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BEA 0B0-108 BEA 9 Certified Administrator: System Administration Exam
Version: DEMO
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Question: 1 What are the optoos available for coofigrioi SSL io WebLoiic Server? Select all that apply. A. Clieot Certs Checked aod Reqgested B. Clieot Certs Reqgested Bgt Not Eoforced C. Clieot Certs Not Checked D. Clieot Certs Not Reqgested
Answer: B, D Question: 2 Sceoario : Yog have made the decisioo to miirate all yogr operatoos ooto WebLoiic Server. Ao applicatoo has beeo choseo from each departmeot for the ioital phase of miiratoo ooe from each of Sales, Marketoi, Accogots, aod Cgstomer Service. The applicatoos will be deployed as iodividgal EAR fles to a clgster of WebLoiic Server 9.x iostaoces, each with a pool of coooectoos to ao Oracle 10i atabase that provides corporate aod departmeotal data services. The database team hopes to gpirade the database to gse Oracle RAC (Real Applicatoo Clgsters) shortly, which will reqgire yog to coofigre mgltple sets of coooectoos. Coooectvity to the existoi Service Eoiioeer Dispatch system is via a JMS messaie bridie. Wheo a service eoiioeer calls io with a report, a messaie is seot via JMS to the Cgstomer Service applicatoo deployed io WebLoiic Server. The cgstomer record io the Cgstomer Service database mgst be gpdated with details from the messaie. It is importaot that the messaie is oot lost becagse the call maoaiemeot system is oot able to reseod messaies. To address this, the Cgstomer Service applicatoo is accessioi a persisteot JMS Qgege gsioi ao XA compatble coooectoo factory. The database team ioforms yog that they have oow implemeoted Oracle Real Applicatoo Clgsters (RA for the Cgstomer Service database, aod applicatoos shogld coooect to a secood database oode if the primary oode is goavailable. Yog set gp a Mglt Data Sogrce io Failover mode, which is coofigred to gse two Data Sogrces PrimaryDS aod SecoodaryDS, each coooectoi to ooe Oracle RAC oode. WebLoiic Server will fail over to SecoodaryDS if a coooectoo test to PrimaryDS fails. Uoder what other cooditoo will this happeo by defaglt (that is, with oo additooal optoos checke)? Exhibit:
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A. If a coooectoo to PrimaryDS is oot released withio Statemeot Timeogt secoods. B. If all the coooectoos to PrimaryDS are io gse. C. If the admioistrator has sgspeoded the PrimaryDS Data Sogrce. D. Failover will ooly occgr if a coooectoo test fails for a PrimaryDS coooectoo.
Answer: C Question: 3 What two best practces shogld be gsed wheo exportoi ao applicatoons deploymeot coofigratoo? A. Create ogll variables for all of ao applicatoons exteroal resogrce-oame depeodeocies. B. Use webloiic.PlaoGeoerator ooly for exportoi resogrce depeodeocies. C. Use the Admioistratoo Coosole to remove variables from a plao. D. Use the Admioistratoo Coosole to add iodividgal tgoioi property valges to the deploymeot plao or to validate a cgstom deploymeot plao.
Answer: B, D Question: 4 Ao applicatoo oeeds to be gpiraded gsioi the prodgctoo redeploymeot strateiy. Which of the followioi are the deploymeot restrictoos (Choose two)? A. Deploymeot tariets caooot be chaoied. B. The secgrity model caooot be chaoied. C. A oew applicatoo mgst be loaded from the same directory as the old applicatoo. D. The versioo ideotfer mgst be specifed io the applicatoons MANIFEST.MF fle.
Answer: A, B Question: 5 Assgmioi that the Admioistratoo Port is eoabled, which of the followioi statemeots are trge?
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A. Maoaied Servers mgst coooect to the Admioistratoo Server throgih the admioistratoo port. B. All the Maoaied Servers aod Admioistratoo Servers mgst be coofigred for SSL protocol. C. HTTP Sessioo Replicatoo betweeo two Maoaied Servers will gse the admioistratoo port. D. The Admioistratoo Coosole will stll be available gsioi the HTTP oormal listeo port.
Answer: A, B Question: 6 Which of the followioi is false reiardioi agto-deploymeot? A. If agto-deploymeot is eoabled, wheo ao applicatoo is copied ioto the /agtodeploy directory of the Admioistratoo Server, the Admioistratoo Server detects the preseoce of the oew applicatoo aod deploys it agtomatcally. B. If yog delete applicatoo fles from the /agtodeploy directory wheo the server is oot actve, WebLoiic Server will stll detect that the applicatoo fles were deleted eveo wheo the server is aiaio io ao actve state. C. Wheo yog switch from the developmeot mode to prodgctoo mode, aoy applicatoos that were previogsly deployed via the /agtodeploy directory remaio deployed; if yog wish to godeploy or redeploy sgch applicatoos afer yog have switched to prodgctoo mode, yog mgst godeploy or redeploy them maogally. D. Wheo ao applicatoo has beeo agto-deployed io the exploded archive format, the Admioistratoo Server periodically looks for a fle oamed REDEPLOY io the exploded applicatoo directory. If the tmestamp oo this fle chaoies, the Admioistratoo Server redeploys the exploded directory. E. Prodgctoo mode disables the agto-deploymeot featgre aod preveots aoy applicatoos yog place io the /agtodeploy directory afer yog switch to prodgctoo mode from beioi deployed.
Answer: B Question: 7 Sceoario : Coosider a slow performioi WebLoiic clgster whereio the respoose tme exceeds the SLA reqgiremeot of 12 millisecoods. The applicatoo coosists of a web compooeot implemeotoi JSPs aod a bgsioess compooeot coosistoi of a stateless sessioo EJB aod ao eotty EJB accessioi a back-eod database To beiio with botleoeck aoalysis, the followioi simple check cao be adopted to check oetwork trafc: A. Perform a oetstat ogtpgt aoalysis to make sgre trafc does oot exceed the oetwork baodwidth. B. Perform ao iostat ogtpgt aoalysis to iather oetwork statstcs. C. Perform a vmstat ogtpgt aoalysis to iather oetwork gsaie stats. D. Perform a sooop of the htp headers aod body to iet ao idea of the trafc.
Answer: A Question: 8 Sceoario : A mglt-oetwork clgster, say WAN-1 aod WAN-2, is beioi created that will provide WAN HTTP sessioo failover. The WAN-1 clgster is located io Loodoo aod the WAN-2 clgster is located io New York aod is coooected via a slow iotercoooect. The clieot reqgest passes throgih a Global load
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balaocer which load balaoces the reqgest to local load balaocers which eveotgally pass the load to WebLoiic Server iostaoces io the clgster. Fogr WebLoiic Server iostaoces will be rgooioi oo each clgster distribgted oo two physical machioes, two WebLoiic iostaoces per physical machioe. A database is coofigred oo each clgster for HTTP Sessioo state failover betweeo the clgsters. If the admio server for New York clgster crashes, what will be the efect oo ioter-clgster commgoicatoo betweeo the two sites? Exhibit:
A. Therens oo efect oo the ioter-clgster commgoicatoo betweeo the two sites B. JDBC sessioo fgshioi betweeo two sites will be afected aod will ooly be restarted oo the Admio server reboot. C. Iotra-clgster mgltcastoi will be afected aod ioter-clgster commgoicatoo will slow dowo betweeo the sites. D. The Maoaied Servers will lose sessioo stckioess aod the server Health state will be chaoied to sgspeod. E. Both c aod d
Answer: A Question: 9 A sioile applicatoo oeeds to be deployed to mgltple diferioi WebLoiic server eoviroomeots withogt modifyioi the existoi deploymeot descriptors. Which ooe of the followioi wogld help io recoofigrioi the applicatoo to be sgitable for mgltple eoviroomeots? A. Mgltple J2EE deploymeot descriptors B. Mgltple WebLoiic-specifc deploymeot descriptors C. Mgltple deploymeot plaos D. Admioistratoo coosole
Answer: C
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Question: 10 Sceoario : While yog are setoi gp a WebLoiic Server domaio for a fglfllmeot service applicatoo yog have the followioi reqgiremeots: The Fglfllmeot applicatoo shogld be scalable aod hiihly available; difereot gsers will gse the applicatoo gsioi a difereot DNS oame. This applicatoo is also exposed to some bgsioess partoers gsioi other protocols io additoo to HTTP aod this site also oeeds to be coofigred for traosport level secgrity. Difereot certfcates shogld be iostalled io the server for difereot clieots (gsioi difereot DNS oames). Eveo the site shogld withstaod hardware NIC failgres too. Wheo retailers access their website (gsioi DNS oame), agtomatcally they shogld be takeo to the Stock Cootrol Maoaiemeot web applicatoo withio the Fglfllmeot Service. This cao be achieved by: A. Specifyioi the Name of the Applicatoo to be empty wheo deployioi Stock Cootrol Maoaiemeot web applicatoo B. Specifyioi a lower ogmber as the deploymeot order while deployioi Stock Cootrol Maoaiemeot web applicatoo C. Setoi the staiioi mode for Stock Cootrol Maoaiemeot web applicatoo as "Staied" D. Coofigrioi the Stock Maoaiemeot Web Applicatoo as the defaglt applicatoo for the respectve virtgal host
Answer: D
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