The Future Of Luxury Real Estate In Montreal as Envisioned by Hershey Rosen
Hershey Rosen, owner of Hershey Rosen and Associates, is no stranger to media attention as this company carries a bright name in the real estate in Montreal, Quebec. Given that Hershey Rosen and Associates is the premier luxury real estate agency in the province and is responsible for over 30% of Montreal’s new condo sales, Hershey Rosen is often consulted for housing market forecasts.
When asked about the Montreal real estate market, he says that a slowdown in the Montreal real estate market might occur in the coming months as a result of rising inflation in Canada and the consequent rate rises from the Bank of Canada. Rising mortgage rates in Montreal and Quebec City are discouraging potential homebuyers in the province.
Housing prices in Montreal and throughout Canada have been boosted by the large amounts of cash held by Canadians as a result of the country’s rising net wealth since the epidemic began. Quebec homebuyers may think twice about tapping into their TFSA or RRSP funds to finance a property purchase if they fear inflation or interest rate spikes.
When asked about his outlook on the sale of luxury real estate in Montreal, Quebec, he says “After two record-breaking years of new building sales, we anticipated a slowdown this summer as many individuals took time off to vacation.” He claims further that online registrations and sales have increased since the beginning of the school year.
onthistrendgivenitsstatusasacountrywideleaderinthe luxuryrealestateindustry. HersheyRosensetupHersheyRosenandAssociatesintheyear 2010andnowisoneoftheveryfewtohavealargemarket shareinluxuryrealestateacrossMontreal,Quebec.Thegrowth ofsuchaproportionneedsabroadnetworkandthehardwork ofthefullteamofthecompany.HersheyRosen,whenasked aboutthepowerofthebrandanditsstrategicexpansion, explainsthathefollowshisvisionofpickinguptherightlocation andthenworkingitoutsotheresultissignificant.
HersheyRosenandAssociates,whichhasmanyofficesspread throughouttheprovince,ispresentlyresponsibleformore purchasingandsellingtransactionsthanalloftheotherleading luxuryrealestateagentsinQuebeccombined.Additionally, HersheyRosenhasplanstocreatetwoadditionalsitesinthe cityofMontrealwhereitcurrentlyhasthreeseparate establishments.
Hershey Rosen said that When he first began working in the real estate industry, there were around 10,000 brokers in Quebec. Today, there are over 17,000, which is a baffling number. Especially considering that fifty percent of them resign during the first year, and ninety percent of them leave before the second year.
It’s what I call “Walmartizing” our sector for maximum profit, in which certain agencies lack long-term vision and see brokers as “lemons” to be “squeezed” for as much money as possible. He said that he along with his partner have been successful in real estate because we prioritize our enjoyment of the business above financial gain.
Hershey Rosen & Associates is now responsible for selling 30% of new condominiums and 45% of all projects sold by the major specialized agencies. Hershey Rosen envisions a future in which his children carry on the family business and become prominent figures in the Quebec luxury real estate market.
Hershey Rosen is a philanthropist and is on a number of charitable endeavors, including Fondation Institut de Geriatrie de Montreal ,Federation CJA and Service Canada which are involved in various efforts pertaining to taking care of the weaker sections of the society.