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Fast-chargers roll out
Following a successful pilot project in Brisbane, Ampol has struck a landmark deal with publicly owned Yurika to install 34 fast-chargers across the nation.
Building on the Palaszczuk Government's Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, this agreement will support the deployment of AmpCharge EV charging stations across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. Queensland's Minister for Energy, Renewables and Hydrogen Mick de Brenni said “Innovations in electric vehicle performance and lifecycle costs have meant more Queenslanders are choosing to make the switch, with over 16,000 electric vehicles now on our roads, “This rst order is for design, construction and commissioning services for EV chargers and solar systems across an initial number of service station sites located across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia. “Through the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan, we can capture so much more of Queensland's abundance of natural sun, wind and water to power the industries, the homes, and the transport eets of tomorrow,” he said. Ampol Group Chief Financial Ofcer Greg Barnes said that through AmpCharge, Ampol were building a national electric vehicle charging network that will help minimise range anxiety and support the uptake of EVs across Australia. “In 2022 we launched our rst AmpCharge site in Queensland at Carseldine and this partnership with Yurika continues momentum on our ongoing rollout,” Mr Barnes said. “We are pleased to continue to work as a partner of the Queensland Government as we continue to execute our strategy for energy transition,” he said.
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As part of the agreement, Yurika will mobilise teams across Queensland. The rst Queensland sites that will see fastchargers roll out are Morningside, Caboolture, Tingalpa, Sippy Downs, Birtinya, Reedy Creek.
Yurika has also been selected to provide metering services nationally as Ampol ramps up its Future Energy and Decarbonisation Strategy, including to its emerging energy retailing offer.
Yurika has supported EV uptake since 2017 when it invested in and built its rst fast charging stations on the Queensland Electric Super-Highway (QESH), with Yurika and Queensland Transport and Main Roads partnership recently renewed for stage 3 of the QESH. This forms part of Ampol's Addressing Blackspots Fast Charging project, supported by ARENA no-reply@statements.qld.gov.au