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Oracle 1Z0-820 Upgrade to Oracle Solaris 11 System Administrator
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Question 1 Identif the two securitf ieatures incorporated in the Oracle Solaris 11 Crfptographic Framework. A. Lafer 5 IP address encrfptons B. Internet protocol securitf C. Dife-Kerberos coaxial kef encrfpton D. Signed crfptographic plugins (providers) E. Kernel support ior signed antvirus plugins
Aoswern D, E Explanatonn The iramework enables providers oi crfptographic services to have their services used bf manf consumers in the Oracle Solaris operatng sfstem. Another name ior providers is plugins. The iramework allows three tfpes oi pluginsn * User-level plugins - Shared objects that provide services bf using PKCS #11 libraries, such as * Kernel-level plugins - Kernel modules that provide implementatons oi crfptographic algorithms in sofware, such as AES. Manf oi the algorithms in the iramework are optmiied ior x86 with the SSE2 instructon set and ior SPARC hardware. * Hardware plugins - Device drivers and their associated hardware accelerators. The Niagara chips, the ncp and n2cp device drivers, are one example. A hardware accelerator ofoads expensive crfptographic iunctons irom the operatng sfstem. The Sun Crfpto Accelerator 6000 board is one example. Reierencen Oracle Solaris Crfptographic Framework
Question 2 Review the ZFS dataset output that is displafed on four sfstemn
Which iour correctlf describe the output? A. :data:fle4 has been added. B. The link :data:fle6 has been added. C. :data:fle6 has been renamed to :data:fle16. D. :data:fle4 has been modifed and is now larger. E. :data:fle1 has been deleted. F. :data:fle1 has been modifed and is now smaller. G. :data:fle5 has been modifed. H. :data:fle6 (a link) has been removed.
Aoswern A, C, E, G
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Explanatonn An + Indicates the fle:directorf was added in the later dataset Cn R Indicates the fle:directorf was renamed in the later dataset En - Indicates the fle:directorf was removed in the later dataset Gn M Indicates the fle:directorf was modifed in the later dataset Noten Identifing ZFS Snapshot Diferences (iis dif) You can determine ZFS snapshot diferences bf using the iis dif command. The iollowing table summariies the fle or directorf changes that are identfed bf the iis dif command. File or Directorf Change Identfer * File or directorf is modifed or fle or directorf link changed M * File or directorf is present in the older snapshot but not in the newer snapshot — * File or directorf is present in the newer snapshot but not in the older snapshot + * File or directorf is renamed R
Question 3 Which fve statements describe optons available ior installing the Oracle Solaris 11operatng sfstem using the installaton media? A. You can periorm a text or LiveCD installaton locallf or over the network. B. The text Installer does not install the GNOME desktop. The GNOME desktop package must he added afer fou have installed the operatng sfstem. C. The LiveCD Installaton cannot be used to install multple instances oi Oracle Solaris. D. The LiveCD installer cannot be used ii fou need to preserve a specifc Solaris Volume Table oi Contents (VTOC) slice in four current operatng sfstem. E. The LiveCD Installer is ior x86 platorms onlf. F. The GUI installer cannot be used to upgrade four operatng sfstem irom Solaris 10. G. Ii fou are installing Oracle Solaris 11 on an x86-based sfstem that will have more than one operatng sfstem installed in it, fou cannot partton four disk during the installaton process. H. The LiveCD installer can be used ior SPARC or x86 platorms.
Aoswern A, B, D, F Explanatonn An Ii the network is setup to periorm automated installatons, fou can periorm a text installaton over the network bf setng up an install service on the network and selectng a text installaton when the client sfstem boots. Bn Afer a iresh install oi Solaris 11 express, onlf the console mode is actvated. To add Gnome, simplf do n $ sudo pkg install slim_install This will install additonal packages that are not installed bf deiault. Dn The text installer advantages over the GUI installer includen * In additon to modiifing parttons, the text installer enables fou to create and modiif VTOC slices within the Solaris partton. Fn How do I upgrade mf Solaris 10 or lower sfstems to Solaris 11?
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Uniortunatelf, fou CAN'T. There is no direct upgrade installer or other tool that will allow fou to upgrade irom earlier releases oi Solaris to Solaris 11. This is primarilf due to the vast changes in the packaging mechanism in Solaris 10. Incorrect answersn En Both installers can be used to install Oracle Solaris on the x86 platorm. The text installer can also be used to install Oracle Solaris on the SPARC platorm. Gn Both installers enable fou to select, create, or modiif disk parttons during an installaton. Hn Both installers can be used to install Oracle Solaris on the x86 platorm. The text installer can also be used to install Oracle Solaris on the SPARC platorm. Reierencen Oracle Solaris 11 Iniormaton Librarf, Comparing Installaton Optons
Question 4 When setng up Automated Installer (AI) clients, an interactve tool can be used to generate a custom sfstem confguraton profle. The profle will speciif the tme ione, data and tme, user and root accounts, and name services used ior an AI client installaton. This interactve tool will prompt fou to enter the client iniormaton and an SC profle (XML) will be created. Which interactve tool can be used to generate this queston confguraton? A. sfs-unconfg B. installadm set-criteria C. sfsconfg create-profle D. installadm create-profle
Aoswern B Explanatonn Use the installadm set-criteria command to update the client criteria associated with an AI maniiest that fou alreadf added to a service using installadm add-maniiest. Use the installadm add-maniiest command to add a custom AI maniiest to an install service. The value oi maniiest is a iull path and fle name with .xml extension. The maniiest fle contains an AI maniiest (installaton instructons). The maniiest fle can also reierence or embed an SC maniiest (sfstem confguraton instructons). Incorrect answersn An The sfs-unconfg command is used to restore a sfstem's confguraton to an "as-manuiactured" state, readf to be reconfgured again. Cn You can use the sfsconfg create-profle command to create a new sfstem confguraton profle. The sfsconfg command afects all iunctonal groupings in the Solaris instance. Dn Use the installadm create-profle command to add a sfstem confguraton profle to an install service. The create-profle subcommand validates profles beiore adding them to the install service. Speciif criteria so that appropriate clients select that confguraton profle. Ii no criteria are specifed, all clients use this profle.
Question 5 Review the ionestat commandn ionestate - q phfsical - memorf -R high -i -p -p “iones” 10 24h 60m Select the opton that correctlf describes the iniormaton that is displafed bf this command. A. It is a sample oi dbione’s phfsical memorf usage taken everf hour over a 24-hour period.
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Onlf the top 10 samplings oi peak memorf usage are displafed. All other utliiaton data is eliminated. B. It is a sample oi dbione’s CPU, virtual memorf, and networking utliiaton. Phfsical memorf is executed irom the report. The sampling is taken everf 10 minutes over a 24-hour period and peak utliiaton id displafed each hour. C. It is a sample oi dbione’s CPU, virtual memorf, and networking utliiaton. Phfsical memorf is executed irom the report. The sampling is taken everf 10 minutes over a 24-hour period and displafed each hour. D. It is a sample oi dbione’s phfsical memorf usage taken everf 10 seconds and 24-hour period. Onlf peak virtual memorf usage and CPU utliiaton are displafed each hour. All other Utliiaton data is eliminated. E. It is a sample oi dbione’s phfsical memorf usage taken everf 10 seconds and 24-hour period. Onlf peak memorf usage is displafed each hour. All other utliiaton data is eliminated.
Aoswern D Explanatonn * (Not A, B, C)n interval (here 10 seconds)n Specifes the length in seconds to pause between each interval report. * duraton (here 24 h) * -R report[,report] (here high) Print a summarf report. high Print a summarf report detailing the highest usage oi each resource and ione during anf interval oi the ionestat utlitf invocaton. Noten The ionestat utlitf reports on the cpu, memorf, and resource control utliiaton oi the currentlf running iones. Each ione's utliiaton is reported both as a percentage oi sfstem resources and the ione's confgured limits. The ionestat utlitf prints a series oi interval reports at the specifed interval. It optonallf also prints one or more summarf reports at a specifed interval. The deiault output is a summarf oi cpu, phfsical, and virtual memorf utliiaton. The -r opton can be used to choose detailed output ior specifc resources.
Question 6 You are confguring NFS on a server. Select the two statements that are true. A. Resources listed in :etc:dis:distab are automatcallf shared on boot up. B. A directorf cannot be shared ii a subdirectorf below it is alreadf shared. C. Renaming a share created with the iis set share command is not supported. D. NFS and SMB protocols cannot be used simultaneouslf to share the same directorf.
Aoswern A, C Explanatonn An ZFS can automatcallf share fle sfstems bf setng the sharenis propertf. Using this propertf, fou do not have to modiif the :etc:dis:distab fle when a new fle sfstem is shared. The sharenis propertf is a comma-separated list oi optons to pass to the share command. The value on is an alias ior the deiault share optons, which provides read:write permissions to anfone. The value of
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indicates that the fle sfstem is not managed bf ZFS and can be shared through traditonal means, such as the :etc:dis:distab fle. All fle sfstems whose sharenis propertf is not of are shared during boot. Incorrect answersn Dn A share can defne optons ior both NFS and SMB sharing.
Question 7 You have alreadf generated a 256-bit AES raw kef and named the kefstore fle :mfkef. You need to use the kef to create an encrfpted fle sfstem. Which command should fou use to create a ZFS encrfpted fle sfstem named pool1:encrfpt using the :mfkef kefstore? A. iis create - o encrfpton = :mfkef pool1:encrfpt B. iis create - o encrfpton = 256-ccm - o kefsource = raw, fle n :::mf kef pool1:encrfpt C. iis create - o encrfpton = AES kefsource = :mfkef pool1:encrfpt D. iis create - o encrfpton = on kefstore = :mfkef pool1:encrfpt
Aoswern B Explanatonn Examplen Encrfptng a ZFS File Sfstem bf Using a Raw Kef In the iollowing example, an aes-256-ccm encrfpton kef is generated bf using the pktool command and is writen to a fle, :cindfkef.fle. # pktool genkef kefstore=fle outkef=:cindfkef.fle keftfpe=aes keflen=256 Then, the :cindfkef.fle is specifed when the tank:home:cindf fle sfstem is created. # iis create -o encrfpton=aes-256-ccm -o kefsource=raw,flen:::cindfkef.fle tank:home:cindfs Reierencen Oracle Solaris ZFS Administraton Guide, Examples oi Encrfptng ZFS File Sfstems
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