Stage 300 to 10 - Gathering - Civic Hall Site
In August 2014 the Ballarat City Council unanimously voted to start an ambitious concept design process, aiming to directly involve the local community in architectural design, decision-making and activation. Council decided to begin a "participation process". The process will both gather ideas and synthesise them. It will develop well-considered concept designs in 3 stages, from 300 to 10 to 5 and then finally 3 concepts. Each stage will be presented to the Ballarat City Council for endorsement. From this 3 the Ballarat City Council will chose one concept to develop further. The Open Door Studio is in the foyer of the Civic Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one Saturday each month. Here previous designs, studies and work in progress are available for people to look at, review, add to and draw. School groups and other community organisations will be invited to participate too. Here Studio, the core team coordinating the project will be onsite to discuss and draw out community ideas.