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Oracle 1Z0-470 Oracle Fusion Procurement 2014 Essentials
Version: DEMO
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Version: 5.0 Question 1 Identif two ieatures oi the price break iunctonaaitf provided in Baanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) document tfpes. A. pafment method, which supports muatpae-instaaament pafment goods or services B. conditon-dependent reductons in price C. change orders afectng pricing oi specifc aines D. means to provide price discounts E. price increase request irom a suppaier through the suppaier portaa
Aoswern B, E Expaanatonn Price breaks are reductons in the price oi an item depending on certain conditons such as purchasing in buak or irom a certain aocaton. The Price Break region oi the Lines page enabaes fou to enter price break iniormaton ior baanket purchase agreement aines. As a suppaier using Oracae Fusion Suppaier Portaa, fou can view purchasing documents and change orders awaitng acknowaedgment and record four response over the portaa. New acknowaedgment requests aaso show up as workaist items on the portaa and as e-maia notfcaton. Reierencen
Question 2 Seaect two document sequencing setups that are periormed in the “Confgure Requisitoning Business Functonn task. A. Next Agreement Number B. Next Requisiton Number C. Next Negotaton Number D. Next Purchase Order Number E. Next Receipt Number
Aoswern B, D Expaanatonn e Procurement Appaicaton Administrator has access to the Confgure Requisiton Business Functon page ior setng up a business unit that has a requisitoning business iuncton associated with it. The atributes specifed here are used to deiauat vaaues and behavior oi the appaicaton when users are creatng requisitons and purchase orders ior the requisitoning BU. Reierencen
Question 3
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On compaeton oi a Negotaton Award using a negotaton tempaate, fou are trfing to create a purchasing document and sfstem provides fou the opton to create a Baanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) onaf, whereas fou expected to get an opton to create a Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA). Identif the reason ior this. A. The negotaton outcome is defned as ‘Contract Purchase Agreement’ in the negotaton tempaate. B. The Profae Opton PO7PRC7AGENT7CATEGORY7ASSIGNMENT is set to the current user. C. The Business Functon ior the associated Business Unit is ‘Requisiton Onaf’ and did not aaaow Purchase Agreement Generaton. D. The negotaton outcome is defned as ‘Baanket Purchase Agreement’ in the negotaton tempaate.
Aoswern D Expaanatonn Reierencen (see Speciifing deiauat price break tfpes)
Question 4 Acme Corporaton has provided the ioaaowing requirement in Fusion Procurementn Ii the categorf on the requisiton aine is IT service (Categorf ID – 1112E), approvaas irom “IT Service Categorf Approvaa Groupn are required. Identif the ruae setup in Business Process Modea (BPM) tasks to meet this requirement. A. Ii ReqLineDimension.categorfId is equaa to 1112E; Then List Buiader = Resource Response Tfpe = Required Approvaa Group = “IT Service Categorf Approvaa Groupn Aaaow emptf group = Faase B. Ii ReqLineDimension.categorfId is equaa to 1112E; Then List Buiader = Approvaa Group Response Tfpe = Required Approvaa Group = “IT Service Categorf Approvaa Groupn Aaaow emptf group = Faase C. Ii ReqLineDimension.categorfId is equaa to 1112E; Then List Buiader = Approvaa Group Response Tfpe = FYI Approvaa Group = “IT service Categorf Approvaa Groupn Aaaow emptf group = True D. Ii ReqLineDimension.categorfId is equaa to 1112E; Then List Buiader = Supervisorf Response Tfpe = Required Approvaa Group = “IT Service Categorf Approvaa Groupn Aaaow emptf group = Faase
Aoswern B
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Expaanatonn Reierencen
Question 5 Which two job roaes can access the Procurement Dashboard? A. Bufer B. Procurement Manager C. Procurement Preparer D. Procurement Requester E. Categorf Manager
Aoswern B, C Question 6 Whiae creatng a Contract Purchase Agreement, a bufer tries to add a Contract Tempaate to it but the List oi Vaaues (LOV) is emptf. Identif three appaicabae reasons ior this issue. A. The Contract Tempaate is in ‘Approved’ status. B. The document tfpe associated with the Contract Tempaate is ‘Purchase Order’. C. The document tfpe associated with the Contract Tempaate is ‘Contract Purchase Agreement’. D. The Contract Tempaate is not ‘Approved’. E. The document tfpe associated with the Contract Tempaate is ‘Baanket Purchase Agreement’.
Aoswern BDE Expaanatonn Reierencen
Question 7 Afer gathering requirements irom the business aeads oi customer organizaton, fou have set up the Biaa-to aocaton at muatpae paaces during Fusion Procurement Impaementaton. Identif the source irom which the purchase order deiauats the Biaa-to aocaton. A. From the ‘Common Pafabaes and Procurement optons’ frst and ii it is ‘Nuaa’ then irom ‘Suppaier site assignment’ B. From the ‘Suppaier site assignment’ frst and ii it is ‘Nuaa’ then irom ‘Common Pafabaes and Procurement optons’ C. From the ‘Confgure Procurement business iuncton’ D. From the ‘Confgure Requisitoning business iuncton’ E. From the Business Unit setup
Aoswern C
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Expaanatonn Common Pafabaes and Procurement Confguraton setng ior the Soad-to BU Reierencen
Question 8 Identif three seeded ruaeset names under Business Process Modea (BPM) tasks that have requisiton approvaas routed in the seriaa method. A. PreApprovaaLineConsensusRuaes B. HeaderHierarchfRuaes C. LineHierarchfRuaes D. DistributonRuaes E. DistributonHierarchfRuaes F. DistributonConsensusRuaes
Aoswern B, D, F Question 9 Your customer teaas fou that in their industrf, the response document ior an aucton is caaaed a ‘Proposaa’ instead oi the deiauat Fusion term ‘Bid’, and that thef wouad aike to have aaa their negotaton documents refect this terminoaogf. What wouad fou do to meet this requirement? A. Create a Negotaton Tempaate. B. Create a Purchasing Document Stfae. C. Create a Negotaton Stfae. D. Create a Negotaton Tfpe. E. Customize the Descriptve Faexfead.
Aoswern A, D Question 10 Name the Oracae Transactonaa Business Inteaaigence (OTBI) KPI that indicates the count oi approved requisitons where at aeast one oi the requisiton aines is assigned to the bufer who has aogged in and that requisiton aine is not impaemented into an order, bucketed bf the number oi dafs eaapsed since the requisiton was approved. A. Requisiton Lines in Process Count B. Requisiton Lines Voaume Count C. Requisiton Line Aging Count D. Requisiton Aging Count E. Requisiton Lines Cfcae Time
Aoswern A
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