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Catalogue 2016-2020

The SBS exist to glorify God by equipping pastors and ministers of the gospel, so they can better serve God, their church and people. Although evangelicals around the world correspond to about 1 billion people, and it is well recognized that pastor are the most inuential people in the world who incidentally account for more than 4 million leaders, less than 10% of them have received International Theological Training ever. Our Schools work towards ďŹ lling that need. Therefore, we encourage you to prayer for us. Also, consider investing and supporting us to accomplish this goal. SOME OF OUR VALUES AND PHILOSOPHY The Bible is our foundation. We focus on learning, combining multiple teaching/learning methodologies. Our segment is those called to ministry. We offer high standard programs at an affordable cost. We value your experience. We motivate you to serve the Lord better by knowing Him better. Local churches provides our campuses.

RESOURSES Why a Non-Campus Philosophy? A Campus is located in a single place in the world, plus costs a lot of money (millions even billions) to build from the ground up while local church buildings and/or Ministry Facilities (schools, offices, etc.) are all over the world. We take advantage of an already established infrastructure but make sure our institutions are kept under the supervision of the churches. Some of the Best Resources in the World There is a shortage of well-trained professors. In this narrative, we coded intensive courses allowing our students to interact face to face with some of the best professors in the world. Wise Use of Good Technology Our tech facilitators provide the best communication technologies available at the lowest possible cost. We are creating an online library tool to do quality investigation. Time The majority of our students work in the ministry field and the majority of them are vocational, but they are able to finish their Professional Theological Degrees at the same time as any other full time program. Degrees are usually completed every two years per level.

And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18 ESV)

WORDS FROM THE PRESIDENT Pr. Charles Williams (BD, BA, MA, Ed.D., D.Min., PHD)

Most schools focus on teaching; we focus on learning. Teaching centers on the education, knowledge, skill and experience of the teacher. Learning centers on the needs of the student. The difference between these two approaches is indicated by the Greek terms exegesis and hodegesis. By definition, learning is change. When you have changed ( i n t e l l e c t u a l l y, e m o t i o n a l l y, spiritually), for better or for worse, you have learned. You have a primary learning type. You are primarily either an auditory learner, visual learner or t a c t i l e l e a r n e r, t h o u g h yo u doubtless learn in all three ways. You have a primary learning style. You are primarily an explorer, analyzer, mediator or applier, though you probably use all styles to some extent. You have a basic temperament that motivates you to learn in certain ways. You have a primary tendency to be direct, enthusiastic, patient or diplomatic, though you doubtless function in each of these tendencies when situations demand it.

You have a basic motivational approach. You are essentially active, passive or proactive. You hold to a certain set of values. You hold to traditional values, or you’re moving away from traditional values; or you’re challenging traditional values; or you’re trying to integrate new beliefs into your traditional values. You have a certain leadership style that impacts on how you learn. You may lead with your brainpower, your emotions or your “heart” level feelings. You have a unique past. Your age, education and experience provide the lens through which you view the process of learning. You have certain needs that you strive to meet. These may be security, social or spiritual needs. All of the above factors, plus others not mentioned, show that you are a unique person. This means that the individual program of learning you are taking with us has the capability of personal adaptation to and by you.


I was call to preach when I was still a kid and I finally surrender in my youth, before becoming a pastor in 1960. I started to Clemson University in 1956 to become an Electrical Engineering, but God calling overwhelmed me. Therefore, I started to Furman University after Clemson to learn better to handle the Word of God. Although I grew up in church, I felt I needed help to be able to preach God´s truth effectively to others. I was confuse about how God could use an engineer and as a preacher at the same time. I became interim pastor at Salem Baptist Church for a period, and then Gap Hill Baptist Church called me to be their pastor the first Sunday of July of 1961, where I had been until now by the grace of God. In a little beat more than 60 years in the holy ministry, I have learned this: “The more I learned about God’s Word –the more eager I was to live by and preach it to others.” At the same time I pastor and work as an engineer, I use to receive courses and instruction in different institutions to grow in the knowledge of God and his Word. In 1980, I met Dr. Charles Williams. Because of my bi-vocational schedule, I developed a sense of need to help those pastors already in the field that need preparation to divide well the Word of Truth because most of them are bi-vocational to be able to feed their own families, feeding the flock at the same time. While working at Sangamo I became Manager of Research and Development and I arrange with Clemson University for them to come to my plant to teach our engineers to become expert at a master level degree. Professors came on Monday from 7:00 to10:00 p.m. It brought great results. Consequently, in 1981 we started the first Non-Campus Professional Bible Study Center in our local church. We have been able to help hundreds of men call to preach in our community, in others places all over the US, and several other countries. We do not own properties in our School; we work hand to hand with the local churches enrolled. This idea put in to practice for about 4 decades by now has been a tremendous blessing to help pastors and ministers to growth their knowledge of God and his Word, as well as to growth the church of God they pastor. Quality education has been our goal to help others.


In this rapidly changing world, but not in the direction of the Gospel, we need men of God willing to pay the price required to remain firm and faithful to God and to the cause of the Gospel of Christ. Men of Biblical convictions well prepare to handle well the Word. Men able to pass the torch to the next generation of men called to preach the Gospel and defend the sound doctrines of the faith given once and forever to the saints. The SBS is committed to support the church of God to help the called to preach and serve the Lord all over the globe. We (the international faculty) were called to shed our individual experiences, as well as our earned skills and knowledge of the Word and ministerial practices to lead you in the process for you to be a better servant of Jesus Christ. The SBS is a wise solution to your need for ministerial education. You study, we provide the resources, experience and credibility to build together a path that mitigates your theological education and ministerial needs. Our professors, consultants, facilitators and students come from a variety of areas of knowledge (engineers, doctors, educators, philosophers, artists, military, theologians, etc.), all of whom were called to preach the Gospel and/or are being trained in the ministerial fields to serve better our Lord and glorify God in all. This causes a unique combination of experience and ideas that enriches the process of mentoring/learning that involves you, causing you to handle better the Word to supply the spiritual needs of today world. We work at fist first with those called by God to do the ministry work that are already involved in it, but we also provide for those who are experiencing the call or the need to serve the Lord. We are eager to meet you and be your partner in growing together in the service for His sake and by the cause and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ!I

Pr. Santiago Peralta (ThM from SBS) Tech and Media Coord. SBS

Those of us who have fe l t t h e b u r d e n o f preaching the Word of God also are called to keep a constant balance between research, study and investigation, every single day, and to depend on the Lord every single second. The Southern Baptist School has played a role in both directions in my ministerial life. First, it has opened the doors of new knowledge on the Word of God, and second, it has also confronts my heart with the continuing need to subject myself to the guidance of the Holy Spirit so I can handle for His glory the Scriptures that we are call to live and preach. The SBS program is dynamic, exible and has the most authoritative sources, both bibliographic and person-to-person, and the hand of the most renowned authors on speciďŹ c keynote lectures (Spiritual Disciplines, Expository Preaching, Pastoral Ministry, Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology, etc.) has taught us. It has been a great blessing and privilege to attend the Southern Baptist School.

Different SBS Scenarios

PROGRAMS WE OFFER A.Undergraduate Level: Associate of Christian Ministry (A.Min.) (66 Credits) Prerequisite: High School or equivalent

Bachelor of Christian Ministry (B.Min.) (66 Credits) Prerequisite: A.Min. (or equivalent)

B.Graduate Level: Master of Christian Ministry (M.Min.) (42 Credits) Prerequisite: B.Min. or equivalent

Master of Theology (Th.M.) (48 Credits) Prerequisite: M.Min. or equivalent

Doctorate of Christian Ministry (D.Min.) (42 Credits) Prerequisite: M.Min., M.Div. (or equivalent)

Doctorate of Theology (Th.D.) (48 Credits) Prerequisite: D.Min. (or equivalent)

See more details in our web page: Registration fees: 60.00 USD Cost per credit: Approx. 40.00 USD Cost Depend on the economy of the country. For ex.: A 3 credits course in USA cost 179.00 USD A 3 credits course in CUBA cost 60.00 USD


Associate of Christian Ministry (66 Credits) Prerequisite: High School or equivalent YEAR 1 First Semester SUBJECT Assessment/Testing 1 Intro. to Old Testament 2 Intro. to New Testament 3 Theology: Survey 4 Basic Preaching 5 Total Hour Credits

Second Semester SUBJECT 1 Survey of Old Testament 2 Survey of New Testament 3 Theology: Bibliology 4 Basic Teaching 5 Basic Evangelism Total Hour Credits

CR 3 3 3 3 3 15

CR 3 3 3 3 3 15

YEAR 2 First Semester SUBJECT The Pentateuch 1

CR 3

The Gospels 2 Theology Proper (God) 3 Basic Counseling 4 Basic Preaching 5 Basic Church Growth 6 Total Hour Credits

3 3 3 3 3 18

Summary of A.Min. Requirements: # MAIN SUBJECT Assessment/Testing 1 Courses in Bible (4 O.T., 4 N.T.) 8 Courses in Theology 6 Courses in Practical Theology 7 22

Second Semester SUBJECT 1 Old Testament Historical Books 2 Christology 3 Theology: Bibliology 4 Basic Leadership 5 Basic Evangelism 6 Basic Ministry Total Hour Credits

TCR 3 24 18 21 66

CR 3 3 3 3 3 3 18


Bachelor of Christian Ministry (66 Credits) Prerequisite: A.Min. (or equivalent) YEAR 1 (3) First Semester SUBJECT Assessment/Testing 1 Wisdom Literature 2 Jewish/Christian 3 Epistles Theology: 4 Pneumatology Advanced Preaching 5 Total Hour Credits

CR 3 3 3

Second Semester SUBJECT 1 Major Prophets 2 General Epistles 3 Theology: Ecclesiology

CR 3 3 3



Advanced Teaching


3 15

5 Advanced Evangelism Total Hour Credits

3 15

YEAR 2 (4) First Semester SUBJECT Minor Prophets 1 Pastoral Epistles 2 Theology: Anthropology Advanced Counseling 4 Advanced Church 5 Growth Theology (elective) 6 Total Hour Credits 3


Second Semester SUBJECT 1 Intertestamental Period 2 Intensive: Book of Revelation 3 Theology: Eschatology

3 3

4 5

3 18

6 Theology (elective) Total Hour Credits

CR 3 3

Summary of B.Min. Requirements: # MAIN SUBJECT Assessment/Testing 1 Courses in Bible 8 Courses in Theology 6 Courses in Practical Theology 7 22

Advanced Leadership Advanced Ministry

TCR 3 24 18 21 66

CR 3 3 3 3 3 3 18




Doctor of Christian Ministry (42 Credits) Prerequisite: M.Min., M.Div. (or equivalent) YEAR 1 First Semester SUBJECT Assessment/Testing 1 Bible Foundations of Specialty Theological Foundations 3 of Specialty Theological Foundations 4 of Specialty Major Apply Research 5 Project –MARP (1) Total Hour Credits 2

CR 3 3 3 3

Second Semester SUBJECT 1 Church Functions (Worship, Prayer) 2 Church Functions (Fellowship, Discipleship) 3 Church Function (Ministry, Evangelism) 4 Major Apply Research Paper –MARP (2)

3 3 3

3 Total Hour Credits


YEAR 2 First Semester SUBJECT Church Analysis: Past 1 Church Analysis: Present 2 Church Analysis: Future 3 Church Analysis: Programs 4 Major Apply Research 5 Project –MARP (3) 6 Total Hour Credits

CR 3

CR 3 3 3 3 3 3 18

Summary of D.Min. Requirements: # MAIN SUBJECT Assessment/Testing 1 Courses in Foundations 3 Courses in Church Functions 3 Courses in Church Analysis 4 Courses in Major Applied Research Project -MARP 3 14

TCR 3 9 9 12 9 42


SOUTHERN BAPTIST SCHOOL (SBS) Address: 4936 Ortega Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32210. Tels.: USA: SC: (864) 868-9850/FL: (904) 384-4599/D.R.: (829) 883-0504 e-mail:

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