2021 - 2022 North Central Florida Healthcare Guide

Page 13

Continuing Education:

Requirements & Licensure Renewal NOTE: Licensees of the Florida Board of Medicine are required to renew their licenses biennially in order to maintain the right to practice.

Allopathic (MD) The Department of Health (DOH) divides MDs into two groups. One group holds licenses that expire in even-numbered years, while the other group expires in odd-numbered years. All 40 continuing medical education (CME) hours (needed for second and subsequent renewals) must be American Medical Association (AMA) Category I or accepted American Medical Association

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Physicians Recognition Award. The Domestic Violence course and Prevention of Medical Errors course must be approved by any state or federal government agency, or nationally affiliated professional association, or any provider of Category I or II AMA Continuing Education. For other methods of obtaining continuing medical education per biennium, visit https://flboardofmedicine. gov/renewals.


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