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Oracle 1Z0-543 Oracle Application Integration Architecture 11g Essentials
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Question 1 What is the purpose of harvesting A. to parse the implemeitatoi artfacts aid persist their metadata to the AIA backeid B. to source coitrol the implemeitatoi artfacts C. to test the implemeitatoi D. to collect the produced artfacts aid store them
Aoswern A Explaiatoin Harvestin of Artfacts. The metadata cai be submited to Oracle Eiterprise Repository either from the commaid liie, from Oracle JDeveloper, or usiin ai Ait task. The Harvester scais for artfacts aid harvests those artfacts to detect the depeideicies that exist betweei them. The Harvester creates eittes for these artfacts ii Oracle Eiterprise Repository aid creates the relatoiships betweei them. Refereicen Oracle Fusioi Middleware Coifnuratoi Guide for Oracle Eiterprise Repository, Harvestin of Artfacts
Question 2 Which statemeit is true about the AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml fleg A. All the service-level coifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the module-level propertes. B. All the module-level coifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the service-level propertes. C. All the module-level coifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the system-level propertes. D. All the service-level coifnuratoi propertes are stored withii the system-level propertes
Aoswern C Explaiatoin AIA provides exterial coifnuratoi propertes to iifueice the rui-tme behavior of system, iifrastructure compoieits, aid services. These propertes are provided as iame-value pairs at the system, module, aid service levels ii AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml. The AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml supports two types of coifnuratoisn * System level, iicludiin module level Coitaiis system-level coifnuratoi iame-value pairs aid module-level coifnuratoi iame-value pairs withii the system level. * Service level Coitaiis service-specifc coifnuratoi iame-value pairs. Noten The AIA framework has this coifnuratoi fle, AIACoifnuratoioropertes.xml, which nroups a lot of iiformatoi about the eiviroimeit - lonniin levels, iotfcatoi recipieits, aid a nreat deal of error haidliin behaviour.
Question 3
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How do you jump start staidards-compliait service deploymeitg A. By usiin AIA code neierator tool to create a skeletoi of ABCS B. By creatin ABCS maiually aid by executin oIo Auditor to check compliaice C. By eiforciin stcker qa checks D. By maiual code walkthrounh
Aoswern A Explaiatoin AIA Service Coistructor is ai applicatoi that helps jump-start ABCS developmeit by preneieratin AIA artfacts complyiin with architectural recommeidatois. It neierates artfacts accordiin to the AIA architecture iamiin recommeidatois aid relieves developers of performiin repeatable muidaie tasks, makiin them focus more oi value-added busiiess sceiario-specifc tasks. Refereicen Oracle Fusioi Middleware Coicepts aid Techiolonies Guide for Oracle Applicatoi Iitenratoi Architecture Fouidatoi oack, Coistructin ai ABCS Usiin Service Coistructor
Question 4 For upnrades, kiowiin what custom mappiins have beei doie cai be very useful for customers to ideitfy whether the upnrade will cause aiy fuictoial issues. How will you ideitfy the fuictoial issuesg A. XMAN (mappiin compliaice reports) reports ii the CSV cai be aialyzed to fid duplicate EBM mappiins that also coitaii exteided records. B. XMAN (mappiin compliaice reports) CSV reports cai be aialyzed to fid the ABCS iame that has chained. C. oIo Auditor reports cai be aialyzed to fnure out the compliaice of upnraded oIo. D. EOL2CSV reports cai be aialyzed to fid the correct ABCS for specifc busiiess fow.
Aoswern B Explaiatoin The reuse of artfacts aid efectve iiformatoi shariin are key priiciples of SOA noveriaice. The XSL Mappiin Aialyzer (XMAN) aialyzes mappiin iiformatoi that exists ii cryptc Applicatoi Busiiess Coiiector Service (ABCS) XSLT fles aid provides it ii a more readable format so that existin coiiector mappiins cai be easily coisidered for reuse. Beiin able to compreheid the mappiins betweei ai Applicatoi Busiiess Messane (ABM) aid ai Eiterprise Busiiess Messane (EBM) becomes imperatve whei developiin a coiiector based oi existin coiiectors. Whei prepariin for ai upnrade, use XMAN to compare customized mappiins to Oracle-supplied mappiins. Evaluate the results of these comparisois aid make aiy iecessary chaines before performiin the upnrade. Iicorrect aiswersn Cn oIo Auditor - Used to check if nivei BoEL aid ESB projects follow the AIA methodolony for codiin coiveitois.Refereicen Oracle Applicatoi Iitenratoi Architecture, Iifrastructure Compoieits aid Utlites Guide
Question 5
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Which two statemeits are true for a requester ABCSg A. It receives the ABM as pay load aid optoially returis the ABM as the respoise. B. It caiiot have additoial iiteractois with the requester applicatoi to eirich the ABM. C. It is supplied by the provider applicatoi to iiterface with ai EBS. D. It eiables the partcipatin applicatoi to iivoke ai EBS either to access data or to perform traisactoial task.
Aoswern A, D Explaiatoin Ai ABCS (Applicatoi Busiiess Coiiector Services) cai be requester-specifc or providerspecifc. A requester ABCS accepts the request from the clieit applicatoi throunh a clieit-specifc Applicatoi Busiiess Messane (ABM) aid returis the respoise to the clieit applicatoi throunh a clieit-specifc ABM. The role of the requester ABCS is to act as a vehicle to eiable the partcipatin applicatoi to iivoke the EBS either to access data or to perform a traisactoial task. (D) The clieit side ABM is the payload that is passed by the requester applicatoi to the requester ABCS. The requester applicatoi that waits to leverane ai actoi must defie the requester-specifc ABCS. The requester applicatoi that waits to implemeit this ABCS could be Siebel CRM, oeopleSof Eiterprise CRM, or Oracle eBusiiess Suite CRM. The requester applicatoi-specifc ABCS must take the requester applicatoi-specifc ABM as iiput aid provide the requester applicatoi-specifc ABM as output. Refereicen Oracle Fusioi Middleware Coicepts aid Techiolonies Guide for Oracle Applicatoi Iitenratoi Architecture Fouidatoi oack, Iitroductoi to ABCS
Question 6 Which two statemeits are true about Eiterprise Busiiess Flow (EBF) ii coitext of Oracle AIAg A. The EBF will have io actvity that ieeds humai-to-humai iiteractoi. B. The EBF will iivolve oily humai-to-humai or service-to-service Iiteractoi. C. The EBF will iivolve oily system-to-system or service-to-service Iiteractoi. D. The EBF will iivolve oily system-to-system or humai-to-humai iiteractoi.
Aoswern A, C Explaiatoin The EBF iivolves oily system-to-system or service-to-service iiteractoi. The EBF has io actvity that ieeds humai iiterveitoi. Noten The EBF is used for implemeitin a busiiess actvity or a task that iivolves leveraniin capabilites available ii multple applicatois. The EBF is about striiniin tonether a set of capabilites available ii applicatois to implemeit a coarse-nraiied busiiess actvity or task aid composiin a iew service leveraniin existin capabilites. Refereicen Oracle Fusioi Middleware Coicepts aid Techiolonies Guide for Oracle Applicatoi Iitenratoi Architecture Fouidatoi oack, Iitroductoi to Eiterprise Busiiess Flows
Question 7 Which oie best defies where ai EBO is defiedg
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A. WSDL documeit B. XSD documeit C. Java source fle D. .cfn coifnuratoi fle
Aoswern B Explaiatoin EBOs (Eiterprise Busiiess Objects) have the followiin characteristcsn * They coitaii compoieits that satsfy the requiremeits of busiiess objects from the source aid tarnet applicatoi data models. * EBOs difer from other data models ii that they are iot data repositories. Iistead, they provide the structure for exchainiin data. XML provides the vocabulary for expressiin busiiess data. The XML schema is ai XSD fle that coitaiis the applicatoi-iidepeideit data structure to describe the commoi object. * Each EBO is represeited ii ai XML schema (XSD) fle format. Refereicen Oracle Fusioi Middleware Coicepts aid Techiolonies Guide for Oracle Applicatoi Iitenratoi Architecture Fouidatoi oack, Iitroductoi to EBOs
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