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President’s Message

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9 Holers

9 Holers

By Jon Wormley

Grass is beginning to grow on the fairways and the greens are rolled and improving. Trees have been removed to bring more sunlight to several of our greens. Aerification of our greens has been scheduled for late May and early June, but subject to mother nature of course. Several greens will get additional attention with a “Drill and Fill” application to further improve those greens. The Board approved in our April meeting to move several golfing events after discussing the aerification schedule. More will be forthcoming on those schedule changes. The Board will now start turning attention to the Nominating Committee and election of the 2023 Board. The Nominating Committee will be totally independent of the Board. To help ensure total independence, I will allow the Committee to elect their own chairperson, as in other years. The chairperson will remain responsible for conducting the election, issuing, and collecting ballots, counting the votes, resolving any ties, and announcing to the membership the results of the election. The Committee will consist of not less than 3 nor more than 5 persons. Each of them shall be a resident member or lawful spouse of a resident member. The Board will use a process of selecting committee members that I used during my previous presidency. That worked well and involved all members of the Board. The Committee will select the slate, vetting all eligible persons selected for consideration. As in previous years, no individual is automatically placed on the slate. It is the responsibility of the committee to select candidates that are willing to serve in a capacity to fulfill the duties of the board and ensure that the composition of the Board complies with our By-Laws. If you have questions or interest in serving on either the Nominating Committee or Board of Governors, please contact myself. This is your Club! We look forward to our newer members participating in leading our Club forward. We are also nearing completion of the compliance review of our six “Approved Tee Time Groups” with two groups on trial. This has been a very time-consuming task, but a necessary task. Fairness to all golfing members is essential. All groups will be advised of our decisions, and I anticipate Tee Sheets for the remainder of the year, always subject to modification, to be released mid-May for the remainder to this year.

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