1 minute read
Racquets Up

By Jan Schuppert
PRRC Calendar of Upcoming Social Events
Mark Your Calendar
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day afternoon social play (tennis and pickleball) organized and led by our own Dale Brown who guarantees a good time. Play begins at 4:00 and continues until we choose to stop, probably about 5:30, when we will enjoy some refreshments courtside. We will provide beverages and paper products and ask that participants provide something yummy to share with the group. Since we have limited seating, you may want to bring a bag chair.
Watch for the sign-up sheet in the Sports Shop.
April 1: NO FOOLING – Potluck dinner at the Beach House. We will provide pulled pork for the group, and you should bring a side dish to share and your beverage of choice. We will gather at 6:00, break bread together, and enjoy each other ’s company. Please plan to join the fun. Don’t forget – regular Sunday afternoon mixed doubles from 2:00 to 4:00. Find your partner and join in.