TheStudents’ Union (SU)has developedthisset ofguidelines to help School Community Organisers (SCOs) understandwhat isexpectedofthem,what to expect from fellow SCOs and what they can expect fromHertsSU.These guidelinesare to befollowedin online and face-to-face activity (both on-campus and off-campus).
TheStudents’ Union expectsall SCOs to:
• Adhere to theaims andobjectives laidout in the SCO job description
• Attend compulsory SCOtraining.
• Attend allSCO Forums, by providinga written update at a minimum.
• Provide information, where relevant to the SCO role, to the Students’ Union upon request.
• Communicatewith theStudents’ Union and engage with Students’ Union events and activities including Freshers’ Week and relevant meetings.
• Display consistently high standardsof behaviour and attitude when representing HertsSU any environment.
• Ensure that all equipment purchasedthrough the Students’ Union islookedafter, recorded, andkept forfuture use of SCOs, except for personalised items.
• Ensure the properhandling and/or collection of student data such as feedback.
• Follow all rules, policiesand guidelines laid down by theStudents’ Union and University.
• Attend appraisalstwiceperyear.
• Not abuse theirposition as an SCO to obtain undue personal benefit or reward.
• Treat all SCOs, Student Representatives,officials, guests,andStudents’ Union staff with respect.
• Communicateregularly with the SCOs in yourSchool as well asotherSchools.
• Behave in accordancewith HertsSU’sZero Tolerance approach andthe Equality Act 2010.
SCOs can expect theStudents’ Union to:
• Display consistently high standardsof behaviour and attitude when acting as members ofStudents’ Union staff.
• Ensure the properhandling ofdata and not sharedetailsor externalmarketing material without consent.
• Promotethe work of SCOsto the wider student body Provide financial support for SCO eventsand initiatives where able.
• Provide training and general support for SCOs.
• Represent their viewsat University andStudents’ Union meetings.
• Share newsandupdatesrelatingto SCOs
• Support SCOs in coordinating events.

• Treat all SCOs with respect and maintain an appropriate working relationship with members.
If SCOs do not adhere to the codeof conduct orother Union policies, this may result in disciplinary action.
Where there is reason to believe that an SCO has broken HertsSU’srulesand regulations or acted against our values,a disciplinary procedure willbe instigated. This may include:
• BreachingHertsSU’s governance.
• Action likely to cause injury or harm.
• Damaging HertsSU and University of Hertfordshire property.
• Behaviour that bringsHertsSU into disrepute.
• Behaviour orlanguagethat goesagainst our zero-tolerance policy or the equality act.
• BreachingGDPR by incorrectly collectingand/orstoring student data.
Thisis not an exhaustive list ofoffences.
Dependent on what level the situation isclassed asby theStudent Development team,this will determinewhich procedure theteamwill follow. The proceduresare laidout below.
1. The responsible staff memberswithin theUnion willinitially consider and investigate the situation. They may reach out for furtherinformation ifthisis needed.
2. Upon investigation, they willprovide awritten response as to what willhappen next within 10working daysof receivingthe information.
This procedure willbe followed iftheoffenceis deemed to be as such by theStudent Development team after the initial investigation laid out above.
1. A panel madeupof the Representation Coordinator andStudent Development Manager will meet with allparties involved separately to gatherinformation.
a. If no contact can bemade, or there is no responseby the student(s), within 5 working days ofthe initialcommunication beingsent or made,then the panel can reach a conclusion to the investigation without any contact with the accused.
2. The panel will review the situation and willcometo a decision basedon thedetails set out above.
3. If no more information isneededto make adecision, the decision willbe sent in writingto those involvedwithin 10 working daysofthe finalmeeting.
This could be:

a) Takeno further action.
b) Facilitate an informal discussion between members to resolve the issue.
c) Removal of SCO position.
d) Removal of HertsSU membership andtherefore banned from allSU activity.
e) Determinethat thenature of the incident issufficiently seriousthat it should be referred to the University's disciplinary proceedings.
Appeals Procedure
In all cases, if thestudent(s) are dissatisfied with the outcomeof the initial investigation or theoutcome ofa Disciplinary Panel,they willthen have 5 daysto request a review ofthe decision made.They will haveto provide awritten response outliningreasons asto why you are not satisfied with the outcome. Please note, an exception to thistime limit may be authorisedin thecase ofan exceptional circumstance such as illness or disability.
They havetheright to appealon the following grounds:
1. A proceduralor administrative errorof theoriginalhearing.
2. The level of disciplinary sanction imposed
3. If considering any new materialevidencenot produced at theoriginalhearing.
An appealhearingwillnormally be held within 14workingdaysof receipt of the letter of appeal. An appealwill be heard by a panel, who previously were not involved in the case. A Member willhave the right to be accompanied by a companion orfriend.
The Memberwill be notifiedoftheresultsofthe appeal in writing within fiveworking days of the hearing. The Memberwillhave no furtherright of appeal.
Theoutcome ofthe appeal could be (but isnot limitedto):
1. To upholdthe disciplinary sanction
2. To reduce the disciplinary sanction to a lowerlevel
3. To increase thedisciplinary sanction and/or impose other remedial action
4. To impose other remedialaction.
5. To overturn the disciplinary decision and sanction.
Advice andSupport
If you haveexperienced, witnessed, orbeen informed about a situation andwould like independent support,you can contact Herts SU’s Advice and Support team:
Email: advice@hertssu.com
Or in person at theStudents’ Union,Hutton Hub, College Lane10am-4pm.