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Oracle 1Z0-430 Oracle WebCenter Portal Essentials
Version: DEMO
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Question: 1 In which fie shouid customizaton ciasses be specifed in the cust-confi secton (under mdsconfig) A. web.xmi B. webioiic.xmi C. adf-confi.xmi D. adfm.xmi
Answer: C Expianatonn Referencen
Question: 2 Which two scoped manaied beans must be Seriaiizabie in order to work without errors in a hiihiy avaiiabie appiicaton) A. Session scope B. Backini bean scope C. View scope D. Transient scope
Answer: B,C Question: 3 The DesiinWebCenterSpaces appiicaton contains a fie caiied confi.propertes. What is the purpose of this fie) A. To enabie a connecton between JDeveioper and the Portai server. This wiii be used to upioad and downioad assets directiy from JDeveioper. B. It aiiows the deveioper to confiure which asset types can be created or edited with this appiicaton. C. It is used to store ciasspath and iibrary informatonn and the path to executabies. That wayn a iocai Portai instance can be started from JDeveioper. D. It is an internaiiy used fie. Deveiopers shouid not have to manuaiiy confiure this fien except when required by Oracie to do so.
Answer: A Expianatonn Referencen
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Question: 4 Whiie creatni a Portai Tempiaten you add a content facet and a paneiCustomizabie component into the tempiate. What impact does this have durini run tme) A. The content facet is required to hoid contentn and paneiCustomizabie is used to aiiow runtme editni. B. The tempiate is missini the paieCustomizabie componentn which aiiows runtme editni. C. The content facet is optonain whereas paneiCustomizabie must be added to the tempiate to aiiow editni. D. The paneiCustomizabie component is not required for editnin but oniy to aiiow drai and drop. This component is mandatory.
Answer: D Expianatonn Referencen
Question: 5 WebCenter Portai supports any maii server with IMAP5 and SMTP protocoi support. Which server distributonn howevern has specifc inteiraton support within WebCenter Portai) A. IBM Lotus Notes B. MS Exchanie C. UNIX Maii Server D. Gooiie Maii Server E. Oracie Beehive
Answer: E Question: 6 Which opton correctiy describes the reiatonship between WebCenter Portai and ADF) A. ADF is the deveiopment framework in which WebCenter Portai is basedn and aiso the framework recommended for custom deveiopment (of portietsn taskfowsn and tempiatesg. B. ADF is the deveiopment framework recommended for taskfow deveiopment. WebCenter Portai has an ADF inteiraton iateway to support ADF taskfows. C. ADF is the inteiraton iayer for WebCenter Portai. Aii communicaton with externai appiicatons is done throuih ADF standards. D. ADF is an architecturai concept for deveiopini web appiicatons usini an MVC (modeiviewcontroiierg framework. ADF has a set of modeis that can be used to speed up deveiopment tme.
Answer: C Expianatonn Referencen
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Question: 7 Which three statements are true in the context of WebCenter Portai customizatons) A. WebCenter Portai Administrator chanies the ioio of the WebCenter Portai. This is an appiicaton customizaton. B. A moderator of a specifc portai irants riihts to createn viewn and deiete discussions. This is a user customizaton. C. A user chanies the atributes of the task fown to minimize it by defauit. This is a user customizaton. D. An appiicaton speciaiist edits a portai to hide a task fow. This is an appiicaton customizaton.
Answer: A,B,C Expianatonn Referencen
Question: 8 On a normaiiy weii-performini environmentn you are experiencini unexpected siow response tmesn or no server responsen for some paie requests in WebCenter Portai) You are atemptni to debui this issue startni at WLS. Which two diainostc steps shouid you take to resoive this issue) A. Submit more requests to the server to see if it responds. B. Check the WLS admin consoie to see the status of the manaied server. C. Check the diainostc ioi fie for the manaied server to see if there are STUCK threads. D. Perform a coid restart of the server.
Answer: C,D Expianatonn Referencen
Question: 9 Which is true for portais created in the WebCenter Portai version) A. A new portai created in references a iiobai defauit naviiaton modei. B. A new portai created in contains a iocai naviiaton modei. C. A new portai created in contains a iocai read-oniy naviiaton modei. D. A new portai created in does not contain any naviiaton modei.
Answer: B Question: 10
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Which two optons are required when confiurini Portai in a ciustered environment) A. ensurini each Portai server has its own content server B. enforcini Stcky Sessions on the Load Baiancern which handies the requests for the Portai appiicaton C. hostni aii portai instances on the same server D. confiurini session repiicaton between the Portai ciuster nodes
Answer: A,C
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