Societies affiliated with Hertfordshire Students’ Union are expected to follow a high standard of behavioural conduct both in person and online. With the rise of social media and the widespread use of WhatsApp groups amongst societies, it is imperative that committee members understand that they are responsible for any material posted online by themselves, or their members, that can be attributed to their society’s events or activities in any way.

We will not tolerate any of the following:
1. Discrimination/and or prejudicial behaviour, in whatever form, on the grounds of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or belief, disability, and/or any other status, background or personal circumstance.
2. Exhibiting threatening, intimidating or violent behaviour within WhatsApp groups, on social media or in any other online material/footage.
3. Exhibiting indecent or abusive language or behaviour within WhatsApp groups, on social media or in any other online material/footage.
4. Any conduct amounting to harassment. Harassment is defined as any behaviour that appears or feels offensive, intimidating or hostile, which interferes with individuals’ academic, working or social environment.
5. Falsifying data or evidence as well as forgery or misuse.
6. Behaviour that may reasonably be deemed to harm the reputation of Hertfordshire Students’ Union, the University of Hertfordshire, or its relationship with the local or wider community and/or attracting adverse publicity.
7. Attempting or encouraging/provoking others to commit any breach of discipline.
8. Any conduct which obstructs, upsets or disrupts other UH students or UH staff.
9. Any other online activity that would bring UH into disrepute.
10. Failure to comply with a penalty previously imposed by the Student Opportunities team. You must complete the rest of the form in full within 48 hours and send it to
In practice, this essentially means that you need to be very careful about what you put on social media! Please monitor your society WhatsApp groups (or any other messaging platforms that you use with members) and ensure that communications are always polite, kind, and inclusive.
You also need to be aware of society members filming or taking photos at society events. You will be expected to answer for any incriminating footage that is taken by a member of your society and this may result in disciplinary action being taken against the society committee.