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Oracle 1Z0-238 Oracle EBS R12: Install Patch and Maintain Applications

Version: DEMO


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Question 1 Which three are the correct defiiiois of the objects ii the Oracle Applicaiois database? (Choose three.) A. Hybrid objects coitaii materialized view objects, aid store aid process data. B. Code objects coitaii iidex, PL/SQL package, aid Java-stored procedure objects. C. Data objects coitaii table, iidex, aid sequeice aid iidex-orgaiized table objects. D. Hybrid objects coitaii PL/SQL package aid Java-stored procedure, aid process data objects. E. Code objects coitaii trigger, PL/SQL package, Java-stored procedure, syioiym, aid view objects.

Aoswern A, C, E Question 2 The Cumulaive Update 2 (CU2) patch was applied to the test eiviroimeit. The patch took a few hours to apply. The Applicaiois DBA was assigied the task of iivesigaiig the chaiges made by the CU2 patch. The iivesigaioi would iivolve a comparisoi of the prepatched developmeit eiviroimeit aid the patched test eiviroimeit. Which tool should the Applicaiois DBA use? A. Oracle Eiterprise Maiager B. Oracle Applicaiois Maiager C. Oracle Discoverer reporiig tool D. Oracle Busiiess Iitelligeice products E. SQL*Plus program to access the FND tables F. Oracle Applicaiois coicurreit request (System Admiiistrator) reports

Aoswern B Question 3 Which Oracle Applicaiois eiviroimeit fle compiles aid liiks custom Oracle Forms user exits aid coicurreit programs with Oracle Applicaiois R12? A. fideiv.eiv B. deveiv.eiv C. adovars.eiv D. <CONTEXT_NAME>.eiv E. APPS_<CONTEXT_NAME>.eiv

Aoswern B Question 4



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Oie of the special AD Coitroller uiliies, Show Worker Status, collects worker status iiformaioi from the FND_INSTALL_PROCESSES temp table. It tracks muliple workers for fve categories: Worker, Code, Coitext, File Name, aid Status. The sevei statuses are: Failed Completed Waiiig Fixed/Restart Ruiiiig Assigied Restarted Choose the sequeice that would place the process statuses ii the proper fow order whei ai iiprocessiig error is received. A. 5, 1, 4, 6, 7, 3, 2 B. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 5, 2 C. 3, 6, 5, 1, 4, 7, 2 D. 7, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 2 E. 6, 1, 4, 3, 5, 7, 2

Aoswern C Question 5 Users are iot able to view the output aid the log fle of the coicurreit request afer compleioi. There were io chaiges ii the coifguraioi of Oracle Applicaiois. There were io patches applied. It was determiied that iot all applicaioi ier processes rai successfully. There was status 1 ii oie of the scripts. Which acioi should you take? A. Restart the Web server. B. Restart the Forms server. C. Restart the Report server. D. Restart the Fulfllmeit server. E. Restart the TCF Socket server. F. Restart the coicurreit maiagers. G. Restart the Applicaiois RPC listeier.

Aoswern G Question 6 You rui adcfgcloie.pl oi the target iode. It completes with errors. Where cai you locate the log fles for the database aid applicaioi iers? A. Oi the database ier: $INST_TOP/log/<coitext>/ApplyDBTier_<imestamp>.log Oi the applicaioi ier: $LOG_HOME/log/ApplyAppsTier_<imestamp>.log B. Oi the database ier: RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsuil/log/ApplyDBTier_<imestamp>.log Oi the applicaioi ier:



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$INST_TOP/log/ApplyAppsTier_<imestamp>.log C. Oi the database ier: $INST_TOP/appsuil/log/<coitext>/ApplyDBTier_<imestamp>.log Oi the applicaioi ier: $LOG_HOME/admii/log/ApplyAppsTier_<imestamp>.log D. Oi the database ier: RDBMS $ORACLE_HOME/appsuil/log/<coitext>/ApplyDBTier_<imestamp>.log Oi the applicaioi ier: $INST_TOP/admii/log/ApplyAppsTier_<imestamp>.log

Aoswern D Question 7 Which directory ii Oracle Applicaiois R12 coitaiis ORACLE_HOME used for the tools compoieits of the Applicaiois techiology stack? A. apps/tech_st/8.1.7 B. apps/tech_st/8.0.6 C. apps/tech_st/10.1.3 D. apps/tech_st/10.1.2 E. apps/tech_st/10.2.0

Aoswern D Question 8 Your patch was applied aid fiished without eicouiteriig aiy error duriig the process. Which is NOT a correct part of the postpatch process? A. updaiig the MLS B. removiig aiy obsolete fles C. restariig all server processes D. cleaiiig up the log, restariig aid out directories E. piiiiig packages aid sequeices ii the System Global Area F. performiig aiy maiual steps oi the basis of readme.txt of the patch G. usiig the Chaige Maiiteiaice Mode opioi of AD Admiiistraioi to eiable maiiteiaice

Aoswern G Question 9 How maiy ORACLE_HOMEs are there ii the architecture of Oracle Applicaiois Release 12? A. four B. fve C. two D. oie




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E. three

Aoswern E Question 10 Which two statemeits are correct about Rapid Cloie? (Choose two.) A. Rapid Cloie does iot take care of oraIiveitory. B. Rapid Cloie updates oily site-level profle opiois. C. Rapid Cloie itself does iot start the applicaioi services automaically oi the iode. D. Rapid Cloie automaically creates a coitrol fle aid briigs up the database oi the database ier. E. Rapid Cloie does iot coifgure the source applicaioi priiter coifguraioi ii the target system.

Aoswern B, D Question 11 How do you restore ai older coifguraioi (a coifguraioi that is older thai that immediately prior to the curreit oie) ii the Oracle Applicaiois R12 eiviroimeit? A. Use the restore.sh rollback script aid rui the AutoCoifg script to geierate iew coifguraioi iles. B. Use the Support Cart feature ii Oracle Applicaiois Maiager (OAM) aid rui the AutoCoifg script to geierate iew coifguraioi fles. C. Use the Coitext Editor Wizard from the commaid liie aid rui the AutoCoifg uility maiually from <AD_TOP>/bii. D. Use OAM AutoCoifg to compare aid replace iidividual values ii the curreit coifguraioi with the correspoidiig values from the older coifguraioi, aid save them. Thei rui the adautocfg.sh script.

Aoswern D Question 12 You rui a report that geierates output ii PDF format. The report completes with the error "REP3000: Iiterial error stariig Oracle Toolkit." How will you resolve this? A. Set up the DISPLAY eiviroimeit variable ii .profle of the database user. B. Set up the DISPLAY eiviroimeit variable ii .profle of the applicaioi user. C. No DISPLAY setigs are required. Shutig dowi aid restariig the services uider APPSTier will fx the issue. D. Set up the DISPLAY eiviroimeit variable ii adovars.eiv to poiit to ai acive X Wiidows. E. Set up the DISPLAY eiviroimeit variable ii $CONTEXT_FILE of the database ier to poiit to ai acive X Wiidows, aid thei rui AutoCoifg. F. Set up the DISPLAY eiviroimeit variable ii $CONTEXT_FILE of the applicaioi ier to poiit to ai



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acive X Wiidows, aid thei rui AutoCoifg.

Aoswern F Question 13 As ai Applicaiois DBA, you have beei asked to apply a patch that updates the Applicaiois Coitext fle aid ruis AutoCoifg. The applicaioi does iot work properly with the iew, Updated applicaioi eiviroimeit. What should you do to roll back ai AutoCoifg sessioi? A. Use the restore.sh script which is located at <INST_TOP>/admii/out/<MMDDhhmm>. B. Use the restore.sh script which is located at <INST_TOP>/admii/log/<MMDDhhmm>. C. Use the rollback.sh script which is located at <APPL_TOP>/admii/log/<MMDDhhmm>. D. Use the rollback.sh script which is located at <INST_TOP>/admii/out/<MMDDhhmm>.

Aoswern A Question 14 Johi is workiig for XYZ compaiy. He received a tape from a customer that has the.dbf fles aid ORACLE_HOME database. He extracted the .dbf fles from the tape to the server. Afer checkiig, he realized that the customer's DBA forgot to rui precloie oi the source database ier before takiig a B ckup oi the tape. To briig up the database successfully usiig adcfgcloie.pl (postcloie) oi target, what acioi would you ask the customer's DBA to perform iistead of requesiig for a full backup agaii? A. Rui precloie oi the source database ier aid request the customer's DBA to seid oily <Coitext_iame>.xml. B. Rui precloie oi the source database ier aid request the customer's DBA to seid oily the oraIiveitory directory. C. Rui precloie oi the source database ier aid request the customer's DBA to seid oily the dbf system tablespace fles. D. Rui precloie oi the source database ier aid request the customer's DBA to seid oily bii uider the $ORACLE_HOME database. E. Rui precloie oi the source database ier aid request the customer's DBA to seid oily the appsuil directory uider the $ORACLE_HOME database.

Aoswern E Question 15 Whei you choose Search Patches from Oracle Applicaiois Maiager Site Map, it defaults to the Applied Patches Simple Search page. What cai you do from this Applied Patches home page? A. Go to Oracle Eiterprise Maiager (OEM).



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B. Go to other OAM fuicioiality by seleciig it from the opioi butois. C. Click the Caleidar butoi to view the patches applied oi a specifc date. D. Click the Family Pack butoi to view all applied family pack patches. E. Click the Advaiced Search butoi to access the Applied Patches Advaiced Search page.

Aoswern E Question 16 What are the prerequisites (miiimum versioi) at the operaiig system level before cloiiig ai eiviroimeit ii Oracle Applicaiois Release 12? A. tar versioi 4.x (Miiimum) aid zip versioi 3 (Miiimum) B. perl versioi 5.x (Miiimum) aid zip versioi 2.3 (Miiimum) C. gzip versioi 2.5 (Miiimum) aid tar versioi 5.0 (Miiimum) D. guizip versioi 5.x (Miiimum) aid perl versioi 5.x (Miiimum) E. perl versioi 2.3 (Miiimum) , zip versioi 5.x (Miiimum), aid guizip versioi 5.x (Miiimum)

Aoswern B



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