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6.1. EU Institute for Security Studies (Gustav Lindstrom

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by Gustav Lindstrom


The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) is the Union’s agency dealing with the analysis of foreign, security and defence policy issues.


The Institute was established in July 2001 as an autonomous agency under the CFSP (Council Joint Action 2001/554, now regulated by Council Decision 2014/75/CFSP) to foster a common security culture for the EU, support the elaboration and projection of its foreign policy and enrich the strategic debate inside and outside Europe.

European Union

Institute for Security Studies

Based in Paris with an office in Brussels, the EUISS is an integral part of the EU structures that underpin the further development of the CFSP/CSDP. The Institute acts as an interface between the EU institutions and external experts – including security actors – to develop the EU’s strategic thinking.

EUISS, Bernal Revert

The EUISS together with the EEAS, European Commission, European Cybercrime Center and EU Agency for Cybersecurity - ENISA hosted the second edition of the EU Cyber Forum. The event - organised as part of the EU Cyber Direct project - was opened by Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative and Vice President of the European Commission.


A major event of the EUISS is the Annual Conference. The high-level panels, featuring think tanks, experts and policymakers, explore the EU Global Strategy, strategic foresight and the possible future of EU foreign policy.

EU Member States fund the Institute according to a GNI-based formula. It is governed by a Management Board, chaired by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HR/VP). The Political and Security Committee (PSC) exercises political supervision – without prejudice to the intellectual independence and operational autonomy of the EUISS.


As part of its mission to promote a common security culture for the EU, help develop and project the CFSP/CSDP and enrich Europe’s strategic debate, the Institute’s activities focus on policy-oriented analysis through its publications and events. The EUISS conducts its research both by theme and by region. In addition to the work produced on the CFSP and CSDP proper, the EUISS addresses the various dimensions of the Union’s common external action – from

The Institute's flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers. www.iss.europa.eu/publications/chaillot-papers/

EUISS, Bernal Revert

The experts of the EUISS provide first class contributions to the Handbook editions of the European Security and Defence College, which are published by the Austrian Ministry of Defence.

hybrid threats to sanctions, from cyber issues to conflict dynamics. Particular emphasis is placed on the Union’s neighbours to the east and the south, as well as on the Sahel, Russia, the Middle East and Asia.

The Institute’s flagship publication is its series of Chaillot Papers, which are based on focused, in depth research. Each year, the Institute publishes a ‘What If’ series of foresight scenarios to encourage decision-makers to think outside the box on security issues. The EUISS also regularly publishes reference works such as the annual Yearbook of European Security (YES), which serves as a record of the CFSP/CSDP for the public and policy-makers. Together with its series of Briefs, the Institute has become an authoritative source of analysis and information for EU policymakers, think tanks and academics the world over. EVENTS

EUISS events such as conferences, seminars, and expert workshops are intended to enhance the Union’s analytical capacities and facilitate the shaping of common approaches. They bring together EU officials, national experts, academics, decision-makers, media and civil society representatives from the EU Member States as well as the rest of the world. The EUISS also organises task forces to monitor events in a particular region and/or specific policy developments, and often to deliver targeted advice. Issues requiring more sustained attention may be covered via Track 1.5/2.0 events. Participation in EUISS events is by invitation only.

Each year, the Institute holds an annual conference which brings together senior policymakers and the broader think tank community. Addi-

tionally, at the beginning of each year the EUISS organises a high-level event to showcase the Institute’s analysts with a view to thinking about the year ahead in European security.


Collaboration with EU institutions and the other agencies continues to expand, and in the past the Institute has led projects conducted for the European Commission, the European Defence Agency and the European Parliament. Cooperation with the EU’s Satellite Centre (SATCEN) was formalised through a dedicated memorandum of understanding signed in 2016.

The EUISS also enjoys excellent working relations with the European Security and Defence College (ESDC): the Institute offers its expertise and support for courses and events (including the alumni network), and, the EUISS sits on the Executive Academic Board of the College. Finally, the Institute also cooperates closely with Council of the EU bodies such as the Integrated Political Crisis Responses (IPCR).

Finally, cooperation with the Member States – through the PSC and the Board, as well as the Permanent Representations, the rotating EU Presidencies and, occasionally, the Working Groups – is also a key part of the work of the EUISS. Indeed, the Institute is regularly involved in each Council of the EU Presidency cycle and it organises high-level conferences and other events with each EU member state in order to stimulate strategic reflection on security and defence, crisis management and other issues of interest.

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