1 minute read

Hidden Charm of Knollwood

Who was the founder, or founders, of Knollwood Country Club in 1894?

The correct answer is William C. Whitney, A. T. Gillender, Robert Sewell, Charles Henry Butler,Charles T. Barney, Sherman Ewarts, J. Adriance Bush, William M. Kingsland, and Charles E McLean of White Plains; Charles Stewart Davison and Oliver H. Payne

A big thank you to all participants who took a shot at this week's challenge! Your engagement is truly appreciated. And don't miss out on the chance to uncover the hidden question by carefully reading through the Arch

Best of luck with this week's puzzle!


Aerification Update

Despite the rain last week we were able to complete the aerification process on the greens and approaches last week. Greens were lightly verticut, solid tine aerified, and topdressed It will take a couple more days for the sand to completely work in and once that happens the greens will be back to normal playing conditions. The approaches were core aerified last week

This week we will be verticutting, topdressing, and overseeding the approaches. We will also be solid tine aerifying the fairways The golf course will remain open for play all week and we expect to be completely done with all the work on the fairways and approaches by the end of the week

The back of the range tee was resodded last week. Please stay off the new sod until it has a chance to take root and establish

Please remember to replace/fill you divots, repair ball marks, and rake the bunkers These simple gestures keep the course looking great for your fellow members and guests.

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