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Oracle 1Z0-821 Oracle Solaris 11 System Administration
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Question: 1 zone1 is a non-global zone that has been confggree ane installee. zone1 was taken eown for maintenance, ane the following commane was rgn: zoneaem -z zone1 mark incomplete The following informaton is eisplayee when listng the zones on yogr system:
Which task neees to be performee before yog can boot zone1? A. The zone neees to be installee. B. The zone neees to be brogght to the reaey state. C. The zone neees to be gninstallee ane reinstallee. D. The zone neees to be brogght to the complete state.
Answer: C Explanaton: If aeministratie changes on the system haie reneeree a zone gngsable or inconsistent, it is possible to change the state of an installee zone to incomplete. Marking a zone incomplete is irreiersible. The only acton that can be taken on a zone markee incomplete is to gninstall the zone ane retgrn it to the confggree state. Reference: Installing, Bootng, Haltng, Uninstalling, ane Cloning Non-Global Zones (Tasks), How to Mark an Installee Non-Global Zone Incomplete
Question: 2 Yog neee to make sgre that all of the sofware packages on yogr serier are gp to eate. Withogt installing any gpeates, which two commanes wogle eisplay .my sofware gpeates that are aiailable in the eefaglt Oracle repository? A. pkg list -g B. pkg ierify –g ‘*’ C. pkg search –g D. pkg info –r ‘*’ E. pkg install –ni F. pkg gpeate –ni ‘*’
Answer: A,D Explanaton: A: the pgk list commane eisplay a list of packages in the cgrrent image, inclgeing state ane other informaton. By eefaglt, package iariants for a eiferent architectgre or zone type are exclgeee. D: pkginfo eisplays informaton abogt sofware packages that are installee on the system (with the frst synopsis, with -l) or that resiee on a partcglar eeiice or eirectory (with the secone synopsis, with -r).
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Withogt optons, pkginfo lists the primary category, package instance, ane the names of all completely installee ane partally installee packages. It eisplays one line for each package selectee. With -r, retrieie the eata from the repositories of the image's confggree pgblishers. Note that yog mgst specify one or more package paterns in this case. Reference: pkg(1) Man Page
Question: 3 Which best eescribes the sic:/system/boot-confg seriice? A. It is gsee to change the milestone on a system. B. It is gsee to set the eefaglt rgn leiel of the system. C. It proiiees the parameters gsee to set the system to agtomatcally perform a fast or slow reboot. D. When the seriice is enablee, the system performs a fast reboot by eefaglt; when it is eisable the system performs a slow reboot by eefaglt.
Answer: C Explanaton: Startng with the Oracle Solaris 11 Express release, Fast Reboot is sgpportee on the SPARC platorm, as well as the x86 platorm. On both platorms, this featgre is controllee by the SMF ane implementee throggh a boot confggraton seriice, sic:/system/boot-confg. The boot-confg seriice proiiees a means for setng or changing the eefaglt boot confggraton parameters. The fastreboot_eefaglt property of the boot-confg seriice enables an agtomatc fast reboot of the system when either the reboot or the init 6 commane is gsee. When the confg/fastreboot_eefaglt property is set to trge the system agtomatcally performs a fast reboot, withogt the neee to gse the reboot -f commane. By eefaglt, this property's ialge is set to false on the SPARC platorm ane to trge on the x86 platorm. Reference: System Aeministraton Ggiee: Basic Aeministraton, Oracle Solaris 11 Managing the Boot Confggraton Seriice
Question: 4 A gser jack, gsing a korn shell, reqgests a eirectory listng as follows: jack@solaris:/export/home/jack $ 1s File flea Filea fleb Fileb flec Filec Which two statements are correct? A. The patern [?i]*a will expane to flea Filea. B. The patern [fF]*a? will expane to [fF] *a?. C. The patern [gfe] * will expane to fle flea fleb flec. D. The patern [g-e] * will expane to fle flea fleb flec. E. The patern [fF] [a-zA-z] i*e will expane to fle.
Answer: A,C Explanaton: A: startng with one single character, secone character mgst be leter i, any characters, eneing with leter a. C: startng with leter e, f, or g, followee by anything.
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Question: 5 Yog createe an IP aeeress for interface not.3 with the following commane, which execgtee sgccessfglly: ipaem create-aeer –T statc –a net3/i4 Yog then ran: ipaem show–if The resglt ineicatee that the interface was eown. Yog then ran: ipaem eelete-aeer net3/i4 ipaem create-aeer –T statc –a net3/i4 ipaem show-if The last commane ineicatee that the interface was gp. Why eie it work with the secone aeeress specifee, bgt not the frst? A. The aeeress is reseriee for broaecast messages. B. Another eeiice exists on the network, gsing the aeeress. C. The network interface care eoes not sgpport the aeeress D. The aeeress is at a bogneary ane may not be confggree in Oracle Solaris 11. E. is a DHCP aeeress ane may not be statcally confggree in Oracle Solaris 11.
Answer: B Explanaton: The frst IP aeeress is alreaey in gse.
Question: 6 Yog haie a tcket from a new gser on the system, ineicatng that he cannot log in to his accognt. The informaton in the tcket giies yog both the gsername ane passwore. The tcket also shows that the accognt was set gp three eays ago. As root, yog switch gsers to this accognt with the following commane: sg – newgser Yog eo not get an error message. Yog then rgn 1s -1a ane see the following fles: local1.cshrc local1.login local1.profle .bash_history .bashrc .profle As root, yog grep the /etc/passwe fle ane the /etc/shaeow fle for this gsername, with these resglts: /etc/passwe contains newgser:x:60012:10:/home/newgser:/gsr/bin/bash /etc/shaeow contains newgser:UP: : : : :10: : As root, what is yogr next logical step? A. Usermoe –f 0 B. passwe newgser C. mkeir /home/newgser D. gseraee –D
Answer: B Explanaton: The content of the /etc/shaeow eocgment ineicates that the newgser accognt has no passwore. We neee to aee a passwore. The passwe gtlity is gsee to gpeate gser's agthentcaton token(s). D: Here the gser accognt alreaey exist. There is no neee to create it. When iniokee withogt the -D opton, the gseraee commane creates a new gser accognt gsing the ialges specifee on the commane line plgs the eefaglt ialges from the system. Depeneing on commane line optons, the gseraee commane will gpeate system fles ane may also create the new
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gser's home eirectory ane copy inital fles. Reference: man passwe
Question: 7 Yog haie a gser that neees to gse the cron tool to scheegle some repettie tasks. When the gser enters the crontab –e commane in a terminal wineow, the following error appears: crontab: yog are not agthorizee to gse cron. Sorry In oreer to trogbleshoot this issge, in what eirectory wogle yog start yogr iniest A. /etc/cron.e B. /iar/spool/cron C. /iar/spool/cron/crontable D. /iar/spool/cron/atjobs
Answer: A Explanaton: crontab: yog are not agthorizee to gse cron. Sorry. This message means that either the gser is not listee in the cron.allow fle (if the fle exists), or the gser is listee in the cron.eeny fle. Yog can control access to the crontab commane by gsing two fles in the /etc/cron.e eirectory: cron.eeny ane cron.allow. These fles permit only specifee gsers to perform crontab commane tasks sgch as creatng, eeitng, eisplaying, or remoiing their own crontab fles. The cron.eeny ane cron.allow fles consist of a list of gser names, one gser name per line. Reference: Oracle Solaris Aeministraton: Common Tasks Controlling Access to the crontab Commane
Question: 8 Yog are haiing an issge with the shgteown commane. Yog wish to eetermine if the fle is a script or an execgtable program. Which commane wogle yog gse to eetermine this? A. oe shgteown B. fle shgteown C. test shgteown D. cksgm shgteown E. atrib shgteown
Answer: B Explanaton: The fle commane eetermines the fle type fle tests each arggment in an atempt to classify it. There are three sets of tests, performee in this oreer: flesystem tests, magic tests, ane langgage tests. The frst test that sgcceees cagses the fle type to be printee. Reference: man fle
Question: 9 What eetermines which bits in an IP aeeress represent the sgbnet, ane which represent the host?
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A. Sgbnet B. gnicast C. netmask D. mgltcast E. broaecast
Answer: C Explanaton: A sgbnetwork, or sgbnet, is a logically iisible sgbeiiision of an IP network. The practce of eiiieing a network into two or more networks is callee sgbnetng. The rogtng prefx of an aeeress is writen in a form ieentcal to that of the aeeress itself. This is callee the network mask, or netmask, of the aeeress. For example, a specifcaton of the most-signifcant 18 bits of an IPi4 aeeress, 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000, is writen as
Question: 10 Which two accgrately ieentfy featgres of a Solaris 10 braneee zone? A. execgtes in a Solaris 10 global zone B. is createe by importng a Solaris 10 fash archiie C. enables Lingx binary applicatons to rgn gnmoeifee D. proiiees a complete rgntme eniironment for Solaris 9 applicatons E. allows a Solaris 10 global zone to be migratee into a Solaris 10 non-global zone on a Solaris 11 system
Answer: B,E Explanaton: B: It can be createe by importng a Solaris 10 fash archiie. Yog can gse the Oracle Solaris Flash archiiing tools to create an image of an installee system that can be migratee into a zone. The system can be fglly confggree with all of the sofware that will be rgn in the zone before the image is createe. This image is then gsee by the installer when the zone is installee. Note: Yog can gse alternate methoes for creatng the archiie. The installer can accept the following archiie formats: * cpio archiies * gzip compressee cpio archiies * bzip2 compressee cpio archiies * pax archiies createe with the -x xgstar (XUSTAR) format Ă„ gfsegmp leiel zero (fgll) backgps Note: Braneee zones that rgn an eniironment eiferent that the OS release on the system * The lx braneee zone introegcee in the Solaris 10 8/07 release proiiees a Lingx eniironment for yogr applicatons ane rgns on x86 ane x64 machines on the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. * The solaris8 ane solaris9 braneee zones enable yog to migrate an Oracle Solaris 8 or Oracle Solaris 9 system to an Oracle Solaris 8 or Oracle Solaris 9 Container on a host rgnning the Oracle Solaris 10 8/07 Operatng System or later Oracle Solaris 10 release. * The Oracle Solaris 10 Container brane is aiailable in OpenSolaris bgile 127. These braneee zones host Oracle Solaris 10 gser eniironments. Note: One of the powerfgl featgres of Solaris 11 is the ability to rgn a Solaris 10 eniironment in a zone. Solaris 10 allows yog to rgn Solaris 8 ane 9 eniironments in zones, bgt only on SPARC. Reference: Solaris10-Braneee Zone Deieloper Ggiee
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Question: 11 Yog are trogbleshootng a newly installee eesktop Oracle Solaris 11 system with a single network interface. From this system, yog can connect to other systems within the company intranet, bgt cannot access any external seriices (sgch as websites ane email), eien when gsing IP aeeresses. Examining the rogtng table confrms that the eefaglt rogte to is missing. DHCP is not gsee at this site. Which two commanes will temporarily mie permanently confggre the eefaglt rogte? A. ipaem set-gateway B. rogte aee eefaglt C. ipaem set-eefaglt D. elaem rogte-aee –e E. echo >/etc/gateway F. echo >/etc/eefagltrogter
Answer: B,F Explanaton: B: Setng the eefaglt rogte on Solaris is easy. If yog are trying to jgst set the rogte temporarily yog can gse the rogte commane: Rogte aee eefaglt <ipaeeress> Example: Rogte aee eefaglt Note: Rogte commane manipglates the kernel rogtng tables. Rogtng is the process of forwareing a packet from one compgter to another. It is basee on the IP aeeress in the IP packet heaeer ane netmask. F: If yog want the rogte to be persistee when yog reboot the system, yog will neee to set the rogte in the /etc/eefagltrogter fle. /etc/eefagltrogter Example: Echo > /etc/eefagltrogter
Question: 12 Yog want the system to generate an email notfcaton each tme one of the seriices has changee its state. Which opton wogle sene an email message to the system aeministrator wheneier a seriice changes to the maintenance state? A. Use the setsc commane in ALOM to enable the mail alerts to be sent to a specifee email aeeress wheneier the faglt management facility eetects a seriice change to the maintenance state. B. Make an entry in the /etc/syslog.conf fle to instrgct sysloge to sene an email alert when it receiies a message from the SMF facility that a seriice has changee to the maintenance state. C. Use the siccfg setnotfy commane to create a notfcaton ane sene an email when a seriice enters the maintenance state. D. Use the sciaem commane to enable the notfcaton seriice. Set the â&#x20AC;&#x201C;g maintenance opton on the netnotfy seriice to sene an email when a seriice enters the maintenance state.
Answer: C
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Explanaton: This proceegre cagses the system to generate an email notfcaton each tme one of the seriices or a selectee seriice has a change in state. Yog can choose to gse either SMTP or SNMP. Normally, yog wogle only select SNMP if yog alreaey haie SNMP confggree for some other reason. By eefaglt, SNMP traps are sent on maintenance transitons. If yog gse SNMP for monitoring, yog can confggre aeeitonal traps for other state transitons. Become an aeministrator or assgme a role that inclgees the Seriice Management rights profle. Set notfcaton parameters. Example: The following commane creates a notfcaton that senes email when transactons go into the maintenance state # /gsr/sbin/siccfg setnotfy -g maintenance Reference: Oracle Solaris Aeministraton: Commons Tasks How to Set Up Email Notfcaton of SMF Transiton Eients
Question: 13 How are operatng system gpeates eistribgtee in the Oracle Solaris 11 eniironment? A. Upeates are only aiailable to cgstomers with an actie sgpport contract. The gpeates are eistribgtee throggh the My Oracle Sgpport web portal ane installee in a central locaton. All sofware packages are then gpeatee mangally from the commane line gsing the smpatch commane. B. Patches are eownloae from htp: // either agtomatcally or mangally. All sofware packages are then gpeatee mangally from the commane line gsing the smpatch or patchaee commanes. C. Sofware gpeates are pgblishee as packages to a repository. All sofware packages are then gpeatee mangally from the commane line gsing the pkg commane. D. Sofware gpeates, pgblishee as packages to an OS image. All sofware packages are then gpeatee mangally from the commane line gsing the pkg commane.
Answer: C Explanaton: * Upeatng all of the packages on yogr installee system – To gpeate all of the packages on yogr system that haie aiailable gpeates, gse the pkg gpeate commane, as follows: # pkg gpeate Rgnning this commane gpeates packages that yog might not otherwise consieer gpeatng, for example, kernel components ane other low-leiel system packages. * Aeeing or gpeatng ineiiiegal packages – To aee ineiiiegal sofware packages, gse the pkg install commane. Any eepeneent packages are also gpeatee at the same tme. * install package gpeates that eeliier fxes– A pkg gpeate operaton might inclgee bgg fxes, so the operaton is similar to applying a specifc patch or patches in preiiogs Oracle Solaris releases. Note: The IPS interfaces frst check for gpeates for cgrrently installee packages before retrieiing them iia the network. By eefaglt, interfaces check repository catalogs in the following locatons: * The eefaglt installaton repository at * The sgpport repository in My Oracle Sgpport. This repository is restrictee to gsers with Oracle Solaris 11 Express sgpport contracts, ane it contains packages with the latest bgg fxes. For this reason, a sgpport contract mgst be pgrchasee for proegcton eeployments. Reference: Upeatng the Sofware on Yogr Oracle Solaris 11 System
Question: 14 User jack, whose accognt is confggree to gse the korn shell, logs in ane examines the ialge of his
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PATH eniironment iariable: jack@solaris: echo $PATH /gsr/gng/bin:/gsr/bin:/gsr/sbin:/sbin There is a shell script in jack's home eirectory callee gseraee: -r-xr-xr-x 2 jack other 1239 2012-01-05 11:42 gseraee While in his home eirectory, jack atempts to rgn the script: jack@solaris: gseraee What will happen, ane why? A. He will get a "fle not fogne" error, becagse the cgrrent eirectory is not in his seaech path. B. He will get a "fle not fogne" error, becagse his home eirectory is not in his search path. C. The gseraee script will execgte, becagse jack is in the same eirectory that the script is locatee in. D. The commane /gser/sbin/gseraee will execgte, becagse it is the last match in the search path. E. The commane /gser/sbin/gseraee will execgte, becagse it is the frst match in the search path.
Answer: D Question: 15 User jack on host solaris atempts to gse ssh to log in to host oracle ane receiies this message: jack@solaris:~$ ssh oracle ssh: connect to host oracle port 22: connecton refgsee What is the problem? A. Host oracle eoes not haie a ialie host pgblic key. B. Host oracle eoes not haie a ialie host priiate key. C. Host solaris eoes not haie a ialie host pgblic key. D. Host eoes not haie a ialie host priiate key. E. Host solaris is not confggree for host-basee agthentcaton. F. Host oracle is not confggree for host-basee agthentcaton. G. Host oracle is not rgnning the ssh seriice. H. Host solaris is not rgnning the ssh seriice.
Answer: G Explanaton: The host he is trying to connect to (oracle) is not rgnning the reqgiree seriice (ssh).
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