This code of conduct outlines the expectations and responsibilities for all academic representatives and applies to all forms of communication, for both face-to-face engagement and digital engagement.
Student Reps are students that represent peers on the same course. The election may have been an official online, cross campus ballot or more informal show of hands, online poll or email vote. Alternatively, students may have been selected through self-nomination.
Student reps are required to adhere to this Code of Conduct whenever they:
• Conduct any business on behalf of Herts SU.
• Carry out the duties to which they have been elected or appointed.
• Act as a representative of Herts SU or of the students at the University of Hertfordshire.
Expectations of Student Reps
All student reps are expected to proactively undertake the duties of the role to which they hold, thereby providing effective representation for the student body.
As a student rep, it is expected that you will:
• Engage with any training sessions or support mechanisms, such as induction training, or rep senates. Until you have completed training, you will not be recognised as a Student Rep.
• Proactively collect student feedback and report back outcomes of any relevant meetings or conversations.
• Attend both University and Herts SU meetings relevant to the role, such as Student Council and Programme Committee Meetings.
• If it is not possible to attend a meeting, apologies must be sent as far in advance as possible.
• Complete any written or verbal reports as necessary within a specific role.
• To utilise social media in a responsible and respectful manner.
• Communicate with the Students’ Union and engage with Students’ Union events and activities including Freshers’ Week and relevant meetings.
A Student Rep must:
• Treat others with respect.
• Adhere to the Memorandum and Articles of Association, Byelaws and policies of Herts SU and all University of Hertfordshire regulations and polices, including, but not limited to the university Student Code of Conduct.
• Act in the best interests of students whilst having a regard for relevant advice provided by the Board of Trustees, representatives, and staff of Herts SU as well as that of the University of Hertfordshire.
• Ensure appropriate use of Herts SU resources.
A Student Rep must not:
• Disclose any information given in confidence without prior consent.
• In the case of concern for an individual’s safety please contact the Students’ Union Advice and Support Centre.
• Conduct themselves in such a manner that could be regarded as bringing Herts SU or University of Hertfordshire into disrepute.
• Abuse their position to secure advantage for themselves or disadvantage for others.

Student Reps can expect the Students’ Union to:
• Display consistently high standards of behaviour and attitude when acting as members of Students’ Union staff.
• Ensure the proper handling of data and not share details or external marketing material without consent.
• Promote the work of student reps to the wider student body. Provide financial and guided support for student rep led events and initiatives where able.
• Provide training and general support for student reps.
• Represent their views at University and Students’ Union meetings.
• Share news and updates relating to student reps.
• Treat all student reps with respect and maintain an appropriate working relationship with members.
Disciplinary Procedure
In the event of a Student Rep breaching any of the guidelines laid out in this document, this may result in disciplinary action.
Where there is reason to believe that a Student Rep has broken Herts SU’s rules and regulations or acted against our values, a disciplinary procedure will be instigated. This may include:
• Not fulfilling their role.
• Breaching Herts SU’s governance.
• Action likely to cause injury or harm.
• Damaging Herts SU and University of Hertfordshire property.
• Behaviour that brings Herts SU into disrepute.
• Behaviour or language that goes against our zero-tolerance policy or the equality act.
• Breaching GDPR by incorrectly collecting and/or storing student data.
This is not an exhaustive list of offences.
Initial investigation
1. The responsible staff members within the Union will initially consider and investigate the situation. They may reach out for further information if this is needed.
a. If the case is brought forward because of no communication from a student rep for at least 10 working days, the Representation Coordinator and/or linked School staff have the right to remove a rep from their position.
If the offence is relating to any other topic other than the communication example above, the Students’ Union will follow the Code of Conduct procedure.
Advice and Support
If you have experienced, witnessed, or been informed about a situation and would like independent support, you can contact Herts SU’s Advice and Support team:
Email: advice@hertssu.com
Or in person at the Students’ Union, Hutton Hub, College Lane 10am-4pm.