Didactic Folder Teaching Practicum IV 2018
Student teachers: Collado, Melina Paulitti,Hernan
Unit & Daily Plans Paulitti Hernan
UNIT Peer-evaluation: Daily Class #1 Student teacher on practice: Paulitti, Hernan Student teacher as observer: Collado, Melina
Organization of the lesson: Hernan made some sitting arrangements and they worked very well. He also showed them an interesting video about Italy, from which they had to take some information to do the following activity. Usage of language along the class He established a good rapport with them from the beginning. Hernan had a good classroom management and although some students got distracted easily, he could call their attention to make them participate. Handling of the group: As it was the first lesson, the students did not want to participate because I noticed they were a bit shy. So the ones that didn´t want to participate, started talking about other subjects. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Good choice of activities and visual material Aspects to re-consider: Students got restless at some moments of the lesson.
Peer-evaluation: Daily Class #2 Student teacher on practice: Paulitti, Hernan Student teacher as observer: Collado, Melina
Organization of the lesson: The second class was about Venice. Hernan showed them a video about that famous city and taught them some key vocabulary related to the topic. They learnt about typical food and famous costumes which called their attention. Usage of language along the class The students used some basic words in the target language by answering some of Hernan`s questions. They also talked about themselves by sharing opinions about Venice and its famous places. Handling of the group: The students enjoyed the class but some of them finished more quickly than other and they got restless. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Visual and auditory material. The video was fascinating. Aspects to re-consider: Classroom management.
Peer-evaluation: Daily Plan #3 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti, Hernan
Organization of the lesson: The lesson was about the invention of pizza, a typical Italian food. The students learnt about the history of pizza and the different varieties. They found the topic interesting and were willing to participate in Hernan´s activities. Usage of language along the class: They used language by answering Hernan`s questions and by checking their answers. However, they did not make long sentences in the target language. Handling of the group: Hernan called their attention because they were a bit noisy at some moments of the class. He encouraged them to participate and discuss orally about the topic. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Good visual aids, classroom management. Weak points: Lack of explanation about how to make sentences in past.
Peer-evaluation: Daily Plan #4 Student teacher on practice: Paulitti,Hernan Student teacher as observer: Collado Melina
Organization of the lesson: Hernan´s lesson was very interesting because he gave the students the possibility to discover how travelers exchange information about a certain place (in that case, Italy). Usage of language along the class: The students were highly interested in the website page and they were willing to participate orally. Besides, they had to use the language to make brochures about a certain city of Italy in groups. Handling of the group: I could see that not all the participants of the group were really involved in the activity. Some did most of the job and others watched without intervention. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Good visual aids, great activities. Weak points: Lack of monitoring the student`s work as a team.
Peer-evaluation: Daily Plan #5 Student teacher on practice: Paulitti, Hernan Student teacher as observer: Collado, Melina
Organization of the lesson: This lesson was about how Italian immigrants visited Argentina. Hernan showed them a wonderful video about Caminito and La Boca. They acquired vocabulary related to famous public places, typical music, restaurants and accommodation. The students worked in groups and finished their broshures for the fair. Usage of language along the class: Although the students were not accustomed to talk in English, they used some vocabulary and fixed expressions to express themselves and talk about the topic. Handling of the group: Hernan had a good rapport with students. He asked them some personal but simple questions in order to make them participate orally. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Visual and auditory aids. Good rapport with students. Good monitoring. Weak points to re-consider: He forgot to bring some material.
Peer-evaluation: Daily Plan #6 Student teacher on practice: Paulitti, Hernan Student teacher as observer: Collado, Melina
Organization of the lesson: The students did an individual written exam about Italy. They had to match, and find key vocabulary on a letter soup. They also did a reading comprehension about Italy and the history of Pizza and a TRUE or FALSE activity to check comprehension. Hernan monitored how they worked. Usage of language along the class: The use of language in class was basically written because they were doing the exam. Handling of the group: There were some students that finished early and started making noise. Hernan had to call their attention many times. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Visual and auditory aids and classroom management. Weak points to re-consider: Lacking of extra activities for fast finisher
Unit & Daily Plans Collado Melina
UNIT PLAN Student teacher on practice: Collado, Melina (1168891864) Student teacher as observer: Paulitti, Hernan (3489598716) Institution assigned: Ess n°4, Maschwitz Coordinating teacher: De La Madrid, Mara Course: 3° Timetable: Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30
Related vocabulary: Museum, cultures, poem, inspiration, song, painter, musician, artist, etc.
Asking and answering questions in groups using evidence
Vocabulary related to arts (art galleries, music genres, emotions, self-expression, cultural traditions)
Grammatical structures and functions:
Understanding of different socio-cultural realities across the world
Giving opinion (for example: I think that…) Past simple tense (for example: It was painted…/ People were…) Past continuous Describing artworks (It has…/ I can see…) There was/were
Analyzing and describing artworks
Developing discussion skills and making agreements and disagreements
Students will be aware of the relation between artistic movements and socio-cultural contexts. Students will value the importance of self-expression through art. Students will know about important people that changed the world through art.
To hypothesize how artworks represent certain socio-cultural realities in the world. To be able to determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas. To reflect on the justification of their own assumptions, beliefs and values. To recognize, build and appraise arguments. To summarize information and create a conceptual map of history of art.
Different way of expressing art Artistic movements throughout the history Famous artists Artistic festivals in the world.
Previous knowledge: Past simple tense (affirmative and negative) ; Expressing opinions and arguments (I think that…/ I believe that…) ; Vocabulary related to art and music; “Have got” vs “haven´t got” ; Feelings ; Wh-questions.
General objectives: Bu the end of this unit students will be able to Develop their oral skills through student´s interaction Develop their thinking skills by analyzing ,discussing and making judgments Gain new vocabulary related to arts in general Talk about past events orally and in written Understand the importance between culture and arts
Final outcome:
Students will have to use the language they know to express something through art. Students will have to get in groups, discuss about the topic and decide in which way they would like to express art. Students will create a poem, write down the lyrics of an invented song or create a painting and describe it so as to express art by themselves.
Evaluation: Students will have already been co-working together with the teacher through the process of learning a second language. The four skills will have been performed by sharing and explaining a new content. So, students will be evaluated not only considering the process of learning but also on their final task in which they will have to work cooperatively in order to create a piece of art
Cross-curricular relationships:
Social studies
Materials and resources:
Prezi presentation
Posters and conceptual maps
Projector and speakers
Photocopies with information about certain topics
https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/undergraduate/courses-listing/history-art? wssl=1
https://artlistr.com/frida-kahlo-7-interesting-facts/ (Frida Kahlo -information)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utUEf_jMhwo (tango festival-video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oF0KVEiPmc (museum of fine arts in buenos aires)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaJGZ2aG868 (museums in the future)
Daily Plan #1 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti Hernan Cooperating teacher: De La Madrid,Mara Institution: Es n°4 , Maschwitz Course:3rd Periods planned:2 Submission date: Class date: September 12th
Language of Learning Wh- questions Past simple tense (affirmative and negatve) Related vocabulary: Art, history, stages, context,painters, architechture ,vivid and dark colours. Giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Language for learning Language through Learning Understanding about Related vocabulary: world the topic presenting wars, economic crisis, Being able of causes religion, publicity. and consequences of socio-cultural factors that interfere in arts Discussing and making assumptions about how people were feelings on those times Summarizing information and creating conceptual maps
Specific objectives: At the end of the class, the students will be able to
Gain vocabulary related to arts and history Be able to recognize different stages of art and their characteristics Share and communicate their feelings towards certain artworks Understand how socio-cultural factors are part of art Discuss and make agreements to check comprehension of the information given
Sumarize information in short words
Macroskills: Students will be able to develop their listening, speaking and reading skills. Authentic Material:
Pictures of real famous paintings Music as background related to the different stages in history of art
Procedure/Development: The teacher will teach the students in the following way. Firstly she will start with an opening questions “What is art?” to encourage them to participate orally and actively in class. Then, they will be aware of changes in art throughout the history .Finally, they will have to work with the information provided and the reflections made by themselves about points of view and social contexts. Finally, they will have to reorganize what they have learnt by making a summary of some important concepts of the topic at hand. 1-Opening activity “What is art?” (10 minutes) As the students come to the classroom, they will have to take a sheet of paper which will have a certain colour and then, they will have to sit in the correct group. After that, the teacher will start the classroom by asking what is art for them . She will elicit some vocabulary and opinions for the students and she will engage them to participate orally.
2-Developmental activities “History of Art” (25 minutes) The teacher will show them a presentation made by herself in which they will recognize different artistic movement throughout the history. Time by time, she will stop the presentation and ask personal opinions about some paintings and artworks. Finally, they will know how socio-cultural contexts are closely connected with how people painted at those times.
“True or false” (15 minutes) The teacher will deliver three photocopies (each one for each group) and the students will have to work together in group, discuss and decide if the statements are true or false. Finally, they make an oral correction on the board. “Puzzles” (25 minutes)
The teacher will give them pictures of different famous artworks but as a puzzle.The students will have to put the pieces in order to form the real painting and then, they will have to guess to which artistic movement they belong to .Finally, they will describe them using previously learnt vocabulary.
When planning take into account that the warm up should take not longer than 10’
3-Closure “Creating a map�(20 minutes) To sum up what they have learnt. The teacher will give them certain words and they will have to work cooperatively in order to create a conceptual map about history of art. The students will have to walk around the classroom, meet their classmates and decide where they should place the word so that they can create a coherent summary of the topic already learnt.
Self-evaluation: Daily Class #1 Student teacher on practice: Collado, Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti , Hernan
Organization of the lesson: The students were encouraged to talk about art and its expressions. Then, they could see by a colorful PowerPoint, the different artistic movements throughout the history. They learnt different vocabulary and facts related to some artistic movement and later on, they worked in groups and made up a puzzle about some famous paintings. After that, they worked in teams , discussed and made some sentence describing the picture. Finally, they made a conceptual map on the board with all the concepts the had already learnt.
Usage of language along the class Although the students were accustomed to talk in Spanish, I encouraged them to participate at least by providing key vocabulary such as “painter”, “cubism” “portrait” “gothic”, etc. They were also encouraged to talk in English because some activities were group ones and they liked the idea of competing between them. Handling of the group: As it was the first lesson, the students did not want to participate because I noticed they were a bit she. However, they enjoyed the games and I could see more participation and I could also establish a good relationship with them. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Good choice of activities and visual material Aspects to re-consider: Too many group work made them distracted easily
Daily Plan #2 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti Hernan Cooperating teacher: De La Madrid,Mara Institution: Es n°4 , Maschwitz Course:3rd Periods planned:2 Submission date: Class date: September 26th
Language of Learning Wh- questions Past simple tense (affirmative and negative) Past continuous tense (affirmative and negative) Related vocabulary: Mexican painter, selfportrait, pain, daily life, ,”Blue House”, communist, politics, husband, accident, Giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Language for learning Language through Learning Understanding about Related vocabulary: the topic being tragedy, politics, feminism, presented social life . Being able to recognize the relationship between a painting and its painter`s own experience during a certain moment in life. Discussing and making assumptions about how Frida Kahlo was feelings on those times and how she could express it. Summarizing information and ordering sequences to make up a coherent text.
Specific objectives: At the end of the class, the students will be able to
Gain vocabulary related to arts and history
Be able to recognize different artworks made by Frida Kahlo and analyse them through different perspectives. Share and communicate their feelings towards certain artworks Understand how socio-cultural factors are part of art Discuss and make agreements to check comprehension of the information given Summarize information in short words
Macroskills: Students will be able to develop their listening, speaking and reading skills. Authentic Material:
Pictures of real famous paintings Real photos included in a video about Frida Kahlo`s biography
Procedure/Development: The teacher will teach the students in the following way. Firstly she will start with opening questions about the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo in order to encourage them to participate orally and actively in class. Then, they will be aware of some important events in her life by watching a video of her biography with real photos . Later, they will have to work with the information provided and order them in order to sum up key events in her life. Then, they will have to analyze some of her artworks taking into account the context in which it was painted. Finally, they will have to answer some questions about two famous paintings and make a conceptual map as a conclusion of the class. 1-Opening activity “Frida Kahlo” (10 minutes) As the students come to the classroom, they will have to take a sheet of paper which will have a certain colour and then, they will have to sit in the correct group. After that, the teacher will start the classroom by asking them if they know who is the woman of the photo ( a poster of Frida Kahlo will be stuck on the board). The teacher will elicit some vocabulary and opinions from the students and she will engage them to participate orally.
2-Developmental activities “Frida Kahlo: Her Life(Video)” (20 minutes)
The teacher will show them a video about Frida Kahlo`s biography .The students will be aware of some key points about her life and how her experiences influenced the way in which she painted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOM9UqosMCM
“Frida Kahlo : Summary” (15 minutes) The teacher will deliver some cards (each ones for each group) and the students will have to work together in groups, discuss the events and put the information in order to make up a coherent summary of her life. Finally, they make an oral correction on the board.
After her accident, she experienced pain and illness for the rest of her life. She met Diego Rivera, who would become her husband later on.
When Diego Rivera died, their house, “La Casa Azul” became a popular museum. She had a bus accident and suffered several injuries
She also began painting about questions of identity and existence. She died on July 13th, 1954 and her body was cremated.
Frida Kahlo was born on July 6th ,1907 in Coyoan, Mexico. She joined a Mexican Communist party
Famous paintings and different contexts in Frida`s life (15 minutes) The teacher will show them some pictures of famous paintings made by Frida Kahlo . The teacher will encourage them to participate orally, to share opinions and feelings among those popular paintings. Then, she will stick the posters on the board. On the other hand of the board, there will be some descriptions of the moments in which Frida decided to paint them. The students will have to work in groups, analyse the paintings, discuss and decide which painting belongs to which moment of her life. They will have to match and the correction will be done orally.
When Frida painted it, she was on a 'force-feeding' diet of fattening pureed food, provided directly every two hours.
In this painting, she was demonstrating that the pain from her injuries were making her suffer for the rest of her life.
Frida painted it some days before her death. At that moment, she was suffering a lot and she knew death was coming for her. This painted was a way of saying “goodbye� to life.
Frida painted this selfportrait because her marriage was passing through a crisis.
Friida Kahlo worked on this portrait during the first years of their marriage. She was having a good time with Diego Rivera
“Poor little deer” and “Without hope ”Paintings (20 minutes) The teacher will show them another famous paintings called “Poor Little Deer” and “Without Hope”. The students will have to analyze them and answer the following questions individually. They will have some model examples on the board as a guide.
How do you think Frida was feeling when she painted it? Why?
How do you think Frida was feeling when she painted it? Why?
What symbols of pain can you find on the painting?
What called your attention when you saw this painting?
3-Closure “Brainstorming words�(10 minutes) The teacher will write the word Frida Kahlo on the board and she will ask them to provide a word that is connected to her. The whole class will build up a summary including key vocabulary and concepts related to the topic being discuss on that lesson
Self-evaluation: Daily Plan #2 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti, Hernan
Organization of the lesson: The students were encouraged to talk about the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo and share opinions and knowledge about her life. The students were motivated with the video showing her biography because it had real photos and lots of them were well-known paintings. The students worked in groups to put the information with some main events in her life in order and then, they analyzed some of her artworks taking into account the context in which it was painted. To make a conclusion of the topic, the students discuss about how feelings and emotions interfere in the artworks and make a conceptual map altogether. Usage of language along the class: They used some key concepts they had learnt about the topic. Besides, they read some information aloud in order to check the activities orally. Handling of the group: They did not want to participate when they were supposed to go to the board and write. However, I tried to encouraged them by telling I would take note of who participated in class. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Good visual aids, classroom management Weak points: The audio didn´t work at first
Daily Plan #3 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti Hernan Cooperating teacher: De La Madrid,Mara Institution: Es n°4 , Maschwitz Course:3rd Periods planned:2 Submission date: Class date: October 3rd
Language of Learning Past simple tense (affirmative and negative) Past continuous tense (affirmative and negative) Wh- questions Related vocabulary: Singer, records, career, lyrics, interpretation of songs. Giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Language for learning What do we know about some famous singers? What are the main important events in her/his life that lead to such a successful career? How can we interpret songs? What can music tell us about art?
Language through Learning Related vocabulary: Popularity, fans, social-life, television and social networks
Specific objectives: At the end of the class, the students will be able to
Gain vocabulary related to music genres and famous singers Be able to interpret songs Share and communicate their feelings about music and
Understand how were the life of some famous music artists and how they became famous Discuss and make agreements to check comprehension of the information given Describe in some sentences the life of a famous music star in the past.
Macroskills: Students will be able to develop their listening, speaking , writing and reading skills. Authentic Material:
Photos of real famous singers Video about Justin Bieber`s biography Real songs
Procedure/Development: The teacher will teach the students in the following way. Firstly she will start with opening questions about Music in order to encourage them to participate orally and actively in class. Then, the students will listen to a famous song and they will have to recognize the words that are missing. (Link of the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahha3Cqe_fk ). Later, they will be aware of how to make sentences when talking about the past . The teacher will provide examples of the previous song. Then, they will watch a video about a famous singer among teenagers (Justin Bieber)(Link of the video:. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3-NU8H9cfA) . They will have to watch the video, listen to the biography and read it as well. Later, they will have to answer some questions to check comprehension. After that, they will have to read about some famous singers in the history of music and match the information with the photo. Finally, they will have to write some short sentences taking about their famous music star. 1-Opening activity “What is Music for you?” (10 minutes) The teacher will start the lesson with an opening question about Music. She will ask about what music is for them (the students), if they listen to music or not, what music genres they listen to, when they listen to it and what it represents to them. The idea of this warm up will be to encourage them to talk about the topic, to share opinions and to activate their schemata.
2-Developmental activities “The One That Got Away-Katy Perry song” (10 minutes) The teacher will deliver photocopies with the lyrics of a song called The One That Got Away by Katy Perry. The song will have some words missing (those words will be related to verbs in past tense) .The students will listen to the song once as they read the lyrics. Then, the teacher will give them the verbs that are missing and they will have to put them in order. So they will hear the song one more time in order to complete the full version of the song. The correction will be done orally on the board. Add numbers to the blank spaces to ease the correction Summer after high school, when we first (1)_____ We make-out in your Mustang to Radiohead And on my eighteenth birthday, we got matching tattoos Used to steal your parents liquor and climb to the roof Talk about our future like we (2)____ a clue Never planned that one day I'd be losing you In another life, I would be your girl We keep all our promises, be us against the world In another life, I would make you stay So I don't have to say you (3)____ the one that got away The one that (4)__________
Someone (6) _____you had your tattoo removed (7)_____ you downtown, singing the blues It's time to face the music, I'm no longer your muse In another life …
All these money can't buy me a time machine, no Can't replace you with a million rings, no I should've told you what you (8)_____to me Cause now I pay the price In another life…
I (5)___________ you were my Johnny Cash Never one without the other, we made a pact Sometimes when I miss you, I put those records on, whoa
“Past simple vs Past continuous” (15 minutes) The teacher will take some examples from the song to explain that those verbs are written in a past form. And she will show the difference between past simple and past continuous tense.
“We HAD a clue “ “Someone SAID you had your tattoo removed”
“I WAS DREAMING you were my Jhonny Cash”
“Justin Bieber - his life” (15 minutes) The teacher will show the students a video about Justin Bieber`s career. In the video , the students will watch, listen and read about his life and his main events. They will also have a written copy to do the following activity. Link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3-NU8H9cfA
“Justin Bieber-Reading comprehension activity”(20 minutes) After watching the video, the students will have to answer the questions using the past simple and continuous tense. 1) When was Justin born? 2) What happened to Justin when he was 12 years old? 3) What famous politic figure was present when Justin was singing at the holiday special Christmas in Washington? 4) What was the name of the television drama Justin worked in? 5) Why did he become so famous and popular? 6) Do you like Justin`s songs? Why / why not?
Famous singers in the history of Music The teacher will deliver some photocopies for them to work individually. The students will have to read the description of a famous star, guess and match . The correction will be done orally. He was a famous Argentinian singer.,songwriter and composer. He was famous because of his tango ballads. He died in an airplane crash when he was becoming very popular. He was an American singer and dancer. His distinctive sound and style influenced numerous artists of various music genres.
She is a Colombian singer,songwriter and dancer. She became famous for her belly dancing abilities. Her official song for the 2020 FIFA World Cup ,�Waka Waka� became the biggest-selling world cup song of all time with 10 million downloads.
He was an Argentinian songwriter ,composer, producer and singer. He was part of the band Soda Stereo, one of the most popular and influential rock and pop groups of the 80s and 90s. He died at the age of 55 ,after suffering a stroke four years earlier in Venezuela. He was an Argentinian singer of cuarteto music. He was born in Cordoba. His short, dyed hair and casual clothes differed from typical cuarteto singers. He died in a car accident.
3-Closure “My Favouite Music Star”(15 minutes) .The teacher will ask the students to write about their favourite music star. They will have to talk about past events. The previous activity will provide a model example to make the task easier to them. For example: “My favourite music star is Ricky Martin. He was born in Puerto Rico. Some of his famous songs were “Living la vida loca”, “Vuelve”, between others. He won many awards.(…)”
Self-evaluation: Daily Plan #3 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti, Hernan
Organization of the lesson: The teacher started the lesson by asking the students why they think Music is art. Then, they were encouraged to talk about their likes about music genres and famous artists. They enjoyed the activity in which they had to listen to a song and fill in the gaps. In this lesson, they worked individually and it really worked. with opening questions about Music in order to encourage them to participate orally and actively in class. They also saw a video about a famous singer among teenagers and answer some questions to check comprehension Usage of language along the class: They used the language by checking if the activities were correct or not. By discussing, some of them used the target language to communicate but they include just few words in English. Handling of the group: It was noticeable that they really enjoyed the topic. They were willing to participate in the activities. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Correct choice of contents and topic, posters of famous singers and interesting video about the life of Justin Bieber Weak points to re-consider: Problems with the audio, timing (I didn´t have time to check the last activity)
Daily Plan #4 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti Hernan Cooperating teacher: De La Madrid,Mara Institution: Es n°4 , Maschwitz Course:3rd Periods planned:2 Submission date: Class date: October 10th
Language of Learning Past simple tense (affirmative and negative) Past continuous tense (affirmative and negative) Wh- questions Related vocabulary: Spray, sideway paintings, Giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Language for learning What do we know about graffiti and street art? Do you consider them art or vandalism? What can we know about the career of a famous sideway painter? How can we interpret street art paintings?
Language through Learning Related vocabulary: Protesting about social and political crisis, popularity, art festivals, vandalism or artistic expressions.
Specific objectives: At the end of the class, the students will be able to
Be able to interpret graffiti in depth Express feelings and share personal opinions about street art in general. Understand how was the life of a well-known sideway painter and how he became popular. Gain vocabulary related to street art paintings and graffiti Discuss and make agreements to check comprehension of the information given.
Describe in some sentences the life of a famous music star in the past.
Macroskills: Students will be able to develop their listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. Authentic Material:
Video of a famous well-known 3D sideway painter Pictures of real graffiti and street art paintings
Procedure/Development: The teacher will teach the students in the following way. Firstly she will start with opening questions about Graffiti and street art . The students will discuss and share personal opinions about that kind of art. By doing this, they will activate their schemata. Later, the teacher will show them some pictures of real street paintings with a 3D perspective and they will analyze them in detail. After that, they will read a text about the biography of a famous street painter (Edgar Muller) and well have to fill in the gaps with the correct verb in past tense form.. Then, the students will check their answers by looking at the video (Link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIoa4pyFpKQ). Then, the students will receive some photos of graffiti on walls. They will have to look at the pictures and complete the sentences to write what was happening on those paintings and what they were expressing. Later, they will read about the history of Graffiti . Finally, they will have to do a true or false task in order to check comprehension. 1-Opening activity “Graffiti and Street Art paintings” (5 minutes) The teacher will start the lesson with an opening question about Graffiti. She will ask about what is street art for them (the students) and she will ask if they consider graffiti as vandalism or another type of art. Later, they will discuss about the differences between graffiti and street art .The idea of this warm up will be to encourage them to talk about the topic, to share opinions and to activate their schemata.
2-Developmental activities “Edgar Muller- His Art and Biography” (20 minutes) The teacher will show the students some photos of real sideway paintings made by Edgar Mueller, a famous German street art painter. She will encourage them to talk
about his paintings and the 3D perspective they have. Later, she will deliver some photocopies about Edgar Mueller`s biography. The biography will have some gaps. The students will have to read the text and decide which verb should be placed there. Finally, she will show them the video and they will check the answers orally on the board. Link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIoa4pyFpKQ Edgar Muller Edgar Muller (1)____ born in Mulhem ,Germany during 1968. As a student in high school, he entered many international competitions for street painting and went on to win his first competition at the age of 19. He (2)__________ by the ever-changing street art that he viewed in his hometown. He was also inspired by the Masters and their great works and for many years he literally brought the great works to the streets for people to enjoy while they passed by .The Grazi festival in Italy is the world`s largest repainting festival and since 1998 Muller has held the title of “Maestro Madonori” which translates to “The master street painter”. A tidal bore by very few artists worldwide .Muller was about the age of 25 when (3)________to keep his work in the streets and travel all over Europe creating his transitory art .On the side, he also (4)_______workshops and (5)________in festivals for street painters. Muller also (6)______the first and only internet-based board for street painters in Germany. In the past few years Edgar Morelle Muller has become a higly recognizable street artist with his large perspective pieces . In addition to his fame through the festivals, YouTube (7)________his name spread across the Internet with his entrancing timelapse video of a piece called “The Crevasse”, created in Ireland. The video captures Muller as he creates the piece from start to finish. It also shows his audience and how they interact with it once it`s completed .His website is updated frequently and you can find where he`s making his next piece. Would you be interested enough to go see it and interact with it as well? HELPED - WAS - CREATED –
“What was happening in this painting?� (15 minutes) The teacher will show them some pictures of real graffiti and street art paintings. She will also deliver photocopies to the students to do the task individually. The students will have to make sentences describing what was happening on them ( working with past continuous tense). The teacher will provide a model example on the board to make the task easier for them.
The woman ____________(look) through the window.
The superheroes _________(read) amagazine
The man __________(ask) for silence.
He girl ____________(shout) because she saw a rat on the floor.
The man __________(hold) a little bird with his finger.
“History of Graffiti- Reading comprehension� (25 minutes) The teacher will deliver photocopies about the history of graffiti. Firstly, they will analyze the visual aids and discuss about them. Later, they will read the article aloud.
The History of Street Art Modern graffiti began in big cities in the United States in the 1970s. In New York, young people wrote their names, or 'tags', in pen on walls around the city. One of the first 'taggers' was a teenager called Demetrius. His tag was TAKI 183. He wrote his tag on walls and in stations in New York. Other teenagers saw Demetrius's tag and started writing their tags too. Soon, there were tags on walls, buses and trains all over New York. Then, some teenagers started writing their tags with aerosol paint. Their tags were bigger and more colorful. Aerosol paint graffiti became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. It appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world. In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started painting pictures. Some artists' pictures were about politics. Other artists wanted to make cities beautiful and painted big, colorful pictures on city walls. Graffiti in Galleries In some countries, writing or painting on walls is a crime. Sometimes, graffiti artists have problems with the police. In other countries, artists can draw and
paint in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are 'graffiti zones' where artists can paint on walls. In São Paulo in Brazil, street artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Their pictures are colorful and beautiful. Some tourists visit São Paulo just to see the street art! In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. You can see exhibitions of street art in some galleries too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles. Write T (true) or F(false) Modern graffiti “was born” in United Kingdom. Demetrius’s tag was ‘TAKI 457’. Aerosol paint graffiti became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Demetrius wrote his tag in pen. Some artists used graffiti as a way of protest. Graffit is legal in all the countries of the world 3-Closure Exit Ticket (10 minutes) To sum up, the teacher will deliver some “exit tickets” and the students will have to reflect upon what they have learnt about graffiti and street art.
The plan is passed with some improvements to be made.
Self-evaluation: Daily Plan #4 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti, Hernan
Organization of the lesson: The lessons started by checking the activity of the previous class. Then, the students talked about street art and graffiti. They discussed about this kind of art and by doing so, they activated their schemata. I showed them some pictures of 3D street art paintings. As they called their attention, they felt motivated and wanted to participate orally. They also enjoyed the video about a famous German sideway painting called Edgar Muller. They did a reading comprehension activity which took more time than expected. Usage of language along the class: They used the language to communicate between themselves and to check the answers of the activities in order to check if they were right. Oral participation was limited to some key words in English. Handling of the group: They were a bit shy and got restless. However, they were willing to participate in some activities such as the one they had to match and compare their answers. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: Visual and auditory aids and classroom management. Weak points to re-consider: Timing and reading comprehension task.
Daily Plan #5 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti Hernan Cooperating teacher: De La Madrid,Mara Institution: Es n°4 , Maschwitz Course:3rd Periods planned:2 Submission date: Class date: October 16th
Language of Learning Past simple tense (affirmative and negative) Past continuous tense (affirmative and negative) Wh- questions Related vocabulary: portraits, graffiti, painter, lyrics, poem, feelings Giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Language for learning How can we interpret graffiti? Do you consider them art or vandalism? What can we know about art in general (artistic movements, famous painters, music) ? How can we express art ?
Language through Learning Related vocabulary: Vandalism, protesting about political and economical issues, museums and art galleries .
Specific objectives: At the end of the class, the students will be able to
Recycle previous learnt knowledge about art Express feelings and share personal opinions about art in general. To analyse and describe some famous pieces of art Undertand how graffiti gained popularity among people. Discuss and make agreements to check comprehension of the information given.
Describe in short words paintings and graffiti
Macroskills: Students will be able to develop their listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.
Authentic Material:
Pictures of real graffiti and street art paintings Photos of famous artists
Procedure/Development: The teacher will teach the students in the following way. Firstly she will start with a whole group activity in which the students will have to match the beginning with the end of a sentence. Later, they will analyze how simple past and past continuous work together. After that, the teacher will give them a photocopy so that they could have those model examples on their folders. Later, they will read an article about History of Graffiti. They will read aloud and answer some questions to check comprehension. Finally, they will do a true/ false activity which will be corrected orally on the board. After that, the students will have to work individually on a practical work. It will be related to art and all the topic they have seen in the previous lessons (Frida Kahlo, Artistic Movements, Famous music artist and street art) . Finally, the teacher will introduce the beginning of the Final task by asking them “How could you express art?”. She will tell them to prepare as homework a piece of art ( painting, graffiti, lyrics of a song ,etc) and describe it for the following lesson. It will consist on an exposition of their own artistic productions. 1-Opening activity “Match the beginning with the end (Art)” (10 minutes) The teacher will start the lesson by telling the students to match the beginning with the end of the sentence. This activity will be a whole group activity .The idea of this warm up will be to recycle previous knowledge about art( Frida Kahlo, certain famous music artists, graffiti and street art paintings). Later the students will analyze those sentences and understand how simple past and past continuous work. Finally, she will give them the same photocopy so that they can have the those examples on their folders.
Frida was feeling depressed and in pain
In this graffiti, the man was going to work
Rodrigo was going to perform at a concert Many people think the Mona Lisa was smiling
He had a car accident.
When Leonardo Da Vinci painted her.
she created this self-portrait,
It started to rain.
2-Developmental activities
“History of Graffiti- Reading comprehension� (25 minutes) The teacher will deliver photocopies about the history of graffiti. Firstly, they will analyze the visual aids and discuss them. Later, they will read the article aloud.
The History of Street Art Modern graffiti began in big cities in the United States in the 1970s. In New York, young people wrote their names, or 'tags', in pen on walls around the city. One of the first 'taggers' was a teenager called Demetrius. His tag was TAKI 183. He wrote his tag on walls and in stations in New York. Other teenagers saw Demetrius's tag and started writing their tags too. Soon, there were tags on walls, buses and trains all over New York. Then, some teenagers started writing their tags with aerosol paint. Their tags were bigger and more colorful. Aerosol paint graffiti became very popular in the 1970s and 1980s. It appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world. In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started painting pictures. Some artists' pictures were about politics. Other artists wanted to make cities beautiful and painted big, colorful pictures on city walls. Graffiti in Galleries In some countries, writing or painting on walls is a crime. Sometimes, graffiti artists have problems with the police. In other countries, artists can draw and
paint in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are 'graffiti zones' where artists can paint on walls. In São Paulo in Brazil, street artists can paint pictures on walls and houses. Their pictures are colorful and beautiful. Some tourists visit São Paulo just to see the street art! In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. You can see exhibitions of street art in some galleries too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles. Write T (true) or F(false) Modern graffiti “was born” in United Kingdom. Demetrius’s tag was ‘TAKI 457’. Aerosol paint graffiti became popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Demetrius wrote his tag in pen. Some artists used graffiti as a way of protest. Graffit is legal in all the countries of the world Practical Work (45 minutes) The teacher will deliver some photocopies of a individual practical work about Art. The teacher will explain the activities to be done orally .She will provide activities for fast finishers students.
Practical Work- Art Course: Name:
1) Look at the
pictures and find 5 words that are related to Art
2)Put the words in order to form sentences . A)
going to work / was / man / the ________________________________________ when the little bird stood up on his finger
B) Frida / dying / was ______________________________ when she created this painting called “ Viva La Vida�
C) to / Gardel / was / Colombia / travelling
______________________________ when he had a plane accident
D) Edgar Muller / finishing ·/ a / sideway / was/ painting
____________________________ when the photographer took this picture.
3)Read the article about Frida Kahlo and choose the best option.
FRIDA KAHLO Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter, known for mixing traditional Mexican folk art with surrealism. Surrealism is a form of painting that is inspired by dreams and uses images When Frida was young, she enrolled/was enrolling herself in a prestigious school where she studied/was studying medicine. While there, she was in a terrible trolley accident that broke/was breaking nearly all of her bones. She healed and was able to walk again, but the pain remained devote herself to painting, which was what she loved to do. At a young age she was marrying/married the already famous painter Diego Rivera. His work was usually large painted murals that depicted the struggle of the working class in Mexico. Frida’s paintings, however, were much more personal. She painted many self-portraits, and also many works about time in the U.S. She valued the traditional Mexican way of of life, but was living/ lived in a heavily industrialized country. Many of Frida’s paintings had/were having symbols in them that were used repeatedly. For example, monkeys that are native to Mexico. Christian symbols, such work, is what caused many people to consider it surrealism. However, it is sometimes called magic realism, which is a style that shows very realistic things in unlikely situations. Many South American writers around Frida’s time were using/used this name to describe the work they did/were doing.
3-Closure How could you express art? Start preparing final task (10 minutes) The teacher will ask the students how they could express art , Later, she will tell them that, as a final activity, they will have to express art by themselves by creating a painting, the lyrics of a short song , a short poem or a graffiti on a sheet of paper. After that, they will have to describe it answering the following questions. The teacher will provide a model example in order to make the task easier for them.
What happened in the picture? / What was the song about? What were you feeling when you created it? What did you want to us to us?
Add 3 questions and ask them to choose 3 Passed with improvements.
Self-evaluation: Daily Class #5 Student teacher on practice: Collado, Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti , Hernan
Organization of the lesson: This lesson integrated all the concepts they had seen in previous classes. Then, they did a practical work which was individually but they could use their folders as a guide. Finally, they met in groups and started working with the final task. Usage of language along the class The students were encouraged to participate orally and discuss about a variety of topics such as history of art, music, famous painters, etc. Besides, they used the target language by deciding about the final task. Handling of the group: The students were willing to participate and the teacher asked personal questions in order to make them use the target language spontaneously. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: The management of the reading comprehension was better than the previous one. The students could make a good pre-reading activity by brainstorming ideas about the topic. Aspects to re-consider: I should have prepared some extra activities for fast finishers.
Daily Plan #6 Student teacher on practice: Collado Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti Hernan Cooperating teacher: De La Madrid,Mara Institution: Es n°4 , Maschwitz Course:3rd Periods planned:2 Submission date: Class date: October 24th
Language of Learning Past simple tense (affirmative and negative) Past continuous tense (affirmative and negative) Wh- questions Related vocabulary: festivals, flyers, paintings, music, dance. Giving opinions Agreeing and disagreeing
Language for learning
Language through Learning
What do we know about art festivals? How can we analyse flyers to find out certain information? What can art festivals tell us about the culture of a country? How can we use visual aids to encourage people to join a festival?
Related vocabulary: Social networks, publicity, culture.
Specific objectives: At the end of the class, the students will be able to
Be able to establish a relationship between local festivals and culture. Express feelings and share personal opinions about art in general. Understand how flyers are made in order to call people`s attention. Gain vocabulary related to different kinds of art . Discuss and make agreements to check comprehension of the information given.
Talk about pieces of art in the past.
Macroskills: Students will be able to develop their listening, speaking, writing and reading skills. Authentic Material:
Video of a famous art festival in Ireland Pictures of real flyers about art Pieces of art made by the students themselves
Procedure/Development: The teacher will teach the students in the following way. Firstly, she will ask the students to complete a big crossword and find out the “secret word”( festival) on it. By doing this, the students will activate their schemata about this topic. Later, the students will analyse some real flyers about famous art festivals.After that, they will have to answer some questions about them. Then, they will watch a video about a famous art festival in Ireland and create a flyer including some key information about it. Finally, the class will be transformed in a mini “Art Fair or Festival” and the teacher as well as the students will show how they express art . To conclude the lesson, the students will do an “Exit Ticket” about art. 1-Opening activity “Crossword ” (10 minutes) The teacher will start the class by sticking a big crossword on the board about art. She will ask the students to look at the pictures and complete it using previous learnt vocabulary about art. Finally, they will find out the secret word “ FESTIVALS” and the teacher will ask some questions about art festivals in order to activate their schemata. (The teacher will provide a photocopy of the same crossword so that they can have it on their folders) g r
a F E a r t i S T f r I V p o p A I m u S
d a r
t i
k a h l o
2-Developmental activities “Festival Flyers� (20 minutes) The teacher will show the students some photos of real flyers of different types of art festivals. Then, the students will have to analyze them in detail and answer the following questions. 1) What was the name of the festival? 2) When did it take place? 3) Where was it? 4) What kind of art could people appreciate in that festival? 5) Mention some famous artists that were present at the festival.
“Galway International Arts Festival 2018� (15 minutes) The teacher will show the students a video of a short documentary of a famous art festival in Ireland. Then, they will have to create a flyer in English answering the questions done in the first activity.
Link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzbnW4uvyDA
“How could you express art?”Final Task”(25 minutes) The student teachers will show the students how they express art (play a song with the violin and show a painting). Later, the students will be encougared to show their works as if it were an Art Festival or Fair. They will have to describe their pieces of art by talking about the past. (For example: When I created it I was feeling… / I did it because … / I chose this title because …,etc).
3-Closure Exit Ticket (10 minutes) To sum up, the teacher will deliver some “exit tickets” and the students will have to reflect upon what they have learnt about art all along the classes.
Passed. Please, follow the suggestions for improvement
GROUP DIAGNOSIS The group consisted of 30 learners most of them around 14 years old. Their level of English differed among them but they were really enthusiastic and they enjoyed every class. They tried to improve their skills . Apart from that, the student teachers helped and encouraged them to participate. They were really motivated when they had to work in groups and even when they had to move inside or outside the classroom. It is important to remark that every lesson was planned according to their level of comprehension and cultural background knowledge.
Reflection CLIL was essential during our lessons because we had to consider many factors such as: Cultural Background, the learners age, their level of language. Visual and auditory images Were also important during their process of learning because they felt motivated and relaxed during every class. Working cooperatively was also a tool that helped us to make them improve during their process. We really enjoyed this process and the techniques taken from CLIL.
Self-evaluation: Daily Class #6 Student teacher on practice: Collado, Melina Student teacher as observer: Paulitti , Hernan
Organization of the lesson: As this was the last lesson, the teacher made some sitting arrangements (as a horse shoe) in order to establish a good eye contact between themselves (the students) and the teacher too. Some activities were performed individually and others in groups of 2 or 3 people. The correction was done orally on the board. Usage of language along the class Although many students were absent because of the bad weather, they really worked very well in groups. They used the language to communicate among themselves and to answer some questions about artistic festivals throughout the world. Handling of the group: The sitting arrangement made them feel more relaxed. The lesson was enjoyed, especially when they had to work with real flyers of the artistic festivals. Other aspects to consider: Strong aspects: The sitting arrangement and visual and auditory aids. The topic was a good choice because they really wanted to participate and make comments about it. Aspects to re-consider: Just few of them had finished their final tasks.
Visual & Auditory
Visual and auditory Material Lesson #1 : HISTORY OF ART
Lesson #2 : FRIDA KAHLO Biography : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOM9UqosMCM Real paintings:
Lesson #3: MUSIC Link of the song “The One That Got Away”-Katy Perry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3-NU8H9cfA
Link of the video : “Biography of Justin Bieber”:
Lesson #4 :STREET ART Link of the video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIoa4pyFpKQ Posters :
Lesson 6# : ARTISTIC FESTIVALS Link of the video “Galway Festival” Trailer : : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzbnW4uvyDA
Real Flyers(posters)