Her Journey Magazine Spring 2010 Issue

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Spring 2010


Leah Smith One WOMAN who will make you say WOW

A New Season Fit for a Queen

Golden Faiya in the Winter Wonderland From Brooklyn to Finland Rep Yo City ATL Shawty!



by Chris Fox, CFK Photography; Hair & Makeup by Shameika Bowman


Spring Issue ‘10


12 A New Season 16 Golden Faiya DEPARTMENTS

05 Contributors 06 From Me to You: Letter From the Publisher 07 Letters to the Editor 18 Get Cute Quick 20 Rep Yo’ City: 23 What Women Everywhere Want Directory



Watch Out World!: WOWoman Her Journey {Spring 10} / 3

Issue 6 | Spring 2010 HER JOURNEYMAG.COM


Danielle Fontus


Jennifer Fontus Tracey Calvo Clarke



ome travel with us and DISCOVER our adventures.

subscribe today! just visit our site HERJOURNEYMAG.COM



Straight Design (212) 822-8858 info@str8tdesign.com Kimberly Thalia Joy Lynét Diggs Jamie Fleming David Jackson Alicia Marie Rivers

To contribute to Her Journey magazine, send a query to Danielle@herjourneymag.com.

Her Journey Volume 2, Number 2. © 2010 Her Journey Company. Printed in the US by Her Journey Company, www.herjourneymag.com. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, including but not limited to graphic, electronic, mechanical or photocopying, without written permission from Her Journey Company. Her Journey is published quarterly (4 issues per year) by Her Journey Company, P.O. Box 254, East Northport, NY11731. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers or of the institutions of the contributing author. Neither the publishers, authors nor their employers can be held liable for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions; nor held liable for any actions taken on the basis of the views expressed in this publication.

contributors Name: Joy Lynét Diggs Education: University of N.C.-Chapel Hill, B.A. in Exercise and Sport Science; Georgia State University, M.S. in Nutrition Other Work: owner, personal trainer and nutritionist for Digg Deep Personal Training; owner of B. Natural Apparel, an online store selling women’s tees, www.bnaturalapparel.com Career goals: grow Digg Deep Personal Training so that I can continue to inspire and motivate people to adopt a healthy lifestyle through exercise and eating healthy Favorite destinations: any place I have never been before, even better if it has a beach! Travel to do list: The 30 remaining U.S. states that I haven’t previously traveled, Egypt, Europe Name: Jamie Fleming Education: Georgia College & State University, B.A. in Mass Communication Other Work: Freelance writer, blogger and columnist Career goals: Have a successful freelance writing career Favorite destinations: Tybee Island, GA and NYC Travel to do list: Take a trip to the West Coast, The Bahamas and South Africa

Name: David Jackson Education: Temple University, B.A. in Sociology; Brooklyn College, Master of Science, Education Other Work: Pura Vida: Travid’s First Vacation Career Goals: Educational administration and leadership, writing Favorite Destinations: Only one destination outside of the U.S. thus far—Costa Rica Travel To Do List: West Africa (Ghana), France (Paris), Dominican Republic, Brazil, Cuba, Aruba (just to name a few)

Name: Alicia Marie Rivers Education: Northwood Institute, Midland, MI; Fashion Institute of Technology Other Work: Beauty Editor for Black Elegance Magazine; Editor-in-chief of 101 Hairstyles, Shortcuts & Black Hairstyles and Trends Magazines Career goals: Expand PrettyThoughtsofaHotChick.com Favorite destinations: St. Lucia, Miami & Antigua Travel to do list: Europe & Asia www.herjourneymag.com

Her Journey {Spring 10}/5

From Me toYou: letter from the publisher


danielle fontus

THE NEW YEAR COMES THE NOTION TO start anew. However, a lot of us get caught up in resolutions that end up being empty promises. Instead, I prefer setting goals and orchestrating a plan with steps to accomplishing them. This season of Her Journey has been amazing beyond my own imagination, and in the new season of Her Journey I imagine a journey to somewhere even greater. My goals for the new season of Her Journey are to reach over 5,000 people, to explore eight new places, to share videos with you from wherever our adventures take us and to create more chances to meet you ladies at Her Journey events. In sharing these goals with you, I’m holding myself accountable. I don’t think the New Year is the chance to try to create a different you. I see it as another opportunity to make you an improved version of who you already are. In an interview between Oprah and Celine Dion, they shared a message that “being successful doesn’t make you different; it just makes you more of who you are.” As you walk into your season of success, I urge you to treat each new day as a new opportunity to make yourself better. When you look in the mirror, envision the you that you want to be. In this issue, you’ll meet a woman whose new season as a solo artist is in full bloom at age 21 (page 8) and another woman who, at age 50, just birthed a new season fit for a queen (page 12). You’ll also meet a woman who, despite the change in season, takes the heat of her dancehall faiya wherever she goes: this time it’s Finland (page 16). Each of these women is embracing her new season, and you can do the same. Imagine whatever it is that you want in the new season of your life and what’s more important, prepare for it. Make a plan and take the steps towards it every single day.

Founder & Publisher

P.S. I want to leave you with a few words from india.arie’s song “Beautiful Flower”: “You’re beautiful like a flower; more valuable than a diamond; you are powerful like a fire; you will heal the world with your mind, and there is nothing in the world that you cannot do, when you believe in you...”

6/Her Journey {Spring 10}


letters to the editor I just wanted to say that I completely agree with John on the “what the heck shouldI do?” question. Most college students don’t really know what they’re doing in their major (or they think they know what they’re doing). Talking to your professors and advisors is extremely important. The responses or lack there of, will give you a clear idea on what would be best for you in the long run. I started out as an English major because I wanted to teach high school English. In my very last year of college I changed my major to Communications. Why?I asked my advisors what can I do with an English degree should the teaching thing not go as planned. The response I got was “You can do just about anything!” What in the world does that mean? I knew it was time to move in the direction I really wanted, event planning. I kept English as a minor (so I didn’t have to stay in school another year) and graduated with my BA in Rhetoric and Communications. Now I own my own event planning company and I’m loving every minute of it. Abigail A. Zephyr Fete Event Production & Design fetedesignny.com After reading the article about Trinidad and Tobago, I would love to go there for the Carnival festivities. Everything looks so beautiful and sounds so exciting. Trinity T. I follow your magazine through Facebook & visit the website. Inspiration, possibilities, & abilities flow throughout your publication. One of my Long Term goals is to travel the world & with my family! Alicia C. I most enjoyed the Real World 101 advice. The point about paying it forward really stuck with me, and it really made me think about what I could offer to current www.herjourneymag.com

College 101:

Reoarlld W


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g.com www.herjourneyma

students. I hadn’t thought about it before, but I do have wisdom from my experiences in school (and in the “real world”) that I could share with them. Thank you for this. Lavern F. Her Journey’s journey has been beautiful so far. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! I wish you an even greater journey in the years to come. Faith A. I really liked the College 101 tips. There were some really helpful tips that I’m going to keep in mind this semester. Jessica C. I love what you are doing with the magazine. Good job. John W. I like the articles I’ve read in this issue and past issues, but I would like to read about more destinations outside of the U.S. Sam L.

LET’S HEAR FROM YOU Write and tell us your thoughts, opinions or comments about what you read. Send an email to Danielle@herjourneymag.com.


Her Journey {Spring 10}/7

watch out

Travel has inspired not so much my sound but my message. Traveling has made the world smaller, less daunting and more relatable. — Leah Smith

WORLD! by Tracey Calvo Clarke and David Jackson (aka “Travid”)

y age 21many of us hoped to be finishing college, maybe have a nice paying job, a small amount of student loan debt and a nice little apartment in a beautiful metropolitan city. Very few of us can boast touring throughout the world with an international gospel sensation, have been called wise beyond our years; and even fewer of us, if we had accomplished this would still be relatable and likeable. Having just celebrated her birthday, Leah Smith is anything but your average 21-year-old.


We did not meet or experience Leah Smith on purpose. We kind of stumbled upon her unexpectedly and, like a refreshingly intriguing conversation on the A train, this spontaneous delight left us wanting more. In the intimate setting of a church basement in Ridgewood, Queens accompanied only by her keyboard, Leah delivered a pow8/Her Journey {Spring 10}


WOWoman: Leah Smith


including: self-esteem, integrity, dreams and redemption. Take a journey through the eyes of Leah Smith, as she intimately shares with HJ her goals, traveling, relaxing, and her motivation. Her Journey: Tell us about your upbringing in North Philly. Leah Smith: I was raised in Philadelphia with my sister and brother by my interracial parents. I went to a small Episcopalian school where my mom taught pre-k and kindergarten. It was in that elementary school that I developed an appreciation for music and writing. I was raised in the church, and began believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ as a child. HJ: What do you love most about your hometown? LS: The people. I’ve been in Philly for most of my 21 years and I’ve never walked around downtown or taken a train or bus ride and NOT been entertained, educated, humored or horrified… Her Journey {Spring 10}/9

Photo by CFK Photography

erful set of soulful and smooth songs with substance. Despite the dim lighting, Leah’s inner confidence and stunning beauty radiated through the room. With conviction, she reminded her listeners that although we may not always be “the smartest one, strongest one, cutest one” we remain “beautifully and wonderfully made” in God’s image. Her lyrics are fulfilling, like warm fresh bread, and her voice is smooth like butter. Leah’s live experience is pure and simply enjoyable. Leah is already a buzz in Philly’s neo soul gospel scene. She began her “official” singing career at the age of 18 with Israel Houghton’s dynamic group, New Breed. After a year and a half of touring in places like Asia, Europe and Australia, she has since packed her luggage of experience, practicalities and countless lessons en route to a solo career. Leah’s independent EP Beautifully Made released on October 20, 2009 with six distinct, melodic, uplifting and sensory tracks that are sure to turn you into a lifelong fan. Her songs focus on topics all 20 and 30-somethings can relate to

Photo by CFK Photography; Hair & Makeup by Shameika Bowman 10/Her Journey {Spring 10}


HJ: What/Who inspires or motivates you? LS: I’m motivated to do music for a few reasons. My natural affinity for writing music compels me to do so. Life’s varied experiences inspire me to write and share life’s “stories” with others. My relationship with Jesus motivates me constantly. The life-damaging messages that have infiltrated the music industry and made their way into the very hearts and lives of listeners also motivate me… HJ: Others have compared you to artists like Alicia Keys and india.arie. How do you feel about that? What sets Leah Smith apart? LS: I used to resent being compared to other artists - and especially Alicia Keys, because it made me feel like I was a knock-off version of the name brand. In the past few years I’vebecome a lot less bothered because after all, these artists are artists that I REALLY admire and for people to think of them when they hear me isn’t too shabby. A big difference between myself and artists I’m compared to is my relationship with Jesus. My profession of Him and daily life with Him, naturally inform my music in a BIG way.

HJ: Has any place inspired your sound? LS: Travel has inspired not so much my sound but my message.Traveling has made the world smaller, less daunting, and more relatable. People are so different all over the world -in terms of economy, religion, what they value, etc.but also so very alike at the same time.It’s the same story; it’s the same ache inside of us all to feel loved and valued. I think that having even a small grasp of this truth by traveling and seeing it has inspired me to write universally-about issues that anyone can relate to. HJ: What advice can you offer to our readers on their respective journeys to discovering and fulfilling their purpose? LS: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments were the most important to Jesus when asked. Already we see we have two main purposes: loving God, loving people. My greatest advice for discovering and fulfilling your purpose (because you DO have it!!) is to “discover” the Lord and fall desperately in love with Him, love other people passionately, and go for it! HJ Leah Smith is surely an artist to follow. Although her voice is seasoned beyond her years, she remains a warm and humble soul. You can find her new EP “Beautifully Made” on iTunes and Digstation.com. For those of you who still cherish filling Nike boxes with CD’s, you can order a copy at CDbaby.com. Virtually you’ll find Leah on www.myspace.com/leahsmithmusic1 and her YouTube music channel, www.youtube.com/user/LeahSmithMusic, where she playfully shows off her silliness, updates her fans through her Vlog, and even hosts contests. Happy Listening!!

Who is a WOWoman? A WOWoman makes you say “WOW” with the way she carries herself and how she strives to accomplish her goals. She takes the unconventional route and makes her own rules for success. She actively and passionately works towards making a big impact on the world. She is open minded and receptive to endless possibilities. Watch Out World because she, the WOWoman, is doing her thing! To nominate someone for WOWoman, send an e-mail to Danielle@herjourneymag.com www.herjourneymag.com

Her Journey {Spring 10}/11

Photos by Kimberly Thalia

HJ: How does Leah Smith relax? LS: Crossword puzzles. Baths. Reading. Organizing “stuff.” Eating. DRIVING! I find driving to be very therapeutic. Shopping, but that’s dangerous! Talking to Jesus aka prayer. The Office. I’m weaning myself away from romantic comedies because, while they can be a great way for me to wind down and relax, they make me very discontent with my singleness.




“It’s a new season, it’s a new day; a fresh anointing is flowing my way . . . ” the opening line of Martha Munizzi’s megahit could well have been the theme song for the launch of The Queen of Sheba Foundation on October 24, 2009. A day set aside simply for the celebration of a milestone birthday segued into the birthing of a lifelong dream. www.herjourneymag.com

Her Journey {Spring 10}/13

14/Her Journey {Spring 10}

would recount their life stories as if my listening ear could relieve them of their burden or somehow liberate them from their private hell. Unaware of or unfazed by my own personal struggles, they would share details of their marriage, parenting, finances, goals, aspirations or whatever trials they were facing at the time of our meeting. Then came the dream. The night dream, that is. Not once, but twice in the past five years, I dreamt (with a few variations here and there) that I was locked in a windowless, walled-in room with no visible means of escape. In this sterile room there were women of all ages, cultures, beliefs and social standing. I saw women reading, living, going about their business. They were married, single, young, old, rich, poor, black, white. They were attired in the garb of their native lands. Draped in prints, solids and saris, clad in all manner of dress, these women had one thing in common. They had all adapted to the lifeless existence to which they had become accustomed. Passionless and without purpose. Uninspired and unmotivated. Even in my darkest waking moments, these conditions are unacceptable to me. Yet, without an inkling about what to make of the dream, I continued to wage war on my own demons. The demons of divorce and single motherhood with their accompanying frustrations marked a seemingly neverending season of loneliness and isolation. My dreams dulled www.herjourneymag.com

Photos by CFK Photography & Eno Bull Photography

The dream: to found an organization that would honor and celebrate the wisdom, power and beauty in a generation of women who through life’s many challenges find themselves isolated, rejected or disconnected from themselves and their purpose. The name Queen of Sheba was planted very early in my life as a taunt by a relative. Little did she (or I ) know back then on the tiny island of Trinidad that her mild rebuke would spark a curiosity that would lay the foundation for my ultimate purpose—an all-encompassing purpose with international outreach. The benign question, “who do you think you are, the Queen of Sheba?” led to a search for the identity of the legendary character in the days long before google, yahoo and search engines. The discovery that the Queen was wealthy, powerful, wise and beautiful was enough to satisfy my eight-year-old fascination. And fascinated I remained until four decades later when my new research revealed that the mystery of the Queen of Sheba even to this day spans religion, region and culture. –Fascination then gave way to destiny. A historical figure who features in Jewish, Muslim and Christian texts, the Queen of Sheba embodies and symbolizes the spirit of the Foundation. A more fitting icon could not be found. In my daily walk I have met and had conversations with numerous women who for some reason unknown to me

and hope deferred, I was slowly approaching the state of the women I saw in my sleep. But there was one distinction. Vision. I never lost sight of the vision that presented itself to me so many years before. Day by day, year by year, decade by decade, countless experiences later, the pieces began to come together. My disjointed life finally began to make sense. The dream, the vision, my too soon approaching fiftieth birthday embarked on a collision course with destiny. Suddenly, it all became crystal clear. The Queen of Sheba Foundation was to be birthed during the golden jubilee celebration of its founder— a dual celebration. Invitations for the “Gala Affair” were printed. With the guest list finalized; venue secured; DJ, photographer, videographer, hosts, MC selected; menu and color scheme meticulously chosen, excitement prevailed. Then doubt, as it is wont to do reared its double-minded head. Should I? What if? Suppose? Whoever said…? I was assailed by questions with no guaranteed answers. As if by magic, as swiftly as they appeared all doubts were erased. Seemingly out of nowhere, three women (of different backgrounds and cultures) with whom I was only vaguely acquainted, all called within 24 hours of my second guessing my purpose to reveal their current situation and ask for nothing more than an ear of support. The three accounts—one of a woman recently widowed after 25 years of marriage, one of habitual domestic abuse and the last, a case of serial infidelity—served to con-


firm that this was indeed due season. The Queen of Sheba Foundation was now full term. It was time to be birthed. On the day of the event, the celebration exceeded all expectations. For the first time in my life I felt that I was operating in the fullness of my calling. There was no moment more personally fulfilling or humbling than when each of the four recipients I had chosen to honor came to the podium to accept their surprise award. As the tears flowed and the cheers exploded, I knew without a doubt that at that moment, I and the Queen of Sheba Foundation had entered a new season, “a season of power and prosperity. It’s a new season and it’s coming to me.” The Queen of Sheba Foundation exists to facilitate interactive group discussions, provide meaningful instruction through workshops and seminars, and endeavors to make monetary donations to individual and partner organizations on an as-need business based on the sole discretion of the executive board. Contact us at www.queenofshebafoundation.org. HJ Jennifer L. Fontus is the President of AURAA UNLIMITED, a personal enhancement company that provides instruction and demonstrations on “EXCELLENCE” to individuals and organizations through personal consultation, workshops and seminars. Visit us at www.AURAAUNLIMITED.com.

Her Journey {Spring 10}/15

Golden Faiya in the Winter Wonderland: From Brooklyn to Finland by Danielle Fontus

ome people escape to warm destinations during the winter season, but not Hanna Herbertson. This choreographer took her dancehall “faiya” all the way from Brooklyn, NY to Helsinki, Finland.


When asked how the weather in Finland compares to that of the Big Apple, she replied, “When NYC feels cold it’s just a gentle touch…The Finnish winter punched me in the face when I got there…” However, having snow on the ground for nearly half of the year does not send the Finnish into hibernation. Taking full advantage of the winter wonderland they call home, the Finnish take part in a number of snowcentered activities like skiing and dog-sled safaris. The Finnish also prove themselves thick-skinned with winter swimming, in which they quickly run from a sauna to a hole cut into the ice, where they dip into the icy water before returning to the sauna, an experience many swear is refreshing like no other. They have even gone as far as to construct Finnish Lapland, a hotel made of ice. Experiencing temperatures as low as -13F, it is no surprise that one of Hanna’s favorite things in Finland was the sauna. Hanna described one of her favorite dishes, which is hopefully easier to make than it is to spell: jauhelihakastike- made with minced beef, onions, garlic, oregano, tomato puree, flour and water and served with boiled potatoes. Hanna also found warmth and comfort in the familiar heat of a dancehall club in Helsinki, where she was pleasantly surprised to hear some of the hottest dancehall songs. Hanna even brought some of 16/Her Journey {Spring 10}

When NYC feels cold it’s just a gentle touch… The Finnish winter punched me in the face when I got there… www.herjourneymag.com

Photos by Creatiebread and Eve

her own faiya with her first dancehall workshop in Finland, which was well received by a group who was eager to learn. Although this was her first time to Finland, Hanna is no travel amateur. From Brooklyn, NY and Boston, Massachusetts to Paris, France and Johannesburg, South Africa, Hanna has shared her faiya through workshops and performances all over the world. She has also visited Jamaica (of course), the home of dancehall, Lithuania, Portugal, Sri Lanka and Los Angeles, California. Originally from Inchon, South Korea, where she was left outside of a church as a newborn, some might consider Hanna an island girl in her own right, having grown up on Gotland, Sweden’s largest island. Listening to veteran reggae artists like Chaka Demus and Pliers and Shabba Ranks, Hanna remembers falling in love with the energy and intensity of dancehall in the early 1990’s. Even though she doesn’t completely agree with everything artists sing about, she appreciates dancehall’s freedom of expression, allowing room for fun and serious social consciousness. The rawness touches her “bad gyal side”. A product of cultural collaborations herself, Hanna appreciates various arts and cultures, which is reflected in her style, even though dancehall and hip hop are most dominant. Orchestrating an entire show in France, shows at BB Kings in Times Square, working with hip hop choreographer Kelly Peters and dancehall/reggae artists like Donny Yardas and maKeida, all on her resume, she’s been working hard. Watch out for her and her new crew BlackGold, a collaborawww.herjourneymag.com

tive project with two other dancehall choreographers, Genius and H1story. Strapped with her must haves: BlackBerry, iTouch, laptop, a book and the freshest pair of sneakers, she may be bringing her faiya to your city soon. Try to keep up with what this golden star is doing: www.hannaherbertson.com. To find more info and plan your own trip to Finland, www.visitfinland.com. HJ Her Journey {Spring 10}/17

get cute quick Let Your Glow Shine A Few Get Cute Quick Essentials Ladies, ladies, ladies. The winter season can seem a bit dull at times, but the cold weather does not have to strip you of your glow. A few of our fiercest lady friends are here to help you maintain your inner and outer glow for rest of this season and prepare for the upcoming spring season. ON THE INSIDE Momma always said to drink water. Drinking 64 ounces of water a day is the most basic step to hydrating your body. Personal trainer and nutritionist Joy Diggs on exercise: So, it is officially wintertime! Unless you are fortunate enough to live in a place with eternal warmth, you are more than likely beginning to feel winter’s wrath. In these winter months, it is easy to lose motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle through exercise and healthy eating. If your Snuggie is starting to look more appealing than your running sneakers, here are a few ways to keep your inner glow during this cold season! Dry winter air tends to flatten and dull hair and skin. There are countless benefits to exercise, including helping your hair and skin stay aglow! Exercise helps to increase blood flow, which allows oxygen and nutrients to be distributed throughout the body. These nutrients are needed to 18/Her Journey {Spring 10}

bring moisture to the skin, promote hair growth and prevent breakage. This is why it is also important to consume a healthy diet, so your body is provided with the right ingredients! Exercise also helps to boost your immune system, which is extremely important to help fight off any sicknesses. Plan a meal mixed with whole grains, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and nuts to consume the vitamins and minerals needed to stay healthy. Cold weather also tends to make us feel sluggish and gloomy. Exercise can help you fight the winter blues by improving your mood and energy levels. And let’s not forget it decreases disease risk, stress, blood pressure, helps you lose weight, and the list goes on! All that for 30 minutes a day. What’s holding you back? I have even included a workout to get you started! www.herjourneymag.com

TIME TO HIT THE GYM WITH THIS WARMING WINTER WORKOUT! • Warm-up: 5 minute low-intensity on your favorite cardio machine • Grab a pair of 8 or 10lb dumbbells and complete 15 reps of each exercise. Can’t do 15? Do as many as you can! Complete each exercise in order one at a time. That equals a set. Complete 2-3 sets: • Squat, bicep curl, shoulder press • Push-ups • Sit-ups • Lunges- (10 on each leg) • Dumbbell row • Reverse crunch • 30 second rest, then repeat sequence 2-3 times more. Not warm enough? Add some heat! Mix it up by increasing the weights or adding 30 seconds of cardio (i.e. jumping rope, running in place, running the stairs, jumping jacks) at the end of each set or even between each exercise. Finish it off with 15-20 minutes of cardio, followed by a 5 minute cool down. Keep building your intensity every few weeks. By springtime you’ll be so hot, you won’t even need the sun! For more exercise tips visit, www.diggdeeptraining.com.

Photos by CFK Photography; Makeup: Shameika Bowman; Models: Melissa Acosta (left), Yayoi (right)

ON THE SURFACE According to the advice of one of our close friends, non water based lotions like Aveeno and Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Lotions are best for your skin. In her book Beautlicious! The Black Girl’s Guide to the Fabulous Life, Jenyne M. Raines says, “Glowing, touchme-please skin is a must…Crush up that old gold, bronze or copper powdered eye shadow or bronzing powder and mix it into your baby oil. Apply all over for a sensual sheen.”

THE EXTRAS Hot Chick Alicia Marie Rivers recommends accen-

tuating your goddess glow with Cover Girl’s TruBlend Minerals Bronzer. Create lush lashes with Cover Girl’s LashBlast mascara and perfect pout with Bare Escentuals Buxom Lips Lip Polish. Finish the look with a pair of fabulous shades, sexy leggings and cute pumps. Live Pretty! Visit www.prettythoughtsofahotchick.com for more of her Hot Chick advice.

THE BAG Throw it in the bag! Pack all of your Get Cute Quick Essentials into the rich navy blue Pleated Patent Clutch (which is on sale at www.mydivaboutique.com) to be ready for any after work festivities, date night, girls’ night out or weekend getaway. HJ www.herjourneymag.com Her Journey {Spring 10}/19

ATL Shawty by Jamie Fleming

Home to your favorite housewives, NeNe, Sheree, Kandi, Lisa and Kim, Atlanta is the capital of Georgia and the place for all things urban. It’s one of the fastest growing cities in the U.S. (33rd largest) and is filled with arts, entertainment and culture. Incorporated in 1847, Atlanta was the end of the trade route of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. It is the only city in North America that was destroyed by fire due to war and is well-known for its role in the Civil Rights movement. Of course, you know that Atlanta is the birthplace of Civil Rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But this is also where the term ’Dirty South’ was created and a place that has produced many music greats like india.arie, Ludacris and Ciara. Other celebs born in Atlanta are supermodel Chanel Iman, Gladys Knight and NBA player Dwight Howard. Atlanta houses the world’s largest indoor aquarium (Georgia Aquarium), and boasts one of the busiest airports (Hartsfield Jackson). More than 75 percent of Fortune 1000 companies have a presence in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. The city also has 55 Peachtree Streets! Like most major cities, Atlanta offers a little something for everyone. Whatever your taste, you are guaranteed to find something you like, especially in areas like Buckhead, Little Five Points and Midtown. Buckhead is one of the more swanky spots in Atlanta. It has several unique, upscale shops, or you can go the luxury route at Lenox Square Mall, which has shops like Burberry, 20/Her Journey {Spring 10}

Louis Vuitton and Kate Spade. For a more boho feel, visit Little Five Points, one of the more alternative spots in Atlanta. Here you’ll find a rich blend of theatre, art and shopping. Midtown is made up of busy streets, high-rise condos and four-star hotels. It’s also home to Atlantic Station, which

Miss Journey’s favorites: After four years at Emory University, my fondest memories of the ATL include: • The picture of the little girl with arms outstretched that welcomes you at airport • The Martin Luther King structure on Freedom Parkway • The sign at Krispy Kreme that lets you know that the donuts are “HOT” • The view of ATL skyline from the Freedom parkway entrance onto 75/85 • The Sun Dial rotating restaurant and lounge at the top of the Westin downtown


rep yo’ city

offers homes to 10,000 people, employment opportunities for 30,000 and shopping and entertainment for everyone. What are some other fabulous places to visit in Atlanta? The Atlanta University Center (AUC) is where you’ll find Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College and Morehouse School of Medicine. You’ll also come across the historic West End community with two museums to explore: Hammonds House Galleries and The Wren’s Nest. The Sweet Auburn District area served as a booming center for Black enterprise from the 1890s to the 1940s. At the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site, you can explore King’s birthplace, the visitor’s center and the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church. The fabulous Fox Theatre presents performances by Theater of the Stars, Broadway in Atlanta, a Summer Movie Series and other concerts and plays. For the gardeners and flora lovers, visiting the Atlanta Botanical Garden is nothing short of paradise. With 30 acres of gardens, an urban forest, wildflower trails and more, the garden hosts year-round exhibits, special events and workshops. For more info on what to do in ATL, check out www.atlanta.net. HJ www.herjourneymag.com

Photo provided by TJ

SUBMIT TO Rep Yo’ City IF YOU FEEL YOUR CITY is underrepresented, this is your opportunity to share its undiscovered beauty with the masses. We are seeking those who are both passionate and knowledgeable about their hometown. Submissions must be informative as well as entertaining and highlight famous landmarks as well as little known tidbits. We also welcome photos that perfectly capture a glimpse of what your city has to offer. Suitable submissions will be included in upcoming issues. If you would like to Rep Yo’ City, send inquiries to Danielle@herjourneymag.com.

Her Journey {Spring 10}/21

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22/Her Journey {Spring 10}


The “It’s Not Like I’m Drunk” Cocktail 2 oz. tequila 1 oz. triple sec 1/2 ounce lime juice Salt 1 too many 1 automobile 1 missed red light 1 false sense of security 1 lowered reaction time

Combine ingredients. Shake. Have another. And another.

Never underestimate ‘just a few.’ Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

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