HERTSHELLO HERTSSU.COM Get to know your SU! We’ve put everything you need to know in this handy booklet.

Welcome to the Uni of Herts. We're your Students' Union, but you can call us Herts SU. We're here to support you on your student journey and make sure it's the best it can be. We run a number of services that you can benefit from during your time at uni. We do all this to make sure you love life at Herts.

Seventy7 and The Loft are located in The Forum Hertfordshire, your student venue. This is the place to be for an epic night out on campus! With our ever-popular Big Wednesdays and Friday Lights returning, as well as a range of other feature events dropping throughout the year and a huge Summer Ball, you’re not going to want to miss out.
View our events programme

Get your hands on tickets
We run loads of events throughout the year that you can come along to. We kick off the year in style with an exciting Welcome Week programme. Throughout the year you can expect cultural celebrations, trips to landmark locations, seasonal events, low-key wellbeing activities and more!
Joining a society is the best way to make friends with students that have similar interests. You can join as many or as few as you like, with memberships starting from as little as £1. There are more than a hundred to choose from - Anime & Manga and Afro Caribbean through to Urban Dance and Women in Tech - so there’s something for Joineveryone!asociety
Student Reps are students that have been elected to represent the academic interests of their peers at a course level. They’re here to listen to your views on your academic experience, including things like assessments, timetabling and the quality of teaching. They raise your feedback to SCOs, your School of Study and the SU so that we can make change where it’s needed.
We know things aren’t always peachy at uni, so we carry out extensive research to uncover the issues students are facing. We strongly encourage you to participate in any feedback opportunities so that your views are heard and responded to. From focus groups and forums through to interviews and surveys, there are lots of ways in which you can have your say.
School Community Organisers (SCOs) are students that have been appointed to enhance the sense of community felt by students and staff within each School of Study. They work closely with the Elected Officers, your School of Study and the SU to ensure the overall experience in your School is to a high standard. They also organise social events, promote feedback opportunities and act as a lead for Student Reps.
An exciting way for students from under-represented groups to come together to network and create change through collective action. Networks are representative bodies that can lead campaigns, hold forums and organise social events. Students can enjoy the networks they identify with for free!
Drive change with our networks HERTSSU.COM/NETWORKS

I’d like to ensure we have an inclusive, welcoming & thriving student community at the Uni of Herts. Chat to me about your experiences so I can elevate your feedback where appropriate.
The most senior student leaders! Voted into their roles by students as part of our annual Elections. Working full-time at Herts SU to represent you across all areas of student life and amplify your voice.
I’m here to lead the Elected Officer team and ensure the student voice is heard at the highest level. Chat to me about anything that doesn’t relate to the Vice Presidents’ portfolios and I can take your feedback further.

I want to make sure you have access to the best social and employability opportunities. Chat to me about your ideas so I can share these in the right places.
I’m here to represent the academic interests of all students at Herts so that your educational experience is the best it can be. Chat to me about your experiences so I can lobby for change where needed.
If you need any support during your time at uni, our Advice & Support team are on hand to help you with anything that may be troubling you. We offer free, confidential and impartial guidance for students at Herts. We’re here for you, no matter how big or small your problem may feel. We can help you with… • Academic appeals • Investigation support • Handling complaints • Housing disputes • Hate crime reporting • Financial & study skills • Personal support Email us ADVICE@HERTSSU.COM Book an appointment HERTSSU.COM/ADVICE LEAN ON US HERTSSU.COM I’M GRATEFUL FOR FACE TO FACE ADVICE

WHERE YOU CAN FIND US COLLEGE LANE DE HAV We’re just inside Hutton Hub, you can’t miss us! We’re just by the entrance to the Atrium, come say hi! College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB Mosquito Way, Hatfield, AL10 9EU • Welcome Desk • Advice & Support Centre • The Forum Hertfordshire • Hutton Hall Welcome Desk