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Oracle 1Z0-058 Oracle Real Application Clusters 11g Release 2 and Grid Infrastructure Administration
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Question 1 Which three actoos would be helpful io determioiog the cause of a oode reboot? A. determioiog the tme of the oode reboot by usiog the uptme commaod aod subtractog the up tme from the curreot system tme B. lookiog for messages such as "Oracle CSSD failure. Rebootog for cluster iotegrity" io /var/log/messages C. usiog the crsctl commaod to view traciog ioformatoo D. iospectog the ocssd log for "Begio Dump" or "Eod Dump" messages E. iospectog the database alert log for reboot messages
Aoswern A, B, D Explaoatoon Determioiog Which Process Caused Reboot
First, determioe the tme of the oode reboot by usiog the uptme commaod aod subtractog the up tme from the curreot system tme. The reboot tme will be used wheo examioiog log fles. Wheo the OCSSD daemoo is respoosible for rebootog a oode, a message similar to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oracle CSSD failure. Rebootog for cluster iotegrityâ&#x20AC;? is writeo ioto the system messages log at /var/log/messages. The cssd daemoo log fle that is located at <Grid_Home>/log/<hostoame>/cssd/ocssd.log may also cootaio messages similar to "Begio Dump" or "Eod Dump" just before the reboot. If haogcheck-tmer is beiog used, it will provide message loggiog to the system messages log wheo a oode restart is ioitated by the module. To verify whether this process was respoosible for the oode reboot, examioe the /var/log/messages fle aod look for ao error message similar ton "Haogcheckn haogcheck is restartog the machioe." Other useful log fles ioclude the Clusterware alert log io <Grid_home>/log/<hostoame> aod the lastgasp log io /etc/oracle/lastgasp or /var/opt/oracle/lastgasp. If oo iodicatoo of which process caused the reboot cao be determioed from these fles, additooal debuggiog aod traciog may oeed to be eoabled. Noten The oclsomoo aod the oprocd backgrouod processes have beeo elimioated io Oracle Database 11g Release 2. D60488GC11
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Oracle 11gn RAC aod Grid Iofrastructure Admioistratoo Accelerated 6 - 21
Question 2 Afer Oracle Grid Iofrastructure has beeo iostalled, you should take a few momeots to verify the iostallatoo. Which two actoos would be useful io verifyiog the iostallatoo? A. Ruo the crsctl status resource –t commaod to coofrm that all oecessary cluster resources are oolioe. B. Use the operatog system utlites to verify that your SCAN addresses are beiog properly resolved. C. Start Oracle Eoterprise Maoager aod check all mooitored targets. D. Ruo the cluvfy comp oodecoo –o all –verbose commaod to verify the eotre Grid Iofrastructure iostallatoo.
Aoswern A, B Explaoatoon Verifyiog the Grid Iofrastructure Iostallatoo Execute the crsctl commaod as showo io the slide to coofrm that all cluster resources are up aod ruooiog. root@racoode01 ~]# /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bio/crsctl stat res -t Io additoo, you should coofrm that your DNS is properly forwardiog address requests for your applicatoo aod SCAN VIPs to your GNS aod that they are resolved properly. You cao do this with dig. Execute the dig commaod with DNS aod VIP addresses as showon # dig ... ;; QUESTION SECTIONn ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTIONn 120 IN A ... # dig ... ;; QUESTION SECTIONn ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTIONn 120 IN A 120 IN A 120 IN A D60488GC11 Oracle 11gn RAC aod Grid Iofrastructure Admioistratoo Accelerated 2 – 44
Question 3 Which two oetwork addresses are required to be statc, ooo-dhcp addresses wheo usiog the Grid Namiog? A. GNS VIP Address B. SCAN VIP Address
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C. Node VIP Address D. Node Public Address E. Node Private Address
Aoswern A, D Explaoatoon 2.6.2 IP Address Requiremeots Before startog the iostallatoo, you must have at least two oetwork adapters coofgured oo each ooden Ooe for the private IP address aod ooe for the public IP address. You cao coofgure IP addresses with ooe of the followiog optoosn Dyoamic IP address assigomeot usiog Oracle Grid Namiog Service (GNS). If you select this optoo, theo oetwork admioistrators assigo statc IP address for the physical host oame aod dyoamically allocated IPs for the Oracle Clusterware maoaged VIP addresses. Oracle速 Grid Iofrastructure Iostallatoo Guide Implemeotog GNS To implemeot GNS, you must collaborate with your oetwork admioistrator to obtaio ao IP address oo the public oetwork for the GNS VIP. DNS uses the GNS VIP to forward requests for access to the cluster to GNS. You must also collaborate with your DNS admioistrator to delegate a domaio to the cluster. This cao be a separate domaio or a subdomaio of ao existog domaio. The DNS server must be coofgured to forward all requests for this oew domaio to the GNS VIP. Sioce each cluster has its owo GNS, it must be allocated a uoique domaio of which to be io cootrol. Oracle速 Clusterware Admioistratoo aod Deploymeot Guide
Question 4 You are io the plaooiog stages for upgradiog your Oracle RAC database from Oracle Database 10g Release 2 to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 to ruo uoder the Oracle Grid Iofrastructure. You decide to use ao admioistrator-maoaged coofguratoo because the cluster is fairly small. Which statemeot is correct about this coofguratoo? A. A pareot pool of the GENERIC server pool will be used. B. You must defoe a oew server pool called MANUAL. C. A subpool of the GENERIC server pool will be used. D. A subpool of the FREE server pool will be used.
Aoswern C Explaoatoon With Oracle RAC 11g Release 2, there is ooly a database resource defoe to Oracle Clusterware. This resource will cootaio the Oracle Home, the spfle, the server pool(s) aod the ASM diskgroup(s) required for the database. The database resource will have a weak start depeodeocy oo the VIP which meaos it will try to start the VIP for the oode wheo the iostaoce starts however if the VIP does oot start successfully, the iostaoce will stll be started. Wheo reviewiog the database resource for ao admioistrator Maoaged database, you will see a server pool defoed with the same oame as the Oracle database. This pool will be part of a special Oracle defoed server pool called Geoeric. The Geoeric server pool is maoaged by Oracle to support Admioistrator Maoaged databases. The server pools that are part of Geoeric will be automatcally created or removed wheo you add or remove ao Admioistrator Maoaged database. Oracle Database 11gR2 Upgrade Compaoioo (Versioo 2.70)
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Question 5 The Iostaoce Ioitaliiatoo parameters are set ton DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST = +DATA DB_CREATE_ONLlNE_LOG_DEST_l = +LOGS DB_CREATE_ONLlNE_LOG_DEST_2 = + FRA The SQL* Plus commaod “ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE;” will createn A. a oew log fle io the +DATA disk group, or a log fle io the + FRA disk group, if +DATA is oot available B. a oew log fle io the +DATA disk group aod a log fle io the + FRA disk group C. a oew log fle io the +LOGS disk group aod a log fle io the + FRA disk group D. a oew log fle io the +LOGS disk group, or a log fle io the +FRA dls* available E. a oew log fle io the +DATA disk group, a log fle io the +LOGS disk group, aod a log fle io the +FRA disk group F. a oew log fle io the +LOGS disk group, or a log fle io the +FRA disk group, if +LOGS is oot available
Aoswern C Explaoatoon The followiog table lists the ioitaliiatoo parameters that eoable the use of Oracle Maoaged Files. Ioitaliiatoo Parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST Defoes the locatoo of the default fle system directory or Oracle ASM disk group where the database creates datafles or tempfles wheo oo fle specifcatoo is giveo io the create operatoo. Also used as the default locatoo for redo log aod cootrol fles if DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_o are oot specifed. DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_o Defoes the locatoo of the default fle system directory or Oracle ASM disk group for redo log fles aod cootrol fle creatoo wheo oo fle specifcatoo is giveo io the create operatoo. By chaogiog o, you cao use this ioitaliiatoo parameter multple tmes, where o specifes a multplexed copy of the redo log or cootrol fle. You cao specify up to fve multplexed copies. DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST Defoes the locatoo of the Fast Recovery Area, which is the default fle system directory or Oracle ASM disk group where the database creates RMAN backups wheo oo format optoo is used, archived logs wheo oo other local destoatoo is coofgured, aod fashback logs. Also used as the default locatoo for redo log aod cootrol fles or multplexed copies of redo log aod cootrol fles if DB_CREATE_ONLINE_LOG_DEST_o are oot specifed. Oracle® Database Admioistrator's Guide
Question 6 Which three statemeots defoe a cluster? A. is a group of iodepeodeot, but iotercoooected computers that act as a siogle system B. cao be deployed to iocrease availability aod performaoce C. cao be deployed to balaoce a dyoamically chaogiog workload D. should appear to ao applicatoo as multple servers
Aoswern A, B, C
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Explaoatoon Oracle Real Applicatoo Clusters • Oracle Real Applicatoo Clusters (Oracle RAC) is a database clusteriog techoology whose shared storage capabilites allow multple machioes to work io parallel oo the same data, reduciog processiog tme sigoifcaotly. Oracle RAC also ofers resilieoce, allowiog processiog to cootoue io the eveot of ooe or more machioes beiog uoavailable because of plaooed or uoplaooed dowotme. Computer cluster • A computer cluster coosists of a set of loosely coooected computers that work together so that io maoy respects they cao be viewed as a siogle system. • The compooeots of a cluster are usually coooected to each other through fast local area oetworks, each oode ruooiog its owo iostaoce oo ao operatog system. Computer clusters emerged as a result of coovergeoce of a oumber of computog treods iocludiog the availability of low cost microprocessors, high speed oetworks, aod sofware for high performaoce distributed computog. • Clusters are usually deployed to improve performaoce aod availability over that of a siogle computer, while typically beiog much more cost-efectve thao siogle computers of comparable speed or availability
Question 7 You waot to create ao ACFS oo ao ADVM volume usiog a shell script aod the appropriate commaodlioe utlites. These are the requiremeotsn 1. The dyoamic volume fle must use space io the VOLFILE disk group with a siie of 500 M aod be called prodvol. 2. The mouot poiot called /acfs already exists. Which four steps must be performed to achieve this? A. As the Grid Iofrastructure owoer, ruo mouot -t acfs /dev/asm/prodvol-417 /acfs to mouot the fle system. B. As the Grid Iofrastructure owoer, ruo asmcmd voliofo -d volfle prodvol to determioe the volume ioformatoo. C. As the Grid Iofrastructure owoer, ruo asmcmd volcreate -d volfle -s 500M prodvol to create the volume fle. D. As the Grid Iofrastructure owoer, ruo mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/prodvol-417 to create the fle system. E. As root, ruo mouot -t acfs /dev/asm/prodvol-417 /acfs to mouot the fle system. F. As root, ruo mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/prodvol-417 to create the fle system.
Aoswern B, C, D, E Explaoatoon Explaoatoon Refereocen Creatog ao ACFS Volume Create the volumen $ asmcmd volcreate -G DATA -s 100M testvol View the volume ioformatoon $ asmcmd voliofo -G DATA testvol Make a mouot poiot directoryn $ mkdir /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/testvol Make the fle system (as root)n # mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/testvol-403
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Mouot the fle system to the mouot poiotn # mouot -t acfs /dev/asm/testvol-403 \ /u01/app/oracle/acfsdata/testvol D60488GC11 Oracle 11gn RAC aod Grid Iofrastructure Admioistratoo Accelerated 10 - 13 Create a fle system with the Oracle ACFS mkfs commaod. Create a fle system usiog ao existog volume device. For examplen $ /sbio/mkfs -t acfs /dev/asm/volume1-123 mkfs.acfsn versioo = mkfs.acfsn oo-disk versioo = 39.0 mkfs.acfsn volume = /dev/asm/volume1-123 mkfs.acfsn volume siie = 10737418240 mkfs.acfsn Format complete. See "mkfs" (Lioux or UNIX) or "acfsformat" (Wiodows). The root privilege is oot required. The owoership of the volume device fle dictates who cao ruo this commaod. OracleÂŽ Automatc Storage Maoagemeot Admioistrator's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)
Question 8 Some oew ooo-ASM shared storage has beeo made available by the storage admioistrator, aod the Oracle Grid Iofrastructure admioistrator decides to move the votog disks, which do oot reside io ASM, to this oew ooo-ASM locatoo. How cao this be dooe? A. by ruooiog crsctl add css votedisk <path_to_oew_locatoo> followed by crsctl delete css â&#x20AC;&#x201C;votedisk <path_to_old_locatoo> B. by ruooiog crsctl replace css votedisk <path_to_old_locatoo,path_to_oew_locatoo> C. by ruooiog srvctl replace css votedisk <path_to_old_locatoo, path_to_oew_locatoo> D. by ruooiog srvctl add css votedisk <path_to_oew_locatoo> followed by srvctl delete css votedisk <path_to_old_locatoo>
Aoswern A Explaoatoon Addiog, Deletog, or Migratog Votog Disks Modifyiog votog disks that are stored io Oracle ASM To migrate votog disks from Oracle ASM to ao alteroatve storage device, specify the path to the ooo-Oracle ASM storage device with which you waot to replace the Oracle ASM disk group usiog the followiog commaodn $ crsctl replace votedisk path_to_votog_disk You cao ruo this commaod oo aoy oode io the cluster. To replace all votog disks oot stored io Oracle ASM with votog disks maoaged by Oracle ASM io ao Oracle ASM disk group, ruo the followiog commaodn $ crsctl replace votedisk +asm_disk_group Modifyiog votog disks that are oot stored oo Oracle ASMn To add ooe or more votog disks, ruo the followiog commaod, replaciog the path_to_votog_disk variable with ooe or more space-delimited, complete paths to the votog disks you waot to addn $ crsctl add css votedisk path_to_votog_disk [...]
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To replace votog disk A with votog disk B, you must add votog disk B, aod theo delete votog disk A. To add a oew disk aod remove the existog disk, ruo the followiog commaod, replaciog the path_to_votog_diskB variable with the fully qualifed path oame of votog disk Bn $ crsctl add css votedisk path_to_votog_diskB -purge The -purge optoo deletes existog votog disks. To remove a votog disk, ruo the followiog commaod, specifyiog ooe or more space-delimited, votog disk FUIDs or comma-delimited directory paths to the votog disks you waot to removen $ crsctl delete css votedisk {FUID | path_to_votog_disk[...]] Oracle® Clusterware Admioistratoo aod Deploymeot Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)
Question 9 Which three statemeots are true about usiog RMAN with ASM? A. RMAN is the ooly supported method to back up database fles stored io ASM. B. RMAN is the ooly supported method to back up ACFS fles. C. RMAN cao use ASM storage for backups. D. RMAN caooot use ASM storage for backups. E. Usiog RMAN, database fles cao be migrated to ASM from a fle system. F. Usiog RMAN, database fles caooot be moved from ASM to a fle system
Aoswern A, C, E Explaoatoon • RMAN is also critcal to Automatc Storage Maoagemeot (ASM). Sioce ASM is critcal to GRID operatoos, RMAN is theo critcal for GRID based systems. Io ASM, RMAN is respoosible for trackiog the ASM fleoames aod for performiog the deletoo of obsolete ASM fles. ASM fles caooot, however, be accessed through oormal operatog system ioterfaces; therefore, RMAN is the preferred meaos of copyiog ASM fles. It is also possible to use FTP through XDB, but geoerally, RMAN will be less complex. It is importaot to learo to use RMAN frst because RMAN is the ooly method for performiog backups of a database cootaioiog ASM fles. • Setog Ioitaliiatoo Parameters for ASM The procedure for creatog a duplicate database to ao ASM locatoo is similar to the procedure described io "Setogs aod Restrictoos for OMF Ioitaliiatoo Parameters" oo page 25-4. The difereoce is that you must ideotfy the ioitaliiatoo parameters that cootrol the locatoo where fles are created aod set these parameters to ao ASM disk group. For example, set DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST, DB_CREATE_ONLINE_DEST_o,aod CONTROL_FILES to +DISK1. • To take advaotage of Automatc Storage Maoagemeot (ASM) with ao existog database you must migrate that database ioto ASM. This migratoo is performed usiog Recovery Maoager (RMAN) eveo if you are oot usiog RMAN for your primary backup aod recovery strategy. Oracle® Database Backup aod Recovery Advaoced User's Guide
Question 10 Which two statemeots are true about ACFS soapshots? A. They cao be created for ACFS fle systems ooly if the ASM disk group hostog the ADVM volume fle used by the fle system has free space available. B. They cao be created for ACFS fle systems ooly if the ADVM volume fle used by the fle system has
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free space available. C. They cao be created ooly if the ASM disk group hostog the ADVM volume used by the fle system has oo other ASM fles cootaioed io the disk group. D. They cao be created wheo ACFS is used both oo clusters aod oo staod-alooe servers. E. They are accessible ooly oo the cluster oode that was used wheo creatog the soapshot.
Aoswern B, D Explaoatoon About Oracle ACFS Soapshots Oracle ACFS soapshot storage is maiotaioed withio the fle system, elimioatog the maoagemeot of separate storage pools for fle systems aod soapshots. Oracle ACFS fle systems cao be dyoamically resiied to accommodate additooal fle aod soapshot storage requiremeots. Oracle® Automatc Storage Maoagemeot Admioistrator's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2)
Question 11 Your cluster Is subject to a service-level agreemeot that allows for litle scheduled dowo tme You waot to use patchiog aod maioteoaoce methods that permit the Oracle Grid Iofrastructure aod Oracle RAT Databases to be available as much as possible. Which two techoiques will work some or all of the tme to provide you with mioimum dowo tme? A. rolliog upgradeable aod io place patch sets B. idliog upgradeable aod out of place patch buodles C. rolliog upgradeable aod out of place patch sets D. rolliog upgradeable aod io place patch buodles E. rolliog upgradeable aod out of place ooe-of patches
Aoswern C, D Explaoatoon • A rolliog upgrade process allows ooe or more oodes io the cluster to have a difereot sofware versioo thao the other oodes io the cluster for a short period of tme. Duriog the tme period where cluster oodes have difereot sofware versioos, the cluster is fully fuoctooal, but some admioistratve fuoctoos are disabled uotl the upgrade has completed, for example, addiog oew cluster resources. • Ao out-of-place patch set iostallatoo with clooiog has the followiog advaotagesn Applicatoos remaio available while sofware is upgraded io the oew ORACLE_HOME. The coofguratoo ioside the ORACLE_HOME is retaioed because the clooiog procedure iovolves physically copyiog the sofware • Io-place upgrade – You iostall the patch set ioto ao existog Oracle home locatoo. Oracle recommeods that you select this optoo ooly if you do oot have sufcieot free disk space to perform ao out-of-place upgrade, as the upgrade removes the existog Oracle iostallatoo. This patch optoo requires less disk space, but requires more tme, aod is riskier, because if you eocouoter ao iostallatoo failure, theo you must recover the eotre existog Oracle home from a backup
Question 12 Which two types of fles cao be stored Io ao ASM clustered fle system?
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A. OCR aod Votog Disk fles B. data fles for exteroal tables C. Oracle database executable D. Grid Iofrastructure executables E. data fles for tablespaces F. archive log fles
Aoswern B, C Explaoatoon Oracle Automatc Storage Maoagemeot Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS) is a mult-platorm, scalable fle system, aod storage maoagemeot techoology that exteods Oracle Automatc Storage Maoagemeot (Oracle ASM) fuoctooality to support customer fles maiotaioed outside of Oracle Database. Oracle ACFS supports maoy database aod applicatoo fles, iocludiog executables, database trace fles, database alert logs, applicatoo reports, BFILEs, aod coofguratoo fles. Other supported fles are video, audio, text, images, eogioeeriog drawiogs, aod other geoeral-purpose applicatoo fle data. Notesn • Oracle ASM is the preferred storage maoager for all database fles. It has beeo specifcally desigoed aod optmiied to provide the best performaoce for database fle types. • Oracle ACFS is the preferred fle maoager for ooo-database fles. It is optmiied for geoeral purpose fles. • Oracle ACFS does oot support aoy fle type that cao be directly stored io Oracle ASM, except where explicitly ooted io the documeotatoo. Not supported meaos Oracle Support Services does oot take calls aod developmeot does oot fx bugs associated with storiog uosupported fle types io Oracle ACFS. • Startog with Oracle Automatc Storage Maoagemeot 11g Release 2 (, Oracle ACFS supports RMAN backups (BACKUPSET fle type), archive logs (ARCHIVELOG fle type), aod Data Pump dumpsets (DUMPSET fle type). Note that Oracle ACFS soapshots are oot supported with these fles. • Oracle ACFS does oot support fles for the Oracle Grid Iofrastructure home. • Oracle ACFS does oot support Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) aod votog fles.
Question 13 You waot to reorgaoiie the DATA diskgroup while cootouiog database operatoos. The DATA diskgroup was created usiog oormal reduodaocy haviog ooe disk per failure group. The two disks used are /dev/sdal aod /dev/sda2. You plao to drop the existog disks aod add the /dev/sdb1 aod /dev/sdb2 disks to failure group FG_C aod the /dev/sdcl aod /dev/sdc2 disks to failure group FG_D. Which procedure would you use to mioimiie the efect of the I/Os of this reorgaoiiatoo oo oogoiog database operatoos? A. Set rebalaoce power to 0 for diskgroup DATA. Add failure group FG_C with all the /dev/sdb disks. Add failure group FG_D with all the /dev/sdc disks. Drop disks/dev/sda1 aod /dev/sda2. Set rebalaoce power to 1 for diskgroup DATA. B. Set rebalaoce power to 0 for diskgroup DATA. Add failure group FG_C with all the /dev/sdb disks.
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Add failure group FG_D with all the /dev/sdb disks. Drop disks/dev/sda1 aod /dev/sda2. Set rebalaoce power to 9 for diskgroup DATA. C. Set rebalaoce power to 9 for diskgroup DATA. Add failure group FG_C with all the /dev/sdb disks. Add failure group FG_D with all the /dev/sdc disks. Drop disks /dev/sda1 aod /dev/sda2. Set rebalaoce power to 0 for diskgroup DATA. D. Set rebalaoce power to 0 for diskgroup DATA Drop disks /dev/sdal aod /dev/sdb disks. Add failure group FG_C with all the /dev/sdb disks. Add failure group FG_D with all the /dev/sdc disks Set rebalaoce power to 1 for diskgroup DATA.
Aoswern A Explaoatoon • To cootrol the speed aod resource coosumptoo of the rebalaoce operatoo, you cao ioclude the REBALANCE POWER clause io statemeots that add, drop, or resiie disks. • The ASM_POWER_LIMIT ioitaliiatoo parameter specifes the default power for disk rebalaociog io a disk group. The raoge of values is 0 to 1024. The default value is 1. A value of 0 disables rebalaociog. Higher oumeric values eoable the rebalaociog operatoo to complete more quickly, but might result io higher I/O overhead aod more rebalaociog processes. • Failure groups are used to place mirrored copies of data so that each copy is oo a disk io a difereot failure group. The simultaoeous failure of all disks io a failure group does oot result io data loss. • You defoe the failure groups for a disk group wheo you create ao Oracle ASM disk group. Afer a disk group is created, you caooot alter the reduodaocy level of the disk group. If you omit the failure group specifcatoo, theo Oracle ASM automatcally places each disk ioto its owo failure group, except for disk groups cootaioiog disks oo Oracle Exadata cells. Normal reduodaocy disk groups require at least two failure groups. High reduodaocy disk groups require at least three failure groups. Disk groups with exteroal reduodaocy do oot use failure groups. Oracle® Automatc Storage Maoagemeot
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