President's Message
Written by Dave DonnellyPlease extend a warm PRPC welcome to our new Food and Beverage Director, Jim Henington. Jim has already met with the social committee, and members are excited about getting back to dinner service and happy hour in May.
Heritage launched a new Members Website in early April. The website sports the calendar of club events, the member
directory, and member resources – such as the handbook, including Women’s and Men’s Golf, Racquet, and Social events and policies If you’re not logging on with PR – 000 you’re likely on the old Portal. Please refer to the April 6th Eblast for details –or reach out to the golf shop team for assistance. Bill Hazel, Communications chairman, has been working with Kaitlin, Lisa, and the Heritage staff on the transition pointing out some of the nuances for us “technically challenged.” I don’t think the Green Book is an option – but stay tuned!
Since 2017, Heritage and the Board endorsed the use of “sanctioned” tee times for organized groups. It is how many of us play, and a great way to meet fellow golfers. In 2022, the approval of Sanctioned tee groups was transferred to the PRPC board, and a quarterly review process was established. Although we communicate changes to the “leaders” of each of the five currently approved groups, changes did not always reach all our golfing members. A copy of the Board approved sanctioned times is kept in the Pro Shop and a copy on the Member website (under Member resources). Sanctioned tee times account for less than 25% of the reserved member tee slots yet account for 200+ member rounds per week.
Lastly, THANK YOU for All you do for the Club and for the Community. Your ongoing support of the Heritage staff and our fellow PRPC members is admirable. Thank You to the Course Clean Up volunteers (both the sanctioned and the rogue group), to my fellow board members, to the supporting golf, racquet, and social committees as well as the long list of PRPC member volunteers that I saw at the Heritage RBC. We are very fortunate to have such a giving community and I look forward to seeing you around the Clubhouse.
Fun A
WebeginthemonthwithourpopularMonthlyMemberSocialonMay1.BeautifulMay weatherwillallowustospilloutontotheporch.Theper-personcostremainsthe sameat$10.PleaseremembertoregistersoChefCurtiswillknowhowmuchfoodto prepare.ClickHeretoRSVP,
Theclubwillhostanewcasualeventthisspring,WINGS,BREWS,andBARBEQUE! ChefCurtiswilltreatustoayummyarrayofwings,ribs,andtraditionalsidedishes. Beerisincluded!Thiseventwillbeoutsideonthepatio,weatherpermitting.The eveningwillfeaturelivemusictoo!Comejointhefun.$34.00pp.ClickHeretoRSVP. Markyourcalendarsnowsoyoudon’tmisstheLuauonJune26.Wewillhavecontests andprizesaswellasgreatfood,authenticHawaiianleis,liveukulelemusic,anda signatureMaiTaidrink.OpenseatingLuaustyleatlongtables(butwithchairs!)Live ukulelemusicwillbeprovidedbyDavidKimbellwhohasbeenawell-knownfigureto HiltonHeadaudiencesformanyyears;directing,teaching,andperformingonseveral differentstringinstruments.HeperformswiththeHiltonHeadSymphonyOrchestra, theHiltonHeadChoralSociety,andmanyothergroups.
TheLuauwilltakeplaceoutdoorsonthepatiosodressappropriately.$38ppbuysyou afun-filledevening.ClickHeretoRSVP.
Andfinally,pleasenotethatperHeritagepolicy,therewillbenorefundsonevent cancellations2daysorlessbeforeanyevent.
Golf Report
Written by Guy SuchyGreetings… when my wife, Gen, and I bought our first house in Port Royal in the summer of 2017, we were on Royal Crest Drive. Almost directly across the street from us were the Tuckers, Shari and Ron I met Ron when a neighbor held a brunch, “So, play a little golf, you do?”
LittledidIknowatthetime,butIhadjustmetthefutureChairoftheRulesand Regulations(R&R)Committee.
IknewRonwastherightpersonforthejobwhensometimelater,duringoneof ourmanyroundstogether,hewasmovingthewhiteteemarkerstomatchupto thewhiteteemonumentsthatareintheground.Thiswasinadvanceofoneof thePortRoyalmajortournamentsthatwasbeingheldthatweek.Ronexplained thatthemaintenancestaffwillmovethemarkerstoavoidoveruseofateeing areaandhewassimplyreturningthemarkerstotheirproperlocationforthe tournamentthatweek.“Bingo,”Ithought…”Thisistheguyforthejob…NowifIcan onlygetelectedGolfChair.”
SotheR&R(nottobeconfusedwith,“RestandRelaxation,”orwith,“R&A-Royal& Ancient”)isnewlycreatedthisyear-ithasbeenputinplacetogivePRPCmore structurewithrespecttooversightofourcourseandplay JoiningRonontheR&R areBillWhalen,PatrickMcGrath,AmyRay,JackSchrader,andMelKemp.While theR&Rhasnothadaformalmeetingyet,therehavebeenanumberofsituations behindthescenesthattheCommitteehasalreadybeeninvolved.
Forexample,backinFebruary,JayRuschandParkerMulfordpresentedtoabout 40membersonhowRulesandRegsimpactourplayhereatPortRoyal.Basedon thequestionsthatwereaskedatthatmeeting(mostlybyJack)andsomeofthe answers(byMel),itseemednaturaltogetbothofthemontheCommittee.Patrick McGrathisalsoanaturalasheisworkingthroughtheUSGAprogramtobecome aRulesOfficialattournaments.BillandAmyarepartoftheCommitteeto representtheMenandLadygolfers,respectively.
Golf Report Continued
Written by Guy SuchySo what else does this group do? As a further example, Ron and Jack sat down about a month ago to review our scorecards and make improvements to the verbiage on the cards. In other words, they made sure what was written on the cards properly interpreted the correct way to play and score your results on the courses.
The most recent behind-the-scenes work involves riding the courses and checking to see that we have the proper markings for out-of-bounds and for penalty areas. Over the years, we have lost many of our markers and now have
One additional area the R&R may tackle is the formal institution of a Handicap Committee While we are still in the discussion phase for this, I do see some longterm benefits, especially for our members who play competitively against other clubs. In the meantime, I should point out that if you don’t have a formal handicap, you can be set up for this. The cost is $28 per year for PRPC members ($30 per year for non-members). Just go into the Pro Shop and tell them, “Ron sent you."
Till next time, Guy
Men's Golf
Written by John StrasburgerApril Supermen's Day
Another Great SMD Turnout with 43 players. The game was “6-6-6", a Devilish Format. The Winning Team with a score of 56 (-16 to par)
Michael Scalpato, Jim Stauffer, Rick D’Arienzo & Bill Taylor
Congrats to the Designated Drivers Winners of the inaugural Spring Men’s Match Play League
Rick D’Arienzo, Jeff Clary, Dennis Darling & John Strasburger. . . these guys got game to back up their swag; finished the regular season, playoffs & Finals with 5 straight wins.
Men's Golf Continued
Men’s 2023 Individual Match Play
Our 2nd Major of 2023 is in the books. Mary Grace Tabb helped us manage a very strong field with 41 players, 5 full brackets, and 3 rounds all flighted to support all levels of play. Thank you, Mary Grace! Championship Flight competitors played from the White tees under a scratch format, 3 net flights played from Member tees and one net flight played from the Black Tees.
Congratulations to the Men’s Match Play Champion: LANNY BAILEY This is backto-back wins for Lanny (2022 and 2023
(Pictured from left to right)
Ron Tucker (4th place)
Carl Nelson (3rd Place)
Lanny Bailey (1st place)
Rick D’Arienzo (2nd place)
Member Tee Flight I
(Pictured from left to right)
Bill Hazel (2nd Place)
Dave Renbarger (1st Place)
(not pictured are:)
Jeff Clary & Jim Stauffer
(tied for 3rd Place)
Member Tee Flight II
(Pictured from left to right)
Mike Hall (3rd place)
Rick Keebaugh(4th Place)
Don Muehlberger (1st Place)
Jim Walker (2nd Place)
Men's Golf Continued
Member Tee Flight III
(Pictured from left to right)
Al Lindseth (1st place)
Bill Whalen (2nd place)
Tim Aller (4th place)
Dennis Darling ( 3rd place)
Black Tee Flight
(Pictured from left to right)
Bill Taylor (2nd Place)
Bill Papale (1st Place)
Alex MacMoran (3rd place) (not pictured is:)
Joe Tosh (4th place)
Next up:
Note: May Super Men’s Day has been rescheduled. The original date was May 10th. The NEW date is Wednesday, May 17th.
Net Nine & Dine: Thursday, May 18th
Super Seniors Stroke Play Championship
Open to male members 75 yrs. of age or older.
Net handicap scoring from black tees.
Round One: Friday, May 19th
Round Two: Wednesday, May 24th
Men's Golf League
Special Report by Dave RenbargerHats off to the Designated Driverz, who won the Port Royal Spring League championship match by a 19.5-16.5 margin over the Original Gangsters on Barony.
Sporting their trademark team hats with the custom Double-D design, the Driverz put an end to the Gangsters' seven-match win streak to claim the title.
"I know it sounds cliché, but this was a total team effort," said Driverz captain Rick D'Arienzo during the post-match celebration "The Gangsters put up a real fight, but I'm proud to say that my guys were up to the challenge."
Gangsters captain Bud Henry was impressed.
"Those guys just made all their shots today," he said. "You've got to hand it to them They are a most worthy champion "
The first match proved decisive, with D'Arienzo and John Strasburger facing Henry and Bill Kerr, who was subbing for Don Muehlberger. Strasburger propelled the Driverz to a 2-up lead after two holes. Try as they might, the Gangsters were unable to erase that early deficit. When Strasburger's 35-yard bunker shot at No. 15 came to rest 13 inches from the cup, the Driverz's 10.5-7.5 victory was secure.
Likewise, the Driverz duo Jeff Clary and Dennis Darling came out smoking in the second match, building a 3-up lead through 10 holes before Gangsters Dave Renbarger and Bob Fratarcangelo found their mojo. In the end, Renbo made a nice net birdie from the bunker at No. 18 to square the match, but it was only window dressing as the Driverz had already clinched the title.
Previously, the Driverz and Gangsters took care of business in a pair of pressurepacked semifinal matches. The Driverz ousted captain Chuck Wibby’s Prime Tigers 21-15, while the Gangsters bumped off the Pain Killers by the same margin.
Men's Golf League
Special Report by Dave RenbargerAnd so the curtain has fallen on the first season of Men's League play at Port Royal, one that was deemed a rousing success by the participants.
Plans are already in the works for a second season, perhaps to begin in June or July, so be on the lookout for specifics as the time draws near. Some changes to the format are being discussed that will improve logistics and the equity of play, including the possibility of dedicated weekly tee times for all league matches, a switch from four-man teams to six-man teams to lessen the reliance on subs and a more equitable handicapping system.
18 Holers
Written by Gay HallemanLuckily Jay was able to arrange for us to play Savannah Quarters Country Club which Heritage manages in Pooler, Georgia
A great day was had by all on a lovely course and beautiful club. Six ladies drove down; Polly Jackson, Betsy Papale, Gail Brown, Carol Duffin, Liz Bailey, and Gay Halleman. It was a treat to have those wide fairways and enormous greens.
I hav etsy
The p with Hiltru d Gay Halle in Octo
Pictu heer up if you Liz
Baile Cathy Grigori
18 Holers Continued
Written by Gay Halleman Next group: front row Liz Bailey, Gay Halleman, and Ruth Billings. Standing in the back, are Carole Howell and Carol Duffin. Pict reaNine Holers
Written by Karen SimpsonThis month we would like to welcome 5 new members to the 9-hole ladies: Linda Maloney, Carolyn Strauss, Carol Lindseth, Judy Blahut, and Lisa Adamsky.
If you see them on the course please remind them that "A bad day of golf is better than a good day at work!"
March was a fun-filled month with Golf Bingo, prizes, & clever wine bottle stoppers as a token from Barbara Scotti. Thank you Barbara for all your enthusiasm and great ideas!
Our chip-in list continues...
April 6
On Barony, Georgette Voehringer chipped out of a bunker on #7 for a chipin. Nancy Simpson chipped in for a par on #7. Way to go ladies!
April 13
On Robber's we had 3 more chip-ins. Sue Walker #2, Joann Gibbs #6, Nene Dreyer #7
We already have had 27 chip-ins so far from only 16 of our members in 2023!
On April 13 we played throw your worst 2 holes out!
Sue Walker is in 1st place with a 20!
2 way tied for 2nd place: Judy Blahut & Joann Gibbs
3rd place: Cathy Vetrano
On the evening of April 19th, we gathered at the Darling residence for a Girl's Night Out and had an amazing grill master. Thanks, Dennis! We had a quick meeting and then we were able to eat, drink and be merry. As always the ladies all outdid themselves including the endless ice cream sundae bar.
Nine Holers Continued
Written by Karen SimpsonRacquet's Up!
Written by Angelo VerdeOur first-ever Member/Member racquet tournament is scheduled for Saturday, May 20th. Find a partner for pickleball or tennis and sign up soon Our program will include courtside continental breakfast and lunch at the restaurant after play is over. We have flights for 4.0 and 3.5 for men's and women’s tennis and men's and women's pickleball.
The signup and details are on the weekly Club Eblast, in the pro shop, and at courtside so join us for a great day of competition. Dale has promised prizes to the winning teams in each category.
Speaking of our resident pro, Dale Brown, he and his wife DeLauren welcomed their first child Foster earlier in April. Mom, baby, and dad are doing well, however, a bit tired th d C t l ti !
The pickleball courts are scheduled to be resurfaced the last week of April in time for our member/member tournament. Also, the tennis courts will be resurfaced later this fall. We continue to work with our board and Heritage to maintain a great racquet facility and improved member experience.
Racquet's Up! Continued
Written by Angelo VerdeSpeaking of court maintenance and member experience, we now have two screens and brooms available to re-groom the clay courts when you finish your session. We encourage members to leave the courts looking great after play for the next group. Thanks to all for pitching in.
Reminders for all about clinics, round robins and social tennis activities including net, nine and dine, Sunday is mixed doubles, and be on the lookout for the resumption of Tipsy Tennis.
Brad and his wife Penny joined Port Royal as tennis members about two years ago. Brad is currently coaching tennis for Heritage Academy as the school recently added interscholastic sports teams to their programs. Brad started playing tennis at age 10 and improved to play at a competitive level in high school. After college, medical school, residency, and starting a family (a 15year gap), Brad rediscovered his love for the game. Brad became involved in coaching his children’s teams and soon became a high school coach for his local school in Cincinnati. He also started a kids program at his local club there and found great joy in working with young people interested in tennis.
A friend here on HHI asked Brad to work with his daughter a student at Heritage Academy and tennis player Once the school started a varsity team Brad offered to coach. In a school of only 125 students, Brad coached his varsity team to a state championship and was runner-up another season in his first two years. He is very optimistic about a great run in this spring season. Congratulations Brad!
Racquet Member Spotlight: Brad OsborneMan on the Street
Gary Ciardiello
w up?
In what year did you move to Hilton Head Island?
What is your favorite part of the Club?
I love to play tennis on the clay courts and the Social events
What is your most unusual talent?
I am a Math nerd
What is your favorite spot in America?
New York City and Napa, California
Who is your favorite athlete and why?
All of the players on the University of Connecticut men’s basketball team. UConn is my alma mater and I also taught a class there.
What is your favorite drink?
RED wine
Five minutes of perfect happiness?
Sitting in Italy overlooking the Tuscan hills with a glass of red wine
Chocolate or vanilla?
What is your favorite restaurant?
The Sage room on Hilton Head Island
New Port Royal Members
Member Fun Quiz
The first two people to email me at: with the correct answer will win two glasses of wine at Robber's Row Grille. Good luck!
This month’s question:
In what year did the original Barony Golf Course open and who was the course designer?
Answer to Last Month’s Quiz:
Where are the two AED medical devices located at the Club?
Answer: One is located in the Sports Shop near the restrooms and the second is located near the bar area in the Clubhouse.
The winner of last month’s quiz is Anne Gerth.
Thanks to all those that participated!