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Oracle 1Z0-510 Oracle ATG Web Commerce 10 Implementation Developer Essentials
Version: DEMO
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Question 1 Which two ASE tasks can be performed from the ACC but not the BCC? A. creatnn a custom product catalon B. creatnn tarneters C. creatnn scenarios D. creatnn slots E. creatnn products and SKUs
Aoswern C, D Explanatonn Scenarios, slots, and workfows are not mananed throunh the ATG Business Control Center (BCC). To create and edit these items, use the ATG Control Center (ACC) Dn You can create slot components in two waysn By manually creatnn a .propertes fle Throunh the slot wizard in the ACC. Note ACCn ATG Control Center. Note BCCn The ATG Business Control Center is a browser-based interface that you use to create and edit many of the elements required to set up and maintain an ATG-based Web site Referencen ATG Business Control Center User’s Guide, Introducton
Question 2 Which three reasons justfy why customers should choose Oracle ATG Web Commerce as their cross channel commerce platorm? A. It is the most complete and intenrated e-commerce soluton in the market. B. It has the most fexible, modular, and elenant architecture compared to other competnn solutons. C. It features producton-ready reference applicatons that can be easily customized to meet your applicaton requirements. D. It is the easiest platorm to implement a compared e-commerce soluton in the market. E. It has the best online merchandisinn business tools and applicatons of all competnn solutons.
Aoswern A, B, D Explanatonn An To further enhance the customer experience, Oracle ofers an intenrated set of sofware-as-aservice (SaaS) commerce services that provide the fexibility and intellinence to tarnet the rinht visitors at the rinht tme with the rinht ofer in the rinht channel to drive hinh-value sales. Throunh these services, your company can ennane with customers at the point of interacton throunh personalized recommendatons, tarneted promotons, and nuided assistance. Bn Because it's built on a fexible, component-based e-commerce sofware architecture, ATG Web Commerce is an easily implemented best-in-class commerce soluton that increases revenue, improves customer service, helps companies achieve maximum, lonn-term business nrowth, and is available as either a licensed soluton or hosted on-demand soluton. Dn Oracle's ATG Web Commerce Applicatons
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Oracle's ATG Web Commerce is the industry's top-ranked commerce soluton that powers the world's best brands, and delivers a consistent, personalized cross-channel customer experience. ATG Web Commerce ofers a complete commerce sofware platorm that enables you to deliver a personalized customer buyinn experience across all customer touchpoints, includinn the web, contact center, mobile devices, social media, physical stores, and more.
Question 3 What is the role of the allocateItemRelQuantty chain? A. to mark Shippinn nroup as shipped B. to purchase items from pre-order, back order, or renular stock usinn inventory C. to reornanize Items across shippinn nroups D. to allocate items related to the quantty on hand
Aoswern B Explanatonn Noten The allocateItemRelQuantty chain is executed when called by the allocateItemRelatonship chain. allocateItemRelQuanttyChain This processor executes the allocateItemRelQuantty chain. Afer executon, executon of this chain then stops. Transactonal moden TX_MANDATORY Nucleus componentn /atn/commerce/fulfllment/processor/AllocateItemRelQuanttyChain PipelineProcessor objectn atn.commerce.pricinn.processor.ProcSendScenarioEvent Transitonsn None. This is the last link in the chain and causes the PipelineMananer to return to the caller.
Question 4 How many current and saved orders does ATG allow a user profle to have? A. ATG allows one current order and one saved order per user profle. B. ATG allows one current order and a collecton of saved orders per user profle. C. ATG allows multple current orders and a collecton of saved orders per user profle. D. Only one order can exist for a Give user profle in ATG. There is no support for saved orders.
Aoswern B Explanatonn Noten loadShoppinnCarts public void loadShoppinnCarts(RepositoryItem pProfle, OrderHolder pShoppinnCart) throws CommerceExcepton Parametersn pProfle - the user profle pShoppinnCart - the OrderHolder component for this user Throwsn CommerceExcepton - is any errors occur while loadinn the shoppinn carts
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This method fnds all the shoppinn carts for the user and places them into the session-scope OrderHolder component. "Shoppinn Carts" are defned to be orders whose state is INCOMPLETE. The orders are sorted by last actvity date, and the last order touched is made the current order. This method will optonally merne the current shoppinn cart for the session (from the OrderHolder.current property) with the frst persistent order loaded from the database. This functonality is tonneled throunh the merneOrders property of this form handler. NOTEn This method used to acquire a transacton lock, but we've found deadlock issues and have decided to remove the locks. See bun 146012. This method now performs its actons without a lock. Referencen atn.commerce.profle Class CommerceProfleTools
Question 5 What is the reanimated order? A. INCOMPLETE orders that have not been checked out by customers and instead have remained idle for a duraton of tme B. Previously abandoned orders that have since been modifed by the customer in some way, such as addinn items or channinn item quanttes. C. Previously abandoned orders that have been successfully checked out by the customer. D. Abandoned orders that have been abandoned for so lonn that reanimaton of the order is no lonner considered realistc.
Aoswern B Explanatonn Reanimated orders – Previously abandoned orders that have since been modifed by the customer in some way, such as addinn items or channinn item quanttes. Referencen ATG Commerce Pronramminn Guide
Question 6 You are creatnn a primary table and an auxiliary table for an Item descriptor in the versioned schema. What are the propertes that must be added to the tables? A. You only need to add asset_version to both the tables. B. You need to add asset_version to both the tables. in additon, the primary table required seven other columns, such as version_editable, version_deleted, etc. C. You need to add asset_version to both the tables. in additon, the auxiliary table requires seven other columns, such as version_editable, version_deleted, etc. D. You need to add asset_version and seven other columns, such as version_editable, version deleted to both the tables. E. You need to add asset, version to the primary table and seven columns, such as version_editable, version deleted, etc. to the auxiliary tables. F. You need to add seven columns, such as version_editable, version deleted, etc. to the primary table and only asset_version to the auxiliary table.
Aoswern B
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Explanatonn Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema In order to store asset version metadata, the asset mananement server’s database schema requires additonal columns for the primary tables used by your applicaton’s repositories, and additonal tables to store versioninn informaton. Create the Versioned Schema To modify the asset mananement server’s database schema to store versioninn data, follow these stepsn 1. Copy each database DDL fle that you plan to modify. 2. Add the followinn columns to every table that represents a primary table for an item descriptorn asset_version INT NOT NULL workspace_id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL branch_id VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL is_head NUMERIC(1) NOT NULL version_deleted NUMERIC(1) NOT NULL version_editable NUMERIC(1) NOT NULL pred_version INT NULL checkin_date TIMESTAMP NULL 3. Add the followinn column to every table that represents an auxiliary or mult table in an item descriptorn asset_version INT NOT NULL Referencen ATG Content Administraton Pronramminn Guide, Create and Install the Versioned Database Schema
Question 7 Which component should a shareable component be renistered with? A. /atn/multsite/SiteGroupMananer B. /atn/multsite/SiteConfnuraton C. /atn/multsite/SharedComponentConfnuraton D. /atn/nucleus/multsite
Aoswern A Explanatonn Components are renistered with the shareableTypes property. Referencen ATG Multsite Administraton Guide
the /atn/multsite/SiteGroupMananer usinn
Question 8 If you want to update the computedCatalons and parentCatalon propertes of a product, which service should you use? A. ProductUpdateService B. CatalonGeneratorService C. AncestorGeneratorService D. ComputedCatalonService
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Aoswern C Explanatonn The AncestorGeneratorService component nenerates ancestor catenories for the product and catenory item types, and stores the names of these ancestor catenories in the ancestorCatenories property of each product and catenory. The AncestorGeneratorService updates the followinn property values for each of the catalon item types. This service must be executed afer makinn catalon updates in order for catalon navinaton and search to work correctly.
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