Civic Hall Site Newsletter 3rd Edition

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a community design process




ISS 16

S# UE , 17 &



CONTENTS PAGE 1 Issue #16 - 18th Feb PAGE 8 Issue #17 -

25th Feb

PAGE 14 Issue #18 - 9th Mar

civic hall site journal edition 16 - 17- 18 Feb to Mar 2015 cover image Open Door Studio graphics Cait Conley, Micha Woodhouse edit Michelle James, Ammon Beyerle


ISSUE #16 - Feb 18th The weeks are flying by at the Open Door Studio as we are starting the enormous task of synthesising many ideas down to only 10 concepts. Luckily we’ve had some of your help; discussing over sketches and plans to work through some of the words into the nitty gritty. CORE TEAM UPDATE We have mentioned in past newsletters that we hope to have some more people join the core team soon in communications, facilitation, event planning and architectural visualisation. We will also have two local artists join us. Just letting you know – we are still hopeful but not quite there yet. TIMELINES Getting a process such as this going, with the history of the site as it is, has definitely been a challenge. Yes; we all knew the first few months would be tough. The core team at Here Studio have been working very hard and believe we are starting to get some good support both from the community and Council. Last week we started a fortnightly “Resource Group” meeting at Council that includes numerous officers working across Council on different major projects and portfolios in Ballarat. In the previous two partnerships group meetings, there has been some discussion over whether our timelines for the process should shift. With our first milestone of 10 concepts due at the end of March, some community members believe we all need a little more time. As facilitators and coordinators of the participatory process we are currently thinking about this and weighing up the options. In many ways we are happy with the progress, but can see how everyone’s ambition for the project is starting to really increase (which is great). We can also hear how important it is for everyone that we make progress and soon. Decisions, decisions.

WORD CLOUD We will be giving weekly updates of the development of our word cloud, currently there are a few clear standouts such as Exhibition space, Tourist Information Centre, Music Venue, Interactive Learning Space, Park and Cafe. Yet it is still Community Event space that is leading the pack!

p3 TEN CONCEPT TIME After weeks and weeks of telling ourselves “don’t design too early” we decided to kick off the first synthesis process by seeing what would happen if we were to list the emerging 10 concepts in ten minutes. The results were interesting. We’ve included our brain dump below. As you can see, we got a little carried away and took longer than ten minutes. These 10 concepts are not set in stone. They will develop, drop off and change, and we will probably gain more along the way. But the only way this can happen is with your input! MUSIC VENUE Adaptable design, to cater for different types of events such as festivals, concerts, markets, dances Detailed annual booking plan to ensure it will be used Partnered with a theatre in Melbourne as a 2nd venue for sold out shows, people travel from city and region Festival requiring lower and upper hall, outdoor amphitheatre and bar or cafe End of year school concerts/award nights Acoustics to be upgraded PARK Is still viable without the demolition of Civic Hall, there is a lot of space on the site Needs retail or commercial to cover costs Consider high land value in CBD Community gardens, educational and sensory gardens Incorporate new skate/street park Considering Ballarat’s climate - all weather spaces? Double as public meeting and gathering space Can be used in conjunction with Hall for festivals Amphitheatre

TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE Caravan Parking/Pit stop Access Signage Opening up to Train Station Hall is too big just for Tourist Information Centre, would need other mixed uses Situate in Foyer and create new entrance to the Civic Hall for other uses? Already moving to Town Hall Could also move to Train Station redevelopment in future MUSEUM/EXHIBITION SPACE Does Ballarat need another museum? Children’s museum, interactive learning spaces Outdoor atrium in fly tower with trees and wildlife Exhibition space for the community Connection to library Train Station Goods Shed to be redeveloped as exhibition space LIBRARY EXTENSION + HALL Relocate current entrance Library extend physically to Civic Hall or should they be linked with public open space? Retain thoroughfare from Armstrong to Doveton between Civic Hall and Library? Creating a ‘yellow brick road’ path from the train station to the Civic Hall Site Train Station link, will the carpark have to move? Should the corner of Market and Armstrong be opened up? Add new entrance to Civic Hall along Armstrong street? Build above the carpark and bridge between the library and Civic Hall BUS TERMINAL/TRANSPORT HUB Current bus stop on Market st in front of carpark Use library services road as new bus terminus? New bus terminal being developed at Train Station Where should there be vehicular traffic on the site? Consider loading zone for Hall uses Would linking the Civic Hall Site with the Train Station be better?

FLYTOWER LOOKOUT Take advantage of views Tourist destination Could incorporate dining and other commercial uses Makes the fly tower habitable space Does Ballarat need a flytower? Other places are building new fly towers for theatres Adaptable design to retain fly tower facilities, such as adding to the exterior SPACES FOR HIRE Revenue from rent Meeting rooms Studio space Exhibition space Facilities to share Link facilities to library so general public can also use COMMUNITY HUB Spaces for community groups, service clubs Community radio station Health services Child and family services Spaces for older people Community classrooms Would it need retail or commercial uses on the site to cover costs? COMMERCIAL/RETAIL ON SITE Continue retail along Armstrong Street/east side of Civic Hall Site Commercial adjacent to the Glasshouse on high traffic Doveton street Funds other Community activity on site Developer contributions In reflection, we realised we have focused again on uses – single uses, and not so much multi-uses nor architecture more generally. We found it interesting to see how many of our concepts could work alongside each other in order to create a full Civic Hall Site.


So what does 10 concepts mean? Is it 10 single uses, 10 multi-uses, or 10 discrete architectural designs? Is it a combination of these? Do some concepts need to be boldly provocative whilst others well considered, satisfying many needs and balanced? Please come and visit us in the Open Door Studio to draw and discuss with us. We have started to display our images and sketches so that we can all start imagining.

ROBIN & CHRISTINE, AT THE OPEN DOOR STUDIO Robin and Christine had an inspiring idea to create a new entrance to the Civic Hall along the Armstrong Street side. Coincidentally, we had been discussing the possibility of this only moments before they dropped in; it’s exciting to see the same ideas keep cropping up. Robin’s vision for the entrance consisted of a large A-frame glass house with a hanging garden. Insisting that the new entrance be dramatic, modern, well insulated and self sustaining, Robin also noted that it shouldn’t take away from the grand front facade of the Civic Hall. Another suggestion that frequents the foyer is the Tourist Information Centre. Robin, Christine and Cait discussed its planned relocation to the Town Hall and how this is a problem for parking and large vehicle access. The possibilities of a Civic Hall Tourist Pit Stop was discussed - a place to park, eat at the cafe or cook your own meals at the barbecues and rest in the gardens. Finally the age old question of ‘what to do with that carpark?!’ came up. Killing two birds with one stone, it was suggested we build up and have a raised green park with car parking below. This then allows a connection from the Library to the Civic Hall on the upper level. The skate park could also be situated underneath adjacent to the South face of the Library, with skylights above to allow light through. Wait, that’s way more than two birds! It was fun scribbling down these great ideas and are so grateful for Robin and Christine’s suggestions that bring some of the many puzzle pieces together!

p8 ISSUE #17 - Feb 25th We are deep in the jungle of Synthesis - navigating, nurturing and hacking some of The Open Door Studio’s gathered ideas.

HISTORIC URBAN LANDSCAPE SYMPOSIUM This last week Michelle and Ammon attended the “Historic Urban Landscape” 2nd International Symposium at the Mechanics Institute and The Art Gallery. Many community members attended the expert day on Friday and the community day on Saturday. Ballarat is a key participant in the international pilot programme for a new approach to managing change in historic cities, which was adopted and is promoted by UNESCO. It is proposed as the implicit approach to the City of Ballarat 2040 Strategy. You may read about it here: 500 VISITORS! Yesterday (Tuesday 24th of February) The Open Door Studio had its 500th visitor! Congratulations (no prize...) to Christine Tammer, and thanks for your great ideas regarding the need for community classrooms – in particular for music improvisation classes. Christine voiced her concerns regarding youth unemployment and drug addiction. She felt a set up similar to The University of the Third Age (U3A) yet for the “youngins” would be a great way to provide assistance for those in need. This idea resonates with many comments we have had about making the Civic Hall Site a place for civic learning. SYNTHESIS AT THE OPEN DOOR STUDIO We are now in our third week of Synthesis at The Open Door Studio and gradually on our way clarifying 10 concepts. In addition to the notes that we have made of each conversation we’ve had (which can be viewed in the studio and on our website), we are starting to visually represent the ideas, join, bend and develop them. We are generating more design material around the themes for everyone to build upon and work with. Some hard decisions will have to be made and we don’t intend to make them alone. So please come in, bring your creativity and careful thinking, and remain a part of the conversation – visit us again at the open door studio!

THE DEMOLITION-RETENTION ARGUMENT Yes; in addition to the frequent comments of support for what we are doing, there has been a some doubt ‘hanging around’ about our commitment to remain impartial to all ideas with regards to retaining or demolishing The Civic Hall. We think it’s much more complex than that, and you as such you are likely to have heard us discussing arguments for both, one or the other, or a mixture of this and that. It might be helpful to share with you one recent recurring reflection. OK; a range of full designs may involve minimal, partial, or complete demolition of the existing building. It is impossible to include no demolition. As architects, demolition (or not) on its own represents a momentary construction process rather than a design outcome; and as such our focus should ultimately be a holistic view of the site, its spatial experiences and its function/s. In terms of creativity, the site is genuinely a ‘blank canvas’ with many interesting constraints that can be worked with, ignored or altered into opportunities – histories, terrain, existing structures, culture, activities, economics, politics and time! In addition to the need for complex architectural thinking, what is special about the participatory community process is that we are also focusing on building trust and activation in our community. (Hard stuff) One suggestion many community members are offering to approach this, has been to focus on the ultimate purpose of the final building, a big idea of use from which everything else should flow. Here we should look at options ranging from minimal intervention through to complete demolition and rebuild, and consider pro’s and cons for each approach (financial, engineering, social, aesthetic etc). We have heard, discussed and recorded a diversity of submissions at The Open Door Studio that involve complete retention to complete demolition. In terms of numbers, out of 508 visitors about 20 visitors have expressed a strong preference for either complete retention or complete demolition. It is interesting to note that upon further discussion with the visitors at either end of the retention-demolition spectrum we have routinely heard identical words and arguments for what the final outcome should include in terms of purpose and use of the whole Civic Hall Site.

THE BACK CORNER Last week when we were working on design concepts we met a metaphorical big (orange) brick wall: How do you we connect the library, Civic Hall AND the Train Station? At present the car-park is ‘smack bang’ on the line from The Library to the Train Station. Its present location may block walking connections between The Aboriginal Co-op, Library and Civic Hall. What’s more this location is on the northern end of the site and therefore has some of the best solar amenity available. Here are some of the many options we are already considering: - Build a park above the carpark Building over the car-park could allow for public open space above and car-parking below. If this were to incorporate a sloped accessible area down to Armstrong or Market Streets the connection between the train station and Civic Hall Site may be improved. - Create new entry Last week we touched briefly on the option of creating a new entrance to The Civic Hall Site along the Armstrong Street corridor. This option could create a path from station to site visually, firstly the fly tower can be spotted from the station exit and then on arriving at the Market and Armstrong Streets round-about, any activity around the new entrance and its forecourt should act to draw people into the site. - Relocate the carpark Relocating the carpark elsewhere on- (or off-) site allows for the Back Corner to open up, creating a direct path from the Train Station to The Civic Hall Site. This option gives the opportunity to have The Library, Civic Hall and Aboriginal Co-op connected by a central public open space that has optimal solar access (for all to enjoy on those many Ballarat sunny afternoons).

MORPHOLOGY OF THE LIBRARY The word ‘Morphology’ is used frequently in urban design to explain the study of physical form and its transformation over time and space. See The Library is an iconic and unique building within its local morphology. Looking critically at the Library’s presence within its surrounds, it clearly seems that it is not taking full advantage of its unique form and prominent location. The library hides its overall mass through the mimicry of Civic Hall’s bricks – viewing the Library from the Creswick Road, Doveton and Market Street round-about, it can be easily misconstrued that the top storey of the Library is the Civic Hall. It effectively shrinks. An extension of the Library has the ability to take on a bolder role for The Civic Hall Site, becoming a more confident and significant landmark for the major northern entrance to Ballarat. If the mooted library extension were to go upwards to 3-storeys or more, the Library would gain a stronger presence within its surrounds whilst leaving a larger portion of The Civic Hall Site for outdoor spaces. In addition to increasing the mass of the library, introducing public open spaces, between the Civic Hall and the Library, that connect Doveton and Armstrong Streets and or due South all the way to Mair Street, could ameliorate the Library’s street presence both as a pedestrian or driving a car. This approach to form – morphology – may help us to set the library apart architecturally on the Civic Hall Site and make decisions about massing and open space.

p12 ARTISTS ON BOARD We are thrilled to report that two local artists, Linda Franklin & Pauline O’Shannessy-Dowling joined our team as of yesterday! Linda and Pauline will be attending the Open Door Studio, meetings and workshops to observe, participate, and provide critical and creative input into the Participatory Community Design Process. If you come regularly to the Open Door Studio, you are likely to meet them. Please say hi! As a first step, they will be producing artworks that will be launched in mid-April and we can’t wait to get started! Welcome Pauline & Linda! CALL-OUT FOR RUGS (AGAIN!) If you have visited the Open Door Studio, you probably noticed that the acoustics aren’t that great – we are getting sick of hearing our own voices echo around the space! Therefore, we are on the hunt for some large rugs for the studio. If you know of any we could borrow, have any lying around in your garage or see one on your travels, please let us know! PARTICIPATE Now we are in Synthesis mode we are keen to develop ways to engage visitors of The Open Door Studio in design. Our Theme Folders are set up with examples of developed themes yet many are still blank. If you’re still interested in adding to our research, come in and peruse the folders and pick a theme that stands out for you to further develop. It is great to still see many fresh faces at The Open Door Studio, yet it takes a lot of time to reintroduce them to the project. It would be a great help if our followers would spread the word. If you would like to participate in further promoting the Open Door Studio, handing out flyers, or help with other tasks around the studio, please contact us!

KEEP DISCUSSING (+ DEBATING!) We’ve had many local professionals come in to the Open Door Studio to talk to us about their design ideas for the Civic Hall Site – planners, civil engineers, and recently a hotel and hospitality consultant. Here’s one of the sketches we produced during our conversation with Roger about the economic viability of the site and finding many attractive reasons for people in the community to use – work, play, meet, eat, learn, share – the Civic Hall Site. We post most of these interactions on Facebook so you can also be a part of the conversation. Start a discussion with us and our other followers through the magic of Facebook! DO YOU NEED SOME SPACE? The Open Door Studio isn’t just for us! If you need a space for an upcoming event, class, meeting, crafternoon, gathering or anything else you can think of enquire with us, The Open Door Studio is yours for the taking! CALL FOR ARTICLES. . . Would you like to contribute an article to future editions of this newsletter?


ISSUE #18 - Mar 9th Welcome to your weekly newsletter for all things happening at the Civic Hall Site. We have been busy at the Open Door Studio developing more activities to enhance the design process of the whole site. Those who came in probably saw us busy working on the core team tables at the back. If you come in next week we will be trialling a few activities to share, so if you’re interested in helping out, and in return learning some architecture-stuff, please pop in and see us! 10 CONCEPTS! - A SECOND LAYER “URBAN DESIGN SCALE” On Tuesday we had a productive morning at the Open Door Studio. As a team we decided to draw and brainstorm the 10 architectural/urban design concepts that are emerging for the Civic Hall Site. To do this task we aimed to conceptualise the site from an urban scale rather than addressing the building and its possible uses, which is harder than you might think. We wanted to design for the future with the intention that it is highly adaptable and sustainable and can accommodate a variety of uses for 20, 50 or even 100 years. The following 10 concepts can be added to our first layer “program” about 10 uses we listed two weeks ago. There’s a lot more development to go and much of it is diagrammatic, so please ask questions by coming into see us!













As a reflection, we feel that this is just one of the many steps that will eventually form the final concept. This layer proposes a series of basic infrastructure that stems from the site relationship and orientation to its surrounds. These relationships between buildings, activities, major thoroughfares, etc. affect the experience of space – manifesting itself in the way pedestrians, drivers and cyclists, desire to use the space. And, as warned by one of our urban design heroes Jan Gehl Jan_Gehl, this is a ‘top down’ approach to design which most people will never experience unless they are lucky enough to fly in a helicopter. So, we will endeavor to get back to pedestrian scale. Over the next few weeks our focus will shift to the small scale, visualising possible streetscapes and interior atmospheres for the future of The Civic Hall Site, inside out.

Project Resource Group WHAT IS THE PROJECT RESOURCE GROUP? A number of newsletters ago we discussed our progress in forming a cross-Council working group to support the Civic Hall Site. Last week we had our second meeting with this group at the Town Hall. The project resource group is a meeting for different teams and leading Council officers on different projects to work together around one project. This project has a difficult history for both the community and Council. Where the Participatory Community Design Process for the Civic Hall Site is difficult, it is also a perfect opportunity to develop collaborative approaches for projects and strategies in the City of Ballarat. So far our meetings have included officers from Leadership, Communications, Planning Implementation, Heritage, Youth Services, CBD Place, Major Projects and Economic Development. We are hoping the Project Resource Group will increasingly find a role to support the project, and actively participate in it, particularly as the ideas and designs start to materialise.

additions to the civic hall site team A WARM WELCOME We are happy to announce that Mairin Briody of The Art of Events and Ailsa Brackley du Bois of The Editorial Suite have joined the Civic Hall Site Team from this week! Mairin will be in charge of events planning and Ailsa is leading communications - so look forward to some great parties and spectacular newsletters.


CALL OUT FOR TABLES! It’s that time of the newsletter again – where we ask for you to generously donate any spare items the Open Door Studio desperately needs. Thank you very much to Ian who has brought us in two carpets - we really appreciate it! This week we are searching for tables. As we are now in synthesis, the drawing, note taking, model making and much more, takes up a lot of space. So, we will need all the flat surfaces we can find! If you know of any spare tables, or even have a couple of trestle legs and an old door, let us know and we will gladly take them off your hands.

CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY Last Sunday was Clean up Australia Day and it was great to see people helping to clean up the Civic Hall Site! We are putting a call out for any photos or articles participants want to donate for use in our weekly newsletter.

UPCOMING WORKSHOPS The next Design Workshops are coming up, please save the dates: Tuesday 17 March from 11am-1pm or Thursday 19 March from 5-7pm. We are working towards these workshops becoming active working group meetings. Some that have started to emerge or may already exist in the community include events, live music and dedicated children’s space. Keep an eye out for sign ups soon!

PARTICIPATE Open Door Studio, 300 Mair St @civichallsite @civichallsite /ballaratcivichallsite SIGN UP FOR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER:

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