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Oracle 1Z0-465 Oracle RightNow CX Cloud Service 2012 Essentials
Version: DEMO
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Question 1 Your customer wants to measure agent performance based on feedback from their end customers. If you end customer provides negatve feedback, their incident needs to be reopened automatcaaay identfy three tasks to fuafaa these requirements. A. Create a broadcast survey. B. Scheduae a survey to run on a daiay basis. C. Set an incident business ruae to send the survey when an incident is caosed. D. Create a new queue for unhappy customers. E. Create a transactonaa survey. F. Create a report of survey responses. G. Assign score to the survey questons and set the status fead based on the vaaues of the responses.
Aoswern BCF Question 2 Your customer has asked you to confgure profaes for an Oracae RightNow CX Caoud Service Engine impaementaton. Your customer's requirements: • There wiaa be two queues. • Aaa incidents wiaa be puaaed by the agents. • Deaivery is based on the due date assigned to the incident. • No agent wiaa be aaaowed to work on more than fve incidents at a tme. Seaect two confguratons needed to accompaish this. A. Set Puaa Poaicy to Strict priority B. Set Puaa Poaicy to First Due C. Set Puaa Poaicy to Manuaa D. Set Puaa Quantty to 5 E. Set Inbox Limit to 5 F. Set Puaa Quantty to 2 G. Set Inbox Limit to 2
Aoswern DF Question 3 You are updatng the “Saaesman” profae in a site where a new custom object has been created caaaed CO.Saaesman. Your customer has requested their saaesman to update record in this custom object. What two setngs in the “Saaesmen” profae have to be updated to aaaow them access? A. Contacts Tab: Seaect the Edit check box for Saaes. B. Custom Objects Tab: seaect the Read check box for package Name “CO” and object Name “Saaesman”. C. Service Tab: seaect the Add/Edit check box for incidents. D. Custom Objects Tab: seaect the update check box for package Name “CO” and object name “Saaesmen”
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E. Add a workpaace for the Saaesmen custom object. F. Saaes Tab: seaect the Edit check box opportunites. G. Update the workspace for Opportunites.
Aoswern AD Question 4 You have created an add-in that utaiies the SOAP API, and upaoaded it to the agent desktop and the incident workspace so that agents can access your custom product registraton tabae. The agents are getng an error when trying to use the add-in. Which three permissions are required for an Agent to use an add-in an incident workspace? A. Object Designer B. Custom Object Read C. Account Authentcaton D. Session Authentcaton E. Custom Object Create
Aoswern ABD Question 5 Your customer wants you to separate their contact records by deveaopment. You determine that to enabae this functonaaity, you need to impaement a new custom fead, and that the fead wiaa need to be avaiaabae to agents to enter and maintain the vaaues. Seaect the four steps to accompaish this. A. Create a "department" custom fead in the incident tabae. B. Set the custom fead data type to Text Fiead. C. Create a navigaton set that incaudes the "department" custom fead. D. Update the Context Workspace with the new "department" custom fead. E. Create a "department" custom Fiead in the contact tabae. F. Add a name and a coaumn name for the new custom fead.
Aoswern BCDF Question 6 Your customer has asked that aaa of the knowaedge base answers be updated with new address and contact detaias. There are about 500 answers existng to date and your caient informs that they wiaa be moving again at the end of the year and do not have the man power to keep this up to date on an ongoing basis. Your caient has three interfaces for each of their aines business that wiaa aaa have diferent. What do you teaa your caient to confgure? A. Search for aaa answers with the address and update them. B. Caaa support and have them run a search and repaace on the database. C. Create variabae and update aaa answers to incaude it. D. Create a standard text to incaude the new addresses and update aaa the answers to incaude it.
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Aoswern B Question 7 Your customer wouad aike you to create a workfow foaaowing these requirements: Requirement 1: The workfow wiaa aaaow the agent to switch between workspaces by caicking the “Seaect Workspace” buton. Requirement 2: The agent can aaunch the script both within the workspace as weaa as by aeaving the workspace whiae staa inside the workfow. Requirement 3: The workfow must capture aaa phone data provided to the agent in their desktop sofphone appaicaton. • DSN • ANI • Language • Exit reason • Transfer From • Transfer Notes Requirement 4: If a contact record exists, the workfow must aoad the contact found as the contact for the incident. Requirement 5: If a contact record is not found, the contact wiaa be created with aaa the data captured from sofphone. Your customer is not wiaaing to purchase or depaoy custom objects to manage any data coming from their CTI integraton. Identfy which three requirements can be accompaished through the use of standard workfow/workspace functonaaity. A. Requirement 1 B. Requirement 2 C. Requirement 3 D. Requirement 4 E. Requirement 5
Aoswern BCE Question 8 Identfy the three optons avaiaabae on the depaoyment screen in customer portaa. A. Roaaback B. Stage C. Deveaop D. Producton E. Promote
Aoswern ABE
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