detail  and  exciting  views;Íž  some  of  the  best  ob-­ serving  is  done  with  the  naked  eyesâ€?.        Also,  along  with  your  eyes,  you  could  simply  download  a  Star  Guide  App  which  will  provide  you  a  â€œgreat  map  of  the  night  skyâ€?  and  â€œstar  or  con-­ stellation  at  which  you  are  lookingâ€?  DFFRUGLQJ WR 0U %DUURQ 2U LI \RX are  not  an  iPhone  user,  you  could  buy  star  or  constellation  viewing  guides  in  bookstores  to  lead  yourself  into  the  as-­ tronomy  world.        So,  if  your  favorite  movie  happens  WR EH ( 7 RU \RX VLPSO\ WKLQN QLJKW sky  is  pretty,  just  start  observing  the  sky  tonight!   The  exotic  and  mysteri-­ ous  beauty  of  the  night  sky  will  sur-­ prise  you. Â

Stone Ridge May 25, 2011



White  House  Guests  Inspire  Senior  Class By Shawn Gannon Copy Editor      On  March  30,  2011,  Stone  Ridge  was  honored  to  welcome  four  women  who  were  participants  in  Michelle  Obama’s  â€œRemarkable  Womenâ€?  event.  The  women  were  hosted  by  the  White  House  for  a  celebratory  brunch  in  the  morning,  then  went  off  to  dif-­ ferent  high  schools  before  attending  a  closing  dinner.       Mrs.  Obama  wanted  the  mentoring  program  to  serve  as  an  opportunity  to  inspire  young  adults.  â€œI  know  what  it  feels  like  to  struggle  to  get  the  educa-­ tion  that  you  need,â€?  Mrs.  Obama  said.  â€œIn  so  many  ways,  I  see  myself  in  you  all.  And  I  want  you  to  see  yourselves  in  me,  so  that  you’re  not  looking  at  me  just  as  the  First  Lady  of  the  United  6WDWHVÂŤ%XW P\ SDUHQWV GLGQÂśW KDYH a  lot  of  money,  and  I  went  to  public  schools  my  entire  career.  So  there’s  not  too  much  of  a  difference  between  how  I  was  raised  and  how  many  of  you  all  DUH UDLVHG %XW ,ÂśP KHUH DQG WKH SRLQW is,  is  that  you  can  be  here,  too.â€?      Stone  Ridge  was  lucky  enough  to  be  selected  as  one  of  the  local  high  schools  that  would  host  a  panel  of  four  women.  At  the  other  locations,  only  a  handful  of  students  was  chosen  to  lis-­ ten  to  the  phenomenal  speakers.  How-­ ever,  Stone  Ridge  Head  of  School,  Catherine  Karrels,  requested  that  the  entire  senior  class  be  allowed  to  at-­ tend,  and  that  request  was  granted. %HFDXVH WKLV ZDV VXFK D KLJK SURÂżOH event,  the  school  was  only  contacted  a  week  prior  to  the  actual  event.  White  +RXVH RIÂżFLDOV ZHUH VHQW WR VXUYH\ WKH school  in  the  days  leading  up  to  the  WDON DQG 0U 0F&OXVNH\ÂśV RIÂżFH ZDV WXUQHG LQWR WKH RIÂżFLDO JUHHQ URRP On  the  day  of  the  event,  the  senior  class  waited  in  perfect  uniform,  in  an  unrecognizable  Manfuso.  The  press Â

Photo Courtesy of Caitlin Myler.

Stone Ridge was lucky enough to host guests from the White House who spoke to the whole senior class.

waited  with  their  lights,  microphones,  and  cameras  at  the  back  of  the  room,  and  a  carpet  had  been  put  on  the  stage  to  compliment  four  ornate  chairs.  A  6WRQH 5LGJH EDQQHU SURYLGHG WKH ÂżQDO touch.  7KH ÂżUVW WR DUULYH ZDV $OIUH :RR-­ dard,  a  woman  who  has  starred  in  pop-­ ular  TV  shows  Desperate  Housewives  DQG 7UXH %ORRG %HFDXVH VKH ZDV VR early,  she  gave  us  an  opportunity  to  ask  casual,  impromtu  questions  about  her-­ self.  Much  of  her  advice  was  centered  RQ ÂżQGLQJ DQG IROORZLQJ RQHÂśV SDV-­ sion,  an  especially  relevant  topic  for  the  graduating  seniors.  Says  Woodard,  â€œSome  of  the  best  stuff  that  is  going  to  happen  to  you  is  going  to  come  off  the  cuff  from  other  people...encourage  each  other...good  is  exponential.â€?       Additionally,  she  says,  â€œI  know  how  tough  it  is  being  an  artistic  young  per-­  have  to  have  a  strong  sense  of  self.â€?  When  her  fellow  â€œRemark-­

able  Womenâ€?  arrived,  she  said  of  them,  â€œI  am  just  honored  to  be  sitting  here  with  these  ladies  who  inspire  me...  the  mentoring  never  stops.â€?      Those  three  other  inspiring  women  were  Geena  Davis,  an  award-­winning  actress,  Abbe  Raven,  president  and  &(2 RI $ ( 7HOHYLVLRQ 1HWZRUNV and  Judith  Jamison,  Artistic  Director  of  Alvin  Ailey  American  Dance  The-­ ater.  The  women  were  each  given  an  opportunity  to  share  their  story,  as  well  as  their  experience  with  the  power  of  mentoring,  before  opening  XS WKH Ă€RRU IRU TXHVWLRQV $EEH 5DYHQ VSRNH ÂżUVW 6KH ZDV a  teacher  before  breaking  into  the  entertainment  industry;Íž  she  says,  â€œI  worked  myself  to  where  I  am  WRGD\ , GLGQÂśW VWDUW RXW DV D &(2 I  started  out  just  like  you.â€?  She  did  anything  she  could  to  get  the  job;Íž  she  started  out  photocopying  and  stapling  papers  before  climbing  the  ladder  of Â

success.  Of  this,  she  says,  â€œYou  can  be  and  do  anything  you  willing  to  take  some  big  chances.â€?  Perhaps  the  best  advice  she  gave,  which  is  es-­ pecially  relevant  to  us  ambitious  high-­ schoolers,  was  â€œThe  key  to  [success]  is  working  hard,  pushing  through...on  occassion  you  make  a  mistake;Íž  you  have  to  let  it  go.â€?      Geena  Davis  spoke  next.  Not  only  is  she  a  successful  actress;Íž  she  is  also  D %RVWRQ 8QLYHUVLW\ JUDG ZLWK DQ KRQ-­ orary  Doctor  of  Fine  Arts  degree  from  %DWHV FROOHJH 6KH DOVR LV D PHPEHU RI Mensa,  which  means  her  IQ  falls  into  the  top  2%  of  intelligence.  She  said  that  at  the  age  of  3,  the  announced  to  her  parents  that  she  wanted  to  be  an  actor.  â€œI  had  such  an  unshakeable  faith  that  it  was  going  to  happen...that’s  a  powerful  quality  to  have,  that  faith,â€?  she  says.  Her  advice  to  young  women  is  to  â€œfocus  on  the  real  life  mentors  you  know;Íž  the  message  society  wants Â

to  send  you  is  really  toxic.â€?  She  also  VWUHVVHG WKDW ZRPHQ QHHG WR EH DIÂżUPD-­ tive:  â€œI’m  a  full-­on  adult  at  this  point  and  I’m  still  thinking  I  don’t  have  the  power  when  I’m  a  lead  in  the  movie.â€?  Knowing  that  you  have  that  power  is  key  in  being  successful  and  gaining  re-­ spect  in  the  industry.      Alfre  Woodard  spoke  following  Ms.  Davis,  reinforcing  her  previous  words  about  following  your  passion.  Judith  Jamison,  dancer  and  Director  of  Alvin  Ailey.  Of  her  success,  she  says,  â€œInside,  I  knew  I  had  to  be  the  best  I  could  be.â€?  Not  only  did  dancing  allow  her  to  travel;Íž  it  allowed  her  to  see  the  world  and  ex-­ plore.  â€œI’ve  been  on  the  road  since  1964,  and  I’ve  loved  every  second  of  it.â€?  For  Judith,  dance  is  not  only  a  way  of  expression-­-­it  is  a  way  to  bridge  racial  gaps.  The  mentors  she  knew  as  a  child  were  the  mentors  who  opened  a  ballet  studio  in  her  neighborhood,  giving  un-­ derprivileged  children  an  opportunity  to  have  access  to  something  they  never  had  access  to  before.  Says  Judith,  â€œThe  kinds  of  mentors  I  had  were  not  only  in-­ tellectual  mentors,  they  were  civil  rights  mentors.â€?  Similarly  to  Alfre  Woodard,  Ms.  Jamison  highly  stressed  the  im-­ portance  of  following  that  deep-­rooted  passion  inside  of  you.  â€œThe  light  never  goes  out  inside  of  you,  never...  it’s  your  path,  listen.â€? All  four  of  these  remarkable  women  brought  their  own  spin  on  following  dreams  and  having  a  mentor  to  help  do  WKDW 7KH\ HDFK UHĂ€HFWHG RQ WKHLU RZQ experiences,  acting  as  mentors  for  us  in  the  short  time  we  had  with  them.  We  were  lucky  enough  to  spend  an  hour  with  them  and  hear  their  advice  on  not  only  following  a  dream  and  a  passion,  but  on  turning  that  passion  into  a  suc-­ cessful  reality.  As  Judith  Jamison  put  it,  â€œNothing  is  ever  too  much,  it  is  just  enough  for  you.â€?

SR  Book  Sale  Hysteria By Dylan Williams Photo Editor

Photo courtesy of Gaby Keane (‘12).

Book sale goers compares purchases while waiting in the Collectibles line

     Recently  the  Stone  Ridge  com-­ munity  gathered  together  for  the  an-­ QXDO 8VHG %RRN 6DOH &RQWLQXLQJ WKH path  of  success  this  years’  book  sale  had  over  13,000  customers  ranging  IURP KHUH LQ %HWKHVGD WR &RORUDGR Ohio,  Pennsylvania,  and  Argentina!  In  addition  it  sold  over  125,000  books,  and  had  over  700  volunteers.  What  a  WHDP HIIRUW (YHU\RQH LQFOXGLQJ WKH volunteers  and  the  customers  who  vis-­ ited  the  sale  multiple  times  over  the  4  days  truly  came  together  to  make  it  a  success! (DFK \HDU DURXQG 7KXUVGD\ PRUQ-­ LQJ ZH EHJLQ WR VHH WKH ÂżUVW JURXSV RI customers  slowly  gather  around  the  Cedar  Lane  entrance  of  our  school.  We  WRR RIWHQ ÂżQG RXUVHOYHV SHHULQJ RXW RI the  classroom  window  trying  to  get  a  closer  look  at  the  â€œcreepersâ€?  who  lined  up  a  day  before  just  to  buy  books.       I  wanted  to  get  an  even  closer  look  DQG UHDOO\ ÂżQG RXW PRUH DERXW WKHVH “suspiciousâ€?  people.  I  set  out  with  a  fellow  classmate,  notebook  and  pen  in  hand,  and  a  list  of  questions  to  ask  the Â

GHGLFDWHG FXVWRPHUV MXVW WR ÂżQG RXW a  little  bit  more  about  them  and  what  drew  them  to  our  schools’  book  sale.      I  have  to  admit  I  was  rather  nervous  walking  up  there  to  meet  these  people.  I  did  have  some  pre-­conceived  notions  of  who  I  thought  they  were  or  how  I  WKRXJKW WKH\ ZRXOG EH %XW , ZRXOG soon  eliminate  such  thoughts  out  of  P\ PLQG DV , GLG PHHW WKHP DQG ÂżQG out  who  they  actually  were.      As  I  introduced  myself  as  a  staff  writer  for  the  school  newspaper,  I  soon  was  met  with  a  response  from  some  of  the  crowd  but  not  all,  as  there  were  only  about  eight  people  lined  up  only  about  three  people  truly  took  note  of  my  presence  and  were  intrigued  by  my  TXHVWLRQV 0\ ÂżUVW UHDFWLRQ ZDV WKDW RI alarm  by  the  response  I  received  from  WKH JURXS EXW , ÂżJXUHG , VKRXOG EH grateful  for  the  response  I  did  receive  and  go  with  it.   I  directed  my  questions  to  the  three  people  who  were  interest-­ ed.  While  two  were  men,  one  of  the  customers  was  a  woman,  in  fact  the  only  woman  in  the  whole  group,  and Â

who  truly  led  the  conversation.       I  started  off  by  asking  them  how  long  they  had  been  coming  to  the  book  VDOH )RU RQH PDQ LW ZDV KLV ÂżUVW \HDU the  other  man  he  had  been  coming  for  ten  years,  and  for  the  woman,  six  years.  Adding  a  little  humor  to  the  sit-­ uation  the  woman  responded  with  â€œno  lifeâ€?  when  asked  what  motivated  them  to  wake  up  and  line  up  so  early  just  for  books.  The  men  however  stated  that  they  were  â€œbook  people,â€?  and  were  really  motivated  to  obtain  the  â€œhigh-­ valueâ€?  books.  In  addition  the  group  seemed  rather  unanimous  when  asked  what  books  they  were  looking  for,  and  that  was  the  collectibles.       Often  very  valuable  and  desired  among  many  â€œbook  people,â€?  the  col-­ lectibles  are  the  main  section  con-­ stantly  seen  as  the  route  of  much  of  the  disputes  found  at  the  book  sale.  They  too  are  desired  among  book  collectors  ZKR VHH SURÂżW LQ HLWKHU SXUFKDVLQJ them  for  their  bookstores,  or  re-­selling  them  online.      The  group  was  not  hesitant  to  re-­ count  the  â€œcraziest  experienceâ€?  they  witnessed  over  the  years.  The  woman  stated  â€œone  year  a  man  tried  to  cut  in  line  in  the  morning,  and  claim  that  his  spot  was  valid,  even  though  the  other  people  already  in  line  had  been  waiting  since  the  previous  morning.â€?  Needless  to  say,  but  the  man  was  almost  imme-­ diately  directed  to  his  actual  position  in  the  back  of  the  line.      The  last  question  was  whether  or  not  they  had  met  friends  over  the  years  at  the  book  sale  that  they  see  year  after  year  and  their  answers  were  again  a  unanimous,  â€œyes.â€?

Photo Courtesy of Charlotte Davidsen (‘12).

A group of 3rd Academic girls stop for pictures in Granada, Spain.

Journey  Through  Spain By Dylan Williams Photo Editor

     HROD %RQMRXU &LDR ,I \RX GR QRW understand  what  that  means,  you  can  ask  the  girls  who  traveled  to  Spain,  France,  and  Italy  over  spring  break  on  WULSV ÂżOOHG ZLWK H[FLWLQJ VLJKWV H[RWLF IRRGV DQG WUHDVXUHG PHPRULHV (P-­ barking  on  a  seven-­day  journey  abroad  the  near  80  girls  set  off  to  immerse  themselves  in  a  new  culture  in  an  edu-­ cational  yet  enjoyable  environment.      While  a  majority  of  the  France  trip-­ was  spent  in  Paris  they  also  embarked  on  a  huge  road  trip.  In  addition  to  ex-­ periencing  the  beautiful  French  coun-­ tryside  along  their  way,  the  group  also  visited  a  number  of  World  War  II  sites  and  beaches.       The  Latin  class  too  had  a  great  time  in  Italy  as  they  visited  a  number  of  historic  monuments.  Among  the  loca-­ tions  visited  were  the  Colosseum,  the  Catacombs,  the  Tiber  River,  the  Vati-­ can,  the  Sistine  Chapel,  and  the  Trevi  Fountain.            Lastly,  leading  the  pack  with  41 Â

students  were  the  Spanish  students  making  their  way  to  the  capital  city  of  Madrid.  The  voyage  was  packed  full  with  long  scenic  bus  rides,  tours  of  the  most  important  Cathedrals  and  museums,  and  shopping  excursions!  $PRQJ WKH VLJQLÂżFDQW SODFHV YLVLWHG were  the  Puerta  de  Sol,  Royal  Palace,  Aranjuez  Palace,  Granada,  Cordoba,  y  Seville.       The  group  had  a  great  time  visit-­ ing  all  of  these  remarkable  places  and  studying  their  beautiful  architecture.  Amid  the  educational  sites,  the  group  also  experienced  a  number  of  fun  ad-­ ventures  as  well  including  a  viewing  of  a  Flamingo  performance,  a  dance  on  a  boat  ride,  and  most  of  all,  the  wonderful  leadership  of  their  tour  guide  Gonzalo.      These  trips  were  overall  quite  a  success.  The  students  were  able  to  im-­ merse  themselves  in  a  new  culture  and  experience  a  different  environment  in  an  educational  yet  engaging  way. Â



Here and Now Issue 41

NFL  Lockout:  Crisis  Averted By Catherine Kan Staff Writer     The  National  Football  League  has  been  going  through  On  March  11,  2011,  WKH 1D/ GHFHUWL¿HG DQG WKH FROOHFWLYH bargaining  agreement  failed  to  be  re-­ newed,  leading  to  a  lawsuit.  A  group  of  WHQ IRRWEDOO SOD\HUV ¿OHG DQ DQWL WUXVW ODZVXLW DJDLQVW WKH 1)/ %UDG\ Y 1)/ and  in  response,  the  NFL  implemented  the  lockout.  A  lockout  means  that  af-­ ter  the  collective  bargaining  agree-­ PHQW H[SLUHV WKHUH LV QR PRUH RQ ¿HOG football  practices,  games,  scrim-­

ISL Tournaments: May 13-17

“We’re  looking  forward  to  the  ar-­ gument  and  hope  that  we  get  a  quick  decision  so  the  players  can  get  back  to  playing.â€?  mages,  or  communication  between  players  currently  in  the  NFL  and  the  teams.  No  players  are  allowed  to  be  signed  and  players  do  not  have  medi-­ cal  coverage  provided  by  the  teams.     The  issue  between  the  players  and  the  owners  was  about  the  amount  of  money  the  owners  wanted  to  take  as  credit  from  the  revenue  pool.  Own-­ ers  wanted  more  money.  In  the  past,  they’ve  taken  about  $1  billion  from  a  total  pool  of  $9  billion,  but  were  pushing  to  receive  $2.4  billion.  This  of  course  would  have  cut  the  players’  revenue  by  eighteen  percent,  making  the  players  upset.  Players  wanted  to  KDYH D ÂżIW\ ÂżIW\ VSOLW RI UHYHQXH ZLWK

Important Dates for Stone Ridge Sports!


the  owners,  which  they  refuse  to  ac-­ cept.  As  of  now,  the  split  of  revenue  is  D IRXUW\ QLQH ÂżIW\ RQH VSOLW :LWK HY-­ eryone  greedy  for  more  and  more  mon-­ ey,  there  was  a  dead-­lock  decision  and  compromise  had  been  set  on  the  table.     The  NFL  is  the  largest  league  and  produces  the  most  revenue  of  any  sports  league  in  the  world,  so  this  is  really  hurting  them  as  well  as  the  fans.  Judge  Nelson,  in  an  eighty-­nine  SDJH UXOLQJ DJUHHG ZLWK WKH %UDG\ v.  NFL  lawsuit  that  the  public  inter-­ ests  are  being  hurt  by  the  lockout.     To  the  players’  dismay,  the  league  was  ordered  by  Judge  Susan  Nelson  to  lift  their  lockout  on  Monday,  April  DIWHU UXOLQJ RQ D PRWLRQ ÂżOHG E\ WKH SODLQWLIIV LQ WKH %UDG\ Y 1)/ lawsuit,  in  hopes  to  end  the  work  stop-­

page.  One  of  the  arguments  was  that  it   was  causing  irreparable  harm  to  the  players  by  depriving  them  of  the  RSSRUWXQLW\ LQ WKH RIIVHDVRQ WR ÂżQG D team,  make  a  roster  and  compete  for  jobs.  The  NFL  is  a  big  mess  now  be-­ cause  everyone  is  confused  and  the  teams  have  no  uniform  instructions  on  how  to  proceed  and  whether  the  order  was  already  in  effect.  Accord-­ ing  to  the  Herald  Sun,  the  Jacksonville  team  acted  as  if  the  lockout  were  still  in  place  by  shunning  a  player  who  ar-­ rived  at  the  headquarters.  On  the  con-­ trary,  the  New  York  Giants  opened  their  weight  rooms  as  if  the  offseason  has  already  begun.  No  one  is  certain  about  the  rules  of  engagement.  Right  now,  the  NFL  and  the  players  are  wait-­ ing  for  Judge  Nelson  to  tell  them  how Â

photo courtesy of Anna Baba

to  proceed,  since  the  six-­week  lockout  has  hurt  the  league  already.  What  is  happening  is  that  Nelson  is  suppose  to  rule  upon  an  NFL  appeal  for  a  say  that  would  temporarily  keep  the  lock-­ out  in  place  but  if  she  denies  it,  the  1)/ ZRXOG KDYH WR ÂżOH DQ H[SHGLWHG appeal  to  a  higher  court  in  hopes  of  a  more  favorable  ruling.  If  the  lockout  gets  permanently  lifted,  it  would  re-­ sult  in  the  start  of  offseason  and  free  agency.  Managers  and  head  coaches  are  getting  worried  about  the  ability  to  make  player  trades  before  the  NFL  draft,  which  is  nearing.  As  the  play-­ ers’  attorney  Jim  Quinn  said,  â€œWe’re  looking  forward  to  the  argument  and  hope  that  we  get  a  quick  decision  so  the  players  can  get  back  to  playing,â€? Â

Winter/Spring Awards Night: May 23 Father/ Daughter Field Day: June 6


Athletics  hinders  health:

Sports  injuries  become  extreme By Alicia Hai Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of MoCoRunning


Track  Without  a  Track By Gaby Keane Photo Editor     When  the  clock  strikes  4pm  and  track  practices  start,  most  schools  will  head  over  to  the  track  and  begin  warming  up.  Stone  Ridge  track  team,  on  the  other  hand,  warms  up  on  a  half  mile  loop  around  the  campus  and  then  breaks  up  into  the  distance  (800  run-­ ners,  milers,  and  2  milers),  sprinting  (100,  200,  400)  and  thrower  groups,  with  sprinters  doing  workouts  on  the  ¿HOGV DQG GLVWDQFH JRLQJ IRU D ORQJ run  off  campus.  Stone  Ridge’s  lack  of  an  on  campus  track  hinders  the  track  team’s  workout  options,  as  the  bumpy  JUDVV ÂżHOGV DQG KLOO\ QHLJKERUKRRGV are  not  conducive  to  optimal  results.        The  team  ventures  over  to  the  Landon  track  on  Mondays  and  Wednesdays,  which  draws  mixed  re-­ actions  from  members  of  the  team.  Margaret  Jones  â€˜12  enjoys  running  on  the  Landon  track  because  she  likes  to  â€œobserve  all  the  boys,â€?  while  others  are  not  the  biggest  fans  of  doing  track  workouts  while  the  varsity  lacrosse  team  plays  games  in  the  middle  of  the  track.  Despite  the  nontraditional  prac-­

tices  of  the  Stone  Ridge  track  team,  they  have  still  managed  to  produce  sev-­ eral  stellar  runners  who  have  broken  many  of  Stone  Ridge’s  track  records.         Recently,  Alyssa  Gill,  Chloe  Nick-­ ens,  Liz  Omenistch,  Jen  Farrell,  and  Jo  Farrell  raced  in  the  Penn  Relays,  the  biggest  track  meet  in  the  world.  They  raced  in  front  of  35,000  spec-­ tators  against  elite  competition,  and  broke  the  4x100  school  record   with  a  time  of  50.35  as  well  as  winning  their  heat  in  the  small  school  girls  divi-­ sion.  They  placed  40th  overall  out  of  320  teams  and  were  the  second  fast-­ est  ISL  team.  The  4x400  relay  team  UDQ WR ÂżQLVK RXW RI competing  schools  and  were  again  the  second  fastest  ISL  team.  These  were  amazing  accomplishments  in  a  dif-­ ÂżFXOW DQG FRPSHWLWLYH HQYLURQPHQW While  the  track  team  does  not  always  receive  the  same  amount  of  exposure  as  other  school  teams,  it  is  a  team  that  has  improved  by  leaps  and  bounds  within  the  last  few  years.  Come  out  to  a  meet  and  see  just  how  exciting  track  can  be!

       Athletes  are  usually  thought  of  as  healthy  and  well-­built,  but  recently  various  issues  in  sports  health  well-­ ness  have  brought  attention  to  the  public—and  have  brought  out  the  is-­ sue  of  how  these  athletes  can  further  prevent  small  problems  from  develop-­ ing  into  larger  ones.  For  high  school  and  lesser-­known  athletes  like  Wes  Leonard,  treatment  for  medical  and  health-­related  issues  comes  in  small-­ er  doses.  In  comparison,  big  time  athletes—like  Serena  Williams  and  Tomas  Fleishmann—play  sports  for  a  living,  and  thus  it  is  of  utmost  impor-­ tance  that  they  are  completely  healthy  and  are  able  to  play  year-­round.        Serena  Williams’  health  issues  have  stretched  since  last  July,  when  her  feet  were  cut  by  glass  at  a  res-­ taurant  (where  she  suffered  lacerated  tendon  and  twelve  stitches).  She  had  hoped  to  come  back  soon  after  her  feet  were  completely  healed,  but  once  again,  Williams  suffered  further  health  issues  in  early  March—a  hematoma  she  suffered  as  a  result  of  treatment  for  a  more  critical  condition,  and  a  pulmonary  embolism.   It  is  news  like  this  that  keeps  many  tennis  fans  won-­ dering  when  she  will  come  back  to  the  competitive  world.  After  all,  she  GRHV VWD\ ÂżW IRU D OLYLQJ :LOOLDPV hopes  to  come  back  in  the  early  sum-­ PHU MXVW DIWHU :LPEOHGRQ ÂżQLVKHV        Another  health  issue  comes  from Â

Photo courtesy of Laura Kraisinger (‘11).


WKH DUHQD RI KRFNH\²VSHFLÂżFDOO\ H[ Capitals  player  Tomas  Fleishmann.  (DUO\ WKLV \HDU LW ZDV GLVFRYHUHG WKDW he  was  diagnosed  with  two  blood  clots,  one  in  each  of  his  lungs.  Un-­ fortunately,  Fleishmann  is  out  for  the  rest  of  the  Colorado  Avalanche  hockey  season.  The  main  problems  that  arise  from  these  injuries  come  as  a  mys-­ tery  for  many.  With  a  serious  condi-­ tion  such  as  that  of  Fleishmann’s,  it  is  very  much  lucky  that  his  condition  had  been  caught  early.  If  it  had  not  been  for  his  shortness  of  breath  after  a  prac-­ tice,  the  doctors  wouldn’t  have  been  able  to  catch  it  at  the  right  moment.  With  issues  such  as  these,  it  is  lucky  that  sports  stars  Fleishmann  and  Wil-­ liams  have  been  in  the  right  treatment.       Now  compare  these  situations  to  that  of  high-­school  basketball  player Â

Wes  Leonard,  who  died  moments  after  making  the  game-­winning  shot  for  his  team.  Minutes  after  the  team’s  cheers,  Leonard  collapsed  to  the  ground.  He  was  immediately  rushed  to  the  hos-­ pital  and  given  CPR,  but  he  did  not  make  it—it  was  said  he  died  from  an  HQODUJHG KHDUW %XW WKLV VXGGHQ FDUGLDF death  comes  as  very  rare  in  young  ath-­ letes,  making  it  extremely  important  for  others  to  be  aware  about  this.  Third  Academic  Iana  Kozelsky  notes,  â€œIt  is  important  for  not  just  athletes,  but  everyone  to  get  yearly  checkups,  so  as  to  be  more  aware  of  their  own  critical  health  issues  and  conditions.â€?  And  with  regular  health  checkups  and  awareness  of  certain  symptoms,  you  can  be  treat-­ ed  before  a  condition  gets  serious  and  avoid  situations  like  that  of  Leonard’s. Â


Stone Ridge May 25, 2011


6SHFLDO 2O\PSLFV 6SHFLDO 2SSRUWXQLWLHV By Iana Kozelsky Staff Writer      On  Saturday,  February  26,  2011,  the  Katherine  Thomas  School’s  Junior  and  Intermediate  basketball  teams  SOD\HG DW DQ H[KLELWLRQ ZLWK %OHVVHG Sacrament’s  teams.  Family  members,  IULHQGV DQG IDQV IXOO RI HQHUJ\ ÂżOOHG the  stands.  Posters  with  each  player’s  name  hung  around  the  gym.  While  this  is  the  same  description  for  any  other  basketball  game,  the  kids  on  this  court  had  mental  disabilities,  and  some  even  had  physical  disabilities.  However,  with  the  support  of  their  friends  with  other  abilities,  these  bas-­ ketball  players  had  the  time  of  their  lives  on  the  court.  I  was  privileged  enough  to  be  a  part  of  this  spectacular  DQQXDO 6SHFLDO 2O\PSLFV %DVNHWEDOO ([KLELWLRQ DW WKH %OHVVHG 6DFUDPHQW School  in  NW  Washington,  DC  for  the  third  time  by  providing  my  DJ  ser-­ vice  to  hype  up  the  spirit  in  the  gym.      It  all  started  in  June  1962  when  (XQLFH .HQQHG\ 6KULYHU VWDUWHG D summer  day  camp  for  children  and  adults  with  intellectual  disabilities  at  her  home  in  Maryland  to  explore  their  capabilities  in  a  variety  of  sports Â

Photo courtesy of Iana Kozelsky (‘12).

Fans cheer on the athletes at the 2011 Blessed Sacrament/Katherine Thomas Schools’ Basketball Exhibition Game.

and  physical  activities.  Almost  half  a  decade  later,  the  Special  Olympics  organization  is  still  committed  to  em-­ SRZHULQJ WKURXJK VSRUWV &RQÂżGHQFH skill  and  determination  are  common  EHQHÂżWV RI LQYROYHPHQW ZLWK VSRUWV For  people  with  intellectual  disabili-­ ties,  Special  Olympics  can  be  the  only  place  where  they  have  an  opportunity  to  participate  in  their  communities  and  develop  belief  in  themselves.  Many Â

live  lives  of  neglect  and  isolation,  hid-­ den  away  or  socially  excluded  from  full  participation  in  schools  or  society.  For  athletes,  Special  Olympics  sports  provide  a  gateway  to  empowerment,  FRPSHWHQFH DFFHSWDQFH DQG MR\ (P-­ ployment  is  a  challenge  for  people  with  disabilities,  but  Special  Olympics  athletes  are  employed  at  a  much  high-­ er  rate  than  others  with  intellectual  disabilities  outside  the  organization.

     I  think  that  the  best  part  of  the  Spe-­ cial  Olympics  is  that  it  gives  these  children  an  opportunity  to  participate  in  something  that  they  watch  their  sib-­ lings  and  friends  do  on  a  daily  basis,â€?  says  Caroline  Olsen  â€™13,  an  active  vol-­ unteer  for  kids  with  disabilities.  She  says  â€œit  also  teaches  others  that  people  with  intellectual  and  physical  disabili-­ ties  are  just  as  talented  as  everyone  else.  Special  Olympics  shows  others Â

that  if  people  with  intellectual  and  physical  disabilities  are  given  the  op-­ portunity,  they  can  and  will  succeed.â€?  (YHQWV VXFK DV VSRUW H[KLELWLRQV IRU the  disabled  are  a  twofold  growth  ex-­ perience  because,  as  Caroline  says,  â€œnot  only  does  Special  Olympics  bring  out  the  best  in  the  children  with  dis-­ abilities,  but  also  in  the  volunteers.  %\ WKHP UHDFKLQJ RXW WR KHOS RWK-­ ers,  they  have  helped  themselves.â€? 7KLV \HDU WKH RIÂżFLDO 6SHFLDO 2O\P-­ pics  games  will  be  held  in  Athens,  Greece  in  June.  Without  having  to  trav-­ el  to  a  different  continent  to  take  part  in  this  organization,  there  are  so  many  ways  to  help.  Attending  the  basketball  exhibition  next  February  close  to  home  DW WKH %OHVVHG 6DFUDPHQW VFKRRO LV DQ easy  way  to  show  your  support  for  the  Special  Olympics  athletes  attending  schools  in  our  area.  Whether  you  want  to  volunteer  by  being  a  coach,  help  make  events  run  smoothly,  take  and  share  photos  or  donate  money  is  up  to  you.  Give  yourself  an  opportunity  to  meet  new  people,  learn  new  things  and  support  an  organization  with  a  worldwide  ambition  to  improve  lives.

Sports  on  Another  Level Club  athletics  become  more  popular  as  varsity  sports  get  more  competitive By Caroline Shook Staff Writer

Photo courtesy of Mr. Bryant

The Stone Ridge Middle school lacrosse team plays NCS.

Lacrosse  Win  Over St.  Stephens  St.  Agnes By Lindy Firstenberg Staff Writer      Middle  School.   The  talent  of  middle  school  lacrosse’s  blue  team  ended  up  in  a  7-­6  victory  over  SSSA.   Those  seventh  and  eighth  graders,  if  choosing  to  stay  at  Stone  Ridge,  could  play  those  same  SSSA  girls  on  the  varsity  level  in  a  few  years  time.        The  differences  between  college  and  high  school  recruiting  are  fun-­ damental.   High  school  cannot  of-­ IHU HQWLFLQJ SDFNDJHV RQO\ ÂżQDQFLDO aid.   In  college,  money  for  education  is  based  on  the  ability  of  the  player.   Recruitment  for  high  school  is  a  tough  subject,  there  are  regulations  upon  regulations  to  protect  players.   Our  coaches  do  not  â€œrecruit,â€?  but  can  en-­ tice  students  with  the  possibility  of  playing  time  based  off  our  numbers.  Â

“I  knew  with  them  coaching  me,  I  would  be  in  good  hands.â€? Thus  because  of  our  low  number  of  student-­athletes,  the  possibility  of  be-­ ing  an  impact  player  sooner  and  get-­ ting  more  minutes  sooner  is  much  greater  than  that  of  other  schools,  all  the  while  being  competitive  in  the  ISL  and  gaining  a  great  education.        SR  varsity  lacrosse  coach,  Kara  Thiede,  explains  that  the  program  tries Â

to  emphasize  both  parts  of  a  student-­ athlete.   This  correlates  with  the  rule  that  she  is  not  allowed  to  talk  to  students  until  after  they  have  been  accepted  and  have  approached  her  in  their  decision  process.   Once  they  make  the  initial  contact,  then  coaches  are  allowed  to  discuss  the  opportunities  of  the  pro-­ gram.   A  huge  night  for  Coach  Thiede  to  talk  to  perspective  players  is  Ac-­ cepted  Students  Night.   That  is  where  IUHVKPDQ $OO\ 5RFN ÂżUVW PHW &RDFK Thiede.  â€œI  knew  with  them  coach-­ ing  me,  I  would  be  in  good  hands.â€?         A  change  that  has  made  an  immedi-­ ate  impact  is  the  re-­organization  of  the  DWKOHWLF GHSDUWPHQW 0U %U\DQW ZDV not  only  appointed  as  Athletic  Director  of  the  upper  school,  but  as  the  Athletic  Director  of  all  athletics.   He  has  ap-­ pointed  each  varsity  coach  the  director  of  his  or  her  respective  programs.   This  permits  the  varsity  coaches  to  have  their  hands  in  the  middle  school  and  upper  school  coaches  and  the  success  of  the  program.   Also,  this  allows  mid-­ dle  schoolers  to  get  to  know  the  pro-­ gram  and  the  philosophy  earlier.   They  instill  a  sense  of  pride  for  Stone  Ridge  athletics,  which  can  be  continued  throughout  high  school.   To  facilitate,  athletics  announcements  made  in  the  middle  school  are  made  about  the  en-­ tire  program,  grades  5th  through  12th,  which  creates  a  sense  of  anticipation  to  make  it  to  the  varsity  level.  Coach  Thiede  says  â€œthe  excitement  that  you  can’t  teach  is  thereâ€?  in  the  middle  school.   She  will  continue  her  encour-­ agement  for  middle  schoolers  to  stay  in  order  to  build  her  lacrosse  program.

     With  the  recent  increased  level  RI GLI¿FXOW\ ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR FRO-­ lege  sports  recruiting  many  student  athletes  are  turning  to  club  and  intra-­ mural  teams  to  utilize  their  athletic  abilities.   These  teams  provide  athletic  opportunities  for  students  who  may  QRW EH WKH ELJJHVW VWDU RQ WKH ¿HOG EXW want  to  play  a  bit  less  competitively.   Intercollegiate  club  sports  are  competitive  and  rigorous,  but  are  not  regulated  by  the  NCAA.          The  teams  also  receive  little  or  no  ¿QDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH IURP WKH VFKRRO and  are  completely  student  run.   Club  teams  are  a  bit  more  demanding  than  intramural  sports,  but  less  rigorous  than  a  varsity  team.   Many  students  participate  on  these  teams  if  they  have  talent  in  a  certain  sport,  but  do  not  nec-­ essarily  want  it  to  be  the  only  college  activity  they  participate  in.   A  varsity  team  requires  a  students  utmost  atten-­ tion,  where  as  club  athletes  have  time  to  do  other  things  in  college  as  well. %HFDXVH &OXE DWKOHWLFV DUH QRW UHJX-­

lated  by  the  NCAA,  the  tryout  process  varies  for  every  team  at  every  school.   :KLOH LW PD\ EH YHU\ GLIÂżFXOW WR earn  a  spot  on  a  club  team  at  one  school,   at  another  school  there  may  not  be  any  tryout  process  at  all.   The  competition  for  spots  on  a Â

“...over  700  schools...  with  over  12,000  participants.â€? schools  club  team  is  almost  always  LQĂ€XHQFHG E\ WKH VL]H RI WKH VFKRRO This  is  not  to  say  that  Club  sports  are  easy.        Some  teams  still  practice  almost  every  day  and  may  be  required  to  travel  for  games  over  the  weekends.   Championships  may  even  require  students  to  travel  out  of  the  coun-­

try.   For  example,  the  2010  Ultimate  Frisbee  Club  Championships  were  KHOG LQ 3UDJXH %XW EHFDXVH VFKRROV JLYH VR OLWWOH ÂżQDQFLDO DVVLVWDQFH WR these  teams,  students  are  sometimes  responsible  for  raising  money  in  or-­ der  to  attend  these  competitions.            There  are  also  some  things  that  may  not  be  a  varsity  sport  at  a  school  that  are  considered  club  sports.   Ultimate  fris-­ bee  has  rocketed  in  popularity  due  to  WKH FROOHJH FRPPXQLW\ 7KH ÂżUVW XOWL-­ mate  frisbee  club  team  formed  in  1970  in  Lafayette  college,  and  since  then  over  700  schools  have  formed  teams,  with  over  12,000  student  participants.        Club  teams  provide  athletic  op-­ portunities  for  athletes  of  many  dif-­ ferent  backgrounds.   Just  because  a  student  may  not  be  the  starting  quar-­ terback  of  the  varsity  team,  doesn’t  mean  that  they  can’t  play  sports  in  college.   With  over  70  club  sports  available  in  college  ranging  from  Ten-­ nis  to  Tug-­of-­War,  there  is  something  out  there  for  every  student  athlete.  Â

Photo courtesy of Danielle Martyn


Hike  Up  The  Ladder  of  Fame By Caroline Shook Staff Writer

11,  2011,  Justin’s  3D  movie,  Never  Say  Never,  was  re-­ leased  in  theaters,  grossing  nearly  $31  million  dollars  in  LWÂśV ÂżUVW ZHHNHQG DORQH -XVWLQ %LHEHU LV ZLWK-­ out  a  doubt  one  of  the  best  known  teen  sensations  of  the  current  generation.   No  one  could  have  possibly  predicted  how  much  suc-­ cess  could  have  come  out  of  simple  videos  posted  to  the  Internet  of  a  young  boy  singing  cover  songs.   Once  a  boy  singing  and  playing  the  guitar  on  a  set  of  steps  in  his  him  upon  their  initial  meet-­      In  just  one  year  Justin  small  town,  Justin  is  now  %LHEHU ZHQW IURP D ER\ ZLWK LQJ 7R %HLEHUÂśV GLVPD\ selling  out  shows  in  less  the  break  didn’t  come  as  a  Youtube  account,  to  a  pop  than  10  minutes.   idol.   After  years  of  posting  quickly  as  he  had  hoped.   ,I -XVWLQ %LHEHU KDG Time  passed  and  still,  no  videos  of  himself  singing  never  posted  those  videos  EUHDN IRU %LHEHU XQWLO KH cover  songs  to  some  of  his  of  himself  on  Youtube,  he  IDYRULWH DUWLVWV KH ÂżQDOO\ JRW met  Usher  a  second  time.   would  never  have  gotten  to  This  time,  Usher  listened  to  QRWLFHG E\ 6FRRWHU %UDXQ the  place  he  is  today.   Now,  a  record  label  manager  who  Justin  sing. some  of  his  music  vid-­      After  hearing  the  13  year  eos  have  over  500  million  UHDOL]HG WKDW %LHEHU KDG D old’s  voice,  Usher  was  quick  views.   Although  people  VSHFLDO WDOHQW %XW -XVWLQÂśV to  sign  the  rising  star.   He  success  didn’t  start  right  knew  that  Justin  had  a  began  recording  his  debut  ZKHQ KH PHW %UDXQ special  talent,  no  one  could  album  My  World,  and  his       Once  Justin  was  discov-­ have  even  imagined  that  he  ered,  he  and  his  mother  took  ¿UVW VLQJOH 2QH 7LPH ZDV would  become  so  successful  released.   The  song  jumped  on  a  huge  risk  by  moving  because  of  it.   At  age  16,  he  WR QXPEHU RQ %LOOERDUGÂśV has  made  more  money  than  from  their  home  town  of  top  100,  earning  a  Platinum  most  people  will  make  in  Stratford,  Ontario,  Canada  to  Atlanta,  Georgia  in  hopes  ranking.   As  the  singles  kept  their  lifetime,  all  because  of  FRPLQJ -XVWLQ %LHEHUÂśV of  getting  his  big  break,  some  videos  he  posted  on  name  became  more  and  ZKLFK LV DOVR ZKHUH KH ÂżUVW the  Internet.  more  known.   On  February  met  Usher,  who  ignored Â

Digital  vs.  CD  Sales  from  2005-2009




Rebecca  Black-­  Frida


With the recent rise to fame of Youtube sensation Re “Why her?� Her song, though catchy, about her favo ers’ attention overnight in a way that seems to be be video that went “viral.� But what usually happens afte What is it that makes these so popular? 23 seconds ago


One of the most fascinating things about viral videos 7ZR EURWKHUV VLWWLQJ LQ D FKDLU ZKLOH RQH ELWHV WKH RWK but when seen in a video has a completely different TXHVWLRQ WKDW PDQ\ SHRSOH SRQGHU EXW KDYH JUHDW GL 55 seconds ago


One thing that makes these videos so popular is tha some way. For example, some people watch “Friday amazed by the content. Others watch “Charlie Bit My is that it grabs the audience’s attention in some sort 2 minutes ago


While some of Rebecca Black’s viewers had positive highly critical. She said in an interview on Good Mor you cut yourself and I hope you get an eating disord eighth grade and just trying to get her claim to fame. also be what makes them so prevalent in society tod 4 minutes ago

By Caroline Sho

Photo courtesy of Kara Rickford’13

Internet  Affects  the  Industry By Iana Kozelsky Staff Writer

     The  music  industry  has Â

0 AM




ebecca Black, many people were left wondering... orite day of the week, Friday, got millions of viewecoming more and more common--as an Internet er watching these videos is a lingering question:

s is that the content of the video is so strange. KHU RQHҋV ÀQJHU VHHPV FRPSOHWHO\ GXPE LQ ZRUGV effect on the audience. Why this is, exactly, is a LIÀFXOW\ DQVZHULQJ

at is connects with the audiences emotions in y� and think “Wow, is this for real?� and are y Finger� and think “This is hilarious!� Bottom line of way, which isn’t always a good thing.

e things to say about her song, most people were rning America that people have told her “I hope der so you look pretty.� Meanwhile, the girl is in . The controversy of some of these videos could day.

ook Staff Writer

H[SRVHG %HIRUH WKH WLPH RI WKH world  wide  web,  musicians  had  to  develop  their  own  social  network  to  setup  connections  with  other  artists  and  hopefully  catch  the  at

taken  several  â€œhitsâ€?  due  to  You-­ Tube’s  own  quick  rise  to  fame.  This  expansive  website,  growing  by  35  hours  of  videos  per  minute,  has  given  the  industry  stars  OLNH -XVWLQ %LHEHU &KDULFH and  Greyson  Chance.  Along  with  these  prodigies,  YouTube  has  also  given  the  industry  some  challenges  and  tough  times.  Recorded  music  sales  have  been  decreasing  at  an  unprecedented  rate  over  the  last  decade.  Revenues  from  digital  download  services  like  Apple  iTunes  and  Amazon  MP3  are  still  growing  strong,  but  they  are  not  generating  enough  revenue  to  make  up  for  the  sharp  decline  in  CD  sales.  The  industry,  taking  the  hit,  has  realized  that  instead  of  competing  with  YouTube,  is  needs  to  work  with  it  in  order  to  regain  their  success  and  increase  sales.        Generating  billions  of  global  views  daily,  with  the  third  most  WUDIÂżF RQ WKH LQWHUQHW <RX7XEH LV an  excellent  venue  for  musicians  to  upload  their  material  and  get Â

Photo courtesy by Catherine Kan

tention  of  people  willing  to  book  their  act  and  break  their  way  into  the  industry.  While  many  artists  still  use  this  process,  more  and  PRUH PXVLFLDQV DUH ¿QGLQJ WKDW taking  advantage  of  what  You-­ 7XEH KDV WR RIIHU KDV LWV EHQH¿WV that  social  networking  in  real  life  does  not  have.

     From  a  musician’s  perspective,  the  concept  of  YouTube  is  simple:  record  material,  upload  videos,  promote  yourself,  and  hope  to  get  noticed  by  someone  in  the  industry.  The  advantage  You-­ Tube  provides  is  that  anyone  can  get  hold  of  an  artist’s  mate-­ rial.  For  example,  a  marketing  executive  for  a  record  label  in  Atlanta,  Georgia  might  stumble  upon  a  talented  young  singer  in  &DQDGD 6FRRWHU %UDXQ LQLWLDWHG -XVWLQ %LHEHUÂśV PXVLFDO FDUHHU only  because  he  happened  to  stumble  upon  his  videos  on  YouTube. 7KRXJK -XVWLQ %LHEHU LV RQH of  the  few  lucky  artists  on  You-­ Tube,  more  and  more  musicians  are  uploading  their  material  to  the  website  in  hopes  that  they  too  will  be  discovered  and  break  their  way  into  the  industry.  Other  stars  that  have  found  the  same  luck  include  Greyson  Chance,  Charice,  DQG &KULVWLQD *ULPPLH (YHQ 5H-­ EHFFD %ODFN KDV <RX7XEH WR WKDQN for  her  15  minutes  of  fame.

Melissa Nematti’s Playlist # Â


Song  Title  Â









7KH ;;






















     Music  can  often  be  a  part  of  the  answer  to  the  TXHVWLRQ ZKDW GHÂżQHV RXU generation.  Throughout  time  people  have  experi-­ enced  the  amazing  sounds  of  various  legends  who  have  introduced  the  world  to  such  genres  as  Rock  5ROO DQG 3RS PXVLF However,  in  the  current  21st  century,  we’ve  gone  a  different  direction  with  music.  These  days,  music Â

producers  have  turned  to  autotuning  tracks  in  order  to  make  a  semi-­talented  wan-­ nabe  musician  sound  as  if  he/ she  is  the  next  big  star.  What  happened  to  those  artists  who  incorporated  poetry  and  such  lyrics  which  spoke  to  our  bodies,  minds  and  souls  or  even  those  artists  who  opted  to  incorporate  sounds  from  older  times  to  mix  with  mod-­ ern  day  sounds?  Although  certain  types  of  music  which Â

involve  repetitive  lyrics  and  club  hopping  beats  are  great  for  setting  the  mood  when  going  out  on  the  town  and  dancing,  it’s  important  not  to  ignore  those  artists  who  take  the  time  to  create  sweet  melodies  which  allow  them  to  create  connections  be-­ tween  themselves  and  their  audiences  around  the  world.

10 Student Interest

Here and Now Issue 4

Hazing  Causes  Concern  at  College By Melissa Nemati Staff Writer

     In  the  fall,  the  seniors  will  embark  on  their  college  journey.  We’ll  attempt  WR ÂżQG RXU QLFKHV DPRQJVW WKRXVDQGV of  other  students  at  our  respective  Uni-­ versities.  One  way  some  of  us  will  try  to  make  friends  will  be  by  joining  a  so-­ rority.  The  infamous  Greek  system  has  been  projected  into  our  lives  through  the  media  as  usually  being  something  QHJDWLYH %XW LQ UHDOLW\ ZKDW GRHV WKH Greek  world  really  entail?      Sure,  joining  a  sorority  or  fraternity  and  establishing  bonds  with  sisters  and  brothers  might  just  be  the  most  memo-­ rable  part  of  one’s  college  experience.  The  recent  cancelled  television  show,  *5((. IRU H[DPSOH VKHGV OLJKW on  the  positive  aspects  of  the  Greek  system.  Rusty,  the  main  character,  is  the  prime  showcase  of  a  former  high  VFKRRO RXWFDVW WU\LQJ WR ÂżW LQ DW FROOHJH To  do  this,  he  pledges  a  Fraternity.       Throughout  the  seasons  Rusty  quickly  molds  himself  into  a  relatively  FRQÂżGHQW JX\ RQ FDPSXV ZKLOH VWLOO maintaining  his  geeky  quirks  and  all  around  being  himself.  As  a  result  of  the  friendly  embrace  of  his  brother-­ hood,  he  makes  life  long  friends  and  enjoys  events  such  as  attending  Greek  parties  and  forming  relationships  with  various  girls.  $OWKRXJK LW H[HPSOLÂżHG WKH SRVL-­ tive  aspects  of  Greek  life,  the  show  also  portrayed  the  negative  affects. Â

'XULQJ 5XVW\ÂśV ÂżUVW ZHHN DV D SOHGJH he  is  forced  to  make  a  fool  of  himself  throughout  hazing  week  during  which  his  feet  â€œmiraculouslyâ€?  are  found  to  be  dyed  a  shade  of  dark  blue  and  part  of  his  pants  are  cut  off  at  the  back.  He  HQGV XS EHLQJ ODWH IRU KLV ÂżUVW KRQRUV physics  class  and  gets  mistaken  for  be-­ ing  a  homeless  man.            The  famous  movie,  â€œAnimal  House,â€?  similarly  introduces  this  ste-­ reotype  of  the  Greek  system  including  two  things:  hazing  and  non-­stop  party-­ LQJ %XW DJDLQ HYHQ WKURXJK WKH PRQ-­ strous  amount  of  reckless  activities  the  PDLQ FKDUDFWHU %HDYHU DQG WKH UHVW RI his  gang  experience,  the  brotherhood  ends  up  sticking  together  at  the  end Â

“Media  represents  both  the  positive  and  nega-­ tive  aspects  of  the  Greek  system  from  the  Hollywood  eyeâ€? once  the  brothers  get  themselves  in  trouble.      Clearly,  media  represents  both  the  positive  and  negative  aspects  of  the  Greek  system  from  the  Hollywood  eye,  but  what  really  goes  on  behind  closed  doors?  Hazing,  to  many,  seems Â

like  a  silly  and  almost  exciting  time  for  young  college  students  who  go  through  ridiculous  and  demeaning  tasks  just  to  be  accepted  into  a  top  VRURULW\ RU IUDWHUQLW\ KRXVH %XW KD]-­ ing  is  more  serious  and  gruesome  than  some  people  may  think.      Case  one:  at  the  University  of  Miami  in  Novemeber  of  2001,  Kappa  Sigma  pledge,  Chad  Meredith,  was  forced  to  binge  drink  and  then  was  persuaded  to  swim  across  Lake  Osceola.  He  drowned  thirty-­four  feet  from  shore  and  his  death  led  to  the  passing  of  the  Chad  Meredith  Act,  which  restricted  hazing  from  college  campuses.       In  2005,  Chi  Tau  fraternity  pledge,  Matthew  Carrington,  was  pressured  to  drink  gallons  of  water  in  freezing  temperatures.  He  was  then  forced  to  do  calisthenics  while  standing  on  one  foot  and  drinking  the  water.  He  col-­ lapsed  and  died  two  hours  later  from  water  intoxication,  and  the  fraternity  was  suspended.       On  the  sorority  front,  at  UM-­Flint,  WKH %HWD 6LJPD 3KL KRXVH ZDV VXV-­ pended  after  pledges  were  caught  driving  around  drunk  people  and  rid-­ ing  in  cars  blindfolded.  Finally,  at  the  3KL (SVLORQ VRURULW\ KRXVH DW +RIVWUD University,  pledges  were  branded  with  a  three-­pronged  fork  to  represent  their  three  values.  These  are  only  a  few  of  the  many  incidents  where  hazing  has Â

Delta Gamma sorority at Duke University

gone  wrong.      Despite  hazing,  sororities  and  fra-­ ternities  can  still  have  their  perks.  For  example,  some  universities  offer  busi-­ ness  fraternities,  or  co-­ed  fraternities,  where  college  kids  learn  to  network  and  create  connections  as  future  busi-­ ness  leaders.       Other  houses  are  dedicated  to  philan-­ thropy  work.  Other  houses  are  known  to  have  exciting  gatherings,  which  are  a  quintessential  part  of  the  college  ex-­

Photo courtesy of Erica Duh.

perience.  The  most  important  thing,  though,  is  the  fact  that  you  can  be  sure  no  matter  what  house  you  join,  you’ll  end  up  with  lifelong  friends  and  great  memories.       So  what  we  can  learn  from  all  this  is  that  the  Greek  system  has  a  lot  of  positive  aspects,  but  we  just  need  to  make  sure  that  we’re  responsible  and  don’t  do  anything  that’s  going  to  make  us  uncomfortable  no  matter  how  much  pressure  is  placed  on  us.

The  Job  Hunt By Danielle Anane Staff Writer

     It  is  often  hard  to  imagine  being Â

Jose’s Autentico Adventures in Costa Rica

Photo courtesy of Jose Rosana

Get  Out  and  Get  Going By Gaby Keane Photo Editor

     Sometimes  the  combination  of  summer  heat,  noon  wake  up  calls,  and  a  profusion  of  popsicles  can  deter  even  the  most  exercise-­crazed  student  from  hitting  the  gym.  Staying  active  is  ex-­ tremely  important  all  year  round,  espe-­ cially  in  the  summer.  Sports  preseason  has  a  way  of  sneaking  up  on  you  in  those  last  weeks  of  August,  and  it  will  never  feel  good  if  you  have  spent  three  months  lazing  around  and  â€œexercis-­ ingâ€?  by  walking  over  to  the  ice  cream  WUXFN 6WD\LQJ ÂżW GRHV QRW KDYH WR mean  spending  hours  in  a  stuffy  gym,  staring  at  the  wall  while  you  run  on  the  treadmill.  There  are  a  multitude  of  fun,  HQWHUWDLQLQJ ZD\V WR VWD\ DFWLYH WKDW ÂżW right  into  any  enjoyable  summer  day.     You  can  take  a  break  from  tanning  and  swim  laps  in  the  pool,  simultane-­ ously  getting  exercise  and  cooling  off.  If  you  are  vacationing  on  the  beach,  a  swim  in  the  ocean  can  be  a  good  work-­

out-­-­just  be  careful  not  to  get  caught  in  the  current!  Joining  in  a  game  of  beach  volleyball  is  an  engaging  way  to  meet  QHZ SHRSOH DQG JHW ¿W DOO WKH VDPH time.  Wake  up  early  and  go  for  a  jog  on  the  beach,  a  relaxing  activity  that  allows  you  to  enjoy  the  sunrise  and  a  quiet  beach.  A  simple  walk  on  the  beach  with  a  friend  or  family  member  provides  much  more  of  a  workout  than  you  ever  would  have  thought.  Run-­ ning  on  the  sand  may  feel  extremely  hard,  much  more  so  than  pavement  or  dirt.  This  is  because  when  you  attempt  to  push  off  the  sand,  it  gives  way  and  requires  you  to  exert  about  1.5  times  the  energy  that  would  be  required  to  maintain  the  same  speed  on  solid  ground.  For  walkers,  make  that  2.1  to  2.7  times  for  energy.  So  next  time  your  young  cousins  force  you  to  play  tag  on  the  beach,  just  remember  that  your  butt  will  thank  you!

    If  you  are  looking  for  something  ac-­ tive  to  do  that  is  closer  to  home,  look  QR IXUWKHU WKDQ WKH & 2 &DQDO 'ULYH down  with  a  few  friends  and  a  picnic  lunch  to  enjoy  after  a  walk  down  to  the  gorgeous  view  of  the  rapids.  If  you  want  to  do  something  more  physically  active,  strap  on  your  hiking  boots,  SDFN D &OLI EDU DQG KLNH WKH & 2œV FDQDO %LOO\ *RDW 7UDLO 7KH %LOO\ *RDW Trail  is  a  3  mile  stretch  that  features  a  surplus  of  nature,  boulders  to  climb  over,  and  a  steep  rock  face  that  looks  over  the  Potomac  River  that  you  must  walk  up  in  order  to  get  back  on  the  main  path. There  are  a  plethora  of  fun  summer  ac-­ tivities  that  you  can  do  in  order  to  stay  in  shape,  so  dump  the  stuffy  gym  ex-­ cuse  into  the  trash  can  and  start  work-­ ing  those  muscles!

able  to  balance  work  and  play  espe-­ FLDOO\ GXULQJ WKH VXPPHU %XW WKH PRW-­ to  stands  true  â€œwork  hard,  play  harder,  â€?  especially  with  summer  steadily  ap-­ proaching  it  is  important  to  make  sure  WKDW \RX DUH VHW ÂżQDQFLDOO\ WR EH DEOH to  jump  in  on  all  the  activities  the  sum-­ mer  has  to  offer.  The  whole  deal  about  getting  a  summer  job  as  a  teenager  is  to  make  sure  that  it  is  in  someone  ben-­ HÂżFLDO WR \RX      If  your  biggest  vice  is  good  food,  WKHQ ÂżQG D SDUW WLPH MRE DW D JRRG restaurant  where  you  are  guaranteed  to  get  a  discount  on  all  your  favorite  meals.  Maybe  clothes  drive  you  crazy  in  a  good  way,  then  consider  getting  a  job  at  your  favorite  retail  store  if  they  are  hiring.  Sometimes  looking  for  jobs  in  the  most  unexpected  places  can  re-­ ally  pay  off.  %HLQJ DEOH WR JR RXW DQG KDQJ RXW with  friends  as  you  please  without  having  to  continually  ask  your  parents  for  twenty  bucks  every  time  will  serve  as  such  a  relief.  You  even  get  a  head  VWDUW RQ WDNLQJ FDUH RI \RXU RZQ Âż-­ nances  something  that  is  very  essential  as  college  is  right  around  the  corner.   The  best  way  to  tackle  the  job  search  is  to  go  in  with  an  open  mind  and  a  very  determined  spirit.  <RX FDQÂśW ÂżQG D MRE LI \RX DUH QRW willing  to  be  persistent.  It  is  often  necessary  to  follow  up  continuously  wherever  you  put  in  an  application.  Maybe  consider  targeting  different  ar-­ eas  if  segments  throughout  the  course  of  a  week  but  remember  the  sooner  you  start  the  search  the  more  you  are  JXDUDQWHHG WR ÂżQG DW OHDVW RQH JRRG MRE 7KH ÂżUVW WKLQJ WKDW VKRXOG EH IDF-­ tored  in  while  determining  where  to  look  for  a  job  is  how  far  you  are  will-­ ing  to  drive  and  the  mileage  and  gas  required  to  get  there.       Maybe  you  want  to  save  the  en-­ vironment  and  bike  to  work  all  sum-­ PHU FRQVLGHU ÂżQGLQJ D MRE WKDW LV QHDU

Photo courtesy of Wil Travis

Check out stores that have “help wanted� signs, like this one!

a  bike  trial  or  within  a  good  distance  near  your  house.  Sometimes  the  local  country  club  also  has  some  great  open-­ ings  even  for  non-­members.       If  you  travel  a  lot  during  the  sum-­ mer  remember  sometimes  you  can  ¿QG D MRE ZKHUHYHU \RX JR HVSHFLDOO\ if  you  are  planning  on  spending  a  great  deal  of  the  summer  there.  Some  local Â

“The  best  way  to  tackle  the  job  search  is  to  go  in  with  an  open  mind  and  a  very  determined  spiritâ€? surf  shops  are  willing  to  hire  part  time  on  a  come  and  go  basis.  Whatever  you  GR PDNH VXUH \RX ÂżQG VRPHWKLQJ WKDW is  both  fun  and  pays  well  but  never  discredit  internships  because  some-­ times  they  can  lead  to  paid  internships.       It  is  best  to  start  building  your  re-­ sume  and  repertoire  now  while  your  young,  even  if  in  college  you  can  use  your  summer  jobs  as  a  reference  gaining  a  leg  up  from  the  other  appli-­ FDQWV %H VXUH WR FKHFN ORFDO FRPPX-­ nity  boards  for  job  openings  and  other  places  where  job  offerings  are  often  posted.  When  in  doubt  do  not  discredit  babysitting!

Stone Ridge May 25, 2011

Student Interest

Bulldog Boy & Gator Girl Bulldog Boy, Okay so this actually a legit question. I have been [going out] with this boy for approx. 1.5 months I am kinda over it. He, on the other hand, has grown VERY attached...tryna plan our future together, etc. He has even driven by my house just “for kicksâ€?. It’s startin’ ta creep me out. So a normal person would just be like, “Listen boy, it’s overâ€?. But unfortunately we have many mutual friends and I kind of want to go to prom with him.... if only to enjoy the dance/entertainment. Is there a way of going together without actually “going togetherâ€?? HOW DOO I HANDLE THIS BDB??????? Sincerely, CANT BE TAMED Dear CANT BE TAMED, Figuring out how to end a relationship can be incredibly challenging, especially when the relationship is not FOHDUO\ GHĂ€QHG ,Q \RXU FDVH LW ZLOO EH even trickier because of your mutual friends, but the bottom line is if you are not happy with what you have with this guy right now, you should gently and respectfully make the changes you need to make sure that you are happy. Tell him how you’re feeling—don’t just tell him you want to end it; tell him you have fun when you’re with him, but you are worried about how attached he is. Most guys would be receptive to that and give you some space. The crucial factor here is timing. If you have your talk before prom, it could be really awkward at the GDQFH RU KH PD\ HYHQ Ă€QG DQRWKHU date. If you wait until afterwards, you will be forced to continue your relationship as if nothing is wrong. It’s okay and even encouraged for you to pretend you’re really excited to be with him at prom, but not if that means you’ll be in a situation where you feel pressured to do something you’re not comfortable with. If you think that kind of situation could come up, then you need to have the talk before prom, because the worst-case scenario would be an emergency “chatâ€? at prom about your relationship and your boundaries. This would make prom not fun for either of you, so avoid that at all costs.

Dear Gator Girls, Confession time: I am a senior at Prep (shocker, right?), and so I will graduate in a couple of weeks. Before I move on to a different stage of my bulldog life, I just wanted to say how much of a pleasure it has been to be harassed by anonymous email for almost two years now. Back when I was a freshman bulldog, new to the world of Maryland private schools, I could have never conceived that I would be GatorGirl’s, “go-to guy for adviceâ€? or BulldogWoman’s “mystery man.â€? In fact, I didn’t even know any girls at Stone Ridge, except for one, and as you probably already know, she rode horses a lot. During my sophomore year I was still a little awkward and shy, and so I can GHĂ€QLWHO\ UHODWH WR %R\OHVV /LIH ga+0rg!rl, and all the other girls who ask me how to meet guys. From my personal experience, the best advice I have for becoming more social is to be comfortable with who you are and to be patient. That’s what I did, and by the end of junior year, I had lots of Gator friends. As a senior, I was busting a move like a champ at “Winter Ball.â€? ‌But enough about me. You guys have been the best readers I could ask for, and I have been continually impressed and amused by your wit and hip $1lang. I love your riddles and your pictures of children hunting giant boars, your blatant references to my classmates, and your more clever allusions to my girlfriend. I DSSUHFLDWH ERWK WKH TXHVWLRQV QRW Ă€W for publication and the questions that keep this feature of the Here and Now alive. Thanks again, Stone Ridge girls. Yours always, Bulldog Boy


Facebook  friended  Movies By Iana Kozelsky Staff Writer      According  to  Creating  Results,  41.6%    of  Americans  have  a  Facebook.  It  only  seems  logical  to  use  this  widely  known  and  used  social  networking  website  as  a  powerful  marketing  tool.  Companies  such  as  iTunes  have  al-­ ready  taken  advantage  of  advertising  and  promoting  on  Facebook,  and  now  HYHQ :DUQHU %URWKHUV (QWHUWDLQPHQW is  planning  to  use  the  website  to  their  advantage.  For  $3  worth  of  Facebook  credits,  users  will  be  able  to  purchase  or  rent  the  movie  of  their  choice  di-­ UHFWO\ IURP WKH ZHEVLWH %ORFNEXVWHU ZDV GHIHDWHG E\ 1HWĂ€L[ EXW ZLOO 1HW-­ Ă€L[ VWDQG XS WR WKH FKDOOHQJH DJDLQVW Facebook?      The  March  2011  release  of  Warner  %URV ÂżUVW WULDO ÂżOP RQ )DFHERRN 7KH Dark  Knight,  was  a  success.  It  was  such  a  success  that  the  company  even  DGGHG ÂżYH DGGLWLRQDO PRYLHV WKDW VDPH month:  Harry  Potter  and  the  Sorcerer’s  Stone,  Harry  Potter  and  the  Chamber  RI 6HFUHWV <RJL %HDU ,QFHSWLRQ DQG Life  As  We  Know  It.      The  titles  are  all  available  through  HDFK ÂżOPÂśV RIÂżFLDO )DFHERRN SDJH

The  cost  of  a  movie  rental  is  either  30  Facebook  credits  or  $3,  and  the  mov-­ ie  can  be  accessed  for  48  hours  after  purchase.  Viewers  can  pause  playing  and  then  log  back  into  the  site  as  well  as  post  comments  about  the  movie.  Future  releases  have  not  yet  been  an-­ nounced.      According  to  Thomas  Gewecke,  SUHVLGHQW RI :DUQHU %URV 'LJLWDO Distribution,  â€œFacebook  has  become  a  daily  destination  for  hundred  of  PLOOLRQV RI SHRSOH 0DNLQJ RXU ÂżOPV available  through  Facebook  is  a  natu-­ ral  extension  of  our  digital  distribution  efforts.â€?  Analysts  quickly  determined  WKDW :DUQHU %URV Âś PRYH ZDV WDUJHWHG DW 1HWĂ€L[ +RZHYHU *HZHFNH FODLPHG WKDW WKH VWXGLR ZDV QRW DIWHU 1HWĂ€L[ EXW instead  interested  in  the  600  million  international  Facebook  members.  â€œIt’s  taking  advantage  of  what  we  think  is  a  great  opportunity  to  make  our  movies  available  to  fans,â€?  Gewecke  asserted. 7KHUH KDV EHHQ QR RIÂżFLDO ZRUG on  any  upcoming  titles,  but  it  is  pre-­ GLFWHG WKDW :DUQHU %URV ZLOO EH PDN-­ ing  movies  with  the  most  followings Â

on  Facebook  available  soon. In  addition  to  Facebook  movies,  the  social  network  gaming  world  has  grown  tremendously  in  the  past  sev-­ HUDO \HDUV $FFRUGLQJ WR *DPHV %HDW social  gaming  revenues  hit  $1  billion  in  2010.  Predictions  have  been  made  that  by  2015,  the  popularity  of  gaming  on  social  networks  could  bring  rev-­ enues  to  $5  billion.  While  most  games  are  free  to  play,  most  of  the  money  brought  by  these  games  comes  from  advertisements  or  gamers  purchasing  virtual  goods.      â€œGaming  on  social  networks  has  quickly  become  the  most  visible  cat-­ egory  of  online  games,â€?  said  Pietro  Macchiarella,  a  research  analyst  at  Parks  Associates.  â€œRight  now  more  than  250  million  people  play  games  like  Zynga’s  CityVille  and  FarmVille  on  Facebook  every  month,  and  both  game  developers  and  marketers  have  WDNHQ QRWLFH %LJ EUDQGV VXFK DV 0F-­ 'RQDOGÂśV DQG (OHYHQ KDYH FDUULHG out  cross-­promotions  with  existing  social  games.â€?

How  Safe  Is  the  TSA?

Debate  on  Transportation  Security  Administration By Iana Kozelsky Staff Writer

PS. Special thanks to Alex Gangitano (’10) and Carolyn Ruocco (’10) for starting Bulldog Boy, and to Laura Kraisinger for keeping it alive.

Best of luck, Bulldog Boy

Continued From Front

Breaking  The  Silence

keep  in  mind,  we  do  not  intend  for  this  article  to  be  a  slap  on  the  wrist,  but  rather  a  call  to  action.         In  this  past  year,  incredible  strides  have  been  taken  in  the  nationwide  movement  to  propagate  equality  for  /*%7 FLWL]HQV 7KH UHSHDO RI 'RQÂśW $VN 'RQÂśW 7HOO KDV DOORZHG /*%7 Americans  the  right  to  serve  openly  in  the  military.   The  U.S.  Department  of  Justice  has  stated  that  it  will  no  lon-­ ger  defend  Section  3  of  the  Defense  RI 0DUULDJH $FW ZKLFK GHÂżQHV ÂłPDU-­ riageâ€?  and  â€œspouseâ€?  as  terms  only  applying  to  opposite-­sex  couples)  in  court,  paving  the  way  for  a  judicial  decision  that  would  allow  for  same-­ sex  spouses  to  be  entitled  to  federal  recognition  and  protection.   And  in  %HWKHVGD 0' 6WRQH 5LGJH VWXGHQWV were  given  part  of  the  Social  Action  bulletin  board  to  dedicate  to  the  be-­ JLQQLQJ RI DQ /*%7 GLDORJXH LQ WKHLU community.       Although  you  may  not  know  it,  groups  of  students  have  been  working  WR LPSURYH WKH VWDWH RI /*%7 LVVXHV at  Stone  Ridge  since  2009.   Student  representatives  attended  the  2011  As-­ sociation  of  Independent  Maryland  Schools  Conference  on  creating  safe  VSDFHV IRU /*%7 VWXGHQWV DQG PRUH recently  there  was  an  on-­campus  din-­ ner  dialogue  meeting  about  these  is-­ sues  as  they  relate  to  our  community.   Spectrum  has  been  the  name  of  this  overall  initiative,  our  sincere  inten-­ tion  to  change  the  way  that  our  school  HPEUDFHV /*%7 LVVXHV :H KRSH WKLV QDPH RI D IXWXUH FOXE ZLOO UHĂ€HFW WKH fact  that  members  of  our  school  com-­ munity  represent  a  range  of  sexual  identities,  and  that  all  of  these  people  should  be  embraced  equally.       These  are  all  important  stepping-­ stones  on  the  path  to  full  equality  and Â

DFFHSWDQFH %XW IRU WKDW JRDO WR EH reached  one  day,  people  must  be  will-­ ing  to  take  risks  and  stand  up  for  what  they  believe  in  not  just  when  they  are  WHVWHG EXW ZKHQ WKH\ ÂżQG WKDW WKH question  has  not  even  been  asked  yet.        As  a  Catholic  school  in  particular,  we  have  been  called  to  ensure  that  all  members  of  our  community  feel  loved  and  included.   In  1997  the  American  %LVKRSV PDGH WKLV FOHDU LQ WKHLU VWDWH-­ ment  â€œAlways  our  Childrenâ€?  in  which  they  wrote  â€œWe  call  on  all  Christians  and  citizens  of  good  will  to  confront  their  own  fears  about  homosexuality  and  to  curb  the  humor  and  discrimina-­ tion  that  offend  homosexual  persons.  We  understand  that  having  a  homosex-­ ual  orientation  brings  with  it  enough  anxiety,  pain  and  issues  related  to  self-­ acceptance  without  society  bringing  additional  prejudicial  treatment.â€?       In  order  to  put  the  full  value  of  a  Stone  Ridge  education  into  use,  this  principle  of  personal  initiative  must  be  implicitly  acquired,  although  it  is  not  something  one  learns  in  the  class-­ room.   Right  now,  casual  homophobia  is  a  part  of  the  social  and  intellectual  atmosphere  at  Stone  Ridge,  and  un-­ less  we  take  concrete  steps  to  educate  and  raise  awareness  within  our  com-­ munity,  we’re  sending  young  women  out  into  the  world  who  will  perpetuate  that  culture  of  subconscious  discrimi-­ nation.      Our  tendency  to  brush  what  makes  us  uncomfortable  under  the  carpet  (or  into  the  closet)  is  an  impediment  to  fostering  a  social  awareness  which  impels  to  action,  the  building  of  com-­ munity  as  a  Christian  value,  and  per-­ sonal  growth  in  an  atmosphere  of  wise  freedom.   Let’s  be  the  change.   Let’s  break  the  silence.

Long lines at the security check at the airport.

     As  much  as  the  phrase  â€œYour  Safe-­ ty  Is  Our  Priorityâ€?  may  bring  comfort,  the  TSA’s  overuse  of  the  phrase  all  over  their  website  and  on  almost  every  square  foot  near  their  security  checks,  may  also  bring  some  discomfort  â€“  and  that  is  not  just  from  the  enhanced  pat-­ downs.  While  we  see  this  phrase  many  times  in  various  places  in  our  daily  lives,  on  buses,  in  restaurants,  etc.,  the  TSA,  Transportation  Security  Ad-­ ministration,  really  does  put  travelers’  VDIHW\ ÂżUVW      Though  recently,  as  more  and  more  people  are  discouraging  the  use  of  full-­body  scanners  and  pat-­downs  for  the  selected  3%  of  airplane  travelers,  the  TSA  has  been  accused  of  having  a  high  failure  rate.  However,  the  TSA  claims  this  information  was  gathered  from  only  3  three  airports  out  of  450  in  2004-­2005.  Since  then,  they  have  been  applying  newer  and  more  ad-­ vanced  technology.  Their  advanced  imaging  technology  has  detected  130  dangerous  and  illegal  items  in  the  past  year.  The  pat-­downs  that  were  dreaded  by  many  travelers  this  past  holiday  season  helped  tremendously  with  safe  travel.      More  and  more  cases  against  the  76$ KDYH EHHQ ÂżOHG WKRXJK VRPH DUH more  successful  than  others.  Congress  authorizes  the  TSA  to  search  travelers Â

for  weapons  and  explosives,  and  that  is  the  extent  to  which  they  are  sup-­ posed  to  utilize  their  security.  Howev-­ er,  the  TSA  oversteps  their  boundaries  when  they  start  to  check  passengers  IRU DQ\WKLQJ HOVH WKH\ ÂżQG VXVSLFLRXV especially  if  it  would  not  pose  a  threat  to  passengers  on  an  aircraft.  For  exam-­ ple,  they  caught  a  man  with  three  fake  passports  when  they  searched  him  after  they  placed  him  on  a  selected  VHDUFK OLVW ZKHQ KH ERRNHG KLV Ă€LJKW DW WKH ODVW PLQXWH 7KH 76$ RIÂżFLDOV violated  his  rights  against  unreason-­

³76$ 7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ Security  Administration  really  does  put  WUDYHOHUVœ VDIHW\ ¿UVW´

DEOH VHDUFK DQG VHL]XUH %HFDXVH RI situations  like  this,  it  is  easier  for  the  real  dangerous  passengers  to  be  caught  when  the  TSA  itself  is  caught  up  with  other  passengers  with  no  real  threat.      As  far  as  the  technology  they  use,  the  TSA  blog  provides  ample  information  concerning  their  technology  and  justi-­ ¿FDWLRQV IRU XVLQJ WKHLU SURFHGXUHV WKDW

Photo courtesy of Marc Morritale

travelers  might  be  questioning.  Those  concerned  about  the  radiation  should  not  be  worried  about  anything.  The  X-­ Rays  used  for  security  have  to  pass  a  test  by  Health  Physicists  and  are  also  tested  periodically  and  updated  when  newer  technology  comes  out. %XW EHVLGHV WKH QHZ DQG JUHDW technology,  the  TSA  employees  also  play  a  role  when  it  comes  to  secu-­ rity.  And  as  the  saying  goes,  humans  are  not  perfect  and  they  can  make  mistakes.  Maria  Lumbre  experienced  RQH RI WKHVH PLVWDNHV DW WKH %:, DLU-­ port.  When  travelling  to  San  Diego  in  early  December,  her  carry-­on  bag  was  checked  because  of  her  water  bottle  DW %:, :KHQ WUDYHOOLQJ EDFN KRPH at  the  San  Diego  airport,  her  carry-­on  bag  was  checked  again.  This  time,  it  was  because  the  x-­ray  showed  that  she  was  carrying  an  X-­Acto  blade  (for  art)  in  her  pencil  case,  though  she  did  not  realize  this.  However,  the  blade  was  not  caught  in  Maryland.  This  brings  up  suspicion  on  how  much  we  can  re-­ ally  rely  on  the  trustworthiness  of  the  76$ (YHU\ 76$ DJHQW LV UHTXLUHG WR go  through  many  hours  of  training  so  that  they  are  professionally  quali-­ ¿HG WR ZRUN DW VHFXULW\ FKHFNSRLQWV DW DLUSRUWV %XW VRPHWLPHV WKH MRE PD\ require  more  than  just  an  amount  of  hours  of  training.


Arts & Entertainment

Here and Now Issue 4

A  Modern  Day  Fairytale:  The  Royal  Wedding By Melissa Nemati Staff Writer      Save  the  date  for  the  wedding  of  the  century  on  April  29,  2011.  Although  we  can’t  be  there  personally,  we  can  still  live  vicariously  through  the  many  royals  who  will  be  in  attendance  to  watch  Prince  William  of  Wales  tie  the  knot  with  his  girlfriend  of  many  years,  Kate  Middleton.  The  couple’s  love  life  has  been  blown  out  of  proportions  by  the  UK  tabloids  and  media,  but  they  met  just  like  any  other  couple  would.      In  2001,  Prince  William  enrolled  at  St.  Andrews  University  in  Scotland  under  the  name  of  William  Wales.  Here  is  where  the  fairytale  couple  met  and  eventually  fell  in  love.  William  and  Kate  were  both  studying  art  his-­ tory,  and  they  â€œjust  spent  more  time  together,  had  a  good  giggle  and  real-­ ized  [they]  shared  some  interestsâ€?  says  William.  â€œShe  has  a  normal  sense  of  humour  which  is  really  good  for  me  because  I’ve  got  a  dead  sense  of  hu-­ mour,  and  then  things  happenedâ€?,  Wil-­ OLDP VDLG $W ÂżUVW WKH FRXSOH EHFDPH IULHQGV DQG ZHUH VLPSO\ ³ÀDWPDWHV´ EHIRUH WKH\ RIÂżFLDOO\ EHJDQ GDWLQJ LQ 2003.  â€œ[I]  went  bright  red  and  scuttled  off,  feeling  very  shyâ€?,  Middleton  says  RI ZKHQ VKH ÂżUVW PHW WKH 3ULQFH 7KHLU UHODWLRQVKLS ÂżUVW EHFDPH WDEORLG QHZV when  Middleton  attended  the  Prince’s  passing-­out  parade  at  Sandhurst,  which  PDUNHG WKH ÂżUVW KLJK SURÂżOH HYHQW VKH attended  as  William’s  guest.      Don’t  be  fooled  into  thinking  the  pair  represented  the  epitome  of  a  fairytale  couple.  In  2007,  the  media  at-­ tention  and  constant  harassing  by  the  paparazzi  became  overwhelming  and  the  couple  decided  to  split,  which  sad-­ dened  the  hearts  of  millions.  However,  the  couple  quickly  mended  their  rela-­ tionship  and  in  October,  2010,  while  the  two  were  on  vacation  in  Kenya  with  friends,  William  popped  the  question.  â€œI  had  been  planning  it  for  a  while  but  as  every  guy  out  there  knows  it  takes  a  certain  amount  of  motivation  to  get  yourself  going,  so  I  was  planning  it,  it Â

Photo courtesy of Mario Testino.

Prince Williams and Kate Middleton plan to get married in Westminster Abbey April 29th, 2011.

just  felt  really  right  in  Africaâ€?.  Mid-­ dleton  was  totally  shocked  and  â€œwas  YHU\ H[FLWHG´ (YHQ WKRXJK :LOOLDPÂśV mother,  Princess  Diana,  sadly  passed  away  in  1997,  her  spirit  is  still  kept  in  the  wedding  through  the  engagement  ring.  William  gave  Kate  his  late  moth-­ er’s  sapphire  and  diamond  encrusted  engagement  ring.  â€œI  knew  if  it  disap-­ peared  I  would  be  in  a  lot  of  trouble‌I  thought  it  was  quite  nice  because  (my  mother)  is  not  going  to  be  around  for  the  fun  and  excitement,  so  it’s  my  way  of  keeping  her  close  to  it  all.â€?      Recently,  Prince  Harry,  the  best Â

man,  and  a  few  of  William’s  friends  en-­ gaged  in  some  top  secret  shenanigans  for  William’s  bachelor  party,  while  Kate  was  treated  to  a  quiet  night  out  by  her  sister,  Pippa,  the  maid  of  honor,  and  several  close  friends.  On  the  day  of  the  wedding,  the  couple  will  wed  at  Westminster  Abbey  on  April  29,  2011.  Middleton  will  arrive  in  a  Rolls  Royce  Phantom  VI.  Unfortunately,  news  on  the  wedding  dress  Middleton  will  wear  is  kept  very  tightly  under  wraps,  but  rumor  is  that  she  will  opt  for  a  %ULWLVK GHVLJQHU 6KH DOVR ZLOO PRVW likely  wear  her  make  up  as  naturally Â

Charlie  Sheen The  Reason  Behind  the  Hype By Anna Dunlavey Managing Editor

GRZQ %XW QRZ WKH TXHVWLRQ LV :K\ were  we  so  obsessed  with  him  in  the  ¿UVW SODFH" :KDW ZDV VR LPSRUWDQW about  watching  and  making  comments  on  the  demise  of  an  actor?  It  could  be  our  fascination  with  the  celebrity  life-­ style.   Â

“Why were we so obsessed with him in the Ă€UVW SODFH" :KDW ZDV VR important about watching and making comments on the demise of an actor?â€? Charlie Sheen has been all the talk recentely with his ludacris statements. Photo courtesy of Greg Laughner.

     After  watching  his  antics  for  more  than  a  month,  it  seems  that  people  KDYH ÂżQDOO\ ORVW WKHLU IDVFLQDWLRQ ZLWK Charlie  Sheen.  His  comedy  tour,  Vio-­ lent  Torpedo  of  Truth/Defeat  Is  Not  an  Option,  is  not  receiving  the  feedback  one  might  expect,  especially  since  WKH\ DOO VROG RXW $W KLV ÂżUVW VWRS LQ Detroit,  the  boos  from  the  crowd  were  so  bad  that  Sheen  left  in  the  middle  of  his  performance.  New  York  City  was  no  better—audience  members  trickled  out  all  through  the  show,  and  Charlie Â

Sheen  ended  early  once  again.  His  exit  was  not  as  abrupt  as  in  Detroit—in  New  York,  he  at  least  thanked  his  au-­ dience,  saying,  â€œI  love  you,  New  York.  You’re  the  best  crowd  ever.  Well,  some  of  you.â€? ,W VHHPV GHÂżQLWH QRZ WKDW &KDU-­ lie  sheen  is  old  news.  After  months  of  hearing  of  how  he  was  â€œWinning,â€?  had  ³7LJHU %ORRG´ WKDW PDGH KLP LPSHU-­ vious  to  addictions,  and  that  the  only  drug  he  was  on  was  â€œCharlie  Sheen,â€?  the  hype  surrounding  him  is  dying Â

It  could  be  that  the  news  on  Sheen  is  lighter  than  the  news  from  Japan  or  the  0LGGOH (DVW 1R PDWWHU ZKDW LW ZDV After  the  initial  surprise,  it  appears  people  are  getting  tired  of  Sheen.      There  are  many  tactics  people  are  using  to  avoid  watching  catastroph-­ ies  like  Sheen’s.  There  is  even  a  new  iPhone  app,  â€œSilence  of  the  Celebs,â€?  WKDW ÂżOWHUV VWRULHV RQ QHZV ZHEVLWHV about  overexposed  celebrities.  And  who  knows?  If  people  stop  paying  at-­ tention  to  him,  Sheen  may  calm  down  and  change  for  the  better.

and  fresh  as  possible  and  will  style  her  hair  into  an  updo,  in  keeping  with  her  conservative  taste.      There  will  be  1,900  guests  in  atten-­ dance  and  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  Dr.  Rowan  Williams,  will  be  conduct-­ ing  the  ceremony.  Kate  will  receive  a  royal  title  and  William  is  most  likely  to  receive  the  title  of  Duke.  Kate  will  wear  a  wedding  band  created  from  Welsh  gold,  traditionally  worn  by  roy-­ al  brides,  but  William  will  not  wear  a  ring.  Finally,  the  musicians  who  will  perform  during  the  procession  will  in-­ clude  the  choir  of  Westminster  Abbey, Â

the  Chapel  Royal  Choir,  the  London  Chamber  Orchestra,  the  Fanfare  Team  IURP WKH &HQWUDO %DQG RI WKH 5R\DO Air  Force  and  the  State  Trumpeters  of  the  Household  Cavalry.      â€œPersonnel  from  each  of  the  three  services  will  form  a  path  lining  party  for  when  the  couple  leave  Westmin-­ ster  Abbeyâ€?,  and  the  couple  will  ride  in  a  1902  State  Landau  carriage,  built  IRU .LQJ (GZDUG 9,, DV WKH\ ULGH RQ WKHLU ZD\ EDFN WR %XFNLQJKDP 3DO-­ ace  to  greet  660  people.  There  will  be  two  decadent  cakes  at  the  reception,  including  a  wedding  cake  which  will  be  a  traditional  multi-­tiered  fruit  cake  created  by  Leicestershire-­based  cake  designer,  Fiona  Cairns,  and  a  Mcvi-­ tie’s  Cake  Company  chocolate  bis-­ cuit  cake,  which  was  requested  by  the  Prince.  Additionally,  the  couple  has  set  up  a  charitable  gift  fund  for  those  who  would  like  to  donate  to  charity  to  help  the  couple  celebrate  their  wedding.  Afterwards,  â€œthe  couple  and  the  rest  of  WKH UR\DO IDPLO\ ZLOO JDWKHU RQ %XFN-­ ingham  Palace’s  balcony  to  watch  D Ă€\SDVW RI PRGHUQ DQG KLVWRULF ZDU planesâ€?.  One  thing  the  public  is  curi-­ ous  to  see  is  whether  or  not  the  couple  will  copy  Charles  and  Diana’s  famous  kiss  on  their  wedding  day.  Finally,  the  evening  will  comprise  of  a  private  palace  dinner  and  dance  for  300  of  the  couple’s  close  friends  and  family  hosted  by  Charles. 2QH WKLQJ LV GHÂżQLWHO\ VXUH WKLV will  be  the  wedding  of  the  century.  %XW ZH FDQQRW IRUJHW WKDW WKURXJK DOO these  festivities  and  glamour,  Prince  William  and  soon  to  be  Princess  Kate  Middleton  are  just  like  any  other  cou-­ ple  in  love  (the  pair’s  request  to  not  have  servants  present  in  their  future  household  is  a  testament  to  the  humble  quality  of  the  charming  couple).  Don’t  forget  to  catch  the  broadcasted  event  RQ VWDWLRQV VXFK DV $%& DQG %%& America.  You  can  also  follow  any  up-­ GDWHV RI WKH ZHGGLQJ DW ZZZ RIÂżFLDO-­

Here & Now Staff Laura Kraisinger - Editor-in-Chief Shawn Gannon - Copy Editor Anna Dunlavey - Managing Editor Danielle Anane - Co-Design Lead Melissa Nemati - Co-Design Lead Catherine Kan - Student Interest Editor Sung Eun Lim - Assistant SI Editor Caroline Shook - Sports Editor Lindy Firstenberg - Assistant Sports Editor Alicia Hai - News Editor Dylan Williams - Assistant News Editor Shannon O’Connell - A&E Editor Iana Kozelsky - Metro Editor Gaby Keane - Assistant Metro Editor Mr. Sands - Faculty Adviser Ms. Doxey - Layout Assistance

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Stone Ridge May 25, 2011

Arts & Entertainment

Dior  Fires  Galliano


By Laura Kriasinger Editor-in-Chief

Photo courtesy of Olivier Claisse.


 Until  a  few  weeks  ago,  the  name  John  Galliano  was  synony-­ mous  with  high  couture  and  the  Dior  brand.   Unfortunately,  recent  circum-­ stances  have  attached  a  new  adjective  to  Galliano’s  name  in  many  peoples’  minds:  racist.   According  to  the  New  York  Times,  Galliano  was  involved  in  D FRQIURQWDWLRQ DW WKH /D 3HUOH %DU LQ Paris  in  late  February.  According  to  Le  Parisien,  Galliano  is  being  charged  with  â€œpublic  insults  made  against  in-­ dividuals  based  on  their  origin  or  their  UHOLJLRXV DIÂżOLDWLRQ PDGH DJDLQVW three  victims.â€?

Since  the  supposed  confrontation  at  La  Perle,  a  cell  phone  video  in  which  Gal-­ liano  clearly  states,  â€œI  love  Hitlerâ€?  and  continues  to  make  several  anti-­semitic  comments.   The  video  was  purchased  by  The  Sun  UK  and  quickly  spread  through  the  internet.   Following  Gal-­ liano’s  arrest,  Dior  suspended  him  his  position  as  creative  director,  a  position  KH KDV KHOG IRU ÂżIWHHQ \HDUV $FFRUG-­ ing  to  the  Daily  Mail,  following  the  events,  Galliano  has  checked  in  to  the  Meadows  rehabilitation  facility  in  Ari-­ zona.   The  fashion  community  has  responded Â

with  sadness  and  disapproval.   Acad-­ emy  Award  Winning  actor  Nathalie  3RUWPDQ ZKR ZRQ KHU 2VFDU IRU %HVW $FWUHVV IRU KHU UROH LQ %ODFN 6ZDQ WKLV year,  had  previously  signed  on  to  be  the  spokesperson  for  Dior’s  perfume  Miss  Dior  ChĂŠrie.   Following  the  in-­ cident  with  Galliano  the  New  York  Times  quotes  Portman  saying,  â€œas  an  individual  who  is  proud  to  be  Jewish,  I  will  not  be  associated  with  Mr.  Gal-­ liano  in  any  way.â€?   Galliano  was  not  only  creative  direc-­ tor  at  Dior,  but  according  to  The  Daily  Mail,  also  â€œoversaw  12  new  collections  a  year  â€”  six  for  Dior,  including  haute  couture,  and  six  for  his  own  label.â€? $QQD :LQWRXU (GLWRU LQ &KLHI RI American  Vogue,  showed  her  support  for  the  designer  by  sitting  front  row  at  the  Dior  autumn/winter  show.   Ac-­ cording  to,  Anna  released  a  statement  on  the  situation  saying  simply  â€œThis  is  all  so  tragic.â€?   $W ÂżUVW *DOOLDQR ZDV DGYLVHG QRW WR make  a  statement  on  the  incident,  how-­ ever  he  did  release  a  public  statement  about  the  incident  saying,  â€œI  only  have  myself  to  blame  and  I  know  that  I  must  face  up  to  my  own  failures  and  that  I  must  work  hard  to  gain  people’s  un-­ derstanding  and  compassion.  To  start  this  process  I  am  seeking  help  and  all  I  can  hope  for  in  time  is  to  address  the  personal  failure  which  led  to  these  cir-­ cumstances  and  try  and  earn  people’s  forgiveness.â€? In  an  interview  with  Le  Parisien  trans-­ ODWHG E\ 7KH +XIÂżQJWRQ 3RVW WKH Philippe  Virgiti,  one  of  the  men  press-­ ing  charges  against  Galliano  stated  that  he  believes,  â€œI  am  convinced  that  he  didn’t  believe  what  he  was  saying.  I  don’t  think  he  is  racist  or  anti-­Semitic.  Since  the  incident,  I’ve  learned  about  his  work.  I’ve  seen  that  he  put  differ-­ ent  cultures  into  his  designs.  I  think  that,  more  importantly,  he  is  very  sick  and  that,  above  all,  he  was  provoked.â€? Unfortunately,  this  incident  has  de-­ tracted  from  Galliano’s  creative  genius  in  his  ability  to  shock  viewers  with  his  avante  gard  clothes  at  his  fash-­ ion  shows.   Shocking  the  public  with  anti-­semitic  comments  is  certainly  a  departure  from  the  positive  message  Galliano  had  previously  sent  over  the  years  with  the  Dior  brand. Â

By Iana Kozelsky Staff Writer

How  it  all  started: Â

American  Idol      On  January  19,  2011,  Season  10  of  a  nationally  famous  reality  show  series  American  Idol  aired  on  hundreds  of  thousands  of  television  screens  across  the  country.  Starting  in  2002,  the  hit  show  had  a  relatively  slow  start,  but  began  its  skyrocketing  viewings  and  ratings  after  its  second  season.     The  hit  show  has  evolved  since  LW ÂżUVW EHJDQ 7KH DJH UHTXLUHPHQW seems  to  have  expanded,  with  more  younger  talented  singers  auditioning  for  the  show.  One  big  change  to  the  show  is  that  now,  Jennifer  Lopez  and  Steven  Tyler  accompany  Randy  Jack-­ son,  the  only  judge  who  has  been  on  WKH SDQHO VLQFH WKH ÂżUVW VHDVRQ EHJDQ With  the  loss  of  two  favorite  judges,  Simon  Cowell  and  Paula  Abdul,  the  SURGXFHUV KDYH WR ÂżJXUH RXW QHZ ZD\V to  enhance  the  show  as  to  not  lose  loy-­ al  fans  and  viewers.  However,  Ryan  Seacrest,  has  hosted  the  show  for  all  ten  seasons.  For  American  Idol,  he  is  GHÂżQLWHO\ D NHHSHU     The  phenomenon  that  one  show  could  have  so  many  dedicated  view-­ ers  and  inspire  many  other  similar  shows  to  be  produced  is  not  unique  for  American  Idol.  Not  too  many  people  are  cognizant  that  preceding  Ameri-­ can  Idol,  Pop  Idol  was  created  in  the  United  Kingdom  by  Simon  Fuller.  (YHQ EHIRUH $PHULFDQ ,GRO DQG 3RS Idol,  Star  Search  was  a  popular  talent  show  series  in  the  80s  and  90s.  Fuller  created  Pop  Idol  to  be  not  only  a  real-­ ity  talent  show,  but  most  importantly, Â

interactive.  The  boundary  between  the  show  and  the  viewer,  separated  by  a  television  screen,  is  broken  when  the  audience  casts  the  vote  to  decide  the  next  American  Idol.  This  was  key  to  the  success  of  the  show.     That  key  to  success  was  noticed  by  many  other  producers  who  modeled  their  reality  talent  show  series  after  American  Idol  by  being  interactive.  These  include  So  You  Think  You  Can  Dance,  The  X-­Factor,  and  America’s  %HVW 'DQFH &UHZ 6R <RX 7KLQN <RX Can  Dance  and  The  X-­Factor  were  even  created  by  Simon  Fuller  and  pro-­ GXFHG E\ (QWHUWDLQPHQW WKH VDPH SURGXFHU RI $PHULFDQ ,GRO (YHU\ year,  a  number  of  series  like  these  pop  up  in  the  television  world.  However,  none  have  proven  to  be  more  success-­ ful,  or  even  as  successful,  as  American  Idol.  Only  time  will  tell  how  much  reality  and  music  television  shows  viewers  can  handle  and  whether  a  new  phenomenon  will  arise,  changing  the  television  world  again.     The  revolutionary  show  and  concept  of  American  Idol  greatly  impacted  other  media  and  pop  culture.  Ameri-­ can  Idol  created  the  â€œSimonâ€?  charac-­ ter,  the  judge  everyone  wants  to  act  like,  jokingly,  whenever  judges  are  needed.  American  Idol  also  furthered  the  idea  even  waitresses  like  Kelly  Clarkson  and  bartenders  like  David  Cook  can  follow  their  dreams  and  be-­ come  internationally  famous  by  being  talented  singers.

A  Hidden  Danger:  Summer  Sun  Exposed By Laura Kraisinger Editor-in-Chief

Photo courtesy of Courtney Grafmeyer (‘11).

Courtney Grafmeyer (‘11) and Haley Kameros (‘11) pose as they work on their tans.

     With  so  many  popular  beaches  only  a  few  hours  away,  summertime  is  as-­ sociated  with  sunny  beach  vacations  for  many  teens  in  the  Washington  D.C. Â

area.   And  of  course,  on  those  vaca-­ tions  one  of  the  most  popular  pastimes  is  tanning  on  the  beach.   With  shows  on  TV  such  as  Jersey  Shore  promoting Â

tan  skin  as  a  necessary  summertime  accessory,  many  teens  are  ignoring  the  risks  of  lying  out  in  the  sun. 2Q WKH )'$ÂśV RIÂżFLDO ZHEVLWH 6KD-­ URQ 0LOOHU 0 6 ( ( D )RRG DQG 'UXJ Administration  (FDA)  scientist  and  international  expert  on  UV  radiation  and  tanning  states,  â€œAlthough  some  people  think  that  a  tan  gives  them  a  â€˜healthy’  glow,  any  tan  is  a  sign  of  skin  damage.â€?   The  American  Academy  of  Dermatology  reports  that  melanoma  is  the  second  most  common  cancer  in  women  20  to  29  years  old.      And  of  course,  lying  on  the  beach  is  not  the  only  way  to  achieve  a  tan.   (YHU\ GD\ PLOOLRQV RI WHHQV LQ WKH 8 6 IUHTXHQW WDQQLQJ VDORQV %ULWWDQ\ Leitz,  Miss  Maryland  2007,  a  Red-­ skins  cheerleader,  and  a  frequent  cus-­ tomer  at  tanning  salons  was  diagnosed  melanoma  at  the  age  of  20.   She  has  been  an  advocate  against  the  dangers  of  tanning  ever  since.   In  an  interview  ZLWK $%& QHZV VKH VWDWHV Âł, ZDV FHU-­ tainly  in  the  group  of  â€œtanorexicsâ€?‌I  didn’t  have  to  tan,  I  chose  to,  and  I  QHDUO\ SDLG ZLWK P\ OLIH ´ %ULWWDQ\ LV

just  one  example  of  a  young  person  whose  pursuit  of  tanned  skin  blinded  her  from  the  true  danger  she  was  put-­ ting  herself  in  by  exposing  her  skin  excessively  to  UV  rays.

“I was certainly in the group of “tanorexicsâ€?‌I didn’t have to tan, I chose to, and I nearly paid with my life.â€?      While  they  maintain  that  there  is  really  no  safe  tan,  offers  teens  helpful  tips  to  tanning  as  safely  as  possible  throughout  the  sum-­ mer.   One  of  the  main  points  that  they Â

make  is  that  using  a  sunscreen  with  an  SPF  of  15  should  be  the  absolute  minimum  in  order  to  prevent  not  only  sunburn,  but  unseen  skin  damage  that  may  show  up  later  and  lead  to  prema-­ ture  aging  and  wrinkling  in  skin. Courtney  Grafmeyer  (’11)  is  quick  to  admit  that  she  tans  both  on  the  beach  and  in  a  salon.   While  when  she  tans  on  the  beach  she  says  she  uses  a  sun-­ screen  with  an  SPF  of  30  on  her  face  and  15  on  her  body,  she  also  admits  to  XVLQJ WKH VWDQG XS $W WKH %HDFK WDQ-­ ning  bed  for  8  minutes  because  â€œit’s  a  little  stronger,  but  it’s  less  time,  and  I  get  impatient.â€?      What  many  people  fail  to  recognize  is  that  what  you  do  to  your  skin  now  will  affect  how  your  skin  looks  in  the  future.   Too  many  deep  tans  as  a  teen  can  lead  to  sunspots,  leathery  skin,  and  excessive  wrinkles  later  in  life—not  to  mention  cancer.   Many  older  people  try  to  turn  back  the  effects  of  aging,  when  in  fact  the  best  way  to  keep  your  skin  looking  young  and  fresh  as  long  as  possible  is  to  protect  it  before  aging  or  damage  occurs. Â

The Stone Ridge Class of 2011 is college bound: Milena Aksentijevich - Undecided Danielle Anane - Michigan State University Lilly Anderson - University of Southern California Lucy Bartozzi - Syracuse University Megan Burleigh - Towson University Alexandra Burris - Messiah College Joelle Chon - Rhode Island School of Design Camille Clancy - University of Vermont Emily Conlan - Carnegie Mellon University Virginia Coyne - University of Notre Dame Nathalie Dagenais - Wake Forest University Anna Dunlavey - Kenyon College Elizabeth Dunwiddie - St. Mary’s College of Maryland Melissa Farzin - University of Maryland College Park Jennifer Ferrigno - Georgetown University Jacqueline Firstenberg - Boston University Katharine Funari - Villanova University Shawn Gannon - Xavier University Alyssa Gill - Pennsylvania State University Elizabeth Glowacki - University of California Berkeley Courtney Grafmeyer - Wofford College Kelly Haglund - Dickinson College Anabel Hallewell - Queen’s University Grace Hamilton - Miami University of Ohio Helen Hargan - Southern Methodist University Tanisha Hopewell - Northeastern University Haley Kameros - Bucknell University Laura Kraisinger - New York University Maria Lumbre - The Catholic University of America Allison Mancini - University of Pittsburgh Madeline McCormick - Villanova University Rachel Morrison - Susquehanna University Kelly Mulquin - Saint Joseph’s University

Caitlin Murphy - University of Maryland College Park Melissa Nemati - The George Washington University Grace Nowlin - University of South Carolina Meghan O’Brien - Brown University Shannon O’Connell - Fordham University Madeleine Ours - University of Colorado Boulder Meredith Plaine - University of Pennsylvania Diana Pressel - Georgia Institute of Technology Emily Richardson - University of Maryland College Park Alexis Rickford - The American University of Rome Tristan Roche - Georgetown University Megan Ryan - Miami University of Ohio Mary Salmonsen - Syracuse University Gabi San Martin - Boston College Natalia Schmidt - Northwestern University Julia Schmitz - Stanford University Elizabeth Shank - Carleton College Amisha Sharma - New York University Casey Sheahan - Georgia Institute of Technology Caroline Shervin - College of Charleston Jamiee Shim - Maryland Institute College of Art Gaby Simundson - Tufts University Alicia Spiegel - University of Rochester Cathleen Sullivan - Bucknell University Julia Sullivan - University of Maryland College Park Molly Sullivan - University of South Carolina Abigail Sweeney - Haverford College Kaitlyn Teague - University of Maryland College Park Matti Rose Vagnoni - St. Mary’s College of Maryland Lisa Valverde - Washington University in Saint Louis Kayla Van Scoy - University of Tennessee Elizabeth Williams - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Colleen Zorc - University of Pennsylvania

Photo courtesy of Stone Photography.

Congratulations girls! ...farewell, you will be missed!


Saying goodbye to beloved teachers...

Mr. Krakow By Alicia Hai Contributing Writer

Miss Dunn By Catherine Kan Contributing Writer

     A  teacher,  a  dean,  and  a  for-­ mer  student  here  at  Stone  Ridge,  Ms.  Dunn  will  be  missed  by  the  Stone  Ridge  community.  What  will  we  do  without  her  weekly  updates,  morning  announce-­ ments,  and  her  school  spirit?      Ms.  Dunn  says  that  she  is  nervous  and  sad  to  leave  Stone  Ridge,  but  at  the  same  time  is  excited  to  embark  on  new  ad-­ ventures  and  to  live  out  Goal  ¿YH D SHUVRQDO JURZWK LQ DQ atmosphere  of  wise  freedom.       Next  year,  she  will  be  work-­ ing  at  D.C.  Prep,  a  charter  school  in  Washington  D.C.  that  is  undergoing  a  lot  of  educa-­ tional  innovation,  which  Ms.  Dunn  can’t  wait  to  check  out.   D.C.  Prep  is  currently  one  of  the  sites  that  Stone  Ridge  stu-­ dents  frequent  for  Social  Action Â

Wednesdays,  so  it  is  familiar  to  many  members  of  the  Stone  Ridge  community.        Sacred  Heart  schools  provide  everyone  with  a  strong  founda-­ tion  that  empowers  women  and  leads  them  to  great  opportuni-­ ties.       As  Ms.  Dunn  said,  it  is  a  roadmap  for  making  personal  and  profession  decisions,  which  guides  everyone  from  the  same  starting  point,  reminding  her  that  each  and  every  girl  is  part  of  one  same  family.       All  sacred  heart  girls  work  towards  the  same  goals  and  are  HQFRXUDJHG WR FDUU\ RXW WKH ÂżYH goals  and  build  community  wherever  they  go.  â€œIt’s  one  of  the  cool  things  about  Sacred  Heart  schools!â€?  she  says.

   Just  a  year  ago,  Mr.  David  Krakow  was  one  of  our  new  and  up  and  coming  history  teachers.   And  as  we  come  to  a  close  for  the  2010-­2011  school  year,  many  teachers  have  made  the  decision  to  leave  Stone  Ridge—including  Mr.  Krakow  himself.        His  motivation  in  teaching  history  came  from  one  of  his  favorite  aspects  of  teaching— being  able  to  think  and  ana-­ lyze  with  students.  During  his  time  at  the  school,  Mr.  Krakow  has  enjoyed  not  only  teaching  his  students,  but  also  his  col-­ laboration  with  fellow  History  teacher  Mr.  Kenneth  Woodard  for  the  World  and  United  States  history  classes.      A  fond  memory  of  Mr.  Kra-­ kow  was  a  piece  of  advice  be-­ fore  winter  break  when  he  said,  â€œWatch  a  movie  or  three.  Try  to Â

go  dancing,  and  appreciate  your  cousins.  No,  you  shouldn’t  nec-­ essarily  go  dancing  with  your  cousins...â€?  While  Mr.  Krakow  has  made  many  memories  and  new  friends  in  these  past  two  years,  his  reasoning  in  leaving  is  one  that  stems  from  his  pur-­ suits  as  a  teacher.       When  asked  his  reason  for  leaving  he  says  (after  a  very  long  pause),  â€œAs  a  teacher,  my  goal  is  to  make  sure  my  teach-­ ing  style  lines  up  with  the  mis-­ sion  of  the  school  I  am  teach-­ ing.â€?  By Laura Kraisinger Editor-in-Chief      Whether  Mr.  Krakow  may  be  teaching  at  another  school       Miss  Thurston  has  been  happy  everyday  for  being  given  in  the  area  or  even  in  another  a  familiar  face  at  Stone  Ride  the  opportunity  to  go  to  Stone  state  or  country,  he  will  surely  for  many  years.   She  has  been  Ridge.â€? be  missed  by  our  faculty  and  coaching  lacrosse  for  8  years,       While  she  is  leaving  for  the  students  here  at  Stone  Ridge.  taught  in  the  Lower  School  Lower  School,  as  an  alum  of  Good  luck  on  whatever  adven-­ for  2  years,  taught  in  the  Up-­ the  High  School,  Miss  Thurston  tures  you  may  pursue  in  the  fu-­ per  School  for  a  year,  and  is  certainly  enjoyed  working  at  returning  to  teach  in  the  Lower  the  Upper  School.   As  Assistant  ture,  Mr.  Krakow! School  next  year.   â€œI  just  can’t  Dean  of  Student,  or  the  â€œcrazy  get  enough  of  this  place,â€?  Miss  attendance  ladyâ€?  as  Miss  Thur-­ Thurston  boasts.  ston  jokes,  she  was  very  in-­      About  her  decision  to  leave  volved  in  student  life  in  the  Up-­ the  Upper  School,  Miss  Thur-­ per  School.    Her  favorite  part  ston  says,  â€œI  like  working  with  about  her  time  here  was,  â€œSee-­ people  who  are  shorter  than  me.   ing  how  much  Stone  Ridge  has  Working  in  high  school  has  changed  and  yet  remained  the  been  an  amazing  experience  same.   I  can  pick  out  girls  from  and  I  feel  so  lucky  I  was  able  to  every  class  that  remind  me  of  do  it.   It  reminded  me  of  why  I  girls  from  my  year.   Not  just  my  love  Stone  Ridge  so  much  and  close  friends  -­  but  every  girl  in  how  great  of  a  place  this  truly  the  4th  academic  class  reminds  is.   There  has  not  been  one  day  me  of  someone  from  my  class.â€?   when  I  have  looked  back  at  my  We  will  miss  you  in  the  Upper  life  and  wished  I  had  gone  any-­ School  Miss  Thurston!! where  else  -­  honestly.   I  am  so Â

Ms. Thurston

Mrs. Harris By Sun Eun Lim Contributing Writer

Miss Adom By Iana Kozelsky Contributing Writer

     We  wish  a  loving  farewell  to  Ms.  Adom  who  is  ending  KHU 6WRQH 5LGJH -XQLRU (QJ-­ lish  Teacher  career  after  three  years.  Ms.  Adom  loves  how  the  girls  are  â€œencouraged  to  advo-­ cated  for  themselvesâ€?  at  Stone  Ridge.       Her  favorite  part  about  teaching  at  Stone  Ridge  was  the  students.  She  always  has  â€œa  lot  of  fun  in  classâ€?  and  is  en-­ ergized  when  she’s  at  school.  Clearly,  Ms.  Adom  energizes  her  students  as  well.  Liz  Chmu-­ ra  (’12)  believes  that  Ms.  Adom  LV ÂłWKH FDWÂśV SDMDPDV ´ (OL]D-­ EHWK %XUGHWW Âś VD\V ÂłVKH LV my  everything;Íž  only  she  would  understand  that.  There  was  this  one  time  when  we  were  talking  about  how  she  is  my  advisor,  teacher,  check-­in  person,  and  6RFLDO $FWLRQ UHĂ€HFWLRQ JURXS faculty  companion.  She  is  my  favorite  person  of  all  time.â€?

     Ms.  Adom  loves  how  her  students  are  eager  to  learn,  have  a  great  sense  of  humor,  and  are  interested  in  her  digressions  while  still  working  hard.  It  is  still  uncertain  for  Ms.  Adom  where  she  is  headed  to  next,  but  she  knows  she  wants  to  stay  in  education  and  maybe  take  on  a  more  of  a  student  support  role  instead  of  teaching.  At  the  same  time,  she  still  is  not  absolutely  sure,  though  she  does  plan  to  stay  in  this  area.      She  will  truly  miss  coming  to  Stone  Ridge  everyday.  Rest  assured,  juniors,  she  will  be  back  for  graduation  next  year.  Though  she  will  no  longer  teach  at  Stone  Ridge,  she  says  she  will  be  around  and  will  keep  in  contact.      We,  too,  will  miss  Ms.  Adom,  and  her  knack  for  lead-­ ing  engaging  class  discussions.  Good  luck,  and  farewell!

     â€œGod,  grant  me  the  seren-­ ity  to  accept  the  things  I  cannot  change,  Courage  to  change  the  things  I  can,  And  wisdom  to  know  the  difference.â€?   As  soon  as  everybody  settles  down,  Mrs.  Harris  starts  the  class  with  this  solemn  yet  calming  prayer.             Mrs.  Harris  has  extended  the  meaning  of  this  daily  prayer  into  her  life  by  embracing  a  â€œcourage  to  change  the  things  [she]  canâ€?.   Next  year,  sadly,  Mrs.  Harris  is  ¿QLVKLQJ KHU VKRUW \HW LQVSLUD-­ tional  journey  in  Stone  Ridge  to  initiate  the  true  adventure  of  Kristen  Harris.        Motivated  by  her  biology  teacher  in  the  high  school,  Mrs.  Harris  dreamt  of  becoming  fun  and  accessible  biology  teacher.   In  only  2  years,  Mrs.  Harris  has  LQĂ€XHQFHG PDQ\ RI XV 0UV Harris  is  always  enthusiastic  about  the  subject  and  students.   Her  enthusiasm  for  the  subject  and  students  still  continues  even Â

WKH VFKRRO EHOO ULQJV (YHU\ Thursdays  after  school,  Mrs.  +DUULV WHDFKHV 6$7 ,, %LRORJ\ subject  test  for  students  who  will  be  taking  the  test  on  June.   Also,  she  is  always  in  the  room  569  willing  to  help  students  with  abstruse  biology  ques-­ tions.         Mrs.  Harris  is  a  true  mother  to  many  of  her  students,  and  is  often  spotted  holding  her  two  own  adorable  children’s  hands.   Also,  Mrs.  Harris  is  expecting  a  baby  on  July!   Thus,  Mrs.  Har-­ ris  is  leaving  Stone  Ridge  to  be  a  full  time  mother  for  her  three  children.   However,  as  she  en-­ joys  teaching  a  lot,  Mrs.  Har-­ ris  might  return  back  to  teach,  maybe  in  Stone  Ridge!        Despite  her  leaving  next  \HDU 0UV +DUULVÂś LQĂ€XHQFH will  still  remain  in  our  hearts  and  community.  Stone  Ridge  will  remember  her  biology  fe-­ ver,  humor  and  loving  nature.  Â

Ms. Williams By Anna Dunlavey Managing Editor

     Even  though  Ms.  Williams,  Upper  School  counselor  and  Learning  Specialist,  has  only  been  here  for  four  years,  she  has  decided  that  it  is  time  for  her  to  move  on.  Throughout  her  career,  she  has  tried  many  new  things.  She  began  in  clini-­ cal  practice  and  hospital  clinic  service,  and  has  spent  the  last  ten  years  in  the  independent  school  system.  6KH SODQV WR XVH WKLV LQĂ€X-­ ence  in  her  next  step  after  Stone  Ridge.  â€œI  am  in  an  independent  school  leadership  program,  and  I’m  interest  in  exploring  some  leadership  roles  in  different  school  settings,  as  well  as  re-­ turning  to  developing  an  inde-­ pendent  clinical  practice.â€?    Ms.  Williams’  position  evolved  during  her  time  at  Stone  Ridge.  â€œI’ve  been  both  the  counselor  and  learning  spe-­ cialist.  This  year,  I  focused  on Â

the  learning  specialist  aspect,  and  that  has  become  a  separate  role  now.â€?  She  also  has  many  fond  memories  of  Stone  Ridge.      A  group  of  giggling  middle  school  students  walked  by  as  she  said  she  enjoys  the,  â€œfun  spirit,  good  nature  and  camara-­ derie  of  the  girls.  You  can  feel  it  in  the  building.â€?  She  gave  a  thoughtful  smile  as  she  re-­ membered  some  of  her  favotire  times  here.  Stone  Ridge  has  also  left  a  mark  on  her  future,  as  she  hopes  to  continue  both  lead-­ ership  and  community.  â€œI’ve  been  interested  in  developing  collaboration  between  private,  public,  and  charter  schools.â€?       Although  we  will  miss  Ms.  Williams  here,  we  hope  she  will  carry  the  memory  of  her  time  at  Stone  Ridge  with  her  as  she  pursues  new  challenges  and  opportunities.  Good  luck!



one  of  the  members  of  Jour-­ nalism  will  soon  forget  Laura  .UDLVLQJHU RXU DPD]LQJ (GLWRU in-­Chief.  Managing  an  entire  newspaper  is  no  easy  task,  but  she  is  able  to  get  the  job  done,  even  when  it  seems  impossible.  When  it  comes  to  keeping  the  class  in  order,  organizing  the  paper,  and  meeting  deadlines,  Laura  is  your  girl.  New  York  University  is  lucky  to  be  getting  Laura  next  year.  We  will  miss  her  leadership  as  we  continue  The  Here  and  Now.  We  love  you  Laura  and  hope  you  have  an  amazing  time  at  NYU!  We  couldn’t  have  got-­ ten  through  the  year  without  you!

Who’s This Journalism Senior?

This senior would be truly missed by the Journalism folks. As a copy editor, her flawless grammar and exquisite editing skills transform our boring articles into edgy articles that immediately catch readers attention. She always has such great ideas for articles and is well informed about current

As one of the two Design Leads in the Journalism, you can always find this girl on her laptop. Whether she is watching Friends or The Office , you can count on her to finish the task of completing the center spread and helping the Section Editors with their layout design. Her sarcastic, yet witty comments make every class enjoyable and entertaining!

This senior always brings her outlandish sense of humor to class, along with her gluten free snacks. You never know whether she is about to break out into a round of cat noises or suggest a brilliant idea for an infographic, but no matter what it will always be unexpected. This diminutive senior fills the Mac lab with her huge personality and will truly be missed.

This girl is always the first to jump in on the class discussion of governmentrelated current event issues. Her superb organization skills keep the entire class on track when it comes to article assignments. She will truly be missed as an integral staff member!

This senior is known for her blue scarf, loud voice, interest in basketball, love of Beyonce and her even bigger love of Justin Bieber. Her great contributions and active participation in class have landed her the role of co-Design Lead.

The Arts & Entertainment section is this girl s specialty. She is a lot of fun to talk to and is very sweet and funny. However, this girl gets super stressed super fast when it comes to deadlines and is always in a rut because her Journalism email NEVER works!


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