The Herne Hill Society AGM 2012 Chair’s report Treasurer’s report Secretary’s report Membership Secretary’s report Committee stands down Election of new Committee
Chair’s report Sheila Northover Celebrating 30 years Magazine and Website Communications and History groups Awards Planning and Environment Transport links
Chair’s report Sheila Northover Herne Hill regeneration Monthly meetings & EGM Publications stall at events Links with other groups Retiring Committee members
Chair’s report Sheila Northover Thanks to all involved in running the Society
Treasurer’s report Rosalind Glover Main sources of income Main items of expenditure Comparing 2011 with 2010
Treasurer’s report Rosalind Glover
Membership subscriptions and donations
Magazine advertising
Treasurer’s report Rosalind Glover
Printing,stationery & postage
Of which printing of Magazine is
Treasurer’s report Rosalind Glover Thanks to Nick Vaisey for examining the accounts and for helping to prepare them Any questions?
Secretary’s report Membership Secretary’s report Committee stands down Election of new Committee
Secretary’s report Jeff Doorn The year’s events programme in pictures…
Membership Secretary’s report Committee stands down Election of new Committee
Membership Secretary’s report Eleanor Hayes 313 names on database 248 households 63 life members 3 honorary members 170 households on email
Membership Secretary’s report Eleanor Hayes Thanks to the distribution team
Committee stands down Election of new Committee
Election of new Officers Officer
Nominated by
Seconded by
Sheila Northover
Eleanor Hayes
Patrick Roberts
Laurence Marsh
Sheila Northover
David Taylor
Jeffrey Doorn
Diana Chadney
Laurence Marsh
Rosalind Glover
Cynthia Anderson
Colin Wight
Election of new Committee To be Nominated and then Seconded as a block please
Cynthia Anderson
Nick Baker
Eleanor Hayes
Colin Wight
John Brunton
After the break... Simonetta Agnello Hornby Our guest speaker