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Oracle 1Z0-511 Oracle E-Business Suite R12 Project Essentials Exam
Version: DEMO
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Question 1 Your customer has set up a contract project with a distributon rule Work/Work. Identif three setup optons to: 1. Charge labor transactons revenue and all other nonlabor transactons revenue to separate accounts 2. Generate separate invoice line amounts ior labor and nonlabor transactons A. Set up revenue categories as required. B. Defne revenue accounts at the revenue categorf setup level. C. Defne AutoAccountng rules to derive revenue account based on revenue categorf. D. Defne grouping opton bf revenue categorf on the invoice iormat and atach the invoice iormat at the project tfpe level. E. Defne grouping opton bf revenue categorf on the project tfpe.
Aoswern A, C, D Explanaton: Note: Revenue and Billing Iniormaton When fou enter revenue iniormaton ior four project, fou speciif a revenue distributon rule ior the revenue accrual method and the billing method ior this project. When fou enter billing iniormaton, fou speciif invoice iormats, bill cfcle dafs, and other invoicing iniormaton. The project tfpe determines which revenue distributon rule appears as the deiault value ior this feld, and which other revenue distributon rules fou can choose irom. Oracle Projects predefnes the iollowing revenue distributon rules: Cost/Cost Accrue revenue and bill using the rato oi actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent). Cost/Event Accrue revenue using the rato oi actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent), and bill based on events. Cost/Work Accrue revenue using the rato oi actual cost to budgeted cost (percent spent), and bill as work occurs. Event/Event Accrue revenue and bill based on events. Event/Work Accrue revenue based on events, and bill as work occurs. Work/Event Accrue revenue as work occurs, and bill based on events. Work/Work Accrue revenue and bill as work occurs.
Question 2 Identif two predefned transacton sources that Oracle Projects uses to import the transactons generated within Oracle Projects. A. Oracle Interproject Supplier Invoices B. Oracle Projects Intercompanf Supplier Invoices C. Project Allocatons D. Capitalized Interest E. Oracle Interprojed Customer Invoices
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Aoswern C, D Explanaton: Oracle Projects uses predefned transacton sources to import project allocatons and capitalized interest transactons that it generates internallf. Reierence: Oracle Projects Implementaton Guide , Transacton Sources
Question 3 Reier to the exhibit.
In four companf's Expenditure/Event Organizaton Hierarchf, organizaton labor costng rules are assigned to all organizatons except San Jose. What happens when fou run the "PRC: Distribute labor costs" program ior a tmecard transacton entered bf an emplofee irom the San Jose organizatonn A. The rule assigned ior San Francisco takes precedence and the transacton will he successiullf a distributed. B. The rule assigned ior USA takes precedence and the transacton will he successiullf cost distributed. C. The rule assigned ior Caliiornia takes precedence and the transacton will be successiullf cost distributed. D. The program ignores this transacton, because no labor costng rule is assigned ior San Jose. and completes normallf. E. The program completes normallf. However, the output will have this transacton under the exceptons secton with a message "No Labor costng rule assigned ior organizaton."
Aoswern C Question 4 Which two optons are not task atributes ior fnancial task structuren A. Task Tfpe B. Service Tfpe C. Work Tfpe
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D. Chargeable Flag E. Scheduled Dates
Aoswern B, D Explanaton: Incorrect: Not A: Task tfpes assign deiault atributes to tasks and control how Oracle Projects processes tasks. Task tfpes speciif basic task atributes. Not C: Work tfpes represent a classifcaton oi work. You use work tfpes to classiif both actual and scheduled work. Not E: Oracle Projects uses start and fnish dates to control processing, indicate estmated and scheduled duraton, and serve as tools to evaluate project periormance. The start and fnish dates at the project level are: Actual: Actual dates when work on the project started and fnished. You can use these dates to drive iuture tmecard and earned value iunctonalitf. (not E) Scheduled: Scheduled start and fnish dates ior the project. Target: The expected liiespan oi the project. Estmated: A task manager's estmate oi when work on the project will be started and fnished. Baseline: The baselined schedule
Question 5 A new contract project is created ior work ior a customer bf using event-based billing. A decision has been made to give a discount to the customer on a partcular invoice. You want to applf this discount and reduce the invoice without afectng revenue. Which event tfpe should be used to achieve thisn A. Manual B. Invoice Reducton C. Deierred Revenue D. Automatc E. Scheduled Pafment
Aoswern D Explanaton: Event Tfpe Classifcaton is: Scheduled Pafment, Deierred Revenue, Invoice Reducton, Manual, or Automatc (ior billing events onlf)
Question 6 In which two circumstances would it be appropriate to deselect the "Interiace Revenue to GL" opton in Sfstem Implementaton Optons, beiore fou run the Interiace to GCn A. During data migraton ii Revenue is alreadf in General Ledger B. When Revenue is handled in Accounts Receivable C. When AutoAccountng is incorrect and the Revenue interiacing to General Ledger needs to be put on hold. D. When Finance wants to reconcile Unbilled Receivables/Unearned Revenue E. When Revenue was generated in error ior all projects in Released status, and needs to be
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Aoswern A, B Explanaton: A: Ii the revenue amounts are alreadf interiaced to General Ledger (GL) through a diferent interiace, then uncheck the ‘Interiace Revenue to GL’ opton in the implementaton optons and run the ‘Interiace Revenue to GL’ process in Oracle projects. This will turn the fags in the revenue records as accepted in GL, though it is not interiaced. Once this is done, revert back the implementaton opton back to its original state.
Question 7 What tfpe oi project will a companf require to use Organizaton Forecastngn A. contract project B. Administraton Project C. Organizaton Planning Project D. capital project E. mult-iuncton project
Aoswern A Explanaton: Note: * Compute Forecast Labor Revenue This process calculates the potental revenue oi labor expenditure items based on established bill rates and markups. The expenditure items that the process selects are billable labor expenditure items charged to contract projects that have not fet been processed bf the Generate Draf Revenue process. The items do not have to be approved to be processed ior iorecast revenue.
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