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Hereford infused heifers ring the bell at $1633 at Casterton
By Kim Woods
Restockers and backgrounders from Victoria and South Australia dominated the heifer weaners at Casterton, pushing prices to $1568 for purebreds and $1633 for Hereford infused pens.
Selling agents Elders and Nutrien Ag Solutions, Casterton, yarded 2451 Hereford, black baldy and Angus heifer weaners for the Casterton Annual Heifer Weaner Sale on January 13.
Topping the purebred pens on a dollars per head basis was Glenside with a pen of 10 Ennerdale and Banemore blood heifers weighing 338kg, March/April drop, and bought by Miller Whan & John for $1568 (464c/kg).
Jeoff and Jill Hortle, “Woranga” topped the sale on a cents per kilogram basis with a pen of 13 Bowmont and Yarram Park blood hefiers, 225kg and EU accredited, snapped up by Elders Bordertown for 498c/kg ($1422).
Scott Creek, Creek Livestock, Mount Gambier, SA, judged the Herefords Australia champion pen, awarding the sash to Bill and Kathy Lambert, Taronga Poll Herefords, Paschendale, for their pen of 22 weighing 297kg. The pen sold to Andrew Whan, Miller Whan & John, for $1354 or 456c/kg.
Mr Creek said the pen was well boned, had the weight for age, depth, length and were well presented with EU accreditation.
Bill and Kathy Lambert averaged $1293 or 463c/kg for their draft of 56 heifers weighing an average of 278kg.
In last year’s record market, their draft of 125 heifers averaged 677c/kg or $1906 at 276kg. In 2021, the Taronga draft averaged 268kg, $1446 and 539c/ kg. This contrasts with 2020 when the Taronga heifers were heavier at 283kg and averaged 270c/kg or $768.
Dale Sullivan, ‘Shallum”, Strathdownie, was back at the yards offering European Union accredited Melville Park, Taronga and Injemira blood heifers after selling 74 steers earlier in the week for 20c/kg more than expected.
He said the EU accreditation had resulted in no premium in 2022 and 2023 but had been 5-10c/kg in the past.
He selects his Hereford bulls on 600 day growth and likes the docility and doing ability in his 700mm rainfall environment.
Jack and Mark Storer, Kleenview Pastoral, Hotspur, topped the black baldies with a pen of 26 November/ December 2021 drop heifers, Mawarra blood and 371kg, returning $1580 or 426c/kg.
Richmond Park sold the top pen of March/April black baldies, 330kg, for $1432 or 434c/kg.
Kevin and Alan McDonald, Sunningdale, Digby, sold the highest priced Hereford infused pen, Limousin/Hereford heifers, Banemore blood, March/April drop, and 389kg, for $1633 or 420c/kg.
Stephen Koch, “Rosebank” Casterton, offered 51 Hereford, Simmental and Simm Angus heifers after retaining 58 Hereford heifers and 41 Simmental. The Hereford and Simmental cow herds are run separately across two properties.
Mr Koch said running the two breeds totalling 500 cows gave the family flexibility in marketing cattle.
He selects bulls with above average muscle from Injemira to go over his large-framed Hereford herd.
Graham Foster, Haven Park, Nareen, was also selling Simmental/Hereford heifers at Casterton. The pen weighed 330kg and sold for $1419 or 430c/kg.
He usually grows the Hereford infused steers out to bullock weights and had received $3300 for black baldy steers from JBS Brooklyn.