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Oracle 1Z0-060 Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c
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Question 1 Your multteeaet coetaieer (CDB) coetaies two pluggable databases (PDB), HR_PDB aed ACCOUNTS_PDB, both of which use the CDB tablespace. The temp fle is called temp01.tmp. A user issues a query oe a table oe oee of the PDBs aed receives the followieg error: ERROR at liee 1: ORA-01565: error ie ideetfyieg fle ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/CDB1/temp01.tmp’ ORA-27037: ueable to obtaie fle status Ideetfy two ways to rectfy the error. A. Add a eew temp fle to the temporary tablespace aed drop the temp fle that that produced the error. B. Shut dowe the database iestaece, restore the temp01.tmp fle from the backup, aed thee restart the database. C. Take the temporary tablespace ofiee, recover the missieg temp fle by applyieg redo logs, aed thee brieg the temporary tablespace oeliee. D. Shutdowe the database iestaece, restore aed recover the temp fle from the backup, aed thee opee the database with RESETLOGS. E. Shut dowe the database iestaece aed thee restart the CDB aed PDBs.
Aoswern CE Explaeatoe: * Because temp fles caeeot be backed up aed because eo redo is ever geeerated for them, RMAN eever restores or recovers temp fles. RMAN does track the eames of temp fles, but oely so that it cae automatcally re-create them whee eeeded. * If you use RMAN ie a Data Guard eeviroemeet, thee RMAN traespareetly coeverts primary coetrol fles to staedby coetrol fles aed vice versa. RMAN automatcally updates fle eames for data fles, oeliee redo logs, staedby redo logs, aed temp fles whee you issue RESTORE aed RECOVER.
Question 2 Examiee the followieg commaeds for redefeieg a table with Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies:
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Which two statemeets are true about redefeieg the table? A. All the triggers for the table are disabled without chaegieg aey of the colume eames or colume types ie the table. B. The primary key coestraiet oe the EMPLOYEES table is disabled durieg redefeitoe. C. VPD policies are copied from the origieal table to the eew table durieg oeliee redefeitoe. D. You must copy the VPD policies maeually from the origieal table to the eew table durieg oeliee redefeitoe.
Aoswern BC Explaeatoe: C (eot D): CONS_VPD_AUTO Used to iedicate to copy VPD policies automatcally * DBMS_RLS.ADD_POLICY / The DBMS_RLS package coetaies the fee-graieed access coetrol admieistratve ieterface, which is used to implemeet Virtual Private Database (VPD).DBMS_RLS is available with the Eeterprise Editoe oely. Note: * CONS_USE_PK aed CONS_USE_ROWID are coestaets used as ieput to the "optoes__ag" parameter ie both the START_REDEF_TABLE Procedure aed CAN_REDEF_TABLE Procedure. CONS_USE_ROWID is used to iedicate that the redefeitoe should be doee usieg rowids while CONS_USE_PK implies that the redefeitoe should be doee usieg primary keys or pseudo-primary keys (which are ueique keys with all compoeeet columes havieg NOT NULL coestraiets). * DBMS_REDEFINITION.START_REDEF_TABLE To achieve oeliee redefeitoe, iecremeetally maietaieable local materialized views are used. These logs keep track of the chaeges to the master tables aed are used by the materialized views durieg refresh syechroeizatoe. * START_REDEF_TABLE Procedure Prior to callieg this procedure, you must maeually create ae empty ieterim table (ie the same schema as the table to be redefeed) with the desired atributes of the post-redefeitoe table, aed thee call this procedure to ieitate the redefeitoe.
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Question 3 Which two statemeets are true about the v$sysaux_occupaets.move_procedure colume?
A. The procedure may be used for some compoeeets to relocate compoeeet data to the SYSAUX tablespace from its curreet tablespace. B. The procedure may be used for some compoeeets to relocate compoeeet data from the SYSAUX tablespace to aeother tablespace. C. All the compoeeets may be moved ieto SYSAUX tablespace. D. All the compoeeets may be moved from the SYSAUX tablespace.
Aoswern BD Explaeatoe: V$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS displays SYSAUX tablespace occupaet ieformatoe. MOVE_PROCEDURE: Name of the move procedure; eull if eot applicable For example, the tables aed iedexes that were previously oweed by the system user cae eow be specifed for a SYSAUX tablespace. You cae query the v$sysaux_occupaets view to fed the exact compoeeets stored withie the SYSAUX tablespace.
Question 4 Which statemeet is true about Oracle Net Listeeer? A. It acts as the listeeieg eedpoiet for the Oracle database iestaece for all local aed eoe-local user coeeectoes. B. A siegle listeeer cae service oely oee database iestaece aed multple remote clieet coeeectoes. C. Service registratoe with the listeeer is performed by the process moeitor (PMON) process of each database iestaece. D. The listeeer.ora coefguratoe fle must be coefgured with oee or more listeeieg protocol addresses to allow remote users to coeeect to a database iestaece. E. The listeeer.ora coefguratoe fle must be located ie the ORACLE_HOME/eetwork/admie directly.
Aoswern C Explaeatoe: Supported services, that is, the services to which the listeeer forwards clieet requests, cae be coefgured ie the listeeer.ora fle or this ieformatoe cae be dyeamically registered with the listeeer. This dyeamic registratoe feature is called service registratoe. The registratoe is performed by the PMON process—ae iestaece backgroued process—of each database iestaece that has the eecessary coefguratoe ie the database ieitalizatoe parameter fle. Dyeamic service registratoe does eot require aey coefguratoe ie the listeeer.ora fle. Iecorrect: Not B: Service registratoe reduces the eeed for the SID_LIST_listeeer_eame parameter seteg, which specifes ieformatoe about the databases served by the listeeer, ie the listeeer.ora fle. Note: * Oracle Net Listeeer is a separate process that rues oe the database server computer. It receives iecomieg clieet coeeectoe requests aed maeages the trafc of these requests to the database server.
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* A remote listeeer is a listeeer residieg oe oee computer that redirects coeeectoes to a database iestaece oe aeother computer. Remote listeeers are typically used ie ae Oracle Real Applicatoe Clusters (Oracle RAC) eeviroemeet. You cae coefgure registratoe to remote listeeers, such as ie the case of Oracle RAC, for dedicated server or shared server eeviroemeets.
Question 5 You are admieisterieg a database stored ie Automatc Storage Maeagemeet (ASM). You use RMAN to back up the database aed the MD_BACKUP commaed to back up the ASM metadata regularly. You lost ae ASM disk group DG1 due to hardware failure. Ie which three ways cae you re-create the lost disk group aed restore the data? A. Use the MD_RESTORE commaed to restore metadata for ae existeg disk group by passieg the existeg disk group eame as ae ieput parameter aed use RMAN to restore the data. B. Use the MKDG commaed to restore the disk group with the same coefguratoe as the backed-up disk group aed data oe the disk group. C. Use the MD_RESTORE commaed to restore the disk group with the chaeged disk group specifcatoe, failure group specifcatoe, eame, aed other atributes aed use RMAN to restore the data. D. Use the MKDG commaed to restore the disk group with the same coefguratoe as the backed-up disk group eame aed same set of disks aed failure group coefguratoe, aed use RMAN to restore the data. E. Use the MD_RESTORE commaed to restore both the metadata aed data for the failed disk group. F. Use the MKDG commaed to add a eew disk group DG1 with the same or difereet specifcatoes for failure group aed other atributes aed use RMAN to restore the data.
Aoswern CEF Explaeatoe: Note: * The md_restore commaed allows you to restore a disk group from the metadata created by the md_backup commaed. /md_restore Commaed Purpose This commaed restores a disk group backup usieg various optoes that are described ie this sectoe. / Ie the restore mode md_restore, it re-create the disk group based oe the backup fle with all userdefeed templates with the exact coefguratoe as the backuped disk group. There are several optoes whee restore the disk group full - re-create the disk group with the exact coefguratoe eodg - Restores metadata ie ae existeg disk group provided as ae ieput parameter eewdg - Chaege the coefguratoe like failure group, disk group eame, etc.. * The MD_BACKUP commaed creates a backup fle coetaieieg metadata for oee or more disk groups. By default all the moueted disk groups are iecluded ie the backup fle which is saved ie the curreet workieg directory. If the eame of the backup fle is eot specifed, ASM eames the fle AMBR_BACKUP_INTERMEDIATE_FILE.
Question 6 Your multteeaet coetaieer database, CDB1, is rueeieg ie ARCHIVELOG mode aed has two pluggable databases, HR_PDB aed ACCOUNTS_PDB. Ae RMAN backup exists for the database. You issue the
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commaed to opee ACCOUNTS_PDB aed fed that the USERDATA.DBF data fle for the default permaeeet tablespace USERDATA beloegieg to ACCOUNTS_PDB is corrupted. What should you do before executeg the commaeds to restore aed recover the data fle ie ACCOUNTS_PDB? A. Place CDB1 ie the mouet stage aed thee the USERDATA tablespace ofiee ie ACCOUNTS_PDB. B. Place CDB1 ie the mouet stage aed issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE accouets_pdb CLOSE IMMEDIATE commaed. C. Issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE accouets_pdb RESTRICTED commaed. D. Take the USERDATA tablespace ofiee ie ACCOUNTS_PDB.
Aoswern D Explaeatoe: * You cae take ae oeliee tablespace ofiee so that it is temporarily ueavailable for geeeral use. The rest of the database remaies opee aed available for users to access data. Coeversely, you cae brieg ae ofiee tablespace oeliee to make the schema objects withie the tablespace available to database users. The database must be opee to alter the availability of a tablespace.
Question 7 Which Oracle Database compoeeet is audited by default if the ueifed Auditeg optoe is eeabled? A. Oracle Data Pump B. Oracle Recovery Maeager (RMAN) C. Oracle Label Security D. Oracle Database Vault E. Oracle Real Applicatoe Security
Aoswern E Explaeatoe: Type of Ueifed auditeg: Staedard Fiee Graieed Audit XS Database Vault (eot D) Label Security (eot C) RMAN AUDIT (eot B) Data Pump (eot A) Note: * Oracle 12c ietroduces Ueifed Auditeg, which coesolidates database audit records iecludieg :DDL, DML, DCL Fiee Graieed Auditeg (DBMS_FGA) Oracle Database Real Applicatoe Security Oracle Recovery Maeager Oracle Database Vault Oracle Label Security Oracle Data Mieieg Oracle Data Pump
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Oracle SQL*Loader Direct Load
Question 8 Your multteeaet coetaieer (CDB) coetaieieg three pluggable databases (PDBs) is rueeieg ie ARCHIVELOG mode. You fed that the SYSAUX tablespace is corrupted ie the root coetaieer. The steps to recover the tablespace are as follows: 1. Mouet the CDB. 2. Close all the PDBs. 3. Opee the database. 4. Apply the archive redo logs. 5. Restore the data fle. 6. Take the SYSAUX tablespace ofiee. 7. Place the SYSAUX tablespace ofiee. 8. Opee all the PDBs with RESETLOGS. 9. Opee the database with RESETLOGS. 10. Execute the commaed SHUTDOWN ABORT. Which optoe ideetfes the correct sequeece to recover the SYSAUX tablespace? A. 6, 5, 4, 7 B. 10, 1, 2, 5, 8 C. 10, 1, 2, 5, 4, 9, 8 D. 10, 1, 5, 8, 10
Aoswern C Explaeatoe: * Example: While evaluateg the 12c beta3 I was eot able to do the recover while testeg “all pdb fles lost”. Caeeot close the pdb as the system datafle was missieg… So oely optoe to recover was: Shutdowe cdb (10) startup mouet; (1) restore pluggable database recover pluggable databsae alter database opee; alter pluggable database eame opee; Oracle support says: You should be able to close the pdb aed restore/recover the system tablespace of PDB. * Opee the database with the RESETLOGS optoe afer feishieg recovery: SQL> ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS;
Question 9 Which three are direct beeefts of the multprocess, multthreaded architecture of Oracle Database 12c whee it is eeabled? A. Reduced logical I/O B. Reduced virtual memory utlizatoe C. Improved parallel Executoe performaece
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D. Improved Serial Executoe performaece E. Reduced physical I/O F. Reduced CPU utlizatoe
Aoswern C Explaeatoe: * Multprocess aed Multthreaded Oracle Database Systems Multprocess Oracle Database (also called multuser Oracle Database) uses several processes to rue difereet parts of the Oracle Database code aed additoeal Oracle processes for the users—either oee process for each coeeected user or oee or more processes shared by multple users. Most databases are multuser because a primary advaetage of a database is maeagieg data eeeded by multple users simultaeeously. Each process ie a database iestaece performs a specifc job. By dividieg the work of the database aed applicatoes ieto several processes, multple users aed applicatoes cae coeeect to ae iestaece simultaeeously while the system gives good performaece. * Ie previous releases, Oracle processes did eot rue as threads oe UNIX aed Lieux systems. Starteg ie Oracle Database 12c, the multthreaded Oracle Database model eeables Oracle processes to execute as operateg system threads ie separate address spaces.
Question 10 Ie order to exploit some eew storage ters that have beee provisioeed by a storage admieistrator, the parttoes of a large heap table must be moved to other tablespaces ie your Oracle 12c database? Both local aed global parttoeed B-tree Iedexes are defeed oe the table. A high volume of traesactoes access the table durieg the day aed a medium volume of traesactoes access it at eight aed durieg weekeeds. Mieimal disrupt ioe to availability is required. Which three statemeets are true about this requiremeet? A. The parttoes cae be moved oeliee to eew tablespaces. B. Global iedexes must be rebuilt maeually afer movieg the parttoes. C. The parttoes cae be compressed ie the same tablespaces. D. The parttoes cae be compressed ie the eew tablespaces. E. Local iedexes must be rebuilt maeually afer movieg the parttoes.
Aoswern ABD Explaeatoe: A: You cae create aed rebuild iedexes oeliee. Therefore, you cae update base tables at the same tme you are buildieg or rebuildieg iedexes oe that table. You cae perform DML operatoes while the iedex build is takieg place, but DDL operatoes are eot allowed. Parallel executoe is eot supported whee createg or rebuildieg ae iedex oeliee. B: Note: * Traesporteg aed Atachieg Parttoes for Data Warehousieg Typical eeterprise data warehouses coetaie oee or more large fact tables. These fact tables cae be parttoeed by date, makieg the eeterprise data warehouse a historical database. You cae build iedexes to speed up star queries. Oracle recommeeds that you build local iedexes for
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such historically parttoeed tables to avoid rebuildieg global iedexes every tme you drop the oldest parttoe from the historical database. D: Movieg (Rebuildieg) Iedex-Orgaeized Tables Because iedex-orgaeized tables are primarily stored ie a B-tree iedex, you cae eecoueter fragmeetatoe as a coesequeece of iecremeetal updates. However, you cae use the ALTER TABLE...MOVE statemeet to rebuild the iedex aed reduce this fragmeetatoe.
Question 11 Which three are true about the large pool for ae Oracle database iestaece that supports shared server coeeectoes? A. Allocates memory for RMAN backup aed restore operatoes B. Allocates memory for shared aed private SQL areas C. Coetaies a cursor area for storieg ruetme ieformatoe about cursors D. Coetaies stack space E. Coetaies a hash area performieg hash joies of tables
Aoswern ABC Explaeatoe: The large pool cae provide large memory allocatoes for the followieg: / (B)UGA (User Global Area) for the shared server aed the Oracle XA ieterface (used where traesactoes ieteract with multple databases) /Message bufers used ie the parallel executoe of statemeets / (A) Bufers for Recovery Maeager (RMAN) I/O slaves Note: * large pool Optoeal area ie the SGA that provides large memory allocatoes for backup aed restore operatoes, I/O server processes, aed sessioe memory for the shared server aed Oracle XA. * Oracle XA Ae extereal ieterface that allows global traesactoes to be coordieated by a traesactoe maeager other thae Oracle Database. * UGA User global area. Sessioe memory that stores sessioe variables, such as logoe ieformatoe, aed cae also coetaie the OLAP pool. * Coefgurieg the Large Pool Uelike the shared pool, the large pool does eot have ae LRU list (eot D). Oracle Database does eot atempt to age objects out of the large pool. Coesider coefgurieg a large pool if the database iestaece uses aey of the followieg Oracle Database features: * Shared server Ie a shared server architecture, the sessioe memory for each clieet process is iecluded ie the shared pool. * Parallel query Parallel query uses shared pool memory to cache parallel executoe message bufers. * Recovery Maeager Recovery Maeager (RMAN) uses the shared pool to cache I/O bufers durieg backup aed restore operatoes. For I/O server processes, backup, aed restore operatoes, Oracle Database allocates bufers that are a few huedred kilobytes ie size.
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Question 12 What are three purposes of the RMAN “FROM” clause? A. to support PUSH-based actve database duplicatoe B. to support syechroeizatoe of a staedby database with the primary database ie a Data eeviroemeet C. To support PULL-based actve database duplicatoe D. To support fle restores over the eetwork ie a Data Guard eeviroemeet E. To support fle recovery over the eetwork ie a Data Guard eeviroemeet
Aoswern BCE Explaeatoe: E: * With a coetrol fle autobackup, RMAN cae recover the database evee if the curreet coetrol fle, recovery catalog, aed server parameter fle are ieaccessible. * RMAN uses a recovery catalog to track fleeames for all database fles ie a Data Guard eeviroemeet. A recovery catalog is a database schema used by RMAN to store metadata about oee or more Oracle databases. The catalog also records where the oeliee redo logs, staedby redo logs, tempfles, archived redo logs, backup sets, aed image copies are created.
Question 13 You eotce that the performaece of your productoe 24/7 Oracle database sigeifcaetly degraded. Sometmes you are eot able to coeeect to the iestaece because it haegs. You do eot waet to restart the database iestaece. How cae you detect the cause of the degraded performaece? A. Eeable Memory Access Mode, which reads performaece data from SGA. B. Use emergeecy moeitorieg to fetch data directly from SGA aealysis. C. Rue Automatc Database Diageostc Moeitor (ADDM) to fetch ieformatoe from the latest Automatc Workload Repository (AWR) seapshots. D. Use Actve Sessioe History (ASH) data aed haeg aealysis ie regular performaece moeitorieg. E. Rue ADDM ie diageostc mode.
Aoswern C Explaeatoe: * Ie most cases, ADDM output should be the frst place that a DBA looks whee eotfed of a performaece problem. * Performaece degradatoe of the database occurs whee your database was performieg optmally ie the past, such as 6 moeths ago, but has gradually degraded to a poiet where it becomes eotceable to the users. The Automatc Workload Repository (AWR) Compare Periods report eeables you to compare database performaece betweee two periods of tme. While ae AWR report shows AWR data betweee two seapshots (or two poiets ie tme), the AWR Compare Periods report shows the difereece betweee two periods (or two AWR reports with a total of four seapshots). Usieg the AWR Compare Periods report helps you to ideetfy detailed performaece atributes aed coefguratoe setegs that difer betweee two tme periods. Refereece: Resolvieg Performaece Degradatoe Over Time
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Question 14 You plae to use the Ie Database Archivieg feature of Oracle Database 12c, aed store rows that are ieactve for over three moeths, ie Hybrid Columear Compressed (HCC) format. Which three storage optoes support the use of HCC? A. ASM disk groups with ASM disks coesisteg of Exadata Grid Disks. B. ASM disk groups with ASM disks coesisteg of LUNS oe aey Storage Area Network array C. ASM disk groups with ASM disks coesisteg of aey zero padded NFS-moueted fles D. Database fles stored ie ZFS aed accessed usieg coeveetoeal NFS mouets. E. Database fles stored ie ZFS aed accessed usieg the Oracle Direct NFS feature F. Database fles stored ie aey fle system aed accessed usieg the Oracle Direct NFS feature G. ASM disk groups with ASM disks coesisteg of LUNs oe Pillar Axiom Storage arrays
Aoswern AEG Explaeatoe: HCC requires the use of Oracle Storage – Exadata (A), Pillar Axiom (G) or Sue ZFS Storage Appliaece (ZFSSA). Note: * Hybrid Columear Compressioe, ieitally oely available oe Exadata, has beee exteeded to support Pillar Axiom aed Sue ZFS Storage Appliaece (ZFSSA) storage whee used with Oracle Database Eeterprise Editoe aed above * Oracle ofers the ability to maeage NFS usieg a feature called Oracle Direct NFS (dNFS). Oracle Direct NFS implemeets NFS V3 protocol withie the Oracle database kereel itself. Oracle Direct NFS clieet overcomes maey of the challeeges associated with usieg NFS with the Oracle Database with simple coefguratoe, beter performaece thae traditoeal NFS clieets, aed ofers coesisteet coefguratoe across platorms.
Question 15 Ie your multteeaet coetaieer database (CDB) coetaieieg pluggable databases (PDB), users complaie about performaece degradatoe. How does real-tme Automatc database Diageostc Moeitor (ADDM) check performaece degradatoe aed provide solutoes? A. It collects data from SGA aed compares it with a preserved seapshot. B. It collects data from SGA, aealyzes it, aed provides a report. C. It collects data from SGA aed compares it with the latest seapshot. D. It collects data from both SGA aed PGA, aealyzes it, aed provides a report.
Aoswern B Explaeatoe: Note: * The multteeaet architecture eeables ae Oracle database to fuectoe as a multteeaet coetaieer database (CDB) that iecludes zero, oee, or maey customer-created pluggable databases (PDBs). A PDB is a portable collectoe of schemas, schema objects, aed eoeschema objects that appears to ae Oracle Net clieet as a eoe-CDB. All Oracle databases before Oracle Database 12c were eoe-CDBs. * The System Global Area (SGA) is a group of shared memory areas that are dedicated to ae Oracle
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“iestaece� (ae iestaece is your database programs aed RAM). * The PGA (Program or Process Global Area) is a memory area (RAM) that stores data aed coetrol ieformatoe for a siegle process.
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